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Richest Man in World 2010


Top 10 Richest Men in the World

  1. Carlo Slim Helu – Mexico $53.5 billion, up $18.5 billion in 12 months. Shares of America Movil (oil)
  2. Bill Gates, US $53 billion who had held the title of world’s richest 14 of the past 15 years. (Microsoft)
  3. Warren Buffett – US – $47billion- ( Berkshire Hathaway Warren Buffet) Warren Buffet invested wisely in Goldman Sachs during the worst parts of 2008
  4. Mukesh Ambani India $29.0
  5. Lakshmi Mittal India 59 $28.7
  6. Lawrence Ellison United States $28.0
  7. Bernard Arnault France $27.5
  8. Eike Batista Brazil $27.0
  9. Amancio Ortega Spain $74
  10. Karl Albrecht Germany $23.5
According to Forbes, these are the richest 10 men in 2010. It has been a good year for billionaires as stock markets have generally risen from the slumps of 2008 in the midst of the financial crisis

This post first appeared on Emerging Entrepreneurs, please read the originial post: here

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Richest Man in World 2010
