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Yoast SEO Configuration in WordPress

Yoast SEO Configuration In WordPress

If you use the Yoast SEO WordPress plugin, you may discover that depending on your settings, some information, such as the author name, may be exposed in various ways on your website. This is particularly relevant if you have taken steps elsewhere to limit username enumeration as we have discussed earlier in this article on improving WordPress security.

A simple way to verify this is to load your site, open the source code and to a search for your admin username. If you find it specifically listed you may wish to look at the settings below.

It may a good idea to create a new user on your WordPress site, with a subscriber role, and assign the site to this person under Site representation in your Yoast SEO settings (General > Site representation).

In the Settings section on Crawl optimization (under Advanced) of this plugin, you may wish to enable the option to “Remove post authors feeds”. See below.

And, under Advanced > Author archives, you may wish to disable author archives altogether.

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Yoast SEO Configuration in WordPress
