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The Show Must Go On – Queen and the simulation theory

The Show Must Go On – Queen And The Simulation Theory

Here I am, suggesting that there are traces of the simulation theory in lyrics of the band Queen. Perhaps I am just seeing what I want to see, but the simulation theory is rooted in age old ideas hence it wouldn’t be surprising for anyone to question the nature of reality. This is not dismiss this world and its positive and negative sides, but just to wonder if we can open yet another door and transcend into the beyond.

The simulation theory posits that reality could be a simulation orchestrated by advanced beings. Its roots trace back to philosophical thoughts like Plato’s Allegory of the Cave and Descartes’ Evil Demon hypothesis. In modern times, it’s fueled by advancements in technology and discussions by thinkers like Nick Bostrom, who in his paper “Are You Living in a Computer Simulation?” laid a contemporary foundation for the theory by contemplating the potential of future civilizations to simulate entire ancestral histories.

And so here we are, these are my references from their lyrics.

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality
Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see

– Bohemian Rhapsody

It’s the terror of knowing what this world is about
Watching some good friends screaming, “Let me out!”

– Under Pressure

Behind the curtain, in the pantomime
Hold the line
Does anybody want to take it anymore?

– The Show Must Go On

My world is spinning, and spinning, and spinning
It’s unbelievable
Sends me reeling
Am I dreaming
Am I dreaming

– A Winter’s Tale

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The Show Must Go On – Queen and the simulation theory
