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Welcome To My Mind Blog

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The blog showcases a variety of posts revolving around technology, web development, music and philosophical theories.
I have started and restarted this blog many times over. There are good days to write and there are good days to delete blogs. It may not stick this time. But I want to write as a form of sel… Read More
The Aggro Paladin deck is highly effective in standard play, when the right cards come. ### Aggro Paladin # Class: Paladin # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (1) Righteous Pro… Read More
Introduction I was taken with the Matrix. It was my first visit to the United States when we went to a cinema with friends to watch a movie, without knowing which movie it would be, and t… Read More
This year I am worried that I have no time to enjoy “autumn”. I guess I have an ideal of what autumn should or could be. Part of that ideal is rooted in reality, in my childhood… Read More
Yoast SEO Configuration In WordPress
If you use the Yoast SEO WordPress plugin, you may discover that depending on your settings, some information, such as the author name, may be exposed in various ways on your website. This i… Read More
The simulation hypothesis or simulation theory is the idea that the reality we perceive is actually an artificial simulation, like a computer-generated virtual environment. I find the idea i… Read More
Now that we have a functional WordPress installation, it may be a good time to look at some security-related settings. This is fairly basic in terms of implementation but it should provide s… Read More

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Welcome to my mind
