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Pinterest Keyword Tool: Pinterest Research, Generator & Planner


Pinterest is different from your typical networking site. It’s an ocean of visual inspiration, knowledge, and opportunities. With more than 463 million unique users every month, Contrary to many other social networks, Pinterest focuses on discovery rather than creation or storage. Users can find creative motivation in the works of others by borrowing ideas from their designs.

It would help to have a solid Pinterest keyword tool to take your marketing efforts seriously. Marketers may use Pinterest to reach new customers, strengthen existing bonds, and spread the word about their products and services.

In addition to what was just said, using a high-quality Pinterest keyword tool is a prerequisite for a well-organized and systematic approach to marketing on Pinterest. This helpful tool lets you update Pinterest business trends, analyze term usage, and improve search engine optimization.

To imprint in the modern digital world, you must appreciate the significance of Pinterest’s keyword feature. This article will direct you to today’s most useful Pinterest keyword tools for research and keyword generation.

What is the Pinterest keyword tool?

A Pinterest keyword tool or software helps you reach the right keywords, phrases, and words during keyword research for Pinterest. Simply put, it’s your secret research, generation, and planning strategy. It’s the compass that helps you navigate the diverse Pinterest content. Also, it helps you optimize your content and allows your business or site to rank when being searched for.

Benefits of a Pinterest keyword tool

The Pinterest Keyword Tool empowers users to optimize their Pinterest strategy by providing insights into what’s trending, what their audience is looking for, and how to use keywords to improve discoverability and engagement strategically. It’s a valuable resource for anyone looking to make the most of their presence on the platform.

 Benefits of Pinterest keyword tools include:

● Makes your content visible during search and makes you more discoverable when you use the right keywords.

● Always updated; it allows you to be on alert and updated when there are new trends, making you current and always up to date.

● It provides valuable insight into what your customer or audience needs and foresight on how to offer solutions.

● It helps you stay competitive by analyzing the keywords your competitors use and closing the gap between you and them.

● It helps you know your specific audience and focus on them.

● Gives you hedge ways in creating content by giving you inspiration and providing you with content ideas and keywords.

● You can develop a well-thought-out Pinterest strategy based on keyword insights. It includes planning your content, posting schedule, and engagement strategy to maximize your reach and engagement.

● Using synonyms and variations of your primary keywords enhances the diversity of your content. The tool can suggest alternative words and phrases in your descriptions and captions.

How to Use the Pinterest Keyword Tool

Using the Pinterest Keyword Tool is as intuitive as a well-curated Pinterest board. Here’s a quick guide: 

Explore Trends: Start by exploring what’s trending on Pinterest. Look for insights that align with your content or products. 

Keyword Suggestions: Based on your niche, the tool offers keyword suggestions. Use them to optimize your pins and boards.

Long-Tail Keywords: Remember the power of long-tail keywords. They can be incredibly effective at targeting a specific audience.

Content Planning: Leverage the tool’s data for planning your content calendar. Pin at the correct times and watch your engagement soar.

Pinterest Keyword Tools


Site: SEOStack Website

Price: Free

SEOStack is a comprehensive suite of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tools designed to help website owners, digital marketers, and SEO professionals improve their websites’ rankings and overall online visibility. Here are some of the standard features and uses of SEOStack:


● SEOStack provides tools to discover relevant keywords for your website or content. You can find high-traffic and long-tail keywords and analyze their search volume, competition, and trends.

● It allows you to analyze competitors’ websites and strategies. You can identify the keywords they rank for, their backlink profiles, and their on-page SEO elements.

● SEOStack assists in optimizing your content for SEO by suggesting improvements in terms of keyword usage, content length, and quality.

Keyword tool

Site: Keyword:

Price: $69/month

A free trial is available.

Keywordtool stands out as a potent Pinterest keyword tool, harnessing data from the search engine’s autocomplete feature. This versatile tool doesn’t limit its prowess to Pinterest alone; it extends its capabilities to encompass keyword research for SEO on multiple platforms. In essence, Keywordtool serves as an all-encompassing search solution to cater to your diverse digital marketing needs.


● The ability to refine Pinterest keyword suggestions by the country of your choice This feature helps you target your audience with location-specific keywords.

 ● The tool allows you to select a specific language for your keyword search. This ensures you can discover keywords that align perfectly with your target audience’s linguistic preferences.

● Users can effortlessly export or copy keyword data for their planning purposes or for seamless integration into other SEO tools.


Site: Pinodo website

Price: Free

Pinodo, a free Pinterest keyword generator available as a Chrome extension, offers various valuable features. To harness its capabilities, you must add Pinodo to your Google web browser and register for a free Pinodo account to unlock Pinterest research features.


  • Pinodo displays the difficulty level for each keyword, enabling you to make informed choices about which keywords to target.
  • Can analyze multiple seed keywords at the same time.
  • Pinodo is a valuable tool for Pinterest research, offering efficiency in keyword analysis, useful modifiers, difficulty assessments, and the flexibility to export data for comprehensive SEO analysis.

Pin Inspector

Site: Pin Inspector website

Price: $67 one-time fee

Free Trial: No, but includes a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Pin Inspector is a Pinterest keyword research tool you can download and use on your computer. It consists of six data extraction tools to help you improve your Pinterest marketing and keyword targeting. In many ways, it’s one of the best Pinterest keyword tools on the market and doesn’t have any recurring monthly fees to worry about.


  • Pin inspectors offer trend-tracking capabilities for Pinterest.
  • They include tools for analyzing both individual pins and boards.
  • Pin inspectors are equipped with efficient browsing and scraping tools, making it easier to gather data from Pinterest.
  • These tools can also provide insights into Pinterest keyword search volumes. 



Price: $17/month

A free trial is available.

Keysearch allows bloggers and business owners to benefit widely from the same research generated by big business owners and agencies and resources meant for big businesses due to price differences. It also eliminates the long learning curve and overly complicated feature sets not needed by the majority of people who do their SEO research.


● Free access and a low premium price tag 

● Benefits of securing resources meant for large-scale businesses

● CPC (cost-per-click) and PPC (pay-per-click) data for keyword searches.

● With a starting price of just $17 per month, Keysearch offers incredible value for both beginners and seasoned marketers. It doesn’t break the bank, yet it equips you with powerful tools to enhance your digital presence.

● The best part is that you can test the waters with Keysearch without any financial commitment. You can explore its features, discover its potential, and decide on its suitability for your content marketing endeavors.

● Keysearch is your ultimate SEO companion, a pocket-friendly solution that takes your content strategy to the next level. Whether you’re diving into Pinterest, Google, Amazon, or YouTube, Keysearch has you covered, making it a valuable asset for anyone serious about SEO research and optimization.

Final Thought 

Use the Pinterest Keyword Tool if you want to stand out on Pinterest. You may use it to discover topics being discussed online, create content full of appropriate search terms, and develop a strategy to appeal to your target audience. To guide your Pinterest SEO approach, you can use the potential of Pinterest’s keywords to examine term difficulty and search volumes.

You’ll improve your capacity to target keywords skillfully for your pins and boards, regardless of the Pinterest keyword research tool you choose from this list.

This post first appeared on The Revolution Of AI: Transforming Industries And Shaping The Future, please read the originial post: here

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Pinterest Keyword Tool: Pinterest Research, Generator & Planner
