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Hacktoberfest Machine Learning Projects for JS/TS Developers


Sign upSign InSign upSign InMarkus StollFollowITNEXT--1ListenShareFinding machine learning projects that are suitable for JS/TS developers during Hacktoberfest can be daunting due to the overwhelming abundance of open-source projects. We’ve simplified this process, offering you a refined selection of opportunities where your coding skills can shine and make a real impact.Welcome to our curated list of open-source machine learning GUI projects built with JavaScript and TypeScript, all of which are currently open to contributions! If you are interested in visualization and GUI for machine learning and proficient in JavaScript or TypeScript, you’re in for a treat! Each project listed is not only aligned with Hacktoberfest but is also actively maintained and has a handful of issues for you to tackle.To guarantee the quality and relevance of the projects, we’ve applied a selection process. Each repository in this list meets the following criteria:With these criteria in mind, we present to you a handpicked selection of projects where your contributions can make a significant impact. Not only will you be contributing to meaningful projects, but you’ll also be honing your skills and learning more about machine learning and web development. So, let’s dive into these exciting opportunities!Renumics Spotlight is a powerful tool for intuitively exploring unstructured datasets directly from dataframes. It’s designed to simplify data comprehension, allowing users to create interactive visualizations and leverage data enrichments like embeddings, predictions, and uncertainties to identify critical data clusters.Renumics is currently participating in the running Hacktoberfest 2023. If you would like to contribute to Spotlight, the easiest way is to have a look at the Contribution Docs and the Every accepted PR earns you a limited-edition T-Shirt.Some current issues include:Continuous Machine Learning (CML) is an open-source command-line interface tool designed to enhance continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) workflows, with a focus on Machine Learning Operations (MLOps). The tool facilitates automated development workflows, including machine provisioning, model training and evaluation, comparing machine learning experiments across your project’s history, and monitoring changing datasets.With 67 active issues, the community and contributors have ample opportunities to contribute during this Hacktoberfest. Some current issues include:Inclusive Code Reviews is a prototype Chrome and Edge web extension aimed at improving the quality and inclusivity of online comments, particularly in the context of code reviews on platforms like GitHub or Azure DevOps. The extension prompts users with suggestions before they post a comment, allowing developers an opportunity to reevaluate and refine their phrasing to ensure it is constructive and inclusive.As you draft a comment or code review, the extension evaluates the content and provides real-time feedback. For instance, if you use the term “whitelist,” the extension will suggest the more inclusive term “allowlist.” Furthermore, it employs a custom machine learning model that runs within the browser extension to classify comments and ensure they are positive and constructive.With 27 open issues, there are ample opportunities for developers to contribute and refine the extension’s functionalities. Some highlighted issues include:BeatBridge is a dynamic web application, a music player that not only allows users to enjoy their favorite tunes but also offers personalized song recommendations, enhancing the musical experience. Developed with React and TailwindCSS, and empowered by the Spotify API, BeatBridge is a convergence of aesthetic design, seamless user experience, and intelligent recommendations.BeatBridge invites developers and music enthusiasts to contribute and enhance the app’s features and functionalities. Here are some current open issues you can work on:Each project offers a unique blend of challenges and learning opportunities, inviting you to contribute and grow your skills and knowledge in the dynamic world of open source. Choose a project that resonates with you, select an issue, and make an impact 🚀.I am a professional with expertise in creating advanced software solutions for the interactive exploration of unstructured data. I write about unstructured data and use powerful visualization tools to analyze and make informed decisions.----1ITNEXTPhD in Computer Science | Machine Learning Engineer | CTO, Co-Founder at Renumics | Hands-On: Unleashing Data's PotentialMarkus StollinITNEXT--4Mahdi MallakiinITNEXT--6Jacob FerusinITNEXT--8Markus StollinITNEXT--4AI Papers Academy--1Learn with Nas--2Avi ChawlainDataDrivenInvestor--4Robert Martin-ShortinTowards Data Science--3Thomas Kidu--4Ayush AgrawalinCloud Native Daily--HelpStatusAboutCareersBlogPrivacyTermsText to speechTeams

This post first appeared on VedVyas Articles, please read the originial post: here

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Hacktoberfest Machine Learning Projects for JS/TS Developers
