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Indiana Jones Adventure Series Figures, Ranked


One of the most exciting aspects of a new Indiana Jones film being released was the realization there would be new merch. Over the years, Indy has had plenty of merch, from toys and props to sleeping bags and bed sheets, but he hasn’t had anything major in 15 years. In that time, since the release of his last film in 2008, the collectibles marketplace has gotten so much more exciting and robust. So a 2023 film meant more, better merch, and if you collect action figures, it meant six-inch figures.The equivalent of the Star Wars Black Series and Marvel Legends line, the Indiana Jones Adventure Series figures were the crown jewel of Hasbro’s plans to make new Indy toys. The line spanned most of Indy’s history, starting with Raiders of the Lost Ark, moving toward Temple of Doom, and eventually, this year’s Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. Over 20 figures were released in the line but, after June’s announcement of figures from Last Crusade, the line has gone quiet. When asked about Adventure Series back at San Diego Comic-Con, Patrick Schneider, Hasbro’s global marketing director told io9, “We don’t comment on anything beyond what’s revealed at this point,” but he added that “I would love to see more come down the line.” That’s not super encouraging, so with those Last Crusade figures finally arriving to collectors, we decided to rank all of the Adventure Series figures as a possible, but hopefully not, farewell.It’s not that this figure is “bad” or necessarily the “worst,” it’s just more expensive because it comes with this elaborate stand. Which is cool but kind of against the spirit of the line.Disheveled, has-to-use-the-bathroom Indy looks exactly like that. Which is not a bonus.This line has lots of men in business suits and they work to varying degrees. This is the least successful, just because there’s very little that stands out about him.It was always going to be a gamble doing a shirtless Indy and, well, the mechanics of the figures themselves don’t do this any justice.Indiana Jones in a suit! It’s okay but that face just feels off. The Nazi baddie of Dial of Destiny looks okay in a suit, but just okay.That there’s an Antonio Banderas toy in existence is pretty awesome, and it looks fairly decent, but in terms of memorable characters, Renaldo doesn’t quite cut it.Yes, this is a two-pack. You don’t get Brody without Belloq. And it’s just hilarious that this exists. It’s for the true Indy fans, which I like, but is still a little silly.Helena Shaw certainly proved a worthwhile addition to the Indiana Jones canon in Dial of Destiny but this figure doesn’t quite live up to that awesome performance—thanks, again, to an oddly shaped torso.As you’d imagine, the Indiana Jones line has a lot of Indy, and this is a very cool one. The layers really bring it to life but also kind of cover some of what makes Indy Indy.There are men in suits, and then there’s Walter freaking Donovon, looking like an evil boss with his big ass boots. The women of the Indiana Jones don’t get quite the same representation as the men in suits, but if you’re gonna put a woman in a suit, this Dr. Elsa Schneider figure is just what you want.He’s got the tie on. That’s just the best. Solid face too.Who is better than Sallah? In terms of figures, a few people, but in terms of sheer awesome and deserving of a figure? Not many.The “Ceremonial” Belloq is available on his own and damned if he doesn’t just look excellent.If we’re being fair, this Short Round figure isn’t great. The likeness is off, the proportions are off, but that it exists at all just kind of automatically makes it awesome.Dial of Destiny Indy is, kind of, the Indy that this line was made for. Without him, it doesn’t exist. And it does the line justice, really giving you those old Indy vibes.Like Short Round, the Henry Jones Sr. figure leaves a little bit to be desired. And yet, it exists, which is amazing, and it has an umbrella. It rules. The chest piece on this Temple of Doom Indy isn’t fantastic but, this version of Indy is my personal favorite. It’s a perfect dial-back of the jacketed look and so, even if this figure isn’t quite perfect, I’m putting it here cause I love it.This is basically the best man-in-suit figure in the line. Kazim just looks fire, as the kids would say.If you need one figure in this entire line, it’s Raiders of the Lost Ark Indy. It’s the Indy. The first one and the first in the line. And there’s something to be said about it being the quintessential version of the character.Speaking of quintessential, in terms of Indy characters, it’s Marion Ravenwood. And this Marion toy takes one of her most playful outfits and really brings it to life. Just a dynamite figure.The best Indiana Jones in the line. And yes, it’s just a Man-In-Suit, but the contrasting colors with that smirk really just feels like Harrison Ford more than any other one.Just look at that absolute unit. The Grail Knight is my favorite figure in the Adventure Series line for a few reasons. Obviously, it just looks incredible. Kind of goes without saying. But also, he’s the perfect example of a character you never thought you’d be able to own a figure of, but now can, and really want it.

This post first appeared on VedVyas Articles, please read the originial post: here

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Indiana Jones Adventure Series Figures, Ranked
