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Designing for All: The Basics Principles of Web Accessibility


In this article, we’ll look at some of the most fundamental and important aspects of accessibility on the Web. We’ll also consider some of the tools available for ensuring that the content on our websites is accessible to all.If you can see this text and comfortably read it without squinting, or if you can access it adequately via some form of assistive technology, then it’s reasonably accessible.The Internet has evolved into a critical source of information, services, and communication, and it should be open to everyone, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.Web accessibility isn’t solely about meeting legal requirements. It’s also about delivering adequate (if not exceptional) user experiences. Inclusive design, the process of creating products and services with a broad range of users in mind from the outset, plays a pivotal role.When websites and web applications are thoughtfully designed with accessibility as a central focus, they become inherently user-friendly for everyone. This extends beyond individuals with disabilities to encompass those facing situational challenges, such as using a mobile device in bright sunlight, and those with temporary impairments, such as a broken arm.Web accessibility — or a11y for short — isn’t just a buzzword or technical jargon. It’s a concept that has the power to transform the online experience for countless individuals.At its core, web accessibility involves crafting websites and web applications to make them usable and comprehensible by everyone, irrespective of their physical or cognitive capabilities, disabilities, or the devices they employ to browse the Internet. This includes guaranteeing that every user, regardless of whether they have visual, auditory, motor, or cognitive limitations, can efficiently perceive, explore, and engage with online content.Web accessibility encompasses various aspects, including:In essence, web accessibility is about making the Internet a place where everyone has an equal opportunity to participate, engage, and contribute.When it comes to web accessibility, one of the key areas to focus on is creating accessible and inclusive user interfaces. In this section, we’ll showcase some practical aspects of accessibility.Semantic HTML elements provide meaning and structure to web content. They are crucial for screen readers and assistive technologies to understand and interpret the content.The following HTML snippet shown non-semantic and semantic examples of standard markup:In the second example above, the text is marked up using heading and paragraph tags. This allows screen readers to announce the heading as a meaningful section title and users can navigate directly to specific sections using keyboard shortcuts.Below, we see a non-semantic and a semantic way to mark up a navigation menu:The benefits of this are that screen readers can announce the list as a navigation menu, helping users understand its purpose and easily navigate through the list of items.Semantic HTML helps accessibility with improved screen reader support, enhanced keyboard navigation, and compatibility with assistive technologies.Let’s next cover some best practices for typography, color, and layout in web accessibility.These practices improve readability, accessibility for color-blind users, and usability for various devices and assistive technologies.Accessible multimedia calls for inclusivity and ensuring that everyone can access your content. It’s not just about following set rules; it throws more light on creating a better experience for all your users.When using images, make sure to provide concise and descriptive alternative text (alt text) for images. Alt text conveys the image’s content and function to users who cannot see it. For example:In the example above, a non-visual user surfing this website with screen readers switched on can easily detect what the image conveys when the alt text is read out loud.If an image is solely decorative and adds no meaningful content, use empty alt text to indicate its decorative purpose:For complex images, charts, or diagrams, consider providing a longer description in the content near the image or link to a separate page with a detailed description.Videos are fantastic for sharing information, but not everyone can hear what’s being said. To help, consider these tips:Add closed captions. These are like subtitles for spoken content, making videos accessible to people with hearing impairments and those in noisy environments.Provide transcripts. These are text versions of what’s said in the video. They’re helpful for users who can’t watch the video or prefer reading.Audio descriptions. For videos with visual content not mentioned in the audio, consider audio descriptions. These describe what’s happening visually.For audio content like podcasts or interviews, think about these accessibility tips:Offer transcripts. Just like with videos, transcripts allow users to read the content if they can’t listen to it.Include audio controls. Make sure there are play, pause, and volume controls for audio players. This helps users who rely on screen readers or prefer using a keyboard.ARIA stands for “accessible rich internet applications”, and it comprises a set of attributes that can be incorporated into HTML elements to improve the accessibility of web content and web applications. This framework was created by the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) under the umbrella of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). ARIA serves as a means to transmit valuable information to assistive technologies such as screen readers, thereby enhancing the usability of web applications and dynamic content for individuals with disabilities.Let’s look at some common ARIA attributes, with examples.The aria-label attribute provides a text label to relay the element to assistive technologies. It’s particularly useful when an element doesn’t have visible text, like an icon or a button with just an image:The aria-labelledby attribute references an element (usually a heading or label) that serves as the accessible name or label for another element. This helps provide context and ensure screen reader users understand the purpose of an element:The aria-describedby attribute points to an element that contains a longer description or additional information about the element, making it easier for screen reader users to access more details:The aria-expanded and aria-hidden attributes are often used in conjunction with collapsible elements like accordions and menus to indicate whether the content is hidden or expanded. They help users understand and control interactive elements:The role attribute defines the role or type of an element, helping assistive technologies understand its function. Common roles include button, menu dialog, alert, and more:The aria-live attribute informs screen readers that dynamic content is being updated without requiring user interaction. It can be used to announce changes such as new chat messages or live search results:The aria-activedescendant attribute is used in combination with auto-suggest or auto-complete components to indicate which item is currently selected or being interacted with:ARIA plays a vital role in enabling better performance and accessibility. Let’s look at some examples.In the example above, we’re using aria-describedby to associate descriptive information with form fields. The

This post first appeared on VedVyas Articles, please read the originial post: here

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Designing for All: The Basics Principles of Web Accessibility
