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📝Unveiling the OWASP Top 10 2021: Your Epic Journey into the Abyss of Web App Security Risks


Posted on Sep 18 Hey there, my fellow cybersecurity adventurer! I've just returned from an exhilarating expedition through the treacherous terrain of the OWASP Top 10 2021, and I'm here to take you on a deep dive into the world of web application security. Buckle up, because this is no ordinary journey; this is a quest to uncover the most cunning villains of the digital realm!Imagine you're on an online shopping spree, filling your cart with goodies. But then, a daring thought crosses your mind - what if you could manipulate the order ID in the URL and gain access to someone else's shopping cart?That's Broken Access Control, my friend! It's like infiltrating the VIP section of a concert without an invitation, all thanks to a glitch in the security system.Ever heard of a website storing your precious password with encryption that's as fragile as a glass slipper?If malicious hackers lay their hands on it, they could waltz into your account, wreak havoc, and leave you counting the cost. It's like locking your front door with a paper-thin key; you might as well leave it wide open!Imagine you're on a website with a search bar, innocently looking for a product. But then, you stumble upon a secret passage - the search bar allows you to enter a specific term that magically reveals all customer data!That's Injection in action. It's like discovering a hidden door at a theme park that takes you behind the scenes, all because the gatekeepers didn't check your ticket.You're chatting on a messaging app, and all seems well until you realize they forgot to check the files you're sharing.An attacker uploads a file that seizes control of your device - that's an Insecure Design right there! It's like opening an unmarked package that arrives at your doorstep without bothering to check what's inside. Surprise, it's a digital Trojan horse!Picture this: You're using a cloud storage service, and suddenly, you realize that everything you put there is accessible to the entire world! That's Security Misconfiguration at play.It's like leaving your diary out in the open for anyone who passes by to read. Oops!Now, imagine constructing a website with building blocks that are outdated and known to have structural issues.Attackers can knock your digital masterpiece down, much like a game of digital Jenga with wobbly blocks.Ever created an account with a password like "123456"? That's a failure in Identification and Authentication.It's like having a key that opens every door in the neighborhood - not exactly a paragon of security.Visualize downloading an update for your favorite app, only to discover that it's been tampered with by hackers. Your app goes haywire, and your data is at risk. That's Software and Data Integrity Failures in Action. It's like buying a brand-new car and realizing it's rigged to explode when you turn the key. Not a pleasant surprise!I can't find a photo for it so, Watch a video explanation!Picture your house getting burglarized, but you have no security cameras or alarms. You only find out a week later when you notice your TV is gone. That's what happens when you have Security Logging and Monitoring Failures.It's like living in a neighborhood with no police force, and the criminals are throwing block parties every night.Ever visited a website that allows you to fetch content from any URL, and you realize you can access the company's internal servers? That's like being handed a map to the secret treasure room without anyone noticing. It's like going on a treasure hunt and finding the chest wide open with nobody guarding it!So, there you have it - our grand tour through the OWASP Top 10 2021, complete with thrilling tales of digital peril and derring-do. These vulnerabilities are like the hidden traps and secret passages in the world of web applications. But remember, dear explorer, staying vigilant and implementing robust security measures is your trusty compass on this adventure. Keep the flames of curiosity alive, and stay secure out there! 🔒🌟Learn More about OWASP Top 10 at OWASP Top 10 ( let you quickly answer FAQs or store snippets for re-use.Nice, really like the real world analogies! Are you sure you want to hide this comment? It will become hidden in your post, but will still be visible via the comment's permalink. Hide child comments as well Confirm For further actions, you may consider blocking this person and/or reporting abuse Alan Pereira - Jul 27 ByoungWook Park - Jul 28 SuperTokens - Jul 31 Suraj Vishwakarma - Aug 23 Once suspended, iutkarsh will not be able to comment or publish posts until their suspension is removed. Once unsuspended, iutkarsh will be able to comment and publish posts again. Once unpublished, all posts by iutkarsh will become hidden and only accessible to themselves. 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This post first appeared on VedVyas Articles, please read the originial post: here

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📝Unveiling the OWASP Top 10 2021: Your Epic Journey into the Abyss of Web App Security Risks
