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How I Turned ChatGPT into an SQL-Like Translator for Image and Video Datasets

Jacob Marks, Ph.D.FollowTowards Data Science--ListenShareUnlike tabular data, datasets for computer vision tasks are unstructured — think gobs of pixels, heaps of labels, bags of tags, and some sometimes-structured metadata. Nevertheless, those of us working in computer vision still need to be able to efficiently sift through those troves of data in order to understand the dataset, prepare train and test sets, find patterns, identify edge cases, and evaluate Model performance.When I need to understand visual data, (which is basically all the time), I use the open source library FiftyOne, which defines a powerful Python syntax for querying computer vision data. It’s kind of like SQL for the unstructured world of computer vision data, and it allows me to programmatically filter, sort, and semantically slice datasets consisting of images, videos, and even 3D point clouds.A few months back, with the ChatGPT craze in full swing, I saw an example application on OpenAI’s website of translating Natural Language input into SQL queries. While this application was quite basic, and computer vision data is much more complex, it got me thinking: could something similar be done for datasets of images and videos? In other words:Can we harness the versatility of large language models (LLMs) to translate natural language queries into filtered views of unstructured computer vision datasets?The answer? Yes we can!Combining the general linguistic and inference capabilities of LLMs with FiftyOne’s query language, our team at Voxel51 built VoxelGPT: an open source AI Assistant which lets you comprehensively query your computer vision datasets without writing a single line of code!We did it using langchain, tiktoken, and fiftyone.You can try it for free at!This post will walk you through the prompt engineering, software engineering, and copious trial and error that went into building a domain-specific LLM application.Many times throughout the process, we hit a wall, and feared that the task was infeasible. If you are trying and struggling to build an LLM-powered application, I hope this post gives you the inspiration you need to break through your own walls!The post is structured as follows:Before we dive into how we used an LLM to generate queries, it’s worth taking a moment to describe the query language we want the model to translate. Here’s the bare bones info you will need. For a more thorough overview, see the FiftyOne User Guide. If you’re already familiar with the language, feel free to skip to the next section.As in SQL or pandas, you can filter your data with query operations. For example, you may want to query a data table for:All rows with an entry in column “A” greater than 0.5However, whereas data tables lend themselves to numeric slicing and filtering, unstructured computer vision data lends itself to semantic slicing, such as:Retrieving the high confidence “dog” predictions with large bounding boxes in images with at least 3 non-”dog” ground truth detectionsSemantically slicing unstructured data requires far more flexibility.To achieve this level of flexibility, FiftyOne defines a set of ViewStage methods, which encapsulate allowed query operations like filtering, matching, selecting, sorting, and excluding. These methods are loosely analogous to SELECT, WHERE, and ORDER BY in SQL, but because the space of queries is much larger, there are far more methods, and each of these methods has many use cases. See this Views Cheat Sheet for a comprehensive discussion.You can obtain an arbitrary subset of a Dataset, called a DatasetView, by composing multiple ViewStage operations in sequence.Here’s what the query language looks like in action: given a dataset named my_dataset, if we wanted to get all “dog” detections in the "predictions” label field of 10 random images in that contain a “cat” (in their "ground_truth” label field), we could use the following query:match() restricts to images with a “cat” in their "ground_truth” detections field, then filter_labels() reaches inside the "predictions” field and retrieves only the “dog” detections, and finally take() randomly selects a subset.When we started this journey, we didn’t know what was possible with LLMs. Back in December 2022, I had played around with ChatGPT and even wrote an article Tunnel Vision in Computer Vision: Can ChatGPT See? probing the chatbot’s understanding of computer vision concepts. At the time, it was impressive that a general purpose language model could write mostly correct Python code for basic image processing tasks, but the thought of using GPT-generated code (without human verification) in computer vision applications seemed far-fetched.After seeing the text-to-SQL example, and reading about GPT-4 reportedly passing the BAR (among other exams) with flying colors, I decided to give GPT-for-CV another try. I asked GPT-4 to generate the Python code for a few simple queries and was pleasantly surprised by its responses. The veracity of GPT-4’s out-of-the-box results left much to be desired, which was understandable given that I had not fed in any information about the FiftyOne library. But the prospects of making this work were tantalizing.As we experimented with prompting techniques (we’ll get to that later), it became immediately apparent that if we wanted to incorporate this into larger pipelines, we’d need to clearly define the task.Left to its own devices, the GPT model’s responses varied substantially in their format from prompt to prompt.Here are just two examples, which we will analyze shortly:Prompt 1:Your task is to convert input natural language queries into Python code to generate ViewStages for the computer vision library FiftyOne.Here is your first natural language query: “Images that only contain dogs”Give me the FiftyOne code.Response 1:Sure, here’s the FiftyOne code that generates a ViewStage for images that only contain dogs:This code loads the Open Images v6 validation dataset with only the “detections” label type for dogs. It then creates a view stage that filters out any images that do not have any dog detections. Finally, the view stage is applied to the dataset and launched in the FiftyOne App.Prompt 2:Your task is to convert input natural language queries into Python code to generate ViewStages for the machine learning library FiftyOne.Here is your first natural language query: “most unique images with a false positive detection”Give me the FiftyOne code.Response 2:Sure, here’s the FiftyOne code to generate ViewStages for the Natural Language Query “most unique images with a false positive detection” using the FiftyOne library in Python:In this code, we first load the FiftyOne library and any necessary dependencies. We then load your dataset using fo.load_dataset().Next, we define your false positive detection model using foz.load_zoo_model(). This function loads a pre-trained model from the FiftyOne Zoo Model Zoo, which includes a wide range of state-of-the-art models for computer vision.After that, we define our pipeline using the $set, $match, $group, $count, and $sort aggregation stages. The pipeline first adds a field to each sample in your dataset that contains the model predictions using $set. We then filter the samples to only include those with a false positive detection using $match.Next, we group the samples by their file paths using $group, and count the number of images in each group using $count. Finally, we sort the groups in descending order of the number of images using $sort.Finally, we run the pipeline on your dataset and limit the results to the top 10 images with the most false positive detections using limit(). We then display the results in a view stage using display().Even though the prompt for these two examples was structured in the same way, the responses differed in a few key ways. Response 1 attempts to create a DatasetView by adding ViewStage to the dataset. Response 2 defines and applies a MongoDB aggregation pipeline, followed by the limit() method (applying Limit stage) to limit the view to 10 samples, as well as a non-existent (AKA hallucinated) display() method. Additionally, while Response 1 loads in an actual dataset (Open Images V6), Response 2 is effectively template code, as "your_dataset_name" and "your_model_name” need to be filled in.These examples also highlighted the following issues:What we really wanted was for the LLM to respond with code that could be copied and pasted into a Python process, without all of the extra baggage. As a first attempt at prompting the model, I started to give the following text as prefix to any natural language query I wanted it to translate:Crucially, I defined a task, and set rules, instructing the model what it was allowed and not allowed to do.Note: with responses coming in a more uniform format, it was at this point that I moved from the ChatGPT chat interface to using GPT-4 via OpenAI’s API.Our team also decided that, at least to start, we would limit the scope of what we were asking the LLM to do. While the fiftyone query language itself is full-bodied, asking a pre-trained model to do arbitrarily complex tasks without any fine-tuning is a recipe for disappointment. Start simple, and iteratively add in complexity.For this experiment, we imposed the following bounds:In addition to giving the model an explicit “task” and providing clear instructions, we found that we could improve performance by giving the model more information about how FiftyOne’s query language works. Without this information, the LLM is flying blind. It is just grasping, reaching out into the darkness.For example, in Prompt 2, when I asked for false positive predictions, the response attempted to reference these false positives with predictions.mistakes.false_positive. As far as ChatGPT was concerned, this seemed like a reasonable way to store and access information about false positives.The model didn’t know that in FiftyOne, the truth/falsity of detection predictions is evaluated with dataset.evaluate_detections() and after running said evaluation, you can retrieve all images with a false positive by matching for eval_fp>0 with:I tried to clarify the task by providing additional rules, such as:I also provided information about label types:Additionally, while by providing the model with a list of allowed view stages, I was able to nudge it towards using them, it didn’t knowTo fill this gap, I wanted to give the LLM information about each of the view stages. I wrote code to loop through view stages (which you can list with fiftyone.list_view_stages()), store the docstring, and then split the text of the docstring into description and inputs/arguments.However, I soon ran into a problem: context length.Using the base GPT-4 model via the OpenAI API, I was already bumping up against the 8,192 token context length. And this was before adding in examples, or any information about the dataset itself!OpenAI does have a GPT-4 model with a 32,768 token context which in theory I could have used, but a back-of-the-envelope calculation convinced me that this could get expensive. If we filled the entire 32k token context, given OpenAI’s pricing, it would cost about $2 per query!Instead, our team rethought our approach and did the following:There’s no such thing as a free lunch — this did lead to slightly lower performance, at least initially. Over the course of the project, we were able to recover and far surpass this through prompt engineering! In our case, the effort was worth the cost savings. In other cases, it might not be.With context length becoming a limiting factor, I employed the following simple trick: use ChatGPT to optimize prompts!One ViewStage at a time, I took the original description and list of inputs, and fed this information into ChatGPT, along with a prompt asking the LLM to minimize the token count of that text while retaining all semantic information. Using tiktoken to count the tokens in the original and compressed versions, I was able to reduce the number of tokens by about 30%.While it’s great to provide the model with context, some information is more helpful than other information, depending on the task at hand. If the model only needs to generate a Python query involving two ViewStages, it probably won’t benefit terribly from information about what inputs the other ViewStages take.We knew that we needed a way to select relevant information depending on the input natural language query. However, it wouldn’t be as simple as performing a similarity search on the descriptions and input parameters, because the former often comes in very different language than the latter. We needed a way to link input and information selection.That link, as it turns out, was examples.If you’ve ever played around with ChatGPT or another LLM, you’ve probably experienced first-hand how providing the model with even just a single relevant example can drastically improve performance.As a starting point, I came up with 10 completely synthetic examples and passed these along to GPT-3.5 by adding this below the task rules and ViewStage descriptions in my input prompt:Here are a few examples of Input-Output Pairs in A, B form:With just these 10 examples, there was a noticeable improvement in the quality of the model’s responses, so our team decided to be systematic about it.At the end of this example generation process, we already had hundreds of examples — far more than could fit in the context length. Fortunately, these examples contained (as input) natural language queries that we could directly compare with the user’s input natural language query.To perform this comparison, we pre-computed embeddings for these example queries with OpenAI’s text-embedding-ada–002 model. At run-time, the user’s query is embedded with the same model, and the examples with the most similar natural language queries — by cosine distance — are selected. Initially, we used ChromaDB to construct an in-memory vector database. However, given that we were dealing with hundreds or thousands of vectors, rather than hundreds of thousands or millions, it actually made more sense to switch to an exact vector search (plus we limited dependencies).It was becoming difficult to manage these examples and the components of the prompt, so it was at this point that we started to use LangChain’s Prompts module. Initially, we were able to use their Similarity ExampleSelector to select the most relevant examples, but eventually we had to write a custom ExampleSelector so that we had more control over the pre-filtering.In the computer vision query language, the appropriate syntax for a query can depend on the media type of the samples in the dataset: videos, for example, sometimes need to be treated differently than images. Rather than confuse the model by giving seemingly conflicting examples, or complicating the task by forcing the model to infer based on media type, we decided to only give examples that would be syntactically correct for a given dataset. In the context of vector search, this is known as pre-filtering.This idea worked so well that we eventually applied the same considerations to other features of the dataset. In some cases, the differences were merely syntactic — when querying labels, the syntax for accessing a Detections label is different from that of a Classification label. Other filters were more strategic: sometimes we didn’t want the model to know about a certain feature of the query language.For instance, we didn’t want to give the LLM examples utilizing computations it would not have access to. If a text similarity index had not been constructed for a specific dataset, it would not make sense to feed the model examples of searching for the best visual matches to a natural language query. In a similar vein, if the dataset did not have any evaluation runs, then querying for true positives and false positives would yield either errors or null results.You can see the complete example pre-filtering pipeline in in the GitHub repo.For a given natural language query, we then use the examples selected by our ExampleSelector to decide what additional information to provide in the context.In particular, we count the occurrences of each ViewStage in these selected examples, identify the five most frequent `ViewStages, and add the descriptions and information about the input parameters for these ViewStages as context in our prompt. The rationale for this is that if a stage frequently occurs in similar queries, it is likely (but not guaranteed) to be relevant to this query.If it is not relevant, then the description will help the model to determine that it is not relevant. If it is relevant, then information about input parameters will help the model generate a syntactically correct ViewStage operation.Up until this point, we had focused on squeezing as much relevant information as possible — and just relevant information — into a single prompt. But this approach was reaching its limits.Even without accounting for the fact that every dataset has its own names for fields and classes, the space of possible Python queries was just too large.To make progress, we needed to break the problem down into smaller pieces. Taking inspiration from recent approaches, including Chain-of-thought prompting and Selection-inference prompting, we divided the problem of generating a DatasetView into four distinct selection subproblemsWe then chained these selection “links” together, and passed their outputs along to the model in the final prompt for DatasetView inference.For each of these subtasks, the same principles of uniformity and simplicity apply. We tried to recycle the natural language queries from existing examples wherever possible, but made a point to simplify the formats of all inputs and outputs for each selection task. What is simplest for one link may not be simplest for another!In FiftyOne, information resulting from a computation on a dataset is stored as a “run”. This includes computations like uniqueness, which measures how unique each image is relative to the rest of the images in the dataset, and hardness, which quantifies the difficulty a model will experience when trying to learn on this sample. It also includes computations of similarity, which involve generating a vector index for embeddings associated with each sample, and even evaluation computations, which we touched upon earlier.Each of these computations generates a different type of results object, which has its own API. Furthermore, there is not any one-to-one correspondence between ViewStages and these computations. Let’s take uniqueness as an example.A uniqueness computation result is stored in a float-valued field ("uniqueness” by default) on each image. This means that depending on the situation, you may want to sort by uniqueness:Retrieve samples with uniqueness above a certain threshold:Or even just show the uniqueness field:In this selection step, we task the LLM with predicting which of the possible computations might be relevant to the user’s natural language query. An example for this task looks like:Once potentially relevant computational algorithms have been identified, we task the LLM with selecting the most appropriate run of each computation. This is essential because some computations can be run multiple times on the same dataset with different configurations, and a ViewStage may only make sense with the right “run”.A great example of this is similarity runs. Suppose you are testing out two models (InceptionV3 and CLIP) on your data, and you have generated a vector similarity index on the dataset for each model. When using the SortBySimilarity view stage, which images are determined to be most similar to which other images can depend quite strongly on the embedding model, so the following two queries would need to generate different results:This run selection process is handled separately for each type of computation, as each requires a modified set of task rules and examples.This link in the chain involves identifying all field names relevant to the natural language query that are not related to a computational run. For instance not all datasets with predictions have those labels stored under the name "predictions”. Depending on the person, dataset, and application, predictions might be stored in a field named "pred", "resnet", "fine-tuned", "predictions_05_16_2023", or something else entirely.Examples for this task included the query, the names and types of all fields in the dataset, and the names of relevant fields:For label fields like classifications and detections, translating a natural language query into Python code requires using the names of actual classes in the dataset. To accomplish this, I tasked GPT-3.5 with performing named entity recognition for label classes in input queries.In the query “samples with at least one cow prediction and no horses”, the model’s job is to identify "horse" and "cow". These identified names are then compared against the class names for label fields selected in the prior step — first case sensitive, then case insensitive, then plurality insensitive.If no matches are found between named entities and the class names in the dataset, we fall back to semantic matching: "people" → "person", "table" → "dining table", and "animal" → [“cat”, “dog", “horse", …].Whenever the match is not identical, we use the names of the matched classes to update the query that is passed into the final inference step:Once all of these selections have been made, the similar examples, relevant descriptions, and relevant dataset info (selected algorithmic runs, fields, and classes) are passed in to the model, along with the (potentially modified) query.Rather than instruct the model to return code to me in the form dataset.view1().view2()…viewn() as we were doing initially, we ended up nixing the dataset part, and instead asking the model to return the ViewStages as a list. At the time, I was surprised to see this improve performance, but in hindsight, it fits with the insight that the more you split the task up, the better an LLM can do.Creating an LLM-powered toy is cool, but turning the same kernel into an LLM-power application is much cooler. Here’s a brief overview of how we did it.As we turned this from a proof-of-principle into a robustly engineered system, we used unit testing to stress test the pipeline and identify weak points. The modular nature of links in the chain means that each step can individually be unit tested, validated, and iterated on without needing to run the entire chain.This leads to faster improvement, because different individuals or groups of people within a prompt-engineering team can work on different links in the chain in parallel. Additionally, it results in reduced costs, as in theory, you should only need to run a single step of LLM inference to optimize a single link in the chain.We used Python’s eval() function to turn GPT-3.5’s response into a DatasetView. We then set the state of the FiftyOne App session to display this view.Garbage input → garbage output. To avoid this, we run validation to make sure that the user’s natural language query is sensible.First, we use OpenAI’s moderation endpoint. Then we categorize any prompt into one of the following four cases:1: Sensible and complete: the prompt can reasonably be translated into Python code for querying a dataset.All images with dog detections2: Sensible and incomplete: the prompt is reasonable, but cannot be converted into a DatasetView without additional information. For example, if we have two models with predictions on our data, then the following prompt, which just refers to “my model” is insufficient:Retrieve my model’s incorrect predictions3: Out of scope: we are building an application that generates queried views into computer vision datasets. While the underlying GPT-3.5 model is a general purpose LLM, our application should not turn into a disconnected ChatGPT session next to your dataset. Prompts like the following should be snuffed out:Explain quantum computing like I’m five4: Not sensible: given a random string, it would not make sense to attempt to generate a view of the dataset — where would one even start?!AzlsakjdbiayervbgBefore attempting to turn the user’s input query into a sequence of view stages, we pass the input into the model with validation instructions and examples. Depending on the response, we either prompt the user for more information or a more sensible query, or proceed with the dataset view generation pipeline.A simple idea led to a crazy idea, and this journey brought that crazy idea to life. With prompt engineering, some genuine software engineering, a lot of elbow grease, and a healthy dose of black magic, our small team created an LLM-powered application that translates natural language queries into filtered views of computer vision datasets.The takeaways are simple: define a task, instruct with rules, limit scope, simplify, opt for uniformity, break down problems, and keep it relevant.When we put all the pieces together, it looks something like this:VoxelGPT is far from perfect. But that was never the goal. There’s room for improvement at every step — not to mention more examples! One could also use this as a foundation for building an AutoGPT-style delegator for computer vision tasks.Any and all contributions to VoxelGPT are welcome. It’s free and open source! 🙂----Towards Data ScienceML @ Voxel51 | Stanford Theoretical Physics PhD to speechTeams

This post first appeared on VedVyas Articles, please read the originial post: here

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How I Turned ChatGPT into an SQL-Like Translator for Image and Video Datasets


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