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Experts: Remove Fake ChatGPT Apps off Your Mobile Phone Now

Experts: Remove Fake ChatGPT Apps Off Your Mobile Phone Now

It's Time to Remove the Fake ChatGPT Apps from your Phone

In the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, OpenAI's ChatGPT has emerged as a popular AI tool, revolutionizing the way we interact with technology. However, with popularity comes the risk of imitation, as unauthorized developers seek to capitalize on the success of ChatGPT with deceptive marketing.

OpenAI, the organization behind ChatGPT, has not officially released any Android or iOS app for ChatGPT. So all apps with that in the name are suspicious as fake ChatGPT apps. Nevertheless, individuals have released apps that promise to do similar things with ChatGPT or similar in their names, aiming to deceive unsuspecting users. These fake apps exploit the popularity and trust associated with the genuine versions of ChatGPT, ultimately jeopardizing user experience and potentially compromising personal data.

I find it odd that there is no rule in either app store that already has handled this as violation of trademark. Regardless, the suspects are easy to find by search. Google is also eradicating the the third party cookie as we know it. It's a potential security leak and will replaced using the Google Topics API. Tightening security holes as AI increases in strength is important to the leading tech firms as OpenAI CEO testified before Congress about the need for regulation in AI development Wednesday.

Unveiling the Fake ChatGPT Apps:

Several notable fake ChatGPT apps have gained traction in the Google Play Store, posing as genuine AI assistants. Let's take a closer look at some of these apps and their deceptive functionalities that pose as generative pre-trained transformers (GPTs):

  1. GPT AI Chat by Mobteq: GPT AI Chat has garnered significant attention with over 50,000 downloads, claiming to be the best AI assistant available. However, users must exercise caution as this app is not affiliated with OpenAI. Its functionalities may not match the quality and security standards of the official ChatGPT.
  2. ChatGPT 3 by Ekmen: ChatGPT 3, developed by Ekmen, entices users with the ability to choose an AI model and provides examples of interactions. While the app may offer a glimpse into the capabilities of AI, it is crucial to remember that it is not an official ChatGPT app.
  3. Talk GPT: A Voice-Enabled App: With over 100,000 downloads, Talk GPT capitalizes on the convenience of voice interactions. Users can ask questions and receive responses by speaking directly into the app. However, it is essential to note that Talk GPT is an unauthorized app and not part of the genuine ChatGPT ecosystem.
  4. GPT Writing Assistant by Mix App Developer: GPT Writing Assistant, developed by Mix App Developer, promises to assist users in various writing tasks such as composing emails, essays, and articles. While it may provide some AI-driven writing suggestions, it lacks the reliability and comprehensive features of the official ChatGPT.

Apps are Everywhere and in Everything

This should serve as a reminder about the way you should take your privacy seriously when using apps in general, even the apps running your TV. The proliferation of apps using the labels associated with ChatGPT which are not raises significant concerns for users. Firstly, these apps may not adhere to the strict privacy and security protocols established by OpenAI, potentially putting user data at risk. Secondly, the functionalities and AI models used in these fake apps may not match the quality and accuracy of the genuine ChatGPT, leading to subpar user experiences and unreliable results.

Protecting Yourself from Fakes and Data Stealing Apps: Given the potential risks associated with fake ChatGPT apps, it is crucial to take precautionary measures to safeguard your online experience. After the realization that many antivirus apps were just malware in disguise, apps should be watched and configured carefully. Here are some key steps to follow:

  1. Official Sources: Rely only on trusted sources such as the official OpenAI website or reputable app stores to access legitimate ChatGPT services.
  2. Reviews and Ratings: Before downloading any AI-related app, thoroughly read user reviews and consider the overall ratings. Be cautious if an app has numerous negative reviews or a suspiciously high number of downloads.
  3. Developer Information: Verify the developer's credibility and legitimacy. Look for established developers with a history of producing reliable and reputable apps.
  4. Permissions and Privacy: Carefully review the permissions requested by the app during installation. Exercise caution if the app asks for excessive access to personal data or device functionalities.
  5. Delete questionable apps now.


The existence of fake ChatGPT apps in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store serves as a stark reminder of the risks associated with the growing popularity of AI tools as their popularity grows. This one is easy to solve.

The post Experts: Remove Fake ChatGPT Apps off Your Mobile Phone Now first appeared on Gadget Enclave.

This post first appeared on GadgetEnclave Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Experts: Remove Fake ChatGPT Apps off Your Mobile Phone Now
