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Five Online Productivity Tools You Don’t Need to Pay For

Five Online Productivity Tools You Don’t Need To Pay For

Amazing online productivity tools worth bookmarking

If you're looking to boost your internet productivity, here are five online productivity tools that are definitely worth remembering. Correction: they are more like toolboxes than tools.

While many of us have bookmarked Wikipedia at some point, it remains an incredible digital encyclopedia that we use daily. For perspective, it is unlike the encyclopedia sets of yesterday, especially in that Wikipedia is open source and completely free to everyone. And, while organizing searches with bookmarks can be a time-saving task, in the end, bookmarks are handy reminders not furniture on the browser.

For that reason, I handle bookmarks with minimal effort, meaning I put almost none in to organizing them. It suffices to just keep those I actually use on the visible part of the bar, similar to the way apps tend to get organized on phones.

The rest of the disorganized bookmark pile just gets longer and reading through it is like gauging the age of rocks that sedimented over epochs. Navigating and sorting such a mess isn't worth it and a loss of productive time.

I decided I was better off exporting them to my drive as one HTML file (just in case). There's no handy automation for organizing bookmarks. Even if there were an app, bookmarks are sort of personal. They can tell a lot about a person and I wouldn't want to share that with just anyone. So with bookmarks out of the way, let's talk about free tools.

Here are five online productivity boosting tools that are worthy of being visible in your bookmarks bar.

Online Productivity Tool #1 is a directory of open-source software. A catalog of free goodies. There are over 400 open-source software alternatives to popular commercial software product names like Github, Slack, Trello, SalesForce in a variety of categories from e-commerce to design.

Sometimes we need software that has no trial but can’t see if we like it, or we may need to use it one time, or haven’t had the time to research or even narrow down what’s available. Instead of searching individually, the first place to look is probably this open-source haven of alternatives.  You'll find tools you didn't know existed much less that are free and available right now.

You can find and compare open-source alternatives to software that you currently use at home and work. It tells you in the description, what commercial software it potentially replaces. In addition to 1) being free and 2) not trying to collect your data, you may find you prefer the quality, a certain feature, or some other quality of open-source versions versus commercial software/OS.

Access Open Source Alternative at their website

Online Productivity Tool #2


TinyWOW: TinyWOW is an online productivity tool that feels like a carnival. There are so many productivity boosting gadgets it is really a wow experience. They host a collection of free and open-source tools for web development. For instance, In photography, they have a background eraser and AI image generator for starters. Services people pay for all the time.

It's like a deck of tools and the company name is unpretentious and fun. I can't think of a creator of content or marketer of services who can't make use of some of these tools: a profile photo maker, a PDF creator and converter, an AI-prompted copy and writers, and a lot more. It's an app store except it's all free.

Boosting productivity doesn't have to cost you privacy. TinyWow doesn't monetize or sell data in any form, whereas many sites that offer a free service are there only for that reason. The work done on or uploaded to TinyWow are in working memory but are never stored permanently.

It's deleted after one hour by default for security. Seeing to your privacy and security are essential. You may not realize you are putting business-related content or even glimpses of your corporate strategy into apps by unknown or lesser-known developers.

It offers a variety of tools and resources that allow you to build pieces of entire projects like websites or YouTube channels or businesses quickly. These online productivity tools provide HTML templates, CSS frameworks, and JavaScript libraries, among others things.

Furthermore, these Wow tools can be integrated with each other and with other APIs. TinyWOW is ideal for non-coding developers who want to create websites quickly without having to write code from scratch. Talk about a productivity booster, TinyWow's friendly site is also useful for designers who want to customize their websites or portfolios.

The captcha, or human verification test at login to fight spammers is a tough one. It can be removed however, like the few non-obtrusive ads, with a nominal contribution to support TinyWow.

You can access TinyWOW's free tools at their website

Online Productivity Tool #3


JotForm: JotForm is an online productivity tool that uses form builders and app builders allowing you to create and share these forms for surveys, registrations, and more in the form of an app. No pun intended.

The survey or poll or quiz is a form inside the app you are making, another larger form. These are the components.

This list of resources will increase your productivity if you are looking to create the design for an app or if you wish to make an app. It is also therefore an excellent source of app and business ideas.

The Jotform platform offers a variety of form templates and customization options that allow you to create forms that match your needs. Any website can be made into a mini-sized version of itself in app form. That's been done by countless app makers. This is better in my opinion. To create forms in an app that you drop and drag or that is made for you is a worthwhile time saver particularly for people allergic to coding.

JotForm is an intuitive and user-friendly online form builder that allows you to get a glimpse what your user will see and experience.

Consider what you want your audience to remember about you and apply it to your advantage.

It offers powerful features such as integrations with over 1000s other apps, conditional logic forms, and payment processing. Your app can take PayPal, Stripe, and others.

You can include integrations to receive payments from PayPal, send and respond to emails with MailChimp and grow a list, Slack for teams, and if your app team wants, each Jotform account can create a team and join other teams for collaboration which makes it more valuable as well as more open-source.

With JotForm, you can automate your workflows, streamline your business processes, collect and manage data efficiently and have an app out in the store building your brand passively.

There's an entire section of vocations and a template for an app for your service or product.

JotForm can up the productivity level of businesses, organizations, and individuals. Create or automate the process of creating professional-looking forms without having to write code. You can access JotForm at their website

Online Productivity Tool #4

Wolfram Alpha:

Wolfram Alpha is a computational knowledge engine that can answer factual queries and perform calculations and provide valuable data. The content is mostly expert-level knowledge in virtually every science or technology field. It is definitely worth a look if you have interests in science or math. I used it twice as I recall in my college days.

In the chemistry section, for example, there is a cool trick. If you type in the molecular formula, it will draw you as many isomers (possible arrangements of these same atoms) as it can make according to the rules of chemical bonding.

If I type in C5H10O into Wolfram Alpha, for example, it gives this output, which is a version of a question asked of many organic chemistry students. It's a difficult task to draw all of these combinations out but should be done to learn how. By hand, it can take hours and requires practice. This is great for checking your work similar to students checking work in math with a calculator. But this is so much more interesting I think.


Calculated with Wolfram Alpha

It uses a vast collection of algorithms and data to provide curated information not just in chemistry but on a wide range of topics, such as mathematics, geography, and so many more, you'd have to see for yourself. It could take hours to see it all.

Wolfram Alpha is designed to interpret natural language input and provide an answer in a variety of formats, such as text, tables, graphs, and more. It is not new having been around, I've watched it grow with time and increase in the breadth of the subject matter covered.

It is widely used by students, researchers, and professionals to perform complex calculations and gather information on various topics.

You can access Wolfram Alpha at their website

Online Productivity Tool #5

Need a bot? Want to make one? is a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) tool. Nothing boosts productivity like automating tasks.

This online productivity tool provides individuals and businesses with templates to automate just about everything in a web browser without writing code. You can automate website actions and other tasks quickly, just clicking and filling in the necessary blanks. The working automation is a software bot. There bots are versatile and easily network to others without a single line of code.

From posting to Facebook and merging Gmail with Google Sheets self-learners can make web bots that perform all day. What you create can interface with just about any site and perform repetitive tasks for you.

Start asking it about bots if unsure where to begin your journey.

Using advanced algorithms to analyze data and provide insights into customer behavior, market trends, and more Axoim may be what you didn't know you needed or could make. helps businesses to make data-driven decisions and improve their performance. The platform offers a variety of features, such as data visualization tools, predictive modeling, and data reporting. You can learn more about at their website

Put these to good use

These impressive online productivity tools offer a range of services and tools and are worthy of keeping at hand. Best of all they are free and support open-source endeavors providing value and increasing the usefulness of the web.

From computational knowledge engines to form builders and open-source software directories, these websites provide a variety of resources for different purposes. Follow me for more here and on social media for more productivity and time-saving hacks. These save me time, and I hope they save you time and bring you desired results too.

The post Five Online Productivity Tools You Don’t Need to Pay For first appeared on Gadget Enclave.

This post first appeared on GadgetEnclave Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Five Online Productivity Tools You Don’t Need to Pay For
