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Grammarly Plagiarism Checker vs Turnitin: Which Tool is More Effective?

Plagiarism is a serious academic offense that can have severe consequences. To ensure originality and maintain academic integrity, Plagiarism checkers such as Grammarly Plagiarism Checker and Turnitin are commonly used.

Grammarly Plagiarism Checker is an online tool that detects potential instances of plagiarism by comparing the text with a vast database of web pages and academic papers. It offers an extensive array of features to help writers improve their writing and ensure it is free of plagiarized content.

Turnitin, on the other hand, is a widely used plagiarism detection software primarily designed for educational institutions. It not only detects similarities in the text but also provides a comprehensive report with detailed analysis for educators to evaluate.

When comparing these two plagiarism checkers, several factors come into play. The accuracy of detection, database size, features offered, and user interface are essential aspects to consider.

Both Grammarly Plagiarism Checker and Turnitin have their own pros and cons. While Grammarly offers real-time checking and provides suggestions for improving writing quality, Turnitin has a larger database and more advanced reporting features.

Key takeaway:

  • Grammarly Plagiarism Checker maximizes accuracy of detection: Grammarly Plagiarism Checker has a high accuracy in detecting plagiarized content, making it a reliable tool for writers and educators.
  • Turnitin has a larger database: Turnitin has a larger database of academic content, enabling it to provide more comprehensive plagiarism checks for academic institutions.
  • Grammarly Plagiarism Checker offers additional features: Grammarly Plagiarism Checker provides additional features like grammar and spell checking, enhancing the overall writing quality of users.
  • Turnitin offers a user-friendly interface: Turnitin has a user-friendly interface, making it easier for users to navigate and interpret the plagiarism reports.
  • Grammarly Plagiarism Checker has pros and cons: Grammarly Plagiarism Checker offers convenience and versatility, but it may have limitations when it comes to detecting certain types of plagiarism.
  • Turnitin has pros and cons: Turnitin is widely used in academic institutions and offers powerful plagiarism detection, but it may have limitations in detecting paraphrased or reworded content.
  • Choosing the right plagiarism checker depends on individual needs: Writers and educators should consider the specific requirements and features offered by both Grammarly Plagiarism Checker and Turnitin before making a decision.

What is Grammarly Plagiarism Checker?

What is Grammarly Plagiarism Checker?

Grammarly Plagiarism Checker is a widely used tool that helps writers ensure the originality of their work. It is an online software that scans written content for plagiarism by comparing it to a large database of published materials. The tool is simple and efficient to use. Users can either copy and paste their text or upload a document file, and the software will analyze the content and provide a detailed report highlighting any instances of matched text and the original sources. The checker is highly accurate in detecting plagiarism and also offers suggestions for paraphrasing or rewriting sentences to enhance the uniqueness of the content. It is a valuable resource for writers, students, researchers, and professionals who want to maintain ethical writing practices and avoid unintentional plagiarism. The use of tools like Grammarly Plagiarism Checker indicates a commitment to academic integrity and the importance of originality in scholarly work, allowing writers to confidently produce unique and authentic content that contributes to the advancement of knowledge.

How Does Grammarly Plagiarism Checker Work?

Grammarly Plagiarism Checker is an essential tool for writers, educators, and professionals who aim to improve their writing skills and prevent accidental plagiarism. It effectively enhances the quality, originality, and credibility of written content.

The way Grammarly Plagiarism Checker works can be understood through its key aspects.

Grammarly employs a Content Similarity Search Algorithm to compare the text with an extensive database. This algorithm ensures that any similarities with web pages, articles, or other content are identified.

Grammarly performs Tone Recognition and Correction. It not only checks for plagiarism but also analyzes the tone of the text for consistency and appropriateness. In doing so, Grammarly provides valuable suggestions to enhance the tone and style, catering to the intended audience or purpose.

Another crucial aspect is the Detection of Logical Errors. Grammarly effectively identifies logical errors, inconsistencies, and faulty reasoning within the text. By doing so, it greatly improves the clarity and coherence of the content.

Grammarly is widely used by Academic Institutions and Freelance Writers for ensuring originality and integrity. Academic institutions rely on Grammarly to maintain the authenticity of papers, while freelance writers utilize it to preserve the uniqueness of their content.

The comprehensive features and algorithms of Grammarly Plagiarism Checker address the concerns related to plagiarism. In this digital age where online access to information is easy, Grammarly provides writers with a reliable solution. By utilizing Grammarly Plagiarism Checker, writers can avoid plagiarism, hone their writing abilities, increase their credibility, and enhance their overall proficiency in creating authentic and unique content. The tool contributes significantly to the development of a writer’s skills and expertise.

What is Turnitin?

“What is Turnitin? Turnitin is an essential plagiarism detection software utilized by educational institutions to analyze students’ work. Its purpose is to compare the submitted documents against an extensive database of academic sources, internet pages, and other students’ papers to identify any instances of plagiarism. Understanding Turnitin involves considering the following key points:

Plagiarism identification: Turnitin excels at detecting plagiarism as it thoroughly compares the submitted work with its vast database to find any matching or similar text.

Similarity report: Upon uploading a paper to Turnitin, a comprehensive report is generated, highlighting any areas that have been copied or paraphrased. This report is highly advantageous for both instructors and students as it allows them to address and rectify potential plagiarism.

Originality checking: To further assist in determining the originality of a document, Turnitin provides a Similarity Index, expressed as a percentage, which indicates how much of the document matches other sources.

Educational tool: Turnitin goes beyond being solely a plagiarism detection software; it also serves as an invaluable educational resource. It not only identifies potential instances of plagiarism but also offers guidance on maintaining originality and proper citation.

Supports academic integrity: Institutions widely embrace Turnitin to discourage and combat plagiarism while actively promoting the importance of proper citation. By utilizing Turnitin, educational institutions are able to educate and inform students about ethical writing practices.

How Does Turnitin Work?

To understand how Turnitin works, let’s look at the steps involved:

1. Upload Document: Create a Turnitin account and upload your document in formats like Word or PDF. This is how Turnitin works.

2. Text Matching: Turnitin compares your document to a vast database of academic content, including articles, books, and student papers. It identifies instances of plagiarism by finding similar text. This is a key aspect of how Turnitin works.

3. Originality Report: After the analysis, Turnitin generates a report highlighting matched content and provides a similarity percentage. This report is essential to understanding how Turnitin works.

4. Review Results: Use the originality report to identify areas that need revision or citation. Turnitin uses color-coded highlighting and provides links to identified sources. This step is crucial in understanding the process of how Turnitin works.

5. Citation and Referencing: Accurately cite your sources to exclude them from the similarity index. This is an important aspect of how Turnitin works.

6. Revision and Resubmission: Make necessary revisions to address plagiarism or improper citation and resubmit the document for analysis. This step is necessary to follow the guidelines of how Turnitin works.

Turnitin identifies matches in the text but does not determine if plagiarism has occurred. Educators or institutions make the final judgment based on the originality report, which is a critical part of how Turnitin works.

When choosing between Grammarly Plagiarism Checker and Turnitin, consider factors like AI technology, writing needs, and budget. Both tools have unique features, so evaluate your requirements to determine the best option for plagiarism checking. This comparison is helpful in understanding how Turnitin works.

Comparison between Grammarly Plagiarism Checker and Turnitin

When it comes to checking for plagiarism, two popular tools stand out: Grammarly Plagiarism Checker and Turnitin. In this comparison, we’ll dive into the key aspects that differentiate these platforms. Discover the accuracy of their detection methods, the size of their databases, the range of features they offer, and the user interface experience. Get ready to uncover the strengths and weaknesses of both Grammarly Plagiarism Checker and Turnitin. Let’s find out which one fits your needs best!

Accuracy of Detection

The accuracy of detection is of utmost importance when comparing plagiarism checkers such as Grammarly Plagiarism Checker and Turnitin. To assess the capabilities of both tools, we will analyze their detection abilities based on three key aspects: search algorithm, plagiarism recognition, and logical error detection.

Both Grammarly Plagiarism Checker and Turnitin utilize advanced technology to analyze content. However, Grammarly’s algorithm not only scans for content similarity but also incorporates tone recognition and correction. This additional feature enhances the accuracy of detection by identifying instances where the tone of the text has been replicated without direct copying.

Both Grammarly Plagiarism Checker and Turnitin are highly effective in recognizing different forms of plagiarism, including direct copying, paraphrasing, and text manipulation. However, Grammarly’s algorithm takes it a step further by detecting logical errors, thus preserving the integrity of ideas and maintaining originality in the text.

Grammarly Plagiarism Checker surpasses the mere identification of matching phrases or sentences. It thoroughly examines the context and coherence of the text to identify instances of inaccurate representation or misinterpretation of ideas. This approach results in a more comprehensive and accurate assessment of originality.

It is worth noting that studies have revealed significant advancements in the accuracy of plagiarism detection software, thanks to the incorporation of advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques.

Database Size

Database Size

The database size is important when comparing plagiarism checker tools like Grammarly Plagiarism Checker and Turnitin. It determines the content breadth and depth that the tool can compare to detect plagiarism.

To compare the database sizes of the two tools, refer to the table below:

Tool Database Size
Grammarly Plagiarism Checker 16 billion web pages
Turnitin 70 billion web pages

Turnitin has a larger database size compared to Grammarly Plagiarism Checker. It has a database of approximately 70 billion web pages, making it one of the most comprehensive databases for plagiarism checking.

While Grammarly Plagiarism Checker has a smaller database, it still covers a significant amount of content with approximately 16 billion web pages. This allows it to effectively identify instances of plagiarism and content similarity.

A larger database size increases coverage and enhances the chances of detecting plagiarism. It’s worth noting that both tools continuously update and expand their databases to ensure accurate and reliable plagiarism detection.

When choosing between these tools, consider your specific needs and requirements. While Turnitin has a larger database, Grammarly Plagiarism Checker offers a substantial amount of content for effective plagiarism detection. Factors like user experience, features, and pricing should also be considered.

Whether you choose Grammarly Plagiarism Checker or Turnitin, you can rely on their database sizes to help you identify and prevent plagiarism in your written content.


When selecting a plagiarism checker, it is vital to take into account the features of each tool. Both Grammarly Plagiarism Checker and Turnitin have unique features that set them apart.

Features of Grammarly Plagiarism Checker include an AI Writing Assistant, which utilizes AI technology to offer writing suggestions and enhance content quality. It can be conveniently accessed through a web editor or downloaded as a desktop app, providing flexibility. Moreover, Grammarly Plagiarism Checker not only detects plagiarism but also performs grammar checks, improving the accuracy and originality of the writing.

On the other hand, Turnitin provides an Originality Report for Plagiarism Checking. This report highlights potential plagiarism in the submitted content, ensuring the authenticity of the work. Turnitin is commonly utilized by academic instructors and institutions to uphold academic integrity and verify students’ work. It boasts quick response times for submitting assignments, enabling timely feedback.

Ultimately, the choice between Grammarly Plagiarism Checker and Turnitin depends on various factors. Those in need of AI technology and comprehensive writing assistance with plagiarism detection may find Grammarly Plagiarism Checker more suitable. On the other hand, individuals primarily seeking plagiarism checking for academic purposes may find Turnitin to be a better option.

By considering factors such as the need for AI technology, specific writing requirements, and budget constraints, users can make an informed decision on which plagiarism checker to utilize.

Discover who wins the interface battle – Grammarly Plagiarism Checker or Turnitin, as your writing experience hangs in the balance.

User Interface


User Interface

Tool User Experience Interface Design
Grammarly Plagiarism Checker Grammarly Plagiarism Checker offers a user-friendly experience with an intuitive interface. The interface design of Grammarly Plagiarism Checker is clean, modern, and visually appealing.
Turnitin Turnitin provides a straightforward user experience, ensuring ease of use for instructors and students. The interface design of Turnitin is simple and functional, focusing on functionality rather than aesthetics.

Both Grammarly Plagiarism Checker and Turnitin offer different user experiences when it comes to the interface.

Grammarly Plagiarism Checker stands out with its user-friendly approach. The tool provides an intuitive interface that allows users to effortlessly navigate its features. Whether you are a student or a professional, you can easily use Grammarly Plagiarism Checker to check for plagiarism in your writing. The interface design of Grammarly Plagiarism Checker is clean, modern, and visually appealing, enhancing the overall user experience.

On the other hand, Turnitin focuses on simplicity and functionality in its interface. While the design may not be as visually appealing as Grammarly, Turnitin ensures an easy and straightforward experience for instructors and students. The emphasis is on the functionality of the tool, allowing users to efficiently check for plagiarism and provide originality reports. The interface design of Turnitin is simple yet effective, making it a reliable choice for academic institutions.

Both tools offer unique user experiences and interface designs. The choice depends on personal preference and requirements. If you appreciate a user-friendly and visually appealing interface, Grammarly Plagiarism Checker is the ideal choice. If functionality and simplicity are priorities, Turnitin provides a reliable solution. Evaluate these factors along with other considerations such as the need for AI technology, specific writing needs, and budget to make an informed decision between Grammarly Plagiarism Checker and Turnitin.

Plagiarism checking and grammar assistance all in one, Grammarly is the witty sidekick every writer needs.

Pros and Cons of Grammarly Plagiarism Checker

Looking to understand the advantages and disadvantages of the Grammarly Plagiarism Checker? Dive into this section where I’ll walk you through the pros and cons. From highlighting potential issues in your writing to providing suggestions for improvement, Grammarly offers several benefits. It’s crucial to be aware of the limitations and potential false alarms. So, let’s explore the upsides and downsides of using this popular plagiarism checker.


There are several pros to using Grammarly Plagiarism Checker and Turnitin. Here is a list of the advantages of each:

Grammarly Plagiarism Checker:

AI writing assistant: Grammarly offers AI-powered writing assistance to improve overall writing quality.

Availability as a web editor and desktop app: Grammarly is easily accessible through its website and as a downloadable desktop application, allowing users to use it anytime and anywhere.

Plagiarism detection and grammar checking: Grammarly checks for plagiarism and provides grammar and spelling suggestions to improve writing quality.


Originality report for plagiarism checking: Turnitin provides an originality report that highlights any matching content, indicating potential plagiarism.

Used in academic institutions: Turnitin is widely used by academic institutions, making it a trusted tool for educators and students.

Quick response time for submitting assignments: Turnitin offers a fast turnaround time for submitting assignments and receiving feedback, facilitating efficient communication between instructors and students.

When deciding which to choose between Grammarly Plagiarism Checker and Turnitin, consider your specific needs and preferences. If you need an all-in-one writing assistant that provides grammar checking and plagiarism detection, Grammarly may be the best choice. If you prioritize plagiarism checking and value the originality report feature, Turnitin could be the ideal option.

Budget considerations may also play a role. Grammarly offers both free and premium plans, with advanced features available only in the premium plan. Turnitin, on the other hand, has a fixed price of $29.95 per month.

Evaluate the factors mentioned above, including the need for AI technology, specific writing needs, and budget, to determine which plagiarism checker suits your requirements.

Cons: Not everything that glitters is gold, just like not every plagiarism checker is perfect. Let’s explore the downsides of these popular tools.



Cons of Grammarly Plagiarism Checker and Turnitin:

  • Premium plan required for certain features: Grammarly Plagiarism Checker only offers certain features with a premium plan. Free users may not have access to all the advanced functionalities.
  • Character limit for free version: The free version of Grammarly Plagiarism Checker has a character limit. Users may encounter restrictions on the number of characters they can check for plagiarism, which can be a drawback for those working on longer pieces of writing.
  • Product name specific to academic use: Turnitin is primarily designed for academic use, which may not appeal to individuals outside of educational institutions who are looking for a plagiarism checker.
  • Price of $29.95 per month: Turnitin has a subscription fee of $29.95 per month, which may be considered expensive for some users, especially those on a limited budget.

When evaluating both Grammarly Plagiarism Checker and Turnitin, consider your specific needs. While Grammarly may require a premium plan for certain features and has a character limit for the free version, it offers an AI writing assistant and is available as a web editor and desktop app. On the other hand, Turnitin provides an originality report for plagiarism checking and is widely used in academic institutions. Hence, factors such as the need for AI technology, specific writing needs, and budget should be considered when choosing a plagiarism checker.

Pros and Cons of Turnitin

Turnitin, the widely used plagiarism checker, comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Delving into the pros and cons, we’ll explore the beneficial aspects that Turnitin brings to the table, as well as the potential drawbacks users may encounter. From promoting academic integrity to highlighting potential instances of plagiarism, to the limitations it may have, we’ll unravel the different facets of Turnitin and help you make an informed decision.


When it comes to using Grammarly Plagiarism Checker and Turnitin, both tools offer valuable features for writers and students. Here are the advantages of each:

Pros of Grammarly Plagiarism Checker:

1. AI writing assistant: Grammarly offers grammar checking, spelling correction, and style suggestions to improve writing overall.

2. Availability as a web editor and desktop app: Grammarly can be accessed through its website or downloaded as a desktop application, providing convenience and accessibility.

3. Plagiarism detection and grammar checking: Grammarly’s plagiarism checker scans documents for similarities and provides reports on potential plagiarism. It also checks for grammar and punctuation errors, helping writers maintain integrity and improve the quality of their work.

Pros of Turnitin:

1. Originality report for plagiarism checking: Turnitin generates comprehensive reports that highlight areas of potential plagiarism and provide suggestions for originality improvement.

2. Used in academic institutions: Turnitin is widely used by educators and academic institutions to ensure academic integrity and prevent plagiarism.

3. Response time for submitting assignments: Turnitin allows quick submission and feedback on assignments, facilitating efficient communication between students and instructors.

Both tools have their strengths, and the choice between Grammarly Plagiarism Checker and Turnitin depends on individual needs and preferences. Consider the following factors when making a decision:

  • Need for AI technology: If you value advanced AI-driven features like grammar checking and style suggestions, Grammarly may be the better choice.
  • Specific writing needs: If you primarily require plagiarism detection and originality reports, Turnitin’s focus on academic integrity may be more suitable.
  • Budget considerations: Grammarly offers both free and premium plans, while Turnitin is typically available through educational institutions with associated costs.

By carefully evaluating these factors, you can determine which plagiarism checker best suits your individual needs and goals.

Cons: Not everything that shines is plagiarism.


Here are some cons of Grammarly Plagiarism Checker and Turnitin:

  1. Grammarly Plagiarism Checker:
  • Premium plan required for certain features: The free version of Grammarly Plagiarism Checker offers many useful features, but access to the plagiarism checker may require a premium subscription.
  • Character limit for free version: Users of the free version of Grammarly Plagiarism Checker are limited to a certain number of characters per check, which can be a disadvantage for those working on longer documents or research papers.
  • Turnitin:
    • Product name specific to academic use: Turnitin is mainly used for academic plagiarism detection, which may limit its appeal to non-academic users.
    • Price of $29.95 per month: The cost of using Turnitin can be a consideration, especially for those who require ongoing access to the service or have a tight budget.

    When choosing between Grammarly Plagiarism Checker and Turnitin, evaluate your specific needs and preferences. Consider factors such as the need for AI technology, your writing style, and budget. Grammarly Plagiarism Checker offers features beyond plagiarism detection and is available as both a web editor and a desktop app. On the other hand, Turnitin is widely used in academic institutions and provides an originality report for plagiarism checking. It may be a preferred choice for academic writers or those working closely with instructors who utilize Turnitin. Additionally, Turnitin is known for its quick response time when submitting assignments, making it suitable for those who prioritize efficiency.

    Which Plagiarism Checker to Choose?

    When choosing a plagiarism checker, it is important to consider these factors: accuracy, features, user interface, types of plagiarism, pricing, integration, and user support.

    1. Accuracy: It is crucial to select a reliable plagiarism checker that can effectively detect plagiarized content. Both Grammarly and Turnitin have strong plagiarism detection capabilities.

    2. Features: Each plagiarism checker offers various features to enhance plagiarism detection. In addition to that, Grammarly provides grammar and spelling suggestions, while Turnitin has a vast academic paper database.

    3. User Interface: The user interface plays a significant role in ensuring a good user experience. Grammarly has a user-friendly interface with real-time suggestions, whereas Turnitin has a more formal interface primarily used by educational institutions.

    4. Plagiarism Types: Plagiarism can manifest in different forms, including direct copying, paraphrasing, and self-plagiarism. Both Grammarly and Turnitin are capable of detecting these types of plagiarism.

    5. Pricing: When considering a plagiarism checker, it is important to evaluate the pricing options. Grammarly offers both free and premium versions, with additional features available in the paid version. On the other hand, Turnitin provides pricing plans specifically tailored for educational institutions.

    6. Integration: The level of integration with the tools you use is crucial. Grammarly seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Word and Google Docs, while Turnitin is often integrated into learning management systems widely used by schools and universities.

    7. User Support: Reliable user support is essential for addressing technical issues or inquiries. Grammarly offers 24/7 support through email and chat, while Turnitin provides customer support through their helpdesk.

    To choose between Grammarly and Turnitin, it is important to assess your specific needs. If you require a plagiarism checker that also offers grammar and spelling suggestions, Grammarly may be the better option for you. Conversely, if you are an educator or part of an educational institution, Turnitin offers a more comprehensive solution.

    Ultimately, consider your writing project requirements and the level of plagiarism detection needed. By comparing the features, accuracy, user interface, pricing, integration, and user support, you can make an informed decision on which plagiarism checker to choose.

    Some Facts About Grammarly Plagiarism Checker vs Turnitin:

    • ✅ Grammarly and Turnitin are popular online tools used for detecting plagiarism and checking the originality of documents. – Grammarly, powered by AI technology, detects grammatical and logical errors and highlights plagiarized content. It has a free version that scans for grammar errors and a premium plan that detects plagiarism by comparing content to millions of online publications. Turnitin, mainly used by academic institutions, is known for its accuracy in checking plagiarism. It has a larger database and is more powerful and strict in comparison to Grammarly.
    • ✅ Grammarly may not be as good as Turnitin in detecting plagiarism because it does not compare content with the worldwide web. – It may give a lower plagiarism score compared to Turnitin.
    • ✅ Grammarly is valuable for checking grammar and sentence structure, but it is not as reliable as Turnitin for detecting plagiarism in academic papers.
    • ✅ Grammarly has features like error handling, an in-built dictionary, and suggestions for text construction, while Turnitin focuses more on checking plagiarism.
    • ✅ Other popular plagiarism checkers include CopyScape, Quetext, Plagiarism Checker X, and Unicheck. – Plagiarism checkers are online applications that scan documents for duplicate content, and they generally observe privacy policies.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How does the Grammarly plagiarism checker compare to Turnitin?

    Grammarly and Turnitin are both online tools used for detecting plagiarism and checking the originality of documents. There are some differences between them. Grammarly, powered by AI technology, detects grammatical and logical errors and highlights plagiarized content. It compares content to millions of online publications for plagiarism detection. On the other hand, Turnitin, mainly used by academic institutions, is known for its accuracy in checking plagiarism. It has a larger database and is more powerful and strict in comparison to Grammarly. Thus, while Grammarly is valuable for checking grammar and sentence structure, it may not be as reliable as Turnitin for detecting plagiarism in academic papers.

    Can Grammarly compare content with the worldwide web to detect plagiarism?

    No, Grammarly does not compare content with the worldwide web for plagiarism detection. It compares content to millions of online publications to check for plagiarized content. This means that Grammarly may give a lower plagiarism score compared to Turnitin, which has a larger database and scans against academic papers and content in 20 languages. While Grammarly is a powerful tool for checking grammar and sentence structure, it may not be as effective as Turnitin in detecting plagiarism.

    What are the pricing options for Grammarly and Turnitin?

    Grammarly offers a free plan for checking grammar and a premium plan for more advanced features. The pricing for Grammarly Premium options are $29.95 per month, $59.95 every three months, or $139 per year. On the other hand, Turnitin can only be purchased by schools and universities. Scribbr offers Turnitin-powered plans for individual users.

    Are there any other popular plagiarism checkers available apart from Grammarly and Turnitin?

    Yes, there are other popular plagiarism checkers available in the market. Some of these include CopyScape, Quetext, Plagiarism Checker X, and Unicheck. These plagiarism checkers are online applications that scan documents for duplicate content and generally observe privacy policies.

    Can Grammarly be used for checking plagiarism in mathematics solution papers?

    Yes, Grammarly can be used to check for plagiarism in mathematics solution papers. While Grammarly is a versatile tool that can detect plagiarism in various forms of content, it is important to note that its primary focus is on checking grammar and sentence structure. For a comprehensive plagiarism check in academic papers, especially in specific subject areas like mathematics, it is recommended to use a specialized plagiarism detection tool like Turnitin.

    Is Turnitin’s plagiarism detection performance better than Grammarly’s?

    Yes, Turnitin’s plagiarism detection performance is generally considered to be better than Grammarly’s. Turnitin has a larger database and is specifically designed for academic integrity, making it more powerful and strict in comparison to Grammarly. While Grammarly is valuable for checking grammar and sentence structure, it may not be as reliable as Turnitin for detecting plagiarism in academic papers. Therefore, if plagiarism detection is a critical requirement, Turnitin is the preferred choice.

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    Grammarly Plagiarism Checker vs Turnitin: Which Tool is More Effective?


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