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New AI porn Unstable Diffusion seeking to monetize


When Stable Diffusion, the text-to-image AI developed by startup Stability AI, was open sourced earlier this year, it didn’t take long for the internet to wield it for porn-creating purposes. Communities across Reddit and 4chan tapped the AI system to generate realistic and anime-style images of nude characters, mostly women, as well as non-consensual fake nude imagery of celebrities.

But while Reddit quickly shut down many of the subreddits dedicated to AI porn, and communities like NewGrounds, which allows some forms of adult art, banned AI-generated artwork altogether, new forums emerged to fill the gap.

By far the largest is Unstable Diffusion, whose operators are building a business around AI systems tailored to generate high-quality porn. The server’s Patreon — started to keep the server running as well as fund general development — is currently raking in over $2,500 a month from several hundred donors.

“In just two months, our team expanded to over 13 people as well as many consultants and volunteer community moderators,” Arman Chaudhry, one of the members of the Unstable Diffusion admin team, told TechCrunch in a conversation via Discord. “We see the opportunity to make innovations in usability, user experience and expressive power to create tools that professional artists and businesses can benefit from.”

Unsurprisingly, some AI ethicists are as worried as Chaudhry is optimistic. While the use of AI to create porn isn’t new  — TechCrunch covered an AI-porn-generating app just a few months ago — Unstable Diffusion’s models are capable of generating higher-fidelity examples than most. The generated porn could have negative consequences particularly for marginalized groups, the ethicists say, including the artists and adult actors who make a living creating porn to fulfill customers’ fantasies.

Humble beginnings

Unstable Diffusion got its start in August — around the same time that the Stable Diffusion model was released. Initially a subreddit, it eventually migrated to Discord, where it now has roughly 50,000 members.

“Basically, we’re here to provide support for people interested in making NSFW,” one of the Discord server admins, who goes by the name AshleyEvelyn, wrote in an announcement post from August. “Because the only community currently working on this is 4chan, we hope to provide a more reasonable community which can actually work with the wider AI community.”

Early on, Unstable Diffusion served as a place simply for sharing AI-generated porn — and methods to bypass the content filters of various image-generating apps. Soon, though, several of the server’s admins began exploring ways to build their own AI systems for porn generation on top of existing open source tools.

Stable Diffusion lent itself to their efforts. The model wasn’t built to generate porn per se, but Stability AI doesn’t explicitly prohibit developers from customizing Stable Diffusion to create porn so long as the porn doesn’t violate laws or clearly harm others. Even then, the company has adopted a laissez-faire approach to governance, placing the onus on the AI community to use Stable Diffusion responsibly.

Stability AI didn’t respond to a request for comment.

The Unstable Diffusion admins released a Discord bot to start. Powered by the vanilla Stable Diffusion, it let users generate porn by typing text prompts. But the results weren’t perfect: the nude figures the bot generated often had misplaced limbs and distorted genitalia.

The reason why was that the out-of-the-box Stable Diffusion hadn’t been exposed to enough examples of porn to “know” how to produce the desired results. Stable Diffusion, like all text-to-image AI systems, was trained on a dataset of billions of captioned images to learn the associations between written concepts and images, like how the word “bird” can refer not only to bluebirds but parakeets and bald eagles in addition to more abstract notions. While many of the images come from copyrighted sources, like Flickr and ArtStation, companies such as Stability AI argue their systems are covered by fair use — a precedent that’s soon to be tested in court.

Only a small percentage of Stable Diffusion’s dataset — about 2.9% — contains NSFW material, giving the model little to go on when it comes to explicit content. So the Unstable Diffusion admins recruited volunteers — mostly members of the Discord server — to create porn datasets for fine-tuning Stable Diffusion, the way you would give it more pictures of couches and chairs if you wanted to make a furniture generation AI.

Much of the work is ongoing, but Chaudhry tells me that some of it has already come to fruition, including a technique to “repair” distorted faces and arms in AI-generated nudes. “We are recording and addressing challenges that all AI systems run into, namely collecting a diverse dataset that is high in image quality, captioned richly with text, covering the gamut of preferences of our users,” he added.

The custom models power the aforementioned Discord bot and Unstable Diffusion’s work-in-progress, not-yet-public web app, which the admins say will eventually allow people to follow AI-generated porn from specific users.

Growing community

Today, the Unstable Diffusion server hosts AI-generated porn in a range of different art styles, sexual preferences and kinks. There’s a “men-only” channel, a softcore and “safe for work” stream, channels for hentai and furry artwork, a BDSM and “kinky things” subgroup — and even a channel reserved expressly for “nonhuman” nudes. Users in these channels can invoke the bot to generate art that fits the theme, which they can then submit to a “starboard” if they’re especially pleased with the results.

Unstable Diffusion claims to have generated over 4,375,000 images to date. On a semiregular basis, the group hosts competitions that challenge members to recreate images using the bot, the results of which are used in turn to improve Unstable Diffusion’s models.

As it grows, Unstable Diffusion aspires to be an “ethical” community for AI-generated porn — i.e. one that prohibits content like child pornography, deepfakes and excessive gore. Users of the Discord server must abide by the terms of service and submit to moderation of the images that they generate; Chaudhry claims the server employs a filter to block images containing people in its “named persons” database and has a full-time moderation team.

“We strictly allow only fictional and law-abiding generations, for both SFW and NSFW on our Discord server,” he said. “For professional tools and business applications, we will revisit and work with partners on the moderation and filtration rules that best align with their needs and commitments.”

But one imagines Unstable Diffusion’s systems will become tougher to monitor as they’re made more widely available. Chaudhry didn’t lay out plans for moderating content from the web app or Unstable Diffusion’s forthcoming subscription-based Discord bot, which third-party Discord server owners will be able to deploy within their own communities.

“We need to … think about how safety controls might be subverted when you have an API-mediated version of the system that carries controls preventing misuse,” Abhishek Gupta, the founder and principal researcher at the Montreal AI Ethics Institute, told TechCrunch via email. “Servers like Unstable Diffusion become hotbeds for accumulating a lot of problematic content in a single place, showing both the capabilities of AI systems to generate this type of content and connecting malicious users with each other to further their ‘skills’ in the generation of such content .. At the same time, they also exacerbate the burden placed on content moderation teams, who have to face trauma as they review and remove offensive content.”

A separate but related issue pertains to the artists whose artwork was used to train Unstable Diffusion’s models. As evidenced recently by the artist community’s reaction to DeviantArt’s AI image generator, DreamUp, which was trained on art uploaded to DeviantArt without creators’ knowledge, many artists take issue with AI systems that mimic their styles without giving proper credit or compensation.

Character designers like Hollie Mengert and Greg Rutkowski, whose classical painting styles and fantasy landscapes have become one of the most commonly used prompts in Stable Diffusion, have decried what they see as poor AI imitations that are nevertheless tied to their names. They’ve also expressed concerns that AI-generated art imitating their styles will crowd out their original works, harming their income as people start using AI-generated images for commercial purposes. (Unstable Diffusion grants users full ownership of — and permission to sell — the images they generate.)

Gupta raises another possibility: artists who’d never want their work associated with porn might become collateral damage as users realize certain artists’ names yield better results in Unstable Diffusion prompts — e.g., “nude women in the style of [artist name]”.

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New AI porn Unstable Diffusion seeking to monetize
