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PHP Vs ASP.NET : How To Choose The Right One?

PHP Vs ASP.NET : How To Choose The Right One?

Are you planning to hire ASP.Net developer for your business? Are you in turmoil while deciding on the right website technology? Relax! This is a widespread challenge that every business comes across. Undoubtedly, PHP and .NET are popular technologies and the most preferred development technologies among frameworks. That’s why we’ve shared an unbiased comparison between PHP Vs ASP.NET to help business owners, regardless of whether they’re from the technical or non-technical ground.

PHP Vs ASP NET – A quick overview:

The importance of PHP architect

PHP stands for Hypertext preprocessor, which is a popular open-source scripting language. It is mostly used for website development as it easily embeds with HTML. The reason behind its popularity is the easy coding techniques it offers to businesses.

The essentials of ASP.NET

Introduced by Microsoft, ASP.NET is a server-side web development tool that helps business owners develop dynamic web pages, which is the primary reason behind the popularity of this framework. Being a Windows-based platform, ASP.NET offers multiple development modes and a unique environment. Therefore, it becomes quite simple for a non-technical person also to create APIs and build-web forms. However, you can hire ASP.NET Development Company as well to develop customized and high-performing web applications.

Here is the comprehensive comparison: PHP Vs ASP NET

1. Speed and performance

As we begin to talk about the speed and performance of both technologies, you should know that to determine a website’s speed, you should consider some factors. In the case of PHP or ASP.NET, they both slightly differ concerning speed.

One of the major tasks of any website is to deliver the results of a query in the database and show the outcomes to users’ browsers.

In this scenario, there should be seamless communication between the database and the webserver to produce the output. However, PHP and ASP.NET have equal abilities to access the files and find images, so performance depends on the database servers, end user’s systems or bandwidth.

ASP.NET provides much better speed than PHP, and it also allows parallel programming to support the coding structure that runs continuously.

2. Scalability

When it comes to scalability, both PHP and ASP.NET are outstandingly scalable. When choosing the language, it is much better to consider the state of the business to pick the right platform. PHP is the best framework for websites that boast Drupal in their core, and the fact is PHP comes with the lowest learning curve and delivers scalability in terms of fault tolerance, performance to code maintainability, etc.

On the other hand, ASP.NET has a deep learning curve, allowing developers to develop compelling web applications and pages using the incredible Visual Studio. It offers exceptional scalability in terms of performance.

3. Cost

This is the most significant factor where PHP beats ASP.NET. The primary reason is that PHP is an open-source platform, but Microsoft owns ASP.NET, and they charge a minimal web hosting fee.

Moreover, PHP is compatible with different operating systems, including Linux, Windows, and Mac, but ASP.NET is only compatible with Windows.

4. Support

As PHP is an open-source platform, it boasts a broader community of developers as compared to ASP.NET. However, both technologies are quite powerful, so you’ll find the answer to every problem as their team keeps posting on forums. PHP is an extensively used language, so the community is quite big, which helps every developer out there with numerous issues.

5. Popularity

When it comes to the high demand for PHP, it has a higher graph as compared to its competitors. Innumerable reasons provide PHP an edge over the competitors. As per the statistics, PHP has 67% of the share; however, ASP.NET’s percentage is less than 50%. However, ASP.NET is growing faster among developers, and there’s no sign of slowing down anytime soon.

PHP Development: Pros and Cons

The Pros:

  • PHP is an open-source platform, which means you can use it for free, and a large community of developers can assist you.
  • It is the best choice for developing websites for established companies
  • Low-cost development with easy to learn curve
  • It is highly communicative with database servers
  • It is scalable as well as easy to customize

The Cons:

  • It is not suitable for developing desktop applications
  • Comparatively PHP apps run slow on browsers
  • Customizations may cause bugs

ASP.NET development: Pros and Cons

The Pros:

  • It’s highly scalable, which makes it the biggest competitor of PHP
  • It supports coding and lets the developers detect their mistakes
  • It supports all the programming language
  • Quick development with lots of pre-loaded coding

The Cons:

  • Small community support
  • Deep learning curve
  • Relies on closed-source technology

Bottom line

To conclude, we would say that both technologies have their fair share of advantages, and the rest, entirely depends on your business domain. These detailed insights about the differences between the languages will help you make a better decision as per your requirement.

Looking To Hire a Top Mobile App Development Company For Your Next Project?

Concetto Labs is a leading mobile app development company that delivered 1000+ projects to 500+ fortune clients globally. Having an immense team of talented designers and experienced developers, the company fosters leverage in cutting-edge yet cross-platform solutions across devices to startups, businesses, and enterprises. Whether you want to hire PHP developer or hire MVC developer, we have the best pool of developers to hire at an affordable price model. Just drop us your requirements and contact us now to know more.

PHP Vs ASP.NET : How To Choose The Right One?

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PHP Vs ASP.NET : How To Choose The Right One?
