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What is NotEvil? A Look at the Dark Web’s ‘Moral’ Search Engine

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The dark web is a vast hidden network accessible only through specialized software and holds secrets, whistleblowers, and…  illegal marketplaces. While some venture into this secret part of the internet for legitimate reasons, the dark web's reputation precedes it. But what if there was a way to explore this hidden corner of the internet safely? Enter Notevil, a search engine claiming to be the moral compass of the dark web. It filters out the illegal stuff, provides a user-friendly interface, and keeps your identity hidden. Sounds too good to be true?  It might be. In this article, we’ll talk about What Is NotEvil, what it does, how to use it, and much more!

What is NotEvil?

NotEvil positions itself as a "moral" dark web search engine. It crawls and indexes websites on the Tor network, making them discoverable through a familiar search interface. Unlike traditional search engines, NotEvil focuses on excluding illegal or harmful content from its results. This includes marketplaces for drugs and weapons, as well as sites promoting violence or hate speech. However, the definition of "harmful" can be subjective. NotEvil's filtering criteria remain unclear, raising questions about potential bias and censorship.

How Does It Work?

NotEvil operates behind the scenes, employing a complex interplay of web crawlers, anonymization techniques, and its own internal database. Here's a deeper dive into the mechanics: Crawling the Dark Web: NotEvil utilizes specialized web crawlers specifically designed to navigate the Tor network. Unlike traditional search engines that crawl the surface web, these crawlers must contend with the dynamic nature of dark web addresses, which frequently change to evade detection. NotEvil's crawlers constantly scan for active websites, identifying them by their unique .onion addresses. Content Analysis and Indexing: Once a dark web website is discovered, NotEvil's crawlers delve deeper. They analyze the website's content, extracting text, identifying keywords, and categorizing the information based on predefined criteria. This process helps NotEvil understand the website's purpose and functionality. Filtering (Uncertain Process): This is where things get murky. NotEvil claims to filter out illegal or harmful content before indexing the website. However, the exact filtering criteria remain undisclosed. This lack of transparency raises concerns about potential bias and censorship. What might be deemed "harmful" by NotEvil could be legitimate information for some users. Additionally, the effectiveness of this filtering process is unproven. Malicious actors could potentially exploit loopholes or disguise their content to bypass NotEvil's filters. Building the Database: After analysis and potential filtering, NotEvil stores the website's information within its own internal database. This database likely doesn't encompass the entirety of the dark web, but rather focuses on indexed websites that meet NotEvil's (unclear) criteria. Responding to User Queries: When you enter a search query on NotEvil, it doesn't directly connect you to the websites themselves. Instead, it searches its internal database for indexed websites that best match your keywords. The results you see are anonymous links, often shortened for security reasons. These links point to the actual dark web addresses, but the connection is routed through the Tor network, masking your identity and location.

What Does NotEvil Do?

While NotEvil positions itself as an ethical gateway to the dark web, it's important to approach its claims with a critical eye. Let's delve deeper into what NotEvil might offer:

Allegedly Safer Dark Web Exploration

  • Reduced Exposure to Illegality: NotEvil claims to filter out websites associated with illegal activities like drug trafficking, weapons sales, or stolen data marketplaces. However, the effectiveness of this filtering is unclear. Illegal actors are constantly innovating, and NotEvil might miss newly established marketplaces or disguised operations.
  • Potential Access to Whistleblower Content: The dark web is sometimes used by whistleblowers to expose sensitive information. NotEvil, if its filtering allows, might offer a platform for accessing such information with some anonymity. This could be valuable for journalists or researchers.
  • Bypassing Censorship: In countries with restricted internet access, the dark web can be a tool for accessing censored information. NotEvil, by offering a (potentially) filtered search engine, could provide a way to bypass government censorship on some topics.

Enhanced Accessibility

  • User-Friendly Interface: Compared to the complex structure of the dark web, NotEvil offers a familiar search interface. This can make navigating the hidden web easier, especially for those unfamiliar with Tor or dark web terminology.
  • Keyword-Based Search: Like traditional search engines, NotEvil allows users to search for specific information using keywords. This simplifies finding relevant websites within the vast dark web landscape.
However, consider these limitations:
  • Limited Scope: NotEvil likely doesn't index the entire dark web. There's a chance crucial information might reside in unindexed corners, making it invisible to NotEvil's search.
  • Reliance on Crawler Effectiveness: The effectiveness of NotEvil's search results depends on the efficiency of its crawlers. If crawlers miss crucial websites, your search might come up empty.

Potential for Increased Privacy

  • Anonymized Links: NotEvil doesn't directly connect users to dark web websites. Instead, it displays anonymized links, often shortened for security reasons. Clicking these links directs you through the Tor network, adding a layer of anonymity while browsing.
  • Tor Integration: By relying on Tor, NotEvil leverages a well-established anonymity tool. Tor encrypts your traffic and routes it through a network of volunteer relays, making it difficult for websites to track your activity.

How to Use NotEvil?

Using NotEvil requires some preparation:
  1. Download Tor: Tor is a free and open-source browser that anonymizes your web traffic by routing it through a network of volunteer relays. This is essential for accessing the dark web, including NotEvil.
  2. Locate NotEvil: Finding NotEvil's current address can be challenging. Dark web addresses change frequently to avoid detection. Reliable sources recommend searching for the latest NotEvil address using a private search engine like DuckDuckGo, focusing on results from reputable security blogs.
Note: Downloading Tor and accessing the dark web can raise red flags on some security software. Be sure you understand the risks involved before proceeding.

Benefits of NotEvil

While the safety and effectiveness of NotEvil are debatable, there are some potential benefits to consider, albeit with significant caveats. Here's a closer look at these benefits:
  • Filtered Search Results (with Caution): If NotEvil's filtering is truly effective, it can shield users from encountering blatantly illegal or harmful content commonly associated with the dark web. This could be particularly valuable for:
    • Journalists: Investigative journalists might utilize NotEvil to access whistleblowing platforms or communicate with sources in censored regions. However, relying solely on NotEvil could limit their access to crucial information outside the filtered scope.
    • Activists: Activists working under oppressive regimes might leverage NotEvil to access censored information or connect with like-minded individuals. Again, the completeness of NotEvil's index remains a concern.
    • General Users Seeking Privacy-Focused Content: There's a niche for privacy-focused content that might not be readily available on the surface web. NotEvil could potentially help users locate such resources, though the curation process and potential bias are unknown.
  • Improved Usability for Dark Web Novices: The dark web's decentralized nature and reliance on complex protocols like Tor can be daunting for newcomers. NotEvil's user-friendly interface, similar to traditional search engines, provides a more familiar entry point. This could be beneficial for individuals with limited technical expertise who need to access dark web resources for legitimate reasons. However, it's important to remember that NotEvil doesn't eliminate the need for basic security practices while using Tor.
  • Enhanced Privacy (to a Degree): By relying on Tor and anonymized links, NotEvil offers some level of privacy protection. User activity isn't directly tracked by websites accessed through NotEvil. This can be appealing to individuals concerned about online surveillance, especially those in regions with strict internet censorship. However, it's crucial to understand that complete anonymity on the dark web is difficult to achieve. Law enforcement agencies and malicious actors can still employ sophisticated methods to track user activity.

Disadvantages of Using NotEvil

The allure of a safe and accessible dark web is undeniable, but NotEvil comes with several significant drawbacks:
  • Uncertain Filtering: NotEvil boasts about excluding illegal content, but the specifics of its filtering remain a mystery. This lack of transparency raises several concerns:
    • Bias: Who defines "harmful" content? NotEvil's filtering could be biased towards specific viewpoints, potentially censoring legitimate information while letting questionable content slip through the cracks.
    • Effectiveness: Can NotEvil's filters truly keep up with the ever-evolving landscape of the dark web? Sophisticated actors can employ various techniques to bypass filtering, leaving users vulnerable to encountering illegal or harmful content despite NotEvil's claims.
  • Limited Scope: The dark web is vast and constantly shifting. NotEvil likely indexes only a fraction of the available content. Crucial information, such as whistleblower reports or censored news from authoritarian regimes, might reside outside NotEvil's reach. This limited view could hinder users from finding the specific information they seek.
  • False Sense of Security: NotEvil shouldn't be mistaken for a shield against all threats. Here's why:
    • Malware and Scams: The dark web is a haven for malicious actors. Even with filtering, NotEvil can't guarantee that users won't encounter malware-laden downloads, phishing scams, or fraudulent marketplaces. A single click on the wrong link can compromise your device and expose personal information.
    • Zero-Day Exploits: Cybercriminals often exploit security vulnerabilities ("zero-day exploits") before developers have a chance to patch them. NotEvil has no way of safeguarding against such attacks, leaving users susceptible to data breaches or identity theft.
  • Potential Legality Issues: The legal implications of accessing the dark web can be murky, depending on your location. While NotEvil claims to exclude illegal content, the definition of "illegal" can vary widely. Simply accessing the dark web might raise suspicion in some regions, even if your intentions are legitimate. It's crucial to understand the legal landscape surrounding dark web access in your area before proceeding.
  • Technical Challenges: Using NotEvil requires additional technical knowledge compared to traditional search engines:
    • Tor Setup: Setting up and using Tor can be a daunting task for users unfamiliar with its functionalities. Misconfiguration can lead to compromised anonymity and security risks.
    • Onion Links: Accessing websites on the dark web involves navigating through complex "onion links" which can be challenging to manage and verify.
  • Unreliable Source: The anonymity surrounding NotEvil's developers poses a significant risk. There's no way to verify their intentions or ensure they're not manipulating search results for their own benefit. They could potentially:
    • Redirect Users: NotEvil could redirect users to malicious websites disguised as legitimate ones, leading to data theft or malware infection.
    • Collect User Data: While NotEvil claims user anonymity, there's no guarantee they're not collecting user data behind the scenes. This information could be sold to third parties or used for nefarious purposes.

Is NotEvil Safe?

NotEvil's claims of safety raise several red flags that users should be aware of before venturing down this path. Here's a deeper dive into the reasons why NotEvil's safety is a complex issue:
  • Unreliable Source: The dark web itself is a haven for malicious actors. Malware, scams, and phishing attempts are commonplace. Even with its filtering, NotEvil can't guarantee complete protection from these threats. Malware disguised as legitimate software or malicious links hidden within seemingly harmless search results can still pose a significant risk.
  • Unverified Developers: Little is known about the creators of NotEvil. There's no information on their background, expertise, or motivations. This lack of transparency raises concerns. Are they genuinely committed to providing a safe and ethical search engine, or is there another agenda at play? Could they be manipulating search results to promote certain viewpoints or even injecting malware into displayed links? Without any answers, the potential for manipulation remains high.
  • Potential for Exit Scams: In the worst-case scenario, NotEvil could be an elaborate exit scam. Imagine a scenario where the creators of NotEvil gather user data over time, then abruptly disappear, taking that data with them. This stolen user data could then be sold on the black market or used for malicious purposes. While this might seem like a far-fetched scenario, the anonymity of the creators makes it impossible to rule out entirely.
  • Limited Effectiveness of Filtering: Even if NotEvil's filtering is functional, questions remain about its effectiveness. How comprehensive is the filter? Does it simply block blatantly illegal content, or does it delve deeper to identify more nuanced forms of harm? What criteria define "harmful" in NotEvil's algorithm? The lack of transparency surrounding the filtering process leaves room for bias and the potential censorship of legitimate information. Additionally, the dark web is constantly evolving. New malicious websites pop up all the time. Can NotEvil's filtering keep pace with this dynamic environment?
  • False Sense of Security: Perhaps the most concerning aspect of NotEvil is the potential for a false sense of security. Users might be lulled into a sense of safety due to NotEvil's claims of filtering. This could lead them to be less cautious when clicking on links or downloading files. However, as mentioned previously, malware and scams can still slip through the cracks. The dark web remains a dangerous landscape, and NotEvil shouldn't be considered a complete safety net.

How to Stay Safe While Using NotEvil?

If you choose to use NotEvil, prioritize these safety measures:
  • Maintain Anonymity: Always use Tor while accessing NotEvil. Don't reveal any personal information on dark web websites.
  • Practice Caution: Approach all dark web content with skepticism. Don't download files or click on links unless absolutely necessary. Use a reputable antivirus program on your device.
  • Beware of Phishing: Phishing scams are prevalent on the dark web. Double-check website addresses before entering any login credentials.
  • Use a VPN (Optional): A VPN can provide an additional layer of security by encrypting your internet traffic before it reaches the Tor network. However, be aware that some VPNs log user data, making them less secure.
Always remember: The dark web is not a place to be taken lightly. Even with precautions, there are inherent risks involved.

Key Takeaways

  • NotEvil is a dark web search engine aiming to filter out illegal content, but its filtering criteria and safety claims are unclear.
  • While NotEvil offers a user-friendly interface for dark web exploration, it doesn't guarantee complete safety from malicious actors.
  • The dark web itself is inherently risky, so consider if the information you seek justifies the potential dangers of using NotEvil.
  • If you choose to use NotEvil, prioritize safety measures like using Tor, practicing caution while browsing, and being aware of phishing scams.
  • Remember, there are often safer ways to access information on the surface web.


  1. Is NotEvil legal?
The legality of NotEvil depends on your location and activities. Accessing the dark web itself might be legal, but some countries have stricter regulations. It's always best to check your local laws before proceeding.
  1. What are some alternatives to NotEvil?
If you're looking for privacy-focused search engines on the regular web, consider DuckDuckGo or Startpage. These offer anonymous search experiences without venturing into the dark web.
  1. Can I access NotEvil on a regular web browser?
No, you cannot access NotEvil with a standard browser like Chrome or Firefox. NotEvil resides on the dark web, accessible only through the Tor network and a specific NotEvil address (which can be challenging to find).
  1. What if I accidentally click on a malicious link on NotEvil?
If you suspect you've clicked on a malicious link, immediately disconnect from Tor and run a full scan with your antivirus software. Consider changing any passwords you might have used while on the dark web.
  1. Is there a way to contact NotEvil's creators?
Not really. Communication channels for NotEvil are scarce, adding to the mystery and potential risk surrounding this dark web search engine.

This post first appeared on The Cyber Express, please read the originial post: here

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What is NotEvil? A Look at the Dark Web’s ‘Moral’ Search Engine


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