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SEO For Beginners: Improve Google Search Results Rankings

Search Result Ranking

Google search results ranking basics, In this article we will learn how to improve Google search results ranking, get targeted visitors to your website, and appear on the first page of Google search engine, and other search engines. 
Improving the search engine is the main factor in ranking first. Learn about the importance of ranking in search results and how to benefit from it.

SEO is what search engines and Google spiders rely on. Google robots search for articles on blogs or websites, then determine whether the article is worthy of appearing in the search results and first pages of the search engine or not.

Of course, search engines are looking for something in the article, and we will mention it to you in points to understand ranking in search results. The key to this is your understanding of how Google thinks in choosing important articles and lifting them on the first page.
All you have to do now, dear visitor to CoursNews website, is to understand this article well and focus on it from beginning to end so that you can benefit and learn the correct ways to rank in Google search results 2023 effortlessly and easily

How to Rank in Search Engine Results in 2023

  1. First, writing an exclusive article is one of the most important factors in ranking in search engines
  2. Pay attention to keywords (the main targeted keyword) and the number of times the main keyword appears in the article. 
  3. The number of words in the article must be greater than the number of words in competing articles.
  4. Focus on writing subheadings and make sure they are not repeated in the search results. 
  5. To Rank on Google, you must format your article professionally and uniquely. 
  6. Use synonyms in a healthy way that ensures ranking in search engines. 
  7. Avoid keyword stuffing as it negatively affects search results and is considered spam. 
  8. Use internal and external links to connect articles to Rank on Google. 
  9. Write in your distinctive style and avoid spelling mistakes, as this helps in search engine ranking. 
  10. The introduction and conclusion are the most important parts of the article, and use bullet points, quotes, and numbering to rank in Google search results.

SEO For Beginners: Improve Google Search Results Rankings

How to Rank on Google Search Results Simply

Ranking on search engines, in general, is a culmination of your personal experiences in blogging and learning from the mistakes you have encountered in appearing for your article or blog in search results. You benefit daily and learn the secrets of ranking search engines and how to rank in results every time you write a new topic on your website or blog.

If you review your competitor's article and see how this competitor ranks in Google search results, you will learn a lot about the secrets of search engine ranking for Google or other global search engines and benefit from real visitors. Analyzing your competitor's articles is a way to rank on Google search results. 

This analysis makes you a blogger who easily ranks in any article you write. Avoid working randomly with a search engine; Google will return search results on pages far from the first page, and you certainly need to be on the first page of search engines.

Therefore, we understand very well that ranking search results are the result of your intelligence and thinking in developing your site, as well as coming from clean SEO and working on analyzing Google search results for your competitors, learning from mistakes, and avoiding them.

Pay close attention to the points mentioned above, especially the title at the top, in order to rank in Google search results.

Best Ways to Rank in Google Search Results in 2023

To ensure that your articles are ranked on Google, we have found the most important Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques that have proven to be effective and powerful, which will make you stand out from others. Therefore, CoursNews for Information Technology presents them to you. Let's begin.

1- Your article titles must be readable and short

According to many SEO specialists, short URL titles have a higher chance of ranking higher than relatively longer URL titles. Search engines also prefer short URL titles. Therefore, whenever you publish a new page, make sure you choose a short and readable title. This will improve your search engine optimization.

2- Place the target keyword in the URL title

For example, if your website address is, and you are creating a page about SEO where the main keyword is "achieving higher ranking," the link should be as follows: Therefore, your URL title should have a greater chance of appearing in Google search results.

3- Use LSI Synonyms

When you type a particular keyword into a Google search, you see a list of suggestions. Google's search engine heavily relies on high-quality, relevant content. Including LSI synonyms in your content, such as side headings or paragraphs, ensures that your website appears in many search phrases, resulting in a higher ranking.

4- Publish long and easy-to-use content for visitors

The longer the content, the more primary keywords in LSI that your article can include. As we know, Google determines search positions based on LSI synonyms. Therefore, the more LSI keywords you have, the higher the ranking in the search engine.

5- You should improve your click-through rate for your article's title

There is something of great importance in the ranking of your website, which is the click-through rate to the appearance of the page title in Google search. To improve this rate, make your article title attractive and eye-catching, use odd numbers, question marks, and also power words.

6- I use the term "backlink" to mean external links

In simpler terms, they are called external links because they send visitors outside your site to another person's website. But why are they important? According to a study, sites that have external links rank higher than sites that only include internal links. This shows us that Google considers external links a key factor in search results. One thing to remember when linking to other sites is to always link to relevant sites with high authority, as their authority may affect your site.

7- Use internal linking between pages on your site

Internal linking allows visitors to navigate easily within your website. It also helps in setting up the hierarchical sequence of information on your site and articles. It also helps to pass the ranking power within the site from strong pages to weaker ones.

8- Pay attention to the speed of your website

Today, website speed is a key factor in ranking, where many sites have lost their ranking because their speed is too slow. Use website acceleration plugins that compress css, js, and other codes. Also, reduce the number of AdSense ads or replace them on your pages. Watch videos from the "As-Sabbagh" IT channel to speed up your websites and blogs. This is one of the basics of ranking in Google search results in 2023.

9- Include images, videos, and presentations in your articles

To provide the best possible user experience (UX), you should add multimedia to your content to make it attractive and interactive for visitors. Using multimedia such as videos, maps, charts, and images will keep users on your page for a long time, which will support your site's ranking on the web. This increases your chances of ranking high in Google search results.

FAQs from most website owners with short answers:

How can I rank my keywords on Google search engine in 2023

  • Improve (search engine optimization of the website), focus on SEO on your website.
  • Add targeted keywords to your articles. 
  • Monitor your website constantly to ensure that it is ranking in search results. 
  • Ensure that your content matches the search term. 
  • Reduce the bounce rate on your site. 
  • Look for synonyms of your targeted keywords. 
  • Publish high-quality content as we know that content is king and it is the basis for ranking in search results. 
  • Create powerful backlinks to your site to remain at the top. Track your results and monitor them in Google Search Console.

How can I improve my website through targeted keywords?

  • Make sure your main keyword is in the beginning of your article title. 
  • Make sure your articles are at least 1000 words to increase your chances of ranking. 
  • Add your targeted keyword 3-5 times in your articles.

Does updating articles help improve search engines?

Of course, you should continuously update your content to keep it at the top of search results. Monitor your website on Google Search Console to ensure that you are always ranking. If you update your content with up-to-date, reliable, and valuable information for visitors, you will have a better chance of appearing on the first pages of search engines and always ranking.

The main keywords used in the article for you to learn from as an example are: "ranking search results," "ranking in search engines," and "Google search results."

All bloggers must give up copying others' content for the sake of speed in writing their articles, as this makes your site completely away from ranking in the first results of search engines, whether in Google, Bing, Yahoo, or many others.

Google Search Results

There are many strategies that can help bloggers to rank higher in Google search results, but the most important thing is to focus on creating unique content that will help you appear on the first pages of Google.

All bloggers should avoid copying content from others in order to write their articles quickly. This makes your website completely out of the running to rank in the top results of search engines, whether it's Google, Bing, Yahoo, or many others.

Google search results are important for all content creators, and ranking first in them requires effort that is not easy, especially in articles that face a lot of competition in search results in order to benefit from targeted visitors from Google.

How to Rank in Search Results? 

The process of ranking in search results is somewhat complex, but for professionals, it is very easy because it is mainly based on being familiar with all aspects of Google's requirements for ranking, which includes having excellent content that is exclusive to you and being meticulous about your site's SEO settings while using attractive headlines and exclusive thumbnail images. In short, writing high-quality content that is compatible with SEO requires a blogger to be familiar with all its details.

Therefore, when we answer the question "How to rank in search results?", the answer is good content and good knowledge of the ranking factors, which starts your success in blogging, in short, write long content without spelling errors, with important keywords related to the same article. Avoid paraphrasing or duplicate content and rely on yourself, writing, and good knowledge of the basic publishing methods. Once you provide high-quality content, you will always rank in search results.

How to Rank in YouTube Search Results?

The results of search ranking on YouTube are the same technology we use in articles. This means that if we give the description and keywords full attention, the video will rank high on YouTube. However, not only the description and keywords but also the internal content of the video itself, which makes the audience stay longer, provides statistics to YouTube robots that this video is popular with the public and has achieved the ranking. In this way, it ranks in the YouTube search engine.

Google itself manages the YouTube platform, so you find the same technology in ranking search results on YouTube as used in websites. Therefore, the focus on the description, keywords, and video content because it is valuable visual content of high quality is one of the most important things. In ranking search results on YouTube, important videos that benefit the viewer and provide useful information are presented. In this case, you renew a large popular base that watches your videos, and from them, you rank in YouTube search results.

How can you make your website the first search result on Google? 

I want to make my website the first search result on Google, a question that is often asked. The answer is simply to adjust the SEO settings of your website and provide good exclusive content that is not copied or rewritten, and follow many channels that provide important information on ranking search results on Google for your website. One of them is the CoursNews website Information, which offers all the tips and secrets that make your website the first search result on Google.

Honestly, when you ask how to make your website the first search result on Google, you will find the answer in the content. As we mentioned before, content is the king through which you rank in Google search results and through which you also make profits from your blog or website. Therefore, I advise you, dear reader, to consider your website as your own project. Invest your time in writing and continuous blogging and persist in providing high-value exclusive content. Without it, you will not rank in Google.

What is The Most Common Goal of SEO Ranking in Search Results?

The primary goal of every website owner is to improve the performance of their website. Ranking in search results is a means of reaching targeted visitors and providing them with useful information. Afterwards, the objective is to generate profits by attracting a large number of new users to the site. This is achieved by utilizing basic methods and techniques that improve the search engine optimization (SEO) of your website or blog, attracting visitors to your content for the purpose of providing a service or earning money through Google AdSense.

When your primary goal is to rank in Google search results, you will encounter numerous obstacles, the first of which is intense competition among websites. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the infrastructure of your website. SEO is not an easy word, but you must learn and understand all the basic requirements for ranking in Google. It takes time and effort, but in the end, it builds the foundation of your profits from your website or blog.

My Personal Experience with Ranking in Google Search Results 

That it requires effort and hard work to understand the basics of ranking, including good content that adds value to the visitor. Therefore, when you read this article, you will find that one of the basics and factors of ranking in search results is high-quality exclusive content that adds value to visitors. In your content industry, you must take into account the factors of ranking, including the quality of your content.

It is essential to avoid copying or rewriting content, so we always remind you not to be lazy in writing exclusive, high-quality content. Your content quality is what will lead you to rank in search results, attract a large audience to view your website and articles, and ultimately earn profits from Google AdSense advertising. I would like to clarify that in the CoursNews for Information website or, I work hard to convey these ideas to everyone.

SEO For Beginners: Improve Google Search Results Rankings

Ranking high in search results is considered both easy and difficult

Considered a difficult but achievable task. When I adopted this idea as a fundamental thinking in my website, I started to rank and grab difficult keywords and began to appear in the first search results on Google, which was challenging at first but now I dominate in most of the articles that I want to rank in, thanks to good content. Ranking in search results is considered a difficult but achievable task. This means that when you learn it at the beginning, it may be difficult for you, but after writing the content and knowing the easy ways to rank, it becomes easy. So, erase anyone who works in the blogging field.

Commit to Google's standards in ranking search results and commit to SEO standards in writing your own articles. Blogging is a noble profession that suits you as a writer, editor, or content creator, and being on the first page in ranking search results is a sign of your success in providing good content. The meaning of good content is content that is created from your personal creativity. Always strive for creativity and excellence in blogging and make it your goal to succeed in it.

Present your unique content

The summary of my experience in blogging is that I have moved away from rephrasing and copying. I only presented unique content that interests the audience and benefits them. This way, I provided value to my website and my channel visitors, and the viewer benefited from it. This is what is called high-quality content that is useful for the website owner or for the visitor himself. When I relied on presenting high-value and useful content to visitors, I was able to rank in Google, see constant visits to my website, and earn profits from Google Adsense. The only secret is to excel and provide information and benefits to the visitor. Then, you have completed your work in the best possible way and succeeded in the field of blogging. I thank everyone who read the article and wish everyone well and success.

✔️Thank you all and we wish everyone well and success

At the end of the article, I thank the followers of CoursNews website for information technology. I hope that you liked the article and benefited from it. Thank you all and I wish everyone success. Please leave your feedback on the article in the comments section.

This post first appeared on ONLINE COURSE - Learn Today... Lead Tomorrow, please read the originial post: here

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SEO For Beginners: Improve Google Search Results Rankings


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