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Famous Inventors Born In July!
Explore the famous inventors born in July with IDiyas. From Nikola Tesla, who is known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electri… Read More
June 4, 2024, Weekly Patents Insights
Welcome to the 4th of June 2024: A glimpse at what’s new in weekly patents insights on recent patent grants that have been issued across various industries. New weekly (June 4, 202… Read More
Famous Inventors Born In June!
Explore the famous inventors born in June with IDiyas. From Tim Berners-Lee, a computer pioneer who led the development of the World Wide Web, HTML, HTTP and URLs, to Alan Turing, the fathe… Read More
May 28, 2024, Weekly Patents Insights
Welcome to the 28th of May 2024: A glimpse at what’s new in weekly patents insights on recent patent grants that have been issued across various industries. New weekly (May 28, 202… Read More
May 21, 2024, Weekly Patents Insights
Welcome to the 21st of May 2024: A glimpse at what’s new in weekly patents insights on recent patent grants that have been issued across various industries. New weekly (May 21, 202… Read More
May 7, 2024, Weekly Patents Insights
Welcome to the 7th of May 2024: A glimpse at what’s new in weekly patents insights on recent patent grants that have been issued across various industries. New weekly (May 7, 2… Read More
Famous Inventors Born In May!
Explore the famous inventors born in May with IDiyas. From Elijah McCoy who improved steam engine technology, to Edward Jenner who created the smallpox vaccine, the world’s first… Read More
Famous Inventors Born In April!
Explore the famous inventors born in April with IDiyas. From Leonardo da Vinci who was the original “Renaissance Man”, to Wallace Hume Carothers who was credited with the inven… Read More
Famous Inventors Born In March!
Explore the famous inventors born in March with IDiyas. From Albert Einstein who is best known for his general theory of relativity, to Wilhelm Röntgen, who discovered X-rays. March ha… Read More
Famous Inventors Born In February!
Explore the famous inventors born in February with IDiyas. From Galileo Galilei who was the key figure at the beginning of the scientific revolution, to Steve Jobs, who was co-founder of&nb… Read More
Famous Inventors Born In January!
Explore the famous inventors born in January with IDiyas. From Douglas Engelbart who invented the computer mouse, to Stephen Hawking, who first revealed black holes and baby unive… Read More
Famous Inventors Born In December!
Explore the famous inventors born in December with IDiyas. From Charles Edgar Duryea, who built the first auto in the United States, to Asa Griggs Candler Sr., who founded Coca-Cola, Decemb… Read More
Let’s explore the concept of ranking the top 100 inventors of each country based on factors like average patents, average citations per patent, average pH-index, and co-author average… Read More
Famous Inventors Born In November!
Explore the famous inventors born in November with IDiyas. From Marie Curie, who discovered radium, to the Fourth Earl of Sandwich, who invented the sandwich, November has witnessed the bir… Read More

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IDiyas Blog on prolific inventors and their inventions and patents
