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Features to Consider for Your Small Business Website Development Project

Small business owners have a lot on their plates. They must focus on what they do best and outsource the rest to ensure success. This includes website design and development for their growing business. 

Hiring an in-house website development team can be costly, so many small business owners turn to a website design company. If you are a small business owner looking for a website design firm, there are several factors you should consider: 

1. Backend Services (CMS “Content Management System”) 

Backend services are the heart of your website development project. A content management system (CMS) is a backend service that helps you create and manage your website’s content. Small businesses often use CMSs because they are easy to use and require no programming skills. 

However, before choosing a CMS for your small business website development project, you should consider what features you need. Once you know what features you need, research different CMSs to find the one that best suits your needs. Be sure to read reviews and compare prices before making your final decision. 

2. User Interface 

When you are ready to invest in website design services for your small business, the user interface is one of the essential features to consider. 

A good user interface will help website visitors find the information they need quickly and easily. This can lead to a better user experience, which translates into more sales and customers for your business. 

Keep in mind that website navigation should be simple and intuitive. Avoid using complicated menus or drop-down lists that can be confusing for website visitors. Instead, focus on creating a website that is easy to navigate and provides a smooth user experience. 

When you invest in website design services that consider user interface, you can help ensure that your small business website is successful. 

3. Cross Platform Strategy 

When developing a small business website, it’s essential to consider a cross-platform strategy. This means that your site should be accessible and functional on both desktop computers and mobile devices. 

With more people than ever using smartphones and tablets to surf the web, it’s essential to have a site that can be viewed on all devices. A cross-platform strategy can help you reach more potential customers and generate more leads. In addition, it can also help you save money on website development costs. 

4. Clean Design 

When you’re ready to take your website development project to the next level, you must consider all your options for website design firms. While many small business website development services are available, not all of them will have the experience and expertise needed to create a clean and modern website design that accurately reflects your brand. 

A website is often the first interaction potential customers have with your company, so it’s essential to ensure that it sends the right message. A clean and well-designed website will give visitors the impression that your company is professional, trustworthy, and forward-thinking—precisely the qualities you want potential customers to associate with your brand. 

5. Data Visualization 

When planning the development of your small business website, ensure to include data visualization as a key feature. Data visualization refers to the graphical representation of data and information. This can be in the form of charts, graphs, maps, or other visuals. 

Including data visualization on your website can help you communicate complex information quickly and effectively. It can also help you to identify trends and patterns that would be difficult to discern from textual data alone. In today’s competitive business environment, an investment in data visualization can give your small business the edge it needs to succeed. 

6. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 

CRM, or customer relationship management, is a system that helps businesses manage customer data and interactions. 

By integrating CRM into your website, you can give your customers a seamless experience by allowing them to log in with their CRM credentials, view their customer data, and interact with your customer service team from your website. 

In addition, CRM integration can help you track website activity and leads and capture customer information for marketing and sales follow-up. 

7. Chatbot / Chat Button

Chatbots can provide an instant, personal connection with potential customers that will help you build trust and establish your brand. In addition, chatbots can help you qualify leads, schedule appointments, and even take orders or make recommendations. 

Best of all, chatbots are available 24/7, so your customers can always get the information they need. Regarding website development, a chatbot should definitely be on your list of features to consider. 

8. Email

Email is still one of the most popular communication methods for consumers and businesses. That means there’s a good chance that your customers will want to be able to reach you via email. 

An email is also an important tool for building relationships with your customers. You can use it to send updates, coupons, special offers, and more. And, unlike some social media platforms, you own your email list – meaning you’re not at risk of losing access to your customers if a platform changes its rules or goes out of business. 

9. Subscription 

Building a subscription feature into your small business website can be a great way to generate revenue and ensure that your site remains accessible to users. There are a few things to consider when deciding whether or not to add a subscription feature to your site. 

  • You’ll need to determine what content or service you will offer through the subscription. 
  • You’ll need to consider how you will manage subscribers and payments. 
  • You’ll need to decide how to promote the subscription feature to potential subscribers. 

10. Request a Meeting / Calendly Integration

The “Request a Meeting” button can be prominently displayed on your homepage and allows visitors to schedule a meeting with you easily. This is especially useful for businesses that offer consultations or appointments. This allows potential customers to easily schedule a meeting with you without having to go through the hassle of emailing back and forth or trying to coordinate availability over the phone. 

Having a request a meeting form on your website can save you valuable time and make it easier for potential customers to do business with you. If you’re considering adding this feature to your website, talk to your web development team about the best way to implement it. 

11. Integration with Social Media 

If you’re planning to develop a small business website, integration with social media is an important feature to consider. Integrating your website with social media lets you connect with customers and prospects where they’re already spending their time and attention.  

You can also use social media to build brand awareness and generate leads for your business. In addition, social media integration can help improve your search engine optimization (SEO) results. 

12. Functionality 

If you are considering website design services for your small business, functionality is one crucial feature to keep in mind. A website that is easy to navigate and use will help visitors find the information they need. It will also encourage them to stay on your site longer. 

In addition, a website that is designed with your customers in mind will help you to build trust and credibility with them. When choosing a small business web application development company, ask about their experience designing functional websites for small businesses. 

13. Mobile Friendly & Responsive

Mobile sites are designed specifically for use on mobile devices, and they typically have a simplified design and functionality. On the other hand, responsive sites are designed to adapt to any screen size, providing an optimal user experience no matter how your customers access your site. 

So which is suitable for your small business website? There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but there are some things to consider. Consult with your website development company before proceeding ahead. 

14. Effective Security 

Security should be one of your top priorities when developing a website for your small business. Data breaches are becoming increasingly common in today’s online environment, and hackers often target small businesses. If your website is not secured correctly, you could put your customers’ personal information at risk. 

Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to ensure that your website is secure: 

  1. Choose a reliable web hosting provider that offers secure hosting options. 
  1. Install a security plugin like Wordfence or Sucuri to help protect your site from potential threats. 
  1. Consider investing in an SSL certificate to add an extra layer of security for your users. 

Taking these precautions can help keep your small business website safe from hacker, and other types of website threat on internet. 

Conclusion: The features and functionality you choose for your website will depend on the specific needs of your small business. By planning out what you need, you can create a website that helps you achieve your goals and grow your company. Have you started planning your website development project yet? If not, contact us today, and we’d be happy to help! 

Cocolevio’s expert team can offer you a consultation and integrate all these features into your small business website development project. Connect with our experts today. at [email protected] | 512-222-5730

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Features to Consider for Your Small Business Website Development Project


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