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Remote Patient Monitoring & Telehealth Services Evolving with New AI Technologies


Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used in healthcare. One of the popular healthcare applications, remote patient monitoring (RPM), helps clinicians keep track of patients with acute or chronic illnesses in far-flung locales, elderly individuals receiving in- home care, and even hospitalized patients. The analysis of medical imagery and the correlation of symptoms and biomarkers from clinical data using artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms have been used to define an illness and predict its outcome.

Instances of AI application in Telemedicine

Artificial intelligence (AI) is already widely employed in healthcare settings and interactions involving health since so many computer technologies and digital platforms used by physicians and patients already have AI capabilities built in. In order to analyze patient data and warn of crises, it is employed in ICU command centers. Patients are monitored by AI-powered gadgets both inside and outside of hospitals. AI helps with patient triage, diagnosis, and treatment planning even in the clinical setting.

Remote patient observation. AI examines a patient’s vital signs and notifies the appropriate parties if any readings are abnormal. AI frequently examines data from heart monitors, blood pressure cuffs, and other medical devices to look for irregularities.

Medical image analysis and patient diagnosis. AI assists physicians in making the most precise diagnosis and correctly interpreting the results of medical imaging by using both individual patient data and bigger sets of historical data.

Plans for treatments. Based on the examination of a patient’s specific profile, AI can tailor the best course of medical intervention.

Patient participation. Chatbots and other AI-driven technology make it easier to provide information, schedule appointments, and manage intake for clinical visits.

Controlling long-term illnesses. AI can assist with patient monitoring, feedback, and alerting to early illness development warning indications.

AI’s contributions to telemedicine

According to reports, healthcare professionals are in favor of using AI. According to a 2019 study by MIT Technology Review Insights and GE Healthcare, 75% of medical staff members who utilize AI say it has made disease prognoses more accurate. Additionally, 79% of medical workers indicated AI has prevented healthcare worker burnout while 78% reported workflow benefits. The majority of respondents also stated that AI frees them up to focus on medical operations rather than administrative work and other similar activities.

Reallocate time from administrative work to health care. Time spent on administrative duties can be diverted from providing direct patient care. These jobs can be completed by AI instead.

Quicken the course of therapy. AI provides insights based on data by rapidly gathering, combining, and analyzing data from various sources. Using this information, clinicians may decide on the best course of action for their patients with accuracy and speed.

Increase the accessibility of healthcare. AI-powered medical technology, such as remote patient monitoring tools, enables doctors to treat patients in rural areas with few or no medical facilities as well as in their homes.

Create more individualized treatment schedules. To identify the best course of treatment, algorithms examine both past data and the unique medical information of each patient.

Handle illnesses and chronic problems. AI is able to generate individualized treatment plans and keep track of patients as they adhere to their regimens.

These advantages have a favorable cumulative effect on healthcare.

“With more precise diagnosis, more efficient treatment plans, and quicker delivery of those services, AI can improve overall patient experience and patient outcomes,” stated Amar Gupta, a research scientist at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab.

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The post Remote Patient Monitoring & Telehealth Services Evolving with New AI Technologies first appeared on Data Labeling Services | Data Annotations | AI and ML.

This post first appeared on 3D Point Cloud Annotation, please read the originial post: here

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Remote Patient Monitoring & Telehealth Services Evolving with New AI Technologies
