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How to Hack Google Dino Game in 2022 ||

How to Hack Google Dino Game

Google Dinosaur Game Hack – If you looking to Hack Google Dinosaur Game then this is the right place to find out how to hack the google dino game here you get the Google Dino game hack code.

If you open the Google Chore browser on your computer or mobile but you are not connected to the internet then you see a dinosaur with no internet connection, did you know that you can play with this dinosaur.

So read this article completely, In this article, I will tell you How you can make the unlimited scores in Google Dinosaur Game.

So let’s get started !!

How to Play the Hidden Google Chrome Dinosaur Game

How to Hack the Google Chrome Dinosaur Game

If you want to play this game on Google Chrome then you have to disconnect the internet from your computer, then you can easily enjoy this game. So just follow the steps.

  • First of all, disconnect the internet from your computer.
  • Then Open Google Chrome Browser.
  • And Search Google and hit Enter.
  • Then you will see the screen like the image given above.
  • Now press any key on your keyboard and it will start.
  • Or you can also click here to play this game.

In this way you can easily enjoy playing Google Dinosaur Game, in this, you just have to save the dinosaurs from Birds by jumping and saving from trees by downing, and by doing this your score will also increase.

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How to Hack the Google Chrome Dinosaur Game

If you have already played this game but now you want to hack this game so that you can score automatically increase or you want to keep the dinosaurs running and the game is not over, then follow the Steps for google dinosaurs game hack.

  • First of all, Open the Google Chrome browser.
  • open Google Dino Game or click here.
  • Play the game once and see if you do nothing then the game is over.
  • So now, right-click anywhere and click on inspect.
  • Then open by clicking the Console option.
  • And Type a Hack code – Runner.instance_.gameOver = () => {} and Enter
  • Now you can start your game and see your game has been hacked.

Now if you start the game, you will see that the dinosaur is moving and the tree or Birds are not affected by it, because the dinosaur is bypassing them.

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How to Hack Google Dino Game for Auto Jump and Down

How to Hack Google Dino Game for Auto Jump and Down

By the code above, the dinosaur tree and birds were moving bypassed, but if you want the play dinosaur game to jump and down automatically. then follow the Steps.

  • First of all, Open the Google Chrome browser.
  • open Google Dino Game or click here.
  • Play the game once and see if you do nothing then the game is over.
  • So now, right-click anywhere and click on inspect.
  • Then open by clicking the Console option.
  • Then Copy this code

function keyDown(e){Podium={};var n=document.createEvent("KeyboardEvent");Object.defineProperty(n,"keyCode",{get:function(){return this.keyCodeVal}}),n.initKeyboardEvent?n.initKeyboardEvent("keydown",!0,!0,document.defaultView,e,e,"","",!1,""):n.initKeyEvent("keydown",!0,!0,document.defaultView,!1,!1,!1,!1,e,0),n.keyCodeVal=e,document.body.dispatchEvent(n)}function keyUp(e){Podium={};var n=document.createEvent("KeyboardEvent");Object.defineProperty(n,"keyCode",{get:function(){return this.keyCodeVal}}),n.initKeyboardEvent?n.initKeyboardEvent("keyup",!0,!0,document.defaultView,e,e,"","",!1,""):n.initKeyEvent("keyup",!0,!0,document.defaultView,!1,!1,!1,!1,e,0),n.keyCodeVal=e,document.body.dispatchEvent(n)}setInterval(function(){Runner.instance_.horizon.obstacles.length>0&&(Runner.instance_.horizon.obstacles[0].xPos75&&(keyUp(40),keyDown(38)),Runner.instance_.horizon.obstacles[0].xPos

  • And paste the code into the Console
  • Now start the game and watch, the dinosaur will automatically jump and down.

In this way, you can easily hack the Google Dinosaur game with the help of code, the dinosaur will automatically get up when the tree arrives and get down when the birds arrive, you will not have to do anything.

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If you have liked this article and liked it, then you can share it with friends and family so that they do not ever get such a problem.

If you have any problem with any part of this article, or you want any more information related to the computer, then tell me in the comment box, I will surely reply to you.

Thank You !!

This post first appeared on Windows 93 Run On Your Android Device Without Installation., please read the originial post: here

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How to Hack Google Dino Game in 2022 ||
