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Musclewiki Like App Development – Cost, Features , and Process

Musclewiki Like App Development – Cost, Features , And Process

The development of fitness apps plays a vital role in digital health and wellness today. These apps seamlessly integrate into people’s daily routines, becoming an integral part of their lives. Among these apps, MuscleWiki distinguishes itself by simplifying fitness through its user-friendly workout guides and dietary plans. If you want to develop a fitness app like MuscleWiki, you’ve come to the right place. This article serves as a quick guide to help you understand the fundamental aspects of fitness app development. We will explore the essential features your app should encompass, keep you informed about current market trends, and provide strategies to help your app excel in the competitive fitness app arena. This guide is a valuable resource to assist you in building a successful fitness app. So, let’s begin this journey and start building your fitness app!

  1. MuscleWiki - A Fitness App 
  2. Fitness App Market Stats
  3. Why Fitness Businesses Must Invest In A Dedicated Fitness App?
  4. 11 Must-have Features For Your MuscleWiki - like Fitness App
  5. How To Develop An App Like MuscleWiki?
  6. Cost-Affecting Factors for Developing a MuscleWiki-Like Fitness App
  7. Tech Stack Required To Develop An App Like MuscleWiki
  8. Trending Technology To Include In A Fitness App  
  9. Top 10 Alternatives To MuscleWiki In 2023
  10. Conclusion
  11. How Can Idea Usher Help?
  12. FAQ

MuscleWiki – A Fitness App 


The MuscleWiki app is a dynamic and indispensable tool for fitness enthusiasts, offering a wealth of information and resources dedicated to bodybuilding, strength training, nutrition, and overall fitness. This comprehensive fitness platform empowers users to embark on a journey to enhance their physical well-being and amplify their strength training routines. 

Here’s an in-depth look at the diverse features that define the MuscleWiki app, setting it apart as a game-changer in the world of fitness.

How Does MuscleWiki App Work?

here are some steps –

1. Exploring the Exercise Library

At the core of MuscleWiki lies a colossal exercise library boasting over 500 exercises. What truly sets this app apart is its commitment to providing thorough guidance. Users can access step-by-step instructions, rich illustrations, and informative videos for each exercise. The interface is user-friendly, featuring a simple and intuitive body map that allows users to pinpoint exercises tailored to specific muscle groups with utmost precision.

2. Step-by-Step Guide

Choose a Muscle Group: Upon opening the app, you’ll be greeted by an interactive 3D representation of the human body. Here, you can handpick the exact muscle group you intend to work on.

Select an Exercise: After selecting your target muscle group, MuscleWiki presents a curated list of exercises designed to target that specific muscle. Each exercise is complemented with in-depth instructions and illustrative videos.

Follow the Instructions: With your chosen exercise in view, you can seamlessly follow the instructions or watch the accompanying video to ensure you’re performing the exercise correctly.

3. Tracking Your Progress

A standout feature of MuscleWiki is its robust tracking capabilities. Users can monitor their fitness journey by keeping tabs on sets, repetitions, weights, and other essential metrics. It’s the ideal tool for witnessing your progress unfold over time.

4. Customized Workouts

In a bid to cater to individual fitness needs, the app allows users to craft their personalized workout plans. Whether you’re working on specific muscle groups or pursuing defined fitness objectives, MuscleWiki provides a platform for creating, tracking, and adjusting your workouts to your liking.

5. Social Connectivity

Fitness is often more than just a solo journey, and MuscleWiki recognizes this. The app incorporates social features that facilitate connections with fellow fitness enthusiasts, professional trainers, or healthcare experts. You can seek advice, share your progress, and build a supportive fitness community right from the app.

Special Features of MuscleWiki App

  1. Muscle Analysis: The 3D representation of the human body is an interactive marvel, enabling users to explore the intricacies of various muscles.
  2. Exercise Study: Exercises are thoughtfully categorized by muscle type, equipment, and difficulty level. Detailed step-by-step instructions, illustrations, and videos accompany each exercise.
  3. Workout Routines: The app offers pre-planned exercise routines that focus on specific muscle groups or fitness goals. Moreover, you have the freedom to craft your own workout plans.
  4. Nutritional Insights: To complement your training efforts, MuscleWiki provides valuable information about food, supplements, and nutrition for optimal fitness results.
  5. Customization: Tailor your app experience to your fitness level, goals, and preferences.
  6. Progress Monitoring: Track your fitness journey over time with sets, repetitions, weights, and other essential metrics.

As MuscleWiki stands as a valuable fitness resource, it’s essential to acknowledge certain challenges it faces. Users have raised concerns about videos and images failing to load, even on stable connections. Moreover, the mobile version lacks some features available on the web app, such as stretches, and there have been occasional issues with monthly subscription activation.

These challenges present a golden opportunity for you to create an app like MuscleWiki that not only addresses these issues but also stands out as a superior and more seamless fitness resource.

Fitness App Market Stats

The global fitness app market, with a valuation of USD 1.3 billion in 2022, is on the brink of an exciting journey, projecting a compelling compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.6% from 2023 all the way to 2030.

Furthermore, the worldwide fitness app market achieved a valuation of USD 900 million in 2021 and is set to skyrocket from USD 1.5 billion in 2022 to a staggering USD 4.7 billion by 2030, showcasing an impressive CAGR of 17.7% over the forecast period, spanning from 2023 to 2030.

According to insights from Statista, the Fitness Apps market is on a trajectory to reach a revenue milestone of US$5.00 billion in 2023. This growth is expected to maintain an annual ascent at a rate of 14.96% (CAGR 2023-2028), potentially resulting in a substantial market volume of US$10.04 billion by 2028. User penetration is also anticipated to witness a significant increase, rising from 10,848,712.93% in 2023 to a projected 13,080,603.45% by 2028.

Why Fitness Businesses Must Invest In A Dedicated Fitness App?

The development of a fitness app presents a compelling opportunity for enterprises. Let’s delve into the key reasons why this investment can be a game-changer:

1. Explosive Market Growth

The fitness app market is on a rapid upward trend, with a projected value of $14 billion by 2026. This signifies a booming market with substantial growth potential.

2. Increased User Engagement

Almost everyone owns a smartphone, and more individuals are prioritizing their health and fitness. Fitness apps have become an integral part of daily life, providing a significant user base.

3. Revenue Generation Opportunities

Fitness apps offer diverse avenues for profit. They can generate income through subscription models, in-app purchases, and strategic partnerships with fitness brands.

4. Comprehensive Health Monitoring

These apps go beyond basic fitness tracking. They encompass a wide range of health metrics, including heart rate, calories, hydration, sleep quality, and more, enhancing user engagement and retention.

5. Long-Term Value

Investing in a fitness app is not just about short-term gains; it’s about assisting users in achieving a variety of health goals and fostering long-term brand loyalty and trust.

6. Online Fitness Transformation

The fitness industry is shifting to the digital realm, with more people opting for home workouts. Businesses that embrace this transition position themselves for sustained success.

7. Global Market Reach

Mobile app development transcends geographical boundaries, enabling businesses to tap into a global audience. This promotes market expansion and opens up international growth opportunities.

8. Enhanced Customer Loyalty

Developing a fitness app can help build a loyal customer base. Offering exclusive in-app content keeps customers returning, strengthening brand loyalty and boosting revenue.

9. Boosted Credibility

Having a dedicated mobile app enhances your business’s credibility. It showcases your commitment to providing value and convenience to customers.

10. Community Building

Fitness apps are not just about tracking; they are platforms for fostering fitness-focused communities. This strengthens your brand image, improves customer retention, and increases customer lifetime value.

11 Must-have Features For Your MuscleWiki – like Fitness App

Here’s a list of essential features for a fitness app similar to MuscleWiki:

1. Extensive Exercise Database

A robust collection of exercises meticulously categorized by muscle group, available equipment, and varying levels of difficulty. This includes comprehensive multimedia guides encompassing over 600 exercises, including images and detailed instructions.

2. Muscle Atlas

A user-friendly, interactive muscle map that serves as a visual guide, helping users locate and learn about specific muscle groups. This invaluable tool simplifies workout planning for users at different fitness levels: beginners, intermediates, and advanced enthusiasts.

3. Health & Fitness Toolkit

Empower users on their health journey with a suite of fitness tools, such as a calorie counter, macronutrient calculator, and a one-repetition maximum estimator. These tools provide actionable insights to optimize workout and nutrition plans.

4. Tailored Workout Blueprints

Pre-designed workout routines targeting specific muscle groups or tailored to achieve distinct fitness goals. These blueprints offer variety and effectiveness for users aiming to build muscle, lose weight, or enhance endurance.

5. 3D Anatomy Explorer

An immersive 3D human anatomy model for users to explore and comprehend the intricacies of muscle physiology. This engaging educational tool aids users in understanding how exercises impact muscle development and function.

6. Personalized Workout Builder and Progress Tracker

A comprehensive library of pre-set workouts, coupled with a dynamic custom workout builder and an integrated fitness tracker. Users can seamlessly create, modify, and track their workout routines to achieve their fitness ambitions.

7. Community Interaction and Feedback System

A social platform within the app where users can connect with fellow fitness enthusiasts, certified trainers, and healthcare professionals. This feature allows for real-time advice, progress sharing, and peer support, fostering a vibrant fitness community.

8. Nutrition Hub

Access to a wealth of nutritional resources, including dietary plans, supplement recommendations, and detailed nutritional information. This assists users in optimizing their nutrition to complement their workout routines.

9. Personalization Engine

The ability to fine-tune the app experience to match each user’s fitness level, goals, and preferences. A tailored experience ensures that the app evolves with the user, providing an engaging and personalized fitness journey.

10. Progress Tracking Tools

In-depth progress monitoring with data tracking options for sets, repetitions, weights, and various performance metrics. Users can analyze their progress over time, allowing for data-driven adjustments and goal-setting.

11. Messaging and Notification Center

Stay motivated and informed with personalized notifications for new workout plans, fitness challenges, and friendly reminders to keep users on track with their fitness regimens.

How To Develop An App Like MuscleWiki?

Creating a fitness app similar to MuscleWiki is a complex process that demands careful planning and attention to detail. Here are the comprehensive steps you can follow to develop a fitness app with features akin to MuscleWiki:

1. Define Your App’s Purpose and Target Audience

Begin by clearly stating the core purpose of your fitness app. Determine if it will specialize in strength training, bodybuilding, nutrition, or offer a comprehensive combination of these aspects. Simultaneously, understand your target audience, such as catering to beginners, intermediate or advanced users, and discerning fitness enthusiasts.

2. Market Research

Conduct extensive market research to gain insights into the existing competition within the fitness app landscape. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of current fitness apps and obtain valuable information from user reviews and feedback, particularly on apps like MuscleWiki. This analysis will provide you with a deeper understanding of user expectations and industry trends.

3. Concept and Design

Craft a clear and user-friendly design for your app, focusing on an intuitive and visually appealing user interface. Consider how users will navigate through various features, including the exercise library, workout tracking, and social connectivity elements. In line with MuscleWiki, contemplate the creation of a 3D body map for enhanced muscle visualization, enhancing the overall user experience.

4. Exercise Library and Content

Develop a comprehensive exercise library that serves as the backbone of your app’s content. Collaborate with fitness experts and professionals to ensure the provision of accurate and reliable information. Each exercise should be accompanied by step-by-step instructions, high-quality illustrations, and video guides, mirroring the thoroughness of MuscleWiki. Categorize exercises methodically by muscle group, equipment requirements, and difficulty levels to simplify user choices.

5. Workout Customization

Enable users to tailor their fitness experience by implementing a feature that allows the creation of customized workout plans. Users should have the flexibility to select specific muscle groups, outline fitness objectives, and choose preferred exercises.

6. Progress Tracking

Develop a robust tracking system to facilitate users in monitoring and recording their workout progress. Key metrics to track should include sets, repetitions, weights, and other relevant statistics. Create visual representations of this progress, such as charts or graphs, to offer users a clear view of their fitness journey over time.

7. Social Connectivity

Recognizing that fitness often involves a communal aspect, incorporate social features that enable users to connect with others in the fitness community. Encourage interactions where users can seek advice, share their progress, and communicate with professional trainers or experts within the app.

8. Nutritional Insights

Provide a dedicated section offering valuable insights into nutrition, supplements, and dietary recommendations to complement users’ training efforts. Consider forming partnerships with nutritionists and experts to ensure the provision of credible and practical advice.

9. Technology Stack

Select the appropriate technology stack for your app’s development. This should encompass choices in programming languages, frameworks, and database management systems while ensuring compatibility with both iOS and Android platforms.

10. Content Management

Implement a content management system (CMS) to streamline the process of updating and expanding your exercise library and nutritional content. This system should facilitate easy content additions and edits to keep the app current and informative.

11. Testing and Quality Assurance

Rigorously test the app to identify and rectify any bugs, glitches, or usability issues. A comprehensive testing phase is crucial, covering various devices and operating systems to guarantee seamless user experiences.

12. User Feedback and Iteration

Prior to the official release, launch the app to a select group of users for beta testing. Gather and analyze their feedback to identify areas of improvement. Utilize this invaluable input to make iterations, enhancing the app’s features and design.

13. Security and Privacy

Implement robust security measures to safeguard user data and privacy, adhering to data protection regulations and industry best practices.

14. Launch and Marketing

Roll out your fitness app on popular app stores such as Google Play and the App Store. Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy to promote your app, encompassing social media campaigns, collaborations with fitness influencers, and targeted advertising to ensure visibility and user adoption.

15. Continuous Updates and Support

Commit to ongoing development by continuously updating the app. Add new exercises, features, and improvements in response to evolving user needs and industry trends. Additionally, provide responsive customer support to address user inquiries and issues promptly, fostering user satisfaction and loyalty.

By diligently following these steps and paying close attention to user feedback and industry trends, you can create a successful fitness app that caters to the specific needs and preferences of your target audience, similar to the capabilities offered by MuscleWiki.

Cost-Affecting Factors for Developing a MuscleWiki-Like Fitness App

Let’s delve into the key aspects that influence the cost of creating a MuscleWiki-like fitness app:

1. App Features and Complexity:

  • The richness and complexity of features significantly impact the development cost. Features like exercise tutorials, nutrition guides, progress tracking, and social interaction enhance user engagement but also require more intricate development, thus increasing costs.

2. User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Design:

  • Intuitive and aesthetically pleasing UI/UX design is crucial for user retention. Creating a seamless and visually appealing interface demands skilled designers, which can escalate costs.

3. Content Creation and Management:

  • Developing high-quality content such as exercise videos, articles, and nutritional guides necessitates investment in professional equipment and personnel. Additionally, a robust content management system is needed to organize and update the vast amount of data, impacting development costs.

4. Integration of Advanced Technologies:

  • Integration of technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) for interactive workouts or Artificial Intelligence (AI) for personalized fitness recommendations can significantly enhance user experience but require specialized expertise, leading to higher costs.

5. Platform Compatibility:

  • Building the app for multiple platforms (iOS, Android) adds to the development effort. The choice between native, hybrid, or cross-platform development also affects costs, with native apps generally being more expensive due to separate coding for each platform.

6. Data Security and Compliance:

  • Fitness apps deal with sensitive user data. Implementing robust security measures and ensuring compliance with data protection regulations (like GDPR) are vital but can add to the development cost significantly.

7. Testing and Quality Assurance:

  • Rigorous testing for functionality, performance, and security is crucial to delivering a bug-free app. The more comprehensive the testing process, the higher the quality, but this also increases the time and cost of development.

8. Maintenance and Updates:

  • Post-launch, continuous maintenance, and regular updates are necessary to keep the app relevant and bug-free. Budgeting for ongoing support and improvements is essential for long-term success.

9. Third-Party Integrations:

  • Integrating APIs for features like payment gateways, social media, or wearable device compatibility adds convenience for users but involves additional costs, depending on the complexity of the integrations.

Tech Stack Required To Develop An App Like MuscleWiki

AspectTechnology Stack
Front-End DevelopmentReact Native (for cross-platform development)
Swift (for iOS)
Java/Kotlin (for Android)
Back-End DevelopmentNode.js (with Express.js) or Python (Django) for API development
GraphQL for efficient data retrieval
Firebase for real-time data sync and push notifications
DatabaseMongoDB or PostgreSQL for storing user data and exercise information
Redis for caching frequently accessed data
User AuthenticationFirebase Authentication or OAuth for secure user authentication
Cloud StorageAmazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage for storing media files (images and videos)
Real-time FeaturesWebSocket for real-time chat and notifications
Content ManagementContentful or Strapi for managing and updating exercise content
AnalyticsGoogle Analytics or Mixpanel for tracking user behavior
Payment ProcessingStripe or PayPal for in-app subscription payments
Social IntegrationIntegration with social media platforms for sharing progress and connecting with friends
Push NotificationsFirebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) or Apple Push Notification Service (APNs)
Testing and QAAppium for automated testing on multiple platforms
Manual testing for quality assurance
DeploymentGoogle Play Store (for Android) and Apple App Store (for iOS)
Continuous integration tools like Jenkins or Travis CI for automated builds and deployments
SecurityEncryption protocols (SSL/TLS) for data security
Regular security audits and penetration testing
Version ControlGit for tracking code changes and collaboration
Development EnvironmentIDEs like Visual Studio Code, Xcode (for iOS), and Android Studio (for Android)

Trending Technology To Include In A Fitness App  

Here are the foremost trends that can take your fitness app to the next level, elevating engagement and user satisfaction:

1. Mindfulness and Meditation Integration

As mental health gains prominence, fitness apps are expanding to encompass features catering to relaxation, meditation, and mindfulness. To encourage this trend, consider embedding guided meditation sessions, tools for stress tracking, and mood assessment features. Strive to support overall well-being by promoting a balance between physical and mental health.

2. Seamless Wearable Integration

In an era where smart technology is prevalent, compatibility with wearables is essential. Broaden your app’s horizons by ensuring it seamlessly integrates with a wide variety of wearable devices, including smartwatches, fitness trackers, smart TVs, and home assistants like Amazon Echo and Google Home. Such integration empowers users to effortlessly monitor and manage their fitness activities.

3. Harnessing AI and Machine Learning

Personalization is the new norm, and artificial intelligence (AI) is the key to achieving it. Implement AI-powered algorithms that adapt to users’ behavior, preferences, and progress. By tailoring workout plans and dietary recommendations, AI enhances user engagement and results. Machine learning, on the other hand, can analyze user data, providing valuable insights and predictions to guide users closer to their fitness goals.

4. Engagement through VR and AR

Revolutionize fitness routines by offering immersive workout experiences through Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). VR headsets and AR overlays transform routine exercises into exciting adventures. Users can embark on virtual treks, engage in interactive workouts, and take part in augmented fitness challenges that add a fun and thrilling dimension to their journey.

5. Gamification for Sustainable Motivation

Gamification elements introduce an element of playfulness into fitness apps, serving as a powerful motivator for users. Features like point systems, leveling up, leaderboards, and achievements add a competitive edge to workouts. Users are encouraged to compete, earn rewards, and embark on quests to meet their fitness objectives, ensuring continued motivation.

6. Telehealth Integration for Expert Guidance

The rise of telehealth is transforming fitness guidance, making expert advice more accessible. Enable users to consult remotely with certified fitness trainers or nutritionists. This feature ensures expert guidance accessibility, which is especially important for users seeking personalized advice or dealing with unique health challenges.

7. Blockchain for Data Security and Privacy

Blockchain technology, known for its security and transparency, can be used to safeguard users’ health data. By ensuring the secure storage of sensitive user information and health records, blockchain fosters trust and confidence in your app’s commitment to privacy and data integrity.

Top 10 Alternatives To MuscleWiki In 2023

MuscleWiki is undoubtedly a standout platform; however, there are several compelling alternatives, each offering unique features and advantages. Here’s a comprehensive list of the top 10 alternatives to MuscleWiki, tailored to meet various fitness needs and preferences:

1. Nike Training Club (NTC)

NTC provides access to 200+ free workouts and targeted training programs led by Nike Master Trainers. It covers a wide range of classes, from yoga to bodyweight sessions, suitable for home, gym, or outdoor workouts. The app also offers personalized training schedules and progress tracking.

2. Sworkit

Sworkit is your go-to choice for personalized fitness programs designed to build strength, shed weight, enhance flexibility, and manage pain. With over 500 unique workouts and more than 900 exercises, it’s an app that makes daily movement effortless and enjoyable.

3. Thenx

Thenx stands as an expert in bodyweight training. It’s specifically designed to impart the secret techniques and knowledge required for calisthenics fitness. The programs have been meticulously crafted by professional instructors and athletes, ensuring simplicity and effectiveness.

4. Chest Workout

If your focus is sculpting a chiseled chest, the Chest Workout app has you covered. Offering a variety of chest-centric workouts, it targets various muscle groups with exercises like push-ups, chest presses, and plank up-downs. It also engages your triceps which is vital for chest support in pushing exercises.

5. Abs Workout

Strengthen your core and improve balance with the Abs Workout app. It presents a range of exercises that target your abdominal muscles from all angles. From classic sit-ups to planks and bicycle crunches, you’ll find exercises to meet your goals.

6. Fittr

Fittr is a community-driven health and fitness platform that delivers science-backed knowledge. It offers personalized diet and workout plans tailored to your lifestyle, goals, medical conditions, and food preferences. The app thrives on a sense of community and support.

7. BodyBuilding Macro Calculator

For those with precise dietary needs, the BodyBuilding Macro Calculator is an online tool that calculates your daily calorie requirements and the exact grams of protein, carbs, and fats you need to meet your muscle-building or fat-burning goals.

8. Fitbod

Fitbod serves as a personal trainer on your device, crafting workout plans for various goals and disciplines, with a strong emphasis on in-gym workouts. Regularly updated with new features, it keeps the experience fresh and engaging.

9. Fitbit Premium

Designed for Fitbit users, Fitbit Premium offers meal plans, mindfulness exercises, and a Daily Readiness Score to take your fitness to the next level. It’s a holistic approach to health and well-being, embracing both physical and mental aspects.

10. Apple Fitness Plus

Apple Fitness Plus is a treasure trove of guided workouts that cater to a wide range of fitness interests, from yoga to running. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced fitness enthusiast, this platform provides a fresh starting point for your fitness journey.


Creating a fitness app like MuscleWiki presents an exciting opportunity driven by the growing demand for health and fitness solutions. This process involves careful planning, selecting the right technology stack, and assessing factors like app complexity and team expertise. While cost is a crucial consideration, it should not overshadow the need for a high-quality, reliable, and user-friendly application.

How Can Idea Usher Help?

Idea Usher, an established app development company, is well-positioned to contribute to the success of fitness app projects like MuscleWiki. With extensive experience in web and mobile app development, we offer expert guidance in crafting a robust, feature-rich fitness app tailored to the industry’s unique needs. We focus on selecting the most suitable technology stack, ensuring scalability and efficiency, and integrating essential features like workout tracking and nutrition planning. Our expertise guarantees a top-tier fitness app that not only meets business objectives but also provides an outstanding user experience. Contact us today to kickstart the development of your fitness app with us.

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Q. What are the essential components to include in a fitness app?

Fitness apps should encompass core features such as comprehensive workout guides, personalized dietary plans, intuitive progress tracking, seamless social sharing, and compatibility with a variety of wearable devices. These elements together create a holistic fitness experience for users.

Q. How can I make my fitness app stand out in a competitive market?

To set your fitness app apart, consider the integration of innovative and distinctive features. Explore augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) workout experiences, employ advanced AI algorithms for personalized workout recommendations, and foster a vibrant social community within your app. Creating a unique value proposition is key to capturing users’ attention.

Q. What is the estimated market size for fitness apps?

Projections indicate that the global fitness app market is on track to reach a substantial market value of $14 billion by 2026. This growth underscores the increasing demand for fitness-related digital solutions.

Q. How can I develop a fitness app quickly?

Streamlining the development process can be achieved by leveraging third-party libraries and frameworks that come with pre-built features. This not only accelerates development but also ensures the reliability and efficiency of your fitness app.

Q. What are the trends in mobile app development for fitness?

Current trends in fitness app development include the growing popularity of wearable technologies, such as smartwatches and fitness bands. Additionally, there’s a significant focus on incorporating advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) capabilities into fitness wearables. These trends are enhancing user experiences and expanding the possibilities within the fitness app landscape.

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This post first appeared on We Are A Leading Software Development Company, please read the originial post: here

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Musclewiki Like App Development – Cost, Features , and Process
