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David Jackson Touches on Race, Religion, and Divine Reckoning in Stern Autobiography Soon to Exhibit at the Guadalajara International Book Fair 2023

David Jackson Touches On Race, Religion, And Divine Reckoning In Stern Autobiography Soon To Exhibit At The Guadalajara International Book Fair 2023

The Guadalajara International Book Fair is the largest book fair in the Americas, with hundreds of book exhibits covering just about every category, whether it's fiction, science, art, business, and more. There are even publishers with exhibits dedicated to a rich diversity of religions, faith traditions, and spiritualities. In the midst of that diversity, David I. Jackson's autobiography - “You're Too Late: How Europeans and Americans Brought the Curse of El Elohiym on Themselves” - see...

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David Jackson Touches on Race, Religion, and Divine Reckoning in Stern Autobiography Soon to Exhibit at the Guadalajara International Book Fair 2023
