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Student Assessment System: Challenges & Solutions Experts Want You to Know

Student Assessment System: Challenges & Solutions Experts Want You To Know

Page Content

  • Introduction
  • Challenge #1: Paper-based Assessment isn’t an Ideal Approach
  • Solution: Online Assessments
  • Challenge #2: Difficulty in communicating the assessment to the parents
  • Solution: Hybrid Classes
  • Challenge#3: Lack of tools to monitor the performance and measure results of students
  • Solutions: 24×7 Student Management System
  • Conclusion

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How Does The Student Assessment System Look Today?

Students’ evaluation is a crucial component of academic institutions. Educators all around the world faced significant interruptions to impart learning in the classroom as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. In order to stop the virus from spreading, educational institutions were therefore forced to make a swift transition to online learning.

Numerous difficulties were caused by unforeseen changes occurring in the educational field. Especially, when it came to administering tests and conducting effective assessments. Yes, the assessment methodologies changed when the education industry underwent a dramatic digital shift.

Despite certain challenges, online tests have several advantages over exams given in a regular classroom. With a little sweat on one’s brow, the education community may easily overcome the challenges and establish successful online assessment procedures.

Let’s now examine the perks, drawbacks, and alternatives for addressing the problems with conducting online assessments.

Student Assessment System: Solutions Unlocked!

Challenge #1: Paper-based Assessment isn’t an Ideal Approach

Paper-based assessment has been ruling the education industry for a long time now. But, with the advent of digital transformation in education, it has been realized by educational pioneers that it isn’t an ideal approach anyways. It is loaded with a set of problems like-

It’s a lengthy Process

Paper-based assessments require educators to manually check every minute detail. This surely is a lengthy process, given the assessor needs to verify numerous sections of the paper for every single student one by one. This takes a lot of time and also doesn’t facilitate any detailed insights that could gradually help the students to improve in the long run.

A lot of Costs Involved

This kind of assessment is costly both in terms of cost and energy. Yes! The instructor is obliged to redirect his attention and time so that otherwise he could have used to do other duties such as creating a syllabus. Moreover, there are expenses related to stationery items such as pens, papers, highlighters, staplers, and many more.

It Takes a Big Chunk of Time

For sure! Paper-based assessment is a system wherein a chain of people is involved. For instance, there’s a person who will check the internal sections, other authority would sum up the overall marks, and then there would be an individual who would be re-checking the same. So, for a single paper to be assessed, a lot of time gets consumed, provided that all three persons would do their required job at their time of convenience.

Solution: Online Assessments

An online assessment is a type of assessment in which digital technology, the internet, or an intranet is used to conduct tests, exams, questionnaires, and reviews of learning outcomes. With the use of online evaluation tools, institutes may make informed judgments about their strategies and approaches while also gaining improved perspectives on the educational objectives of their pupils.

Quick, Precise, and Compact Data Analysis

Online assessments cut short the time of scrutinizing the answer keys of students up to a great extent, while also instantly offering useful insights. For educators, the input from online exams serves as a treasure of performance data. Utilizing digital methods of assessment, and analysis of the data can yield insightful, useful information that can lead to advancement. Universities may adjust procedures, discuss guiding principles, and roll out innovations more quickly, thanks to real-time data on appraiser competence and dynamic comparative evaluation of students.

Saves You a Lot of Bucks

You can do away with the need for exam questions and answer booklets by using digital evaluations for your students. The students simply have to select alternatives or enter their answers manually into text boxes. Without needing to be concerned about spending paper or ink, educators can seamlessly check and evaluate the detailed answers entered by the students. This would result in saving you a lot of bucks as no need to spend on stationery products for every single student (Stationery products could include pen, paper, staplers, supplementary, printing costs, and more)

Lets You Achieve Time-Efficiency

Preparing, organizing, and assessing examinations can be done more quickly with online assessment tools. Automating routine chores and digitizing evaluations with smart exam software is also possible. Manual invigilation is no longer necessary, thanks to proctoring services, which also save time. The digital assessment offers time-saving benefits for teachers due to automated examination development, paper banking, test creation, and publishing.

Setting up an online student assessment system for educators to asses a big group of students isn’t an easy process. To deliver the best student assessment system services, our team delivers hassle-free services that cover everything from start to finish.

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Challenge #2: Difficulty in Communicating the Assessment to the Parents

Let’s say there is a uniform system to assess the student’s performance, be it through an automatic system or a manual one, but there is no good medium to communicate the same to the parents. Imagine that the parents are confused about their child’s progress, they miss out on important feedback or sometimes get confused about the marking system. That’s a real challenge in the case of the student assessment system for most schools.

Ambiguous Query Solving

When following only the classroom/offline model, it becomes difficult for educators to hear the queries of all the students. This brings undissolved doubts and queries that eventually affect the student’s performance in exams and ultimately their assessment as well.

Late and Vague Feedback

Given the presence of only offline, class-based learning, educators could only provide generic feedback. This is because it becomes cumbersome and time-consuming to manage feedback given to a large number of students in a single go.

Solution: Hybrid Classes

Online Portal for Feedback:

An online portal can provide detailed feedback and rating directly to the parents. They will be able to read the input at their convenience which allows for extensive comments and ratings so that the management may submit the material directly. With a systematic and automatic approach like this, everyone from the school administration to parents benefits. This creates a win-win situation for everyone, especially the administration.

Chatbot and Dashboard Feature

With such a feature, it becomes easier for the administrators to answer all the questions in real-time with the help of a 24X7 chatbot feature. That way it becomes easier for the administrator to communicate and address every single question that overall ensuring better student performance.

A comprehensive and customized student assessment system that fulfills everyone’s requirements requires a deep understanding of your business needs. TRooTech ‘s team makes sure that educators can deliver education with the best capabilities added to the system.

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Challenge#3: Lack of Tools to Monitor the Performance and Measure Results of Students

Modern-day school administrators deal with a wide range of issues on a regular basis, including issues with managing communication with parents, service learning, and supporting overworked teachers. Recognizing real student performance and their learning results is clearly related to these difficulties.

Poor Attendance Tracking

Every school administrator’s existence is largely dependent on the burdensome paperwork and manual processes that make it challenging for them to collect and maintain attendance data. This is a big problem in the case of the attendance management system for the school as a whole.

Lack of Leave Management

Managing students’ leaves can be extremely tough for both school administrators and teachers, given the significant gap in a proper leave management system. The fundamental cause of this is the dearth of adequate instruments for results-based assessment. With a poorly-set leave management system in the school, it becomes difficult to define the actual attendance and overall performance tracking of the students. This is not a good sign.

Hindered Exam Performance

Given the constraints like duplicating, switching sessions, sharing papers, etc., educational institutions confront difficulties in manually tracking the exam performance of their pupils. And eventually, this becomes a barrier to accurately assessing kids’ academic performance.

Solutions: 24×7 Student Management System

A software program popularly known as a student information management system is used to digitally store and manage student data on a single platform.

It guarantees the data-driven engagement of all university’s stakeholders, including the administrative team, faculty, students, and parents. A student database management system aids in the administration of the student data produced by numerous procedures, including admission, the establishment of events, the parent-teacher interface site, grading, and attendance management.

A student information system functions by preserving and monitoring all student details from the point of enrolment and admission through graduation. Personal details, data about fee transactions, details about courses and lectures, behavioral information, assignment, test results, and more are all included in this.

With a proper student management system like this, an overall performance assessment system becomes extremely useful for the entire school. It’s not just limited to a single entity but to each and every person in the administration that wants to understand the student’s performance and assess it thoroughly. This not only helps the school teacher, and administrators but also the parents who can get a complete view of their child’s performance. All the insights can be viewed by all in a single click.

Proper Attendance Taking

You can alleviate the hassles of Attendance Management with the aid of an efficient student management system. You may monitor attendance both course- and batch-wise. Additionally, it gives you access to a centrally located attendance summary. You can refine attendance reports by course and batch, and you have all-time access to them. Additionally, you can examine all of the absentee reports with comments.

Effective Leave Management

You have the authority to keep a log of all leaves pertaining to each student when you have an effective student management system in place. You also get access to the automatically updated and saved leave history of alumni students. Additionally, automated notifications concerning approved or denied leave could be issued to parents.

Better Exam Performance

With a proper student management system, you have the ability to

  • Generate online results of every exam
  • Practice real-time planning, execution, maintenance, and monitoring progress
  • Have profile-based access to the schedule
  • Send the result of every exam/test to parents automatically
  • Get information on all exams both student as well as batch wise


Education is a field that is always growing. The epidemic has made it even more crucial to implement new technologically based tools and approaches that support student learning and assessment. Schools are being compelled to adapt and broaden assessment practices to include online and blended learning ideas.

Given this scenario, assessments must be in line with educational objectives and accurately measure student activity, even if different online settings may require different implementation tactics. It is essential to use cutting-edge technology for assessments in order to make learning relevant to today’s students, who are becoming more digital and competency-based in order to meet the requirements for future jobs.

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This post first appeared on TRooTech Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Student Assessment System: Challenges & Solutions Experts Want You to Know
