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cardiac mobile cardiovascular application

AndroidCreate a Cardiac Mobile Cardiovascular application in Android

TutorialUse LightningChart JS to build your own cardiac mobile cardiovascular application in Android.

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Cardiac Mobile Cardiovascular Application in Android

Hi again!

Let’s keep diving into telemetry topics. This time we’ll create a cardiac mobile cardiovascular application using Android 11 and LightningChart JS.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare, mobile applications have become invaluable tools for monitoring and managing medical data. Our goal is to simulate a medical telemetry application, complete with electrocardiograms (ECG) represented as XY charts.

If you’re new to mobile development, don’t worry, I’ll guide you through setting up Android Studio, configuring essential components, and understanding the intricacies of creating visually compelling and informative charts right on your phone.

Project Overview

This month, we heavily focus on covering the topic of medical telemetry. In this article, we will do an exercise simulating a cardiac mobile cardiovascular application that uses telemetry. We will use two types of XY charts to simulate a medical electrocardiogram (ECG) app:

In this exercise, we’ll use Android Studio, and I suggest you follow the Android installation as shown in this article. After the installation, your PC will be ready for development with Android Studio. 

So, let’s get started.

Download the project to follow the tutorial

Cardiac Mobile Cardiovascular Application Project (.ZIP)

Setting Up Android Studio

Android Studio is a free IDE, so you will have the opportunity to work with it on Windows, macOS, and Linux. You can download Android Studio here. 

The installation is very easy, it’s a typical “next” window, but if you want to see the official Android documentation, you can get it from here. Finally, go to the SDK manager and install the latest platforms for android:

You can install all the platforms you need, but I recommend having the latest ones because it will be a requirement in case you want to publish your Android charts app in the Google Play console.

To finish setting up Android Studio, install the SDK Tools for Android. You can download the tools that I show or choose the tools you need.

Java SDK

The next important thing is to install the latest Java SDK. For this installation, you will have to go to the official Oracle website. It would be necessary to create an account.


Gradle is a build automation tool for multi-language software development. So, Gradle will be very important for mobile applications. You can get and see the installation documentation from here. The Gradle installation is basically copying the source files to the specified paths.

Environment Variables

It will be necessary to create the environment variables for Android Studio, Java SDK, and Gradle. You can go directly to the environment variables by typing those words in the windows menu:

Then, click on the [Environment Variables] button:

Now you just need to add the variables with the path for the android SDK:

Now, go to the System Variables section and edit the [Path] variable:

Finally, just add the path for Java and the path for Gradle and proceed to code in Android Studio:

Android Project

When you open the app folder in the Android studio, you will see a tree like the following. I will now explain folder by folder and the relationship between the classes and the HTML files.

Manifests – AndroidManifest.xml

Every app project must have an AndroidManifest.xml file at the root of the project source set. The manifest file describes essential information about your app to the Android build tools, the Android operating system, and Google Play.


Inside the manifest, we need to specify the classes that will render a window inside our application. If you go to the java/lightningChart folder, you will see some files/classes with the same name that we have in the Android manifest. 

Those names should match each class that we create and want to render. The manifest file is a very important file, in the future, you will use this file to specify many settings, for example, deep linking properties.

Java / LightningChart

Inside each file, we can create functions to validate, modify, or create elements to be shown in the window. By default, you will find the onCreate function:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        final Bundle bundle = getIntent().getExtras();

The onCreate method will be called when the activity is created. In other words, when we click on a button that references a specific action, the onCreate method will be called. Inside this method, we can load an HTML file (this file can work as a UI). We are accessing the HTML as a “view” for this “controller”, using the Android WebView class.

The WebView component permits the integration of web content into your activity layout, albeit with certain limitations compared to complete web browsers. If you require more extensive UI control and advanced configuration options to incorporate web pages into a custom app environment, a WebView proves advantageous.

JSON files

For both charts, we need to create two JSON files. These JSON files will contain the data points that will simulate the behavior of heartbeats. We will use the InputStream class to store the JSON object from the data.json file.

String json = null;
        try {
            InputStream is = getAssets().open("ECGData.json");
            int size = is.available();
            byte[] buffer = new byte[size];
            json = new String(buffer, "UTF-8");
        } catch (IOException ex) {

The method will apply to both charts.

webView = findViewById(;
        String finalJson = json;
        webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
            public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) {

                view.loadUrl("javascript:createECGChart('" + finalJson + "')");

Once the page is loaded, the JavaScript method createECGChart will be executed. The argument for this method will be the JSON object obtained from the JSON file. The loadURL function, specifies the HTML body that we want to load. In this case ECGChart.html will contain the LightningChart JavaScript implementation as an embedded code.

Java / LightningChart / MainActivity

The MainActivity will work as our main() method. This component is the first screen to appear when the user launches the app. From this file, we will declare the methods that will execute our activities. These methods can be executed by pressing a UI object:

public void createSweepingECGChart(View view) {
        Intent intent = new Intent(this, SweepingECGChart.class);
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putBoolean("useRandom", true);


When creating a new project, we will find some XML files inside the Layout folder:

The activity_main.xml will work as a default interface and it will be related to our MainActivity class. If you open the file, you will see a designer that contains the buttons for each chart.

Here you can add UI controls. If you click on each button, you will see the properties panel at the right of the window. In the text property, you can set the text to be displayed in the application.

In the onClick property, you can specify the name of the method that will call an activity. This method should be located in the MainActivity class.

Assets Folder

In this folder, you will find the HTML files that will be loaded for creating the cardiac mobilei cardiovascular app. The IIFE.js files contain all the functions and properties needed to create LC JS charts. 

The xydata.iife.js file contains the classes to create XY charts, this is required for the sweeping line chart. Finally, the JSON files contain the heart beats data points.

Electrocardiogram Chart (ECG)

This will be the first chart to include in the cardiac mobile cardiovascular app. In this example, we have simulated an ECG data set that includes voltage measurements from a heart over a short period of time.

This data is visualized as a Line Chart where the X dimension represents the time and the Y dimension measured the voltage. Here you can find the ECG chart base code used for this example.

LightningChart JS can work as embedded code, wrapped within script tags:

Extracting the required classes for the ECG chart

const { lightningChart, PalettedFill, LUT, ColorRGBA, AxisTickStrategies, Themes } = lcjs

Creating the XY chart

const chart = lightningChart()
        theme: Themes.darkGold,
    .setTitle('ECG chart with color highlighted heart beats')

const axisX = chart.getDefaultAxisX().setTickStrategy(AxisTickStrategies.Time)

const axisY = chart.getDefaultAxisY().setTitle('mV')

The theme property determines how your cardiac mobile cardiovascular app will look in the end device. I recommend reviewing the catalog of themes and experimenting with any of them.

Its possible to have access to X and Y axes by using the getDefaultAxis method. Once we have an instance of each axis, we can set properties.

  • setTickStrategy. The setTickStrategy defines the positioning and formatting logic of the Axis ticks as well as the style of created ticks.

Adding Line series

const lineSeries = chart
                dataPattern: {
                    pattern: 'ProgressiveX',
  • The addLineSeries will help you add a series to the chart object.
  • The addArrayY property appends new data points into the series by only supplying Y coordinates. Each Y coordinate will be paired with an automatically generated X coordinate. By default, this continues from the last data point in the series. However, the behavior of assigning X coordinates can be controlled with the optional step and start parameters. Read more about addArrayY.
  • The data pattern is a selection from a collection of preset options:
    • ProgressiveX = every data point X value is higher than the previous one’s X value.
    • ProgressiveY = every data point’s Y value is higher than the previous ones’ Y value.
    • RegressiveX = every data point X value is lower than the previous one’s X value.
    • RegressiveY = every data point X value is lower than the previous one’s Y value.
  • ecgValuesY: parsed JSON argument.
const ecgValuesY = JSON.parse(data);

Detect heartbeats

We will detect the heat beats from the cardiac mobile cardiovascular app dataset by listing the ranges as X coordinates (data point indexes).

const beats = []
        let yPrev
        let iPeakHigh
        let iPeakLow
        for (let i = 0; i  700 && y  yPrev) {
                    iPeakLow = i
                    // Mark beat range as data point indexes.
                    beats.push({ iStart: iPeakHigh - 40, iEnd: iPeakLow + 120 })
                    iPeakHigh = undefined
                    iPeakLow = undefined
            yPrev = y

Style LineSeries

Now we will style the line series so that the heartbeat X ranges are highlighted with a special color.

const colorDefault = lineSeries.getStrokeStyle().getFillStyle().getColor()
        const colorNormal = colorDefault
        const colorHighlight = new ColorRGBA(0, 255, 0)
        const xPalette = new PalettedFill({
            lookUpProperty: 'x',
            lut: new LUT({
                interpolate: false,
                steps: [
                    { value: 0, color: colorNormal },
                        .map((beat) => [
                            { value: beat.iStart, color: colorHighlight },
                            { value: beat.iEnd, color: colorNormal },

LUT Property

This is the style class for describing a table of colors with associated lookup values (numbers). The instances of the LUT, like all LCJS style classes, are immutable, meaning that its setters don’t modify the actual object, but instead return a completely new modified object.

  • Properties of LUT.
    • Steps. List of color steps (color + number value pair).
    • Interpolate. True enables automatic linear interpolation between color steps.

Sweeping ECG Chart

The Sweeping Line Chart functionality is not inherently included in the library. Nevertheless, you can create high-performance and visually engaging Sweeping Line applications using LightningChart JS.

While the performance remains unaffected, the application’s code becomes somewhat more intricate compared to using scrolling axes. Some built-in features, such as real-time axis ticks and glow effects, are also not applicable in this context.

In the provided example, you can see six ECG channels, each operating at a frequency of 1000 Hz. Stress testing has confirmed that even when displaying hundreds of such high-frequency channels simultaneously, performance remains robust. To maximize GPU performance, consider setting the line series thickness to -1 for optimal results.

Creating the channels

The X_VIEW_MS will help us determine the duration of the ECG strip until it is clipped.
const CHANNELS = [
            { name: 'ECG-1', yMin: -2500, yMax: 2500 },
            { name: 'ECG-2', yMin: -2500, yMax: 2500 },
            { name: 'ECG-3', yMin: -2500, yMax: 2500 },
            { name: 'ECG-4', yMin: -2500, yMax: 2500 },
            { name: 'ECG-5', yMin: -2500, yMax: 2500 },
            { name: 'ECG-6', yMin: -2500, yMax: 2500 },
        const X_VIEW_MS = 15 * 1000

Creating the dashboard

This chart has multiple channels and each of them refers to an independent chart. To load multiple charts within the same window, we need to use a dashboard. Each channel is a new row, so the number of rows will depend on the length of the channel array.

const dashboard = lightningChart()
                numberOfColumns: 1,
                numberOfRows: CHANNELS.length,
                theme: Themes.darkGold,
        const theme = dashboard.getTheme()
        const ecgBackgroundFill = new SolidFill({
            color: theme.isDark ? ColorHEX('#000000') : ColorHEX('#ffffff'),

Creating the chart object

We can specify what UI theme we want for the chart. The container property will point to an HTML object. This HTML object will be a DIV that will render the chart.

const chart = lightningChart().ChartXY({
    theme: Themes.turquoiseHexagon,
    container: 'target'

Configuring the channels

We will use the map method to recreate the configuration for each channel.

const channels =, iCh) => {
            const chart = dashboard
                    columnIndex: 0,
                    rowIndex: iCh,

Adding axis properties

The interval of the X-axis will depend on the X_VIEW_MS value whereas the Y-axis depends on the values that we specified in the array min-max properties.

const axisX = chart
                .setInterval({ start: 0, end: X_VIEW_MS, stopAxisAfter: false })

            const axisY = chart
                .setInterval({ start: info.yMin, end: info.yMax })

Series for displaying “old” data.

const seriesRight = chart
                    dataPattern: { pattern: 'ProgressiveX' },
                    automaticColorIndex: iCh,
                .setStrokeStyle((stroke) => stroke.setThickness(2))

Rectangle for hiding “old” data under incoming “new” data.

const seriesOverlayRight = chart
                .add({ x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 0 })

Series for displaying new data

const seriesLeft = chart
                    dataPattern: { pattern: 'ProgressiveX' },
                    automaticColorIndex: iCh,
                .setStrokeStyle((stroke) => stroke.setThickness(2))

White Point

const seriesHighlightLastPoints = chart
                .addPointSeries({ pointShape: PointShape.Circle })
                .setPointFillStyle(new SolidFill({ color: theme.examples.highlightPointColor }))

Insert new data into the sweep chart

Now, we’ll do the configuration logic to insert new data points into the sweep chart. LightningChart JS does not provide built-in functionality for sweep line charts, but a high-performance chart can be implemented, with a bit of additional application complexity. Keep track of data pushed to each channel:

const channelsNewDataCache = new Array(CHANNELS.length).fill(0).map((_) => [])
        const appendDataPoints = (dataPointsAllChannels) => {

The last X (time position) is tracked, set to the range of the sweep axis.

let posX = 0

            for (let iCh = 0; iCh 

Incoming data points are timestamped, which means that their X coordinates can go outside the range of the sweep axis. Set timestamps in the range of the sweep axis:

const newDataPointsSweeping = => ({
                    x: dp.x % X_VIEW_MS,
                    y: dp.y,

                posX = Math.max(posX, newDataPointsSweeping[newDataPointsSweeping.length - 1].x)

It is checked if the channel completes a full sweep (or even more than 1 sweep even though it cannot be displayed).

let fullSweepsCount = 0
                let signPrev = false
                for (const dp of newDataPointsSweeping) {
                    const sign = dp.x 

The following algorithm is unable to handle data input that spans multiple full data sweeps. This scenario is triggered by switching tabs or minimizing the sample for long periods of time.

if (fullSweepsCount > 1) {
                    newDataCache.length = 0

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This post first appeared on Arction Ltd - Webgl Charts Library, please read the originial post: here

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cardiac mobile cardiovascular application


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