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Fresh For Designers Blog

The most talked about news articles for designers curated each day. Discover ideas, snippets, development tools from the best minds in design.
How to practice more intention at work, and translate the frenzy into focus.Let’s face it, you have a lot on your plate.If you’re not careful, your day-to-day work has a tendenc… Read More
I love building prototypes. They allow me to explore and sketch ideas, test my assumptions, and try out things at an early stage to make better design decisions. Prototyping is the single b… Read More
Generalby Roon on September 8th, 2022“This is the Unix philosophy: write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work together. Write programs that handle text st… Read More
Powerful prototyping with codeBring your design to life with code in Figma.Install for freeSquare.onTap((event,layer) ={})})343 likes6k installsMade by      Works w… Read More
On September 14, 2022 I got an email from someone that reeked eerily of a scam, but it turned out to be quite real. The full text is below.Hi Connor, A few days ago, this person named Maris… Read More
2022 HTTP Archive’s annual state of the web report Our mission is to combine the raw stats and trends of the HTTP Archive with the expertise of the web community. The Web Almanac is a… Read More
Houses Of is a project showcasing charismatic houses around the world. Explore locations Explore locations Keizersgracht – Amsterdam, Netherlands Leicester Street – Fitzroy, Mel… Read More
It’s always interesting to watch how companies approach the building of their new products. During the market research phase, companies are trying to future-proof every detail to ensu… Read More
As you can probably tell from the stuff I’ve been linking to today and today’s Clearleft newsletter, I’ve got design systems on my mind. What I like about design systems is… Read More
Software today is ubiquitous — it’s everywhere you look. It’s gone from something that was just used by a handful of select individuals to perform intense calculations in a… Read More
As you can probably tell from the stuff I’ve been linking to today and today’s Clearleft newsletter, I’ve got design systems on my mind. What I like about design systems is… Read More
Braun Linear is the new typeface for Braun. It has very little modulation in the line strength, so we called it »Braun Linear«.   I built it together with my colleague Ludwi… Read More
The Web is Good Now typographyimageslayoutcomponentsanimationhostingcdns There are quite a few things in the world of web design and development that have gotten… easy. It might be t… Read More
Gathering design feedback for websites has never been easier. Eliminate unnecessary design revisions and messy feedback spreadsheets. Empower clients and your team to provide contextual fee… Read More
Home All articles An overview of three tools and techniques for testing and verifying accessible color contrast of your design.Sep 22, 2022 Say you have some text on a light background, lik… Read More
If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you’ll know that I’m really bullish on the notion that practitioners of a craft should be able to understand the core principl… Read More
Lenses to peek into the metaverse The virtual reality space is far from being exempt from risks to our society. Peeking into it through philosophical, technological, ethical, and cognitive… Read More
I was born in 1988 in the neighborhood of Capão Redondo, in São Paulo. Since I was little, I have always had an interest in art, despite having very few references and knowled… Read More
Automated tracking of token and component adoptionEarly on in Onfido’s design system journey all our data and metrics were manually collected. We were a scrappy team without dedicated… Read More
Since I was very young, I understood that my first job option was Design. I learned to use Photoshop (a pirate version, which my mother bought from a street vendor) as a child, around 11 ye… Read More
Today’s web is a very interactive experience, yet we often fail to provide the same experience to everyone. Complex form widgets, interactive configurators, tables, shop listings, and… Read More
The majority of the languages have some mechanisms for generating random numbers. Unfortunately, that is not the case in CSS. This might not be a problem for most websites, but when dealing… Read More
— Delivered by Feed43 service  » Read More The post Remix Icon appeared first on Fresh For Designers Read More
Jason on why moving in business is hard: [Moving is] hard because talk is easy. Theorizing is easy. Imagining is easy. Waiting is easy. Second guessing yourself is easy. Third and fourth opi… Read More
Habits are a powerful part of our everyday life. They’re what we rely on when we want sustainable behaviour change: losing body fat or gaining muscle, going to sleep earlier or waking… Read More
Lena Sotto Mayor Lena is a Product Design Lead at, where she’s been creating digital experiences for the brand’s main channels. Born in Manaus, Brazil, she was heavily… Read More
How setting the right goals and focusing on the user can help you break free from the feature factory.[source]Unfortunately, we keep hearing very critical voices regarding agile methodology… Read More
24 min readUX, Design PatternsInline validation in web forms is useful when it works, but frustrating when it fails. Too often it leads to an endless stream of disruptive error messages or… Read More
Ever wondered how a QR code works? No, me neither but it’s low-key fascinating. (Warning, there is some extremely nerdy shit here.👇 )The Quick Response code was invented by a s… Read More
I found out about Design at the same time my mother did. She was a languages teacher at the time, and she now works as a furniture designer. I always liked artistic activities as a kid and… Read More
I came across a Circuit Breaker Podcast episode called Understanding Prototyping to Learn. This episode is a MUST LISTEN! Bob Moesta and Greg Engle come from a hardware/manufacturing product… Read More
Care in design is ultimately about feeling rather than seeing. It is about being thoughtful of users—of humans. It is designing product details that you might randomly discover (someti… Read More
How informal street vendors define the sonic landscape of Mexico’s capital In Mexico City, many notes in the city’s soundscape come from itinerant merchants — a largely inf… Read More
Token CSS is a work-in-progress. Bugs, missing features, and breaking changes are expected! Token CSS is a new tool that seamlessly integrates Design Tokens into your development workflow. C… Read More
For makers of products & seekers of meaning. Every new publication is a glimpse into a new possible future, a fascination for a world that might be. It represents the inability to accep… Read More
Why did you quit your last job? This was the main question in my recent study I did with designers. I received 156 responses to my survey, most of them were from Product/UX designers, secon… Read More
There was a merge in the Ethereum blockchain that occurred this past week. However, it was another merge that stole tech headlines—the acquisition of Figma by Adobe. If there was a to… Read More
Search CollectionResetThank you! Your submission has been received!Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.Ant GroupAtlassianSpotifyUberAirtableLaboratório BridgeIBMChakr… Read More
You might already be aware of how we can use feature detection in CSS to check whether a particular property and value combination is supported. This is a pretty smart way to go about writin… Read More

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