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How to Solve the Ruby Thread Pool Pausing on ThreadError: Queue Empty Exception Issue

  • This article explains how to handle the ThreadError: queue empty exception that can cause a Ruby thread pool to pause or hang.
  • The article provides three methods to solve this error: using a non-blocking pop method, using a sentinel value, or using a thread-safe counter.
  • The article also gives some tips and best practices for working with Ruby threads and queues, such as choosing an appropriate number of workers, handling exceptions and errors, using thread-safe data structures and synchronization mechanisms, and avoiding blocking or long-running operations.

If you are working with Ruby Threads and queues, you might have encountered a problem where your Thread Pool pauses or hangs near completion, due to a ThreadError: Queue empty exception. This can be frustrating and confusing, especially if you are not sure what causes this error and how to fix it.

In this article, we will explain what this error means, why it happens, and how to solve it. We will also provide some tips and best practices for working with Ruby threads and queues. By the end of this article, you should be able to avoid or resolve this issue and improve your Ruby multithreading performance.

What is a ThreadError: queue empty exception?

A ThreadError: queue empty exception is an error that occurs when you try to pop an item from an empty queue in Ruby. A queue is a data structure that follows the first-in, first-out (FIFO) principle. That means the first item added to the queue is the first one removed from it.

In Ruby, you can create a queue using the Queue class from the thread library. A queue allows you to safely share data between multiple threads without causing race conditions or data corruption. You can add items to the queue using the push or enq methods, and remove items from the queue using the pop or deq methods.

However, if you try to pop an item from an empty queue, you will get a ThreadError: queue empty exception. For example:

require 'thread'

queue =
# => ThreadError (queue empty)

This error indicates that there is no more data available in the queue. If you want to avoid this error, you can pass a boolean argument to the pop method, which determines whether the method should block or not. If you pass true (the default value), the method will block (wait) until there is data available in the queue. If you pass false, the method will not block and will return nil if the queue is empty.

require 'thread'

queue =
# => nil

Why does this error cause the thread pool to pause?

A thread pool is a group of threads that are created and managed by a single object. A thread pool allows you to execute multiple tasks concurrently without creating and destroying threads for each task. This can improve performance and resource efficiency.

In Ruby, you can create a thread pool using a queue and an array of threads. You can add tasks to the queue as lambda expressions or proc objects, and then assign them to the threads in the pool. The threads will pop tasks from the queue and execute them until the queue is empty.

For example, here is a simple thread pool implementation that takes a number of workers and a queue of tasks as arguments:

def thread_pool(workers, tasks)
  # Create an array of threads
  threads = []

  # Loop through the number of workers
  workers.times do
    # Create a new thread
    thread = do
      # Loop until there are no more tasks in the queue
      until tasks.empty?
        # Pop a task from the queue and execute it
        task = tasks.pop

    # Add the thread to the array

Now, let’s say we have a queue of 10 tasks that print numbers from 1 to 10:

require 'thread'

# Create a new queue
queue =

# Add 10 tasks to the queue
(1..10).each do |i|
  # Create a lambda expression that prints a number
  task = -> { puts i }
  # Push the task to the queue

# Create a thread pool with 5 workers and the queue of tasks
thread_pool(5, queue)

This should output something like:


However, if we change the number of workers to 11, which is more than the number of tasks in the queue, we will get an error:

# Create a thread pool with 11 workers and the queue of tasks
thread_pool(11, queue)

This will output something like:


Traceback (most recent call last):
        6: from test.rb:9:in `block (2 levels) in thread_pool'
        5: from test.rb:9:in `loop'
        4: from test.rb:11:in `block (3 levels) in thread_pool'
        3: from /usr/lib/ruby/3.0.0/thread.rb:110:in `pop'
        2: from /usr/lib/ruby/3.0.0/thread.rb:110:in `synchronize'
        1: from /usr/lib/ruby/3.0.0/thread.rb:113:in `block in pop'
test.rb:11:in `pop': queue empty (ThreadError)

This error happens because there are more threads than tasks in the queue, and some of the threads try to pop an item from an empty queue. This causes the thread pool to pause or hang, because the threads that encounter the error will stop executing, while the threads that don’t encounter the error will wait for the other threads to finish.

How to solve this error and prevent the thread pool from pausing?

There are a few ways to solve this error and prevent the thread pool from pausing. Here are some of them:

Use a non-blocking pop method

One way to solve this error is to use a non-blocking pop method, as we mentioned before. This means passing false as an argument to the pop method, so that it returns nil instead of raising an error when the queue is empty.

# Pop a task from the queue and execute it
task = tasks.pop(false) if task

This way, the threads that don’t have any tasks assigned to them will exit gracefully, and the thread pool will not pause.

However, this solution has a potential drawback. If you have a dynamic queue that can receive new tasks while the thread pool is running, using a non-blocking pop method might cause some threads to miss those tasks, because they will exit as soon as the queue is empty, even if it’s only temporarily.

Use a sentinel value

Another way to solve this error is to use a sentinel value, which is a special value that indicates the end of the queue. A sentinel value can be any object that is different from the normal tasks in the queue, such as nil, false, or a custom object.

To use a sentinel value, you need to push it to the queue after you have pushed all the tasks. You also need to check for it in the threads and break the loop if you encounter it.

For example:

# Push a sentinel value (nil) to the queue after all the tasks

# Check for the sentinel value in the threads and break the loop if found
task = tasks.pop
break if task.nil?

This way, the threads that don’t have any tasks assigned to them will receive the sentinel value and exit gracefully, and the thread pool will not pause.

However, this solution also has a potential drawback. If you have a dynamic queue that can receive new tasks while the thread pool is running, using a sentinel value might cause some tasks to be ignored, because they will be pushed after the sentinel value and never reach the threads.

Use a thread-safe counter

A third way to solve this error is to use a thread-safe counter, which is a variable that keeps track of how many tasks are left in the queue. A thread-safe counter can be implemented using a Mutex object, which is a class that provides mutual exclusion for concurrent access to shared data.

To use a thread-safe counter, you need to initialize it with the size of the queue before you create the threads. You also need to decrement it every time you pop a task from the queue and lock it with a mutex to prevent race conditions. Finally, you need to check if it reaches zero and break the loop if it does.

For example:

# Initialize a thread-safe counter with the size of the queue
counter = queue.size
mutex =

# Decrement the counter every time you pop a task from the queue and lock it with a mutex
mutex.synchronize { counter -= 1 }
task = tasks.pop

# Check if the counter reaches zero and break the loop if it does
break if

This way, the threads that don’t have any tasks assigned to them will exit gracefully when the counter reaches zero, and the thread pool will not pause.

This solution can also handle dynamic queues that can receive new tasks while the thread pool is running, as long as you increment the counter every time you push a new task to the queue and lock it with a mutex.

# Increment the counter every time you push a new task to the queue and lock it with a mutex
mutex.synchronize { counter += 1 }

Tips and best practices for working with Ruby threads and queues

Now that we have learned how to solve this error and prevent the thread pool from pausing, here are some tips and best practices for working with Ruby threads and queues:

  • Choose an appropriate number of workers for your thread pool. The optimal number of workers depends on various factors, such as such as the number of CPU cores, the type of tasks, the size of the queue, the network latency, etc. Generally, you want to avoid creating too many or too few workers, as that can affect the performance and efficiency of your thread pool. You can experiment with different numbers and measure the results to find the optimal number for your case.
  • Handle exceptions and errors in your threads. When you create a thread pool, you should always have a way to handle any exceptions or errors that might occur in your threads. Otherwise, your thread pool might crash or behave unpredictably. You can use the rescue clause or the Thread#join method to catch and handle exceptions in your threads. You can also use the Thread#abort_on_exception or Thread.report_on_exception attributes to control how your threads react to exceptions.
  • Use thread-safe data structures and synchronization mechanisms. When you share data between multiple threads, you should always use thread-safe data structures and synchronization mechanisms to prevent race conditions or data corruption. A thread-safe data structure is one that can be accessed and modified by multiple threads without causing any inconsistency or error. A synchronization mechanism is a way to coordinate the access and modification of shared data between multiple threads. Ruby provides several thread-safe data structures and synchronization mechanisms, such as Queue, SizedQueue, Mutex, ConditionVariable, etc. You should use them whenever you need to share data between threads.
  • Avoid blocking or long-running operations in your threads. When you create a thread pool, you should avoid blocking or long-running operations in your threads. Blocking operations are those that wait for some external event or resource, such as network requests, file I/O, database queries, etc. Long-running operations are those that take a long time to complete, such as complex calculations, heavy processing, etc. Blocking or long-running operations can reduce the responsiveness and throughput of your thread pool, as they can prevent other tasks from being executed. You should try to minimize or optimize these operations in your threads, or use other techniques such as non-blocking I/O, asynchronous programming, parallel processing, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions and answers related to this topic.

Question: What is Ruby?

Answer: Ruby is a dynamic, interpreted, general-purpose programming language that was designed and developed by Yukihiro Matsumoto (Matz) in 1995. Ruby is known for its expressive syntax, powerful features, and high productivity. Ruby supports multiple programming paradigms, such as object-oriented, functional, procedural, and metaprogramming. Ruby also has a large and active community that creates and maintains various libraries and frameworks for different purposes.

Question: What is multithreading?

Answer: Multithreading is a technique that allows a program to execute multiple tasks concurrently using multiple threads of execution. A thread is a lightweight unit of execution that shares the same memory space and resources with other threads in the same process. Multithreading can improve the performance and responsiveness of a program by utilizing the available CPU cores and parallelizing the workload.

Question: What is a queue?

Answer: A queue is a data structure that follows the first-in, first-out (FIFO) principle. That means the first item added to the queue is the first one removed from it. A queue allows you to store and retrieve data in an orderly manner. A queue can be implemented using an array or a linked list.

Question: What is a mutex?

Answer: A mutex is a synchronization mechanism that provides mutual exclusion for concurrent access to shared data. A mutex has two states: locked and unlocked. Only one thread can lock a mutex at a time. When a thread locks a mutex, it gains exclusive access to the shared data protected by the mutex. When a thread unlocks a mutex, it releases the access to the shared data and allows other threads to lock it.

Question: What are some alternatives to Ruby threads?

Answer: Some alternatives to Ruby threads are:

  • Processes: Processes are independent units of execution that have their own memory space and resources. Processes can communicate with each other using inter-process communication (IPC) methods, such as pipes, sockets, signals, etc. Processes are more isolated and secure than threads, but they are also more expensive and complex to create and manage.
  • Fibers: Fibers are lightweight units of execution that are similar to threads but have some differences. Fibers are cooperative rather than preemptive, which means they yield control voluntarily rather than being interrupted by the scheduler. Fibers are also stackless rather than stackful, which means they do not have their own call stack but share one with other fibers in the same thread. Fibers are more efficient and flexible than threads but they also require more manual control and coordination.
  • Actors: Actors are concurrent entities that communicate with each other using asynchronous messages. Actors have their own state and behavior, and they do not share any data with other actors. Actors can create, send, receive, and process messages in a concurrent and distributed manner. Actors are more scalable and fault-tolerant than threads but they also require a different programming model and mindset.


In this article, we have learned how to solve the Ruby thread pool pausing on ThreadError: queue empty issue. We have explained what this error means, why it happens, and how to solve it using different methods. We have also provided some tips and best practices for working with Ruby threads and queues.

We hope you found this article helpful and learned something new. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below.

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How to Solve the Ruby Thread Pool Pausing on ThreadError: Queue Empty Exception Issue


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