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Solved: How to fix Cellular Network Not Available For Phone Calls error?

In recent times, a growing number of smartphone users have encountered a perplexing issue: the dreaded “cellular Network not available for voice call” error. It’s a situation that can be incredibly frustrating, especially when you’re in the midst of making an important phone call. Picture this – you attempt to connect, but your phone stubbornly refuses to latch onto the cellular towers, effectively cutting you off from your network. This issue isn’t exclusive to either Android or iOS devices; it’s an equal-opportunity annoyance.

When you stumble upon this error, it typically signifies a problem with your cellular service or software. However, it’s important to note that it could also hint at a potential hardware glitch lurking in the shadows.

Intriguingly, this problem has been a hot topic in our web analytics, with users frantically searching for solutions day after day. So, we’ve decided to lend a helping hand by crafting an article that delves into the mysterious realm of “cellular network not available for voice calls.” We’ll unravel the enigma – what causes this error, and, most importantly, how can you banish it from your phone’s existence?

This comprehensive guide isn’t biased. It’s designed to work its magic whether you’re wielding an iPhone or an Android device, be it a trusty Samsung Galaxy, a speedy Moto G, or any other brand. It doesn’t discriminate among network providers either – from Google Fi and AT&T to Verizon and beyond, these fixes are your ticket to re-establishing your connection to the world.

So, if you’ve ever found yourself vexed by the “cellular network not available for phone calls” error, sit tight. We’re about to unravel the secrets behind this mobile network conundrum and equip you with the knowledge to conquer it once and for all.

What is the “Cellular Network Not Available for Voice Calls” Error

Dealing with the “Cellular Network Not Available for Voice Calls” error can be quite the headache, especially when you need to make an important call. This pesky error has a knack for showing up out of the blue, and as the name implies, it’s often linked to your SIM carrier. However, don’t be too quick to point fingers solely at your carrier – sometimes, software and hardware glitches can be the culprits behind this vexing issue.

To put it plainly, this error acts as a formidable barrier, preventing you from making any phone calls and cutting off your connection to your SIM card’s trusty cell tower. Several factors can conspire to trigger this error, ranging from being out of your cellular network’s range to larger-scale issues like nationwide maintenance outages by your carrier or even unpaid taxes on your account. In essence, it’s a multi-faceted conundrum that can disrupt your communication lifeline when you least expect it.

Understanding the Causes of “Cellular Network Not Available for Voice Calls”

The “Cellular Network Not Available for Voice Calls” error can be a perplexing issue, impacting both Android and iOS users. To address this error effectively, it’s crucial to understand what causes it in the first place.

When this error message appears on your Android or iOS device, you might find yourself unable to make or receive calls. It can even disrupt other essential functions like receiving texts or accessing the internet without a Wi-Fi connection. While this error doesn’t always affect SMS or data activity, when it does, it serves as a significant red flag.

Several factors can contribute to this frustrating problem:

  • Limited Cellular Coverage: Sometimes, the simplest explanation is that there’s no cellular signal available in your current location. This can happen when you’re in a remote area, far from the nearest cell tower, or if natural terrain is obstructing the signal.
  • Region-Wide Outage: Another possible cause of complete cellular service disruption is a region-wide outage by your mobile carrier. You can quickly check if this is the case by visiting websites like Down Detector and searching for outage reports related to your carrier in your area.
  • Failed Cellular Network Detection: The error message itself states that the “Cellular Network is not available.” However, the perplexing part is that this error can occur even when cellular networks are theoretically available, adding to the frustration.
  • Hardware Issues: In some cases, hardware damage can disrupt your ability to make voice calls. If your device has experienced physical or liquid damage, even if it occurred some time ago, it might lead to problems with the motherboard or other internal components.
  • SIM Card Issues: A faulty SIM card or a blocked SIM can also contribute to this error.
  • Configuration or Software Problems: Incorrect configurations on your device, SIM card, or software issues can sometimes lead to this error.

It’s worth noting that if you’re facing this issue and you have good network coverage in your area, it’s likely due to one of the reasons mentioned above, such as incorrect configurations, software problems, or in some cases, hardware issues.

Fortunately, once you identify the root cause of the problem, you can take the necessary steps to resolve it. Whether you’re using T-Mobile, AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, or any other carrier, these solutions are applicable to a wide range of mobile phone brands and models, from Nokia and Samsung to iPhone, Motorola, HTC, Xiaomi, Sony, Blackberry, and many more.

Exploring Different Types of Mobile Networks

Every mobile phone is equipped with a mobile network connection that enables users to make calls within their network coverage. However, these mobile phones operate using various network technologies. Different network service providers often employ different mobile network technologies, making phones incompatible with networks other than their own. This distinction allows service providers to offer exclusive deals to their customers.

Here are the four common types of mobile network technologies used by smartphone developers and carriers today:

GSM (Global System for Mobile Network)

  • GSM is the most widely used mobile network technology worldwide.
  • Major carriers like AT&T and T-Mobile operate on the GSM network.
  • GSM also incorporates technologies like GPRS and EDGE, which facilitate faster data transfer on 2G GSM networks, known as High-Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA).

CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access):

  • CDMA is a relatively newer mobile network technology with a higher data transmission capacity.
  • Carriers like Verizon and Sprint Nextel use CDMA networks.
  • For the 3G CDMA standard, the technology integrated is Evolution-Data Optimized (EV-DO).

LTE (Long Term Evolution):

  • LTE, often referred to as 4G, represents the latest generation of cellular technology.
  • It offers high-speed data transfer capabilities.


  • WiMAX is a newcomer in the mobile technology arena and is a competitor to LTE.
  • Sprint pioneered the first 4G network using WiMAX technology, with devices like the HTC Evo.

It’s essential to note that phones designed for GSM networks are not typically compatible with CDMA networks, and vice versa. In the United States, for example, Sprint and Verizon operate on CDMA networks, while AT&T and T-Mobile utilize GSM networks. However, some carriers, like Ting, operate on a hybrid model, allowing phones to work on both GSM and CDMA networks.

Understanding these network types can help you choose a carrier and phone that align with your needs and preferences, ensuring you have reliable coverage and data speeds.

Resolving the “Cellular Network Not Available for Phone Calls” Error

Having delved into the underlying causes of the “Cellular Network Not Available for Voice/Phone Calls” error, it’s time to explore effective solutions to rectify this frustrating issue. Below, we’ve compiled a selection of the best methods to help you bid farewell to the vexing “Cellular Network Not Available for Phone Calls” error message. Let’s dive right in and get you back on track.

Solution 1: Check for Cellular Network Availability

The initial step when encountering the “Cellular Network Not Available for Phone Calls” error is to assess the status of your cellular networks.

Here’s what you should do:

  • Inspect the Network Icon: Begin by examining the cellular network icon located on your device’s Status bar. If the icon indicates that cellular networks are available and the signal is stable, you should proceed with the other troubleshooting methods outlined below.
  • No Available Cellular Networks: If you find that no cellular networks are accessible or the signal is weak or intermittent, it’s likely a network issue. Unfortunately, network problems typically require the intervention of your service provider. In such cases, your best course of action is to exercise patience and wait for a few minutes or hours until the cellular network is restored.

Checking the availability and stability of your cellular network is an essential first step in resolving this error and ensuring that your device can establish a reliable connection for voice calls.

Solution 2: Check Network Coverage in Your Area

When confronted with the “Cellular Network Not Available for Voice Calls” notification, your first course of action should be to assess the network coverage in your current location.

Here’s how to go about it:

  • Signal Strength Bar: Begin by examining the signal strength bar on your phone. If it shows a low signal strength, this could be the primary reason you’re experiencing difficulties with phone calls. A weak signal can hinder your ability to establish a reliable connection.
  • Carrier Network Coverage: Verify whether your mobile carrier provides network coverage in your specific area. If your carrier does not have coverage in your location, making phone calls may be impossible. However, if they do offer coverage, proceed to the next step.
  • Reboot Your Phone: In cases where your signal strength is low, try rebooting your phone. Sometimes, a simple reboot can help improve your connection. After rebooting, check if the issue persists.
  • Network Maintenance: Occasionally, your carrier may be conducting maintenance or repairs on the local cell tower, which can temporarily disrupt service. If you suspect this might be the case, give it some time, typically an hour or so, to see if the issue resolves itself once the maintenance is complete.

Understanding the network coverage in your area is vital in addressing this error. If you have a weak signal or if your carrier does not provide coverage, it’s essential to explore alternative solutions or consider switching to a carrier with better coverage in your region.

Solution 3: Check Your SIM Carrier’s Coverage Map

One of the most common reasons for experiencing connectivity issues and being unable to make calls is being outside your carrier’s coverage area. This situation often arises when you’re traveling and move into areas not covered by your carrier. To address this concern, follow these steps:

  • Consult Your Carrier’s Coverage Map: Start by accessing your carrier’s coverage map, which is readily available on the internet. This is a straightforward way to determine if you are currently outside of your carrier’s coverage area.
  • Use Google for Quick Verification: A quick and convenient method is to search for your carrier’s coverage map on Google. Here are the coverage maps for some of the most popular carriers in the U.S.:
    • AT&T Coverage Map
    • Verizon Coverage Map
    • T-Mobile Coverage Map

By referring to your carrier’s coverage map, you can promptly identify whether you are indeed outside the coverage area. This knowledge will help you understand the limitations of your current location and allow you to plan accordingly. If you find that you are in an area with limited or no coverage, you may need to explore alternative means of communication or seek out areas with better network reception.

Solution 4: Check for Mobile Network Maintenance

While relatively uncommon, mobile carriers occasionally perform system maintenance that can temporarily disrupt their services. This maintenance could potentially explain why you received the “Cellular Network Not Available for Voice Calls” error message and are currently unable to make or receive calls.

Here’s how to determine if your carrier is conducting system maintenance:

  • Check Social Media Accounts: Visit your carrier’s social media accounts, especially their Twitter or Facebook pages. Carriers often use these platforms to communicate important updates to their customers. Look for any recent posts or notifications regarding network maintenance or outages.
  • Utilize Downdetector: Another useful resource is the Downdetector website. This platform tracks and reports network outages and issues in real-time. Visit the Downdetector website and search for your specific cellular network. If there is a significant increase in reported issues for your carrier, it may indicate an ongoing outage.

In the event of a maintenance outage or a broader network issue, staying informed through these channels can help you understand the situation and avoid unnecessary frustration. You may need to wait until the maintenance is complete or seek alternative communication methods, such as using Wi-Fi, during the outage period.

Solution 5: Check Your Mobile Plan

It’s not uncommon for the “Cellular Network Not Available for Voice Calls” error to occur due to overdue phone bills or an expired phone plan. If you find yourself facing this error, consider the following steps:

  • Review Your Payment Status: Begin by checking the status of your phone plan payments. If you have not paid your phone bills and your plan is past its due date, this error may persist. Unresolved billing issues can hinder your ability to make phone calls.
  • Renew Your Phone Plan: To address this issue, renew your phone plan promptly. Contact your mobile carrier or access their online platform to make the necessary payments and renew your plan. Once your plan is up to date, you should regain access to cellular network services.

Failure to maintain a current phone plan can lead to disruptions in service, including the inability to make voice calls. Ensuring that your plan is active and paid for on time is essential to prevent such errors from occurring.

Solution 6: Check for Individual SIM Card Blockage

While uncommon, there may be instances where your mobile service provider has individually blocked your SIM card, preventing you from making calls. To investigate and potentially resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  • Contact Your Service Provider: Locate the customer service helpline number for your specific service provider. Here are the helpline numbers for some major carriers in the U.S.:
    • AT&T: 1-800-331-0500
    • Verizon: 1-800-922-0204
    • T-Mobile: 1-800-937-8997
  • Communicate the Issue: Contact your service provider’s customer support and inform them about the problem you’re experiencing with your SIM card. Inquire whether there have been any restrictions placed on your account, such as a blockage. Additionally, ask them to check the status of service availability in your region and inquire about any ongoing outages.
  • Tax or Regulatory Compliance: In some countries, users may be required to pay certain taxes or comply with regulatory requirements to use cellular services on their phones. If you’ve recently acquired a new phone, it’s possible that your device may be affected by these regulations. To test this, try switching your SIM card to a different phone to see if the issue persists.
    • If the problem continues, it may indicate that taxes or fees are due for your device. In such cases, contact the governing body for telecommunications in your region to pay any outstanding fees and comply with regulatory requirements.

Ensuring that your SIM card is not individually blocked by your service provider and addressing any regulatory compliance issues are essential steps in resolving the “Cellular Network Not Available for Voice Calls” error. If there are no individual blockages or compliance issues, proceed with further troubleshooting.

Solution 7: Disable Airplane Mode

Before diving into more advanced troubleshooting steps, it’s crucial to ensure that Airplane Mode is not accidentally enabled, as it can block your phone’s network connectivity, including cellular networks. If you are experiencing a lack of cellular network availability, check whether Airplane Mode is turned on by following these steps:

Step 1: Navigate to your smartphone’s Home screen.

Step 2: Swipe down from the top of the screen to access the Notification panel. This is typically done by dragging your finger from the top edge of the screen downwards.

Step 3: Look for the Airplane icon among the Quick Settings icons in the Notification panel. The Airplane icon typically resembles an airplane silhouette.

Step 4: If you see the Airplane icon enabled (highlighted), it means that Airplane Mode is active. Tap the icon to disable Airplane Mode. You may need to wait for a moment as your phone reconnects to cellular networks.

Disabling Airplane Mode should restore your phone’s network connectivity and allow you to make phone calls. If you continue to experience the “Cellular Network Not Available for Voice Calls” error after disabling Airplane Mode, proceed with additional troubleshooting steps.

Solution 8: Enable Data Roaming

Enabling Data Roaming can be a solution to the “Cellular Network Not Available for Voice Calls” error, especially when you’re in a different location. Data Roaming allows your phone to connect to other networks when you’re outside your carrier’s coverage area. Here’s how to enable Data Roaming on your Android device:

Step 1: Access the Settings app on your Android device. You can typically find it on your Home screen or in the App Drawer.

Step 2: Scroll down in the Settings menu and look for the “Mobile Network” or “Network & Internet” option. Tap on it.

Step 3: In the Mobile Network settings, you may see your phone number or SIM card details. Tap on your phone number or SIM card.

Step 4: Within the SIM info & settings, you should find an option for “Data Roaming.” Enable the toggle switch next to it.

Step 5: After making the changes, it’s a good practice to restart your smartphone. This can help ensure that the settings take effect.

By enabling Data Roaming, your phone will have the flexibility to connect to other networks, especially when you’re traveling or in an area with weak coverage. If the “Cellular Network Not Available for Voice Calls” error was related to roaming settings, this should resolve the issue. If not, proceed with further troubleshooting steps.

Solution 9: Auto-Select the Network Operator

When you travel abroad or experience network issues, your smartphone may need to automatically select a network operator to ensure connectivity. Some users prefer manual network selection, but if you’re encountering the “Cellular Network Not Available for Voice Calls” error, it’s a good idea to enable auto-selection. Here’s how to do it on most Android devices:

Step 1: Launch the Settings app on your Android device, which can typically be found on your Home screen or in the App Drawer.

Step 2: Scroll down within the Settings menu and locate the “Mobile Network” or “Network & Internet” option. Tap on it.

Step 3: In the Mobile Network settings, you may see your phone number or SIM card details. Tap on your phone number or SIM card.

Step 4: Look for an option related to network operator selection. This might be labeled as “Operator” or “Network Operator.” Tap on it.

Step 5: On the operator settings screen, you should find a toggle switch for “Auto-Select”, “Select automatically”, or a similar option. Turn it on.

By enabling Auto-Select for your network operator, your SIM card will automatically connect to the most suitable and nearest network available. This can help resolve the “Cellular Network Not Available for Voice Calls” error, especially when you’re in an area with multiple network options. After making this change, consider restarting your smartphone to ensure the settings take effect.

Solution 10: Switch Your Phone’s Network Selection to “Automatic”

If you’re using a dual-SIM smartphone or facing network selection issues, it’s possible that your phone is struggling to choose the correct network for voice calls. This can be especially relevant if one of your SIM cards has insufficient credits for making calls. To address this issue, consider switching your network selection to “Automatic.” Here’s how to do it on both Android and iOS devices:

On Android

Step 1: Open the Settings app on your Android device.

Step 2: Scroll down and tap on “Network & internet.”

Step 3: Under the “Network & internet” menu, tap on “Calls & SMS.”

Step 4: Next, tap on “Calls.”

Step 5: Look for the option to select your preferred network and choose “Ask every time.”

On iOS (iPhone)

Step 1: Open the Settings app on your iPhone.

Step 2: Scroll down and tap on “Mobile Data” (or “Cellular” in some versions).

Step 3: Tap “Network Selection.”

Step 4: Toggle on the “Automatic” option (it will turn from grey to green).

By setting your network selection to “Automatic,” your phone will automatically choose the appropriate network for making voice calls. This can help resolve issues related to network selection, especially if you’re using multiple SIM cards or encountering difficulties with one of them. If your device doesn’t offer the “Automatic” option, selecting “Ask every time” can also be a helpful alternative, allowing you to manually choose the network when necessary.

Solution 11: Check the Verizon APN Settings

If you’re a Verizon user and none of the previous solutions have resolved the issue of your “cellular network not available for voice calls,” you can try updating your Access Point Name (APN) settings. Here are the recommended values for Verizon APN settings:

  • Name: Verizon
  • APN: internet
  • Proxy: Not set
  • Port: Not set
  • Username: Not set
  • Password: Not set
  • Server: Not set
  • MMSC:
  • MMS proxy: Not set
  • MMS port: 80
  • MCC: 310
  • MNC: 012
  • Authentication type: Not set
  • APN type: Not set or Internet + MMS
  • APN Protocol: Default
  • Bearer: Not set

To update your Verizon APN settings, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the Settings app on your smartphone.

Step 2: Scroll down and select “Network & internet” or a similar option depending on your device.

Step 3: Find and tap on “Mobile network” or “Cellular” settings.

Step 4: Look for “Access Point Names” or “APN” and tap on it.

Step 5: If you see an existing Verizon APN, tap on it to edit the settings. Otherwise, tap “Add” or “+” to create a new APN with the values provided above.

Step 6: Save the changes and exit the settings menu.

Step 7: Restart your phone to apply the new APN settings.

Updating your Verizon APN settings can help ensure that your phone is properly configured to connect to the Verizon network, potentially resolving any issues related to network availability for voice calls.

Solution 12: Install the Software Updates for Your Device’s OS

Keeping your smartphone’s operating system up to date is crucial in resolving the “cellular network not available for voice calls” issue. Software updates often include bug fixes, security patches, and improvements that can address underlying problems causing network-related errors. Here’s how to install software updates on both iOS (iPhone) and Android devices:

For iPhone (iOS)

Step 1: Open the Settings app on your iPhone.

Step 2: Scroll down and tap on General.

Step 3: Select Software Update.

Step 4: If an update is available, tap on Download and Install. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the update.

For Android Devices

Step 1: Go to your device’s Settings app.

Step 2: Scroll down and find the “About device” or “About phone” option. On many phones, it’s located under the “System” tab.

Step 3: Tap on “Software update” or a similar option. Some devices have it directly under the “System” tab.

Step 4: Tap “Check for updates.”

Step 5: If a newer OS version is available, install it by following the on-screen instructions.

After installing the software updates, your smartphone will likely perform more efficiently, and any bugs or glitches that were causing network-related issues should be resolved. Make sure to restart your phone after updating to ensure that all changes take effect.

Note: If your phone doesn’t initially find updates, try restarting it without the SIM card and connect to Wi-Fi to check for updates again. This can help ensure that you’ve installed all available updates. Re-insert the SIM card when you’ve completed the update process.

By regularly updating your device’s operating system, you can prevent and resolve various issues, including connectivity problems like the “cellular network not available for voice calls” error.

Solution 13: Remove and Re-Insert Your SIM Card

One common cause of the “cellular network not available for voice calls” error is improper placement or connectivity of your SIM card. The SIM card is essential for your phone to connect to the mobile network and make calls. Here’s how you can check and ensure your SIM card is correctly inserted:

Step 1: Locate the SIM card tray on your smartphone. Most modern phones have a SIM tray that can be accessed by inserting a pin or SIM eject tool into a small hole next to the tray.

Step 2: Carefully eject the SIM card tray by applying gentle pressure to the pin or eject tool. Remove the tray from the phone.

Step 3: Take a close look at your SIM card. Ensure it’s clean and free from dust or debris. You can use a soft fabric or microfiber cloth to wipe it if needed.

Step 4: Examine the SIM card tray and the slot inside your phone. Make sure there is no foreign material obstructing the connection.

Step 5: Reinsert the SIM card into the tray, ensuring it fits properly and aligns with any notches or guides.

Step 6: Carefully slide the SIM card tray back into your phone until it clicks into place.

Step 7: Restart your phone and check if the error message persists.

Properly reseating your SIM card can resolve issues related to network connectivity. If the error message continues after performing this step, you should contact your telecom service provider for further assistance. They can help troubleshoot the issue and ensure that your SIM card and account are in proper working order.

Solution 14: Check for SIM Card Damage

A damaged or faulty SIM card can be the cause of the “cellular network not available for voice calls” error. To check for SIM card damage and troubleshoot the issue, follow these steps:

Step 1: Carefully eject the SIM card from your phone’s SIM tray.

Step 2: Examine the SIM card for any visible damage, such as scratches, cracks, or bending. A damaged SIM card can lead to connectivity issues.

Step 3: If the SIM card appears dirty or dusty, gently clean it with a soft, lint-free cloth.

Step 4: If you have access to another SIM card that is in good condition, insert it into your phone’s SIM tray. Ensure that it’s from the same carrier or a compatible one.

Step 5: Power cycle your phone by turning it off and then on again.

Step 6: After the restart, check if your phone can establish a network connection and make voice calls. If the issue is resolved with the new SIM card, it’s likely that your original SIM card was damaged.

Step 7: Contact your mobile carrier to request a replacement SIM card. They will provide you with a new SIM card that should resolve the issue.

By following these steps, you can determine if the problem is related to a damaged SIM card and take appropriate action to resolve it.

Solution 15: Restart Your Phone

Sometimes, issues related to network connectivity can be resolved by simply restarting your phone. Restarting your phone can clear any temporary glitches or background processes that might be affecting its ability to connect to the cellular network.

Here’s how to restart your phone:

For iPhone

Step 1: Press and hold the power button (located on the right side or top of your iPhone).

Step 2: Swipe the slider that appears on the screen to power off your iPhone.

Step 3: Wait for a few seconds, then press and hold the power button again until the Apple logo appears.

Step 4: Release the power button, and your iPhone will restart.

For Android (Samsung example)

Step 1: Press and hold the power button (usually located on the right side or top of your Android device).

Step 2: Tap on “Restart” or “Reboot” from the options that appear on the screen.

Step 3: Wait for your phone to power off and then turn back on.

After your phone restarts, check if the “cellular network not available for voice calls” error still persists. Restarting your phone can often resolve minor network-related issues, so it’s a good first step in troubleshooting the problem. If the error continues, proceed to the next steps for further solutions.

Solution 16: Power Cycle Your Phone

Performing a power cycle on your phone can help reset and establish a connection with your network provider. This can be an effective way to resolve glitches, especially if your phone has a removable battery. Here’s how to perform a power cycle:

Step 1: Press and hold the power button until the power options menu appears, then select “Power Off” or “Turn Off.”

Step 2: If your phone has a removable battery, carefully open the back cover, and take out the SIM card.

Step 3: If your phone’s battery is removable, gently remove it from the phone.

Step 4: Leave your phone without the battery and SIM card for about 2-3 minutes to ensure a complete power cycle.

Step 5: Carefully insert the SIM card back into its slot, followed by the battery.

Step 6: Press and hold the power button until your phone starts up.

After performing a power cycle, check if the “cellular network not available for voice calls” error persists. Power cycling can help resolve issues related to network connectivity, and it’s a useful troubleshooting step. If the error continues, proceed to the next solutions for further troubleshooting.

Solution 17: Reset Network Settings

If you’re still facing the “cellular network not available for voice calls” error after trying the previous solutions, you can attempt to reset your phone’s network settings. This can help resolve any software-related issues that might be causing the problem. Here’s how to reset network settings:

Step 1: Go to the settings app on your phone. This may vary slightly depending on your device’s manufacturer and version of the operating system, but it’s usually located in the App Drawer or accessible from the notification panel.

Step 2: In the Settings menu, scroll down or navigate to the “System” section. This is where you’ll find options related to your device’s system settings.

Step 3: Within the System section, look for the “Reset” option. It may also be labeled as “Reset & Backup” or something similar.

Step 4: Among the reset options, you should see one related to the mobile network or cellular settings. Select this option.

Step 5: If you have a dual SIM phone and the issue is specific to one SIM card, you may be prompted to choose which SIM card you want to reset. Select the SIM card with the issue.

Step 6: Confirm that you want to reset the network settings for the selected SIM card. The process may vary slightly depending on your device, but it typically involves tapping a “Reset Settings” or similar button.

Step 7: After resetting the network settings, it’s a good idea to restart your phone. This ensures that the changes take effect.

After your phone restarts, check if the “cellular network not available for voice calls” error is resolved. This reset should clear any network-related configurations or issues that may have been causing the problem. If the issue persists, you may need to contact your mobile carrier or consider more advanced troubleshooting steps.

Solution 18: Perform a Factory Reset (Use with Caution)

If you’ve exhausted all other options and the “cellular network not available for voice calls” error persists, you can consider performing a factory reset on your device. However, please use this solution with caution as it will erase all data, including apps, settings, and personal files, from your phone. Before proceeding, make sure to back up important data that you don’t want to lose. Here’s how to perform a factory reset:

Step 1: Go to the settings app on your phone. The location of this option may vary slightly depending on your device’s manufacturer and Android version, but it’s usually found in the App Drawer or accessible from the notification panel.

Step 2: In the Settings menu, scroll down or navigate to the “System” section. This is where you’ll find options related to your device’s system settings.

Step 3: Within the System section, look for the “Reset” or “Reset & Backup” option. It may be labeled differently on your device.

Step 4: Among the reset options, you should see one for a “Factory Reset” or “Erase all data (factory reset).” Select this option.

Step 5: You’ll be prompted to confirm that you want to perform a factory reset. This step is crucial because it will erase all data on your device. Review the information carefully and proceed.

Step 6: Depending on your device, you may need to enter your device’s PIN, pattern, or password to confirm the reset.

Step 7: Once confirmed, the factory reset process will begin. Your device will wipe all data and return to its original factory settings.

Step 8: The factory reset may take several minutes to complete. Your device will reboot during this process.

Step 9: After the factory reset is finished, your device will boot up as if it were brand new. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your device, including connecting to Wi-Fi, signing in with your Google account, and restoring any backed-up data.

Please note that a factory reset should be considered a last resort when all other troubleshooting methods have failed. It’s a drastic step, and you will lose all data that hasn’t been backed up. If the “cellular network not available for voice calls” error still persists after a factory reset, it’s advisable to contact your mobile carrier or seek professional assistance.

Solution 19: Contact your Carrier Network Provider for Support

If you’ve tried all the previous solutions and the “cellular network not available for voice calls” error persists, it’s time to reach out to your mobile carrier’s customer support for assistance. Your carrier’s support team can provide specific guidance and troubleshooting tailored to your network and account. Here’s how to contact your carrier’s support:

  • Visit the Carrier’s Website: Go to your mobile carrier’s official website. Look for a dedicated support or contact section. Most carriers provide online assistance through their websites.
  • Live Chat: Check if your carrier offers a live chat feature on their website. This can be a convenient way to get real-time assistance from a support representative.
  • Dial Customer Support: Use the helpline number associated with your carrier. Dial the customer support number, and follow the prompts to connect with a representative. Be prepared to explain your issue in detail.
  • In-Person Visit: If your carrier has physical stores or retail locations, consider visiting one in person. The staff at these locations can provide in-person support and assess any potential hardware issues.

When contacting your carrier’s support, be sure to provide them with specific details about the error, any troubleshooting steps you’ve already taken, and any relevant information about your account and device. The support team may guide you through additional troubleshooting or, if necessary, escalate the issue to their technical experts.

In some cases, the problem may be related to a network issue or a specific configuration on your account that only your carrier can resolve. They can also check if there are any known outages or maintenance in your area that might be affecting your service.

Remember that your carrier’s support team is there to assist you, so don’t hesitate to reach out for help when encountering network-related issues.

Solution 20: Hardware Solutions for ‘Mobile Network Not Available’

If you’ve exhausted all software and network-related troubleshooting steps and are still facing the “mobile network not available” error, the issue might be hardware-related. Here are some hardware solutions you can consider:

  • Antenna Switch Issues: If manual network searches fail to detect any networks, it could be due to a faulty Antenna Switch. You can fix this issue by either replacing or repairing the Antenna Switch.
  • PFO (Power Amplifier and Frequency Oscillator) Issues: If you can detect networks but not your home network, the problem may lie with the PFO. To resolve a “mobile network not found” error, consider replacing or repairing the PFO.
  • Network Disconnects During Calls: If your network disconnects while making calls, it could be related to the Network IC. You can try repairing or replacing the Network IC and cleaning the antenna tips and connection points on the phone.
  • 26 MHz Crystal Oscillator: If you continue to receive the error message, consider heating or replacing the 26 MHz Crystal Oscillator as a potential fix.
  • Jumper for Antenna Switch: If replacing the Antenna Switch is not possible, you can consider using a jumper to bypass the faulty switch if it’s accessible.
  • Re-Ball or Replace ICs: For various hardware components like the PFO, Network IC, Power IC, and CPU, you can try heating, re-balling (re-soldering), or replacing these integrated circuits if necessary. These components can sometimes develop soldering or connectivity issues over time.

Please note that hardware repairs should ideally be performed by professionals or experienced technicians, especially if you are not familiar with smartphone hardware. Attempting hardware repairs without proper knowledge and tools can lead to further damage. If you’re not confident in your ability to diagnose and fix hardware issues, it’s advisable to seek help from a qualified technician or a mobile repair service.

Before proceeding with any hardware repairs, make sure to back up your data and consider the warranty status of your device, as opening the device or attempting repairs yourself may void the warranty.

Solution 21: Get Your Phone Inspected by a Hardware Professional

If you’ve tried all the software and hardware troubleshooting steps and are still experiencing the “mobile network not available” error on your phone, it’s advisable to seek the assistance of a hardware professional or technician. Here’s what you can do:

  • Professional Inspection: Take your phone to a qualified hardware professional or a certified technician. They have the expertise and specialized tools to diagnose and repair hardware-related issues.
  • Carrier’s Recommendation: If your carrier’s support team has specifically advised you to bring in your phone for inspection, it’s likely that they suspect a serious issue with your device. Follow their guidance and take your phone to the recommended service center or technician.
  • Independent Repair Services: You can also consider independent mobile phone repair services. Look for reputable repair shops or technicians who specialize in smartphone hardware repairs. They can assess and troubleshoot the hardware components of your phone.
  • Warranty Status: Before proceeding with any repairs, check the warranty status of your device. If your phone is still under warranty, it’s important to consider whether attempting any DIY repairs or taking it to a non-authorized repair center could void the warranty. In such cases, it may be best to reach out to the phone manufacturer’s authorized service center for warranty-covered repairs.
  • Data Backup: Prior to any repair attempts, ensure you have a backup of your important data and files from the phone. Repair processes can sometimes result in data loss or device reset.
  • Repair Costs: Be prepared for potential repair costs, especially if your device is out of warranty or if the issue is not covered by warranty. Ask for an estimate before proceeding with any repairs.

Remember that hardware issues can be complex, and attempting DIY repairs without the necessary expertise can lead to further problems. Seeking professional assistance is often the safest and most effective way to resolve hardware-related mobile network issues.


If you’ve exhausted all the troubleshooting steps, including software fixes and hardware checks, and you’re still encountering the “mobile network not available” error on your smartphone, it’s crucial to consider seeking professional help. Whether your phone is a Samsung Galaxy S4, Huawei, AT&T, Verizon, Sprint Sony Xperia, Lenovo, T-Mobile, Motorola, HTC, Xiaomi, Sony, Blackberry, Apple, or any other brand, these tips should cover most scenarios and network providers.

At this stage, if your carrier has recommended bringing your phone in for an in-person inspection, it’s likely that there’s a significant issue with your device that requires expert attention. Regardless of whether you choose an official service center or a reputable independent technician, a repair job is often the most effective way to resolve the problem.

Remember to check your device’s warranty status, backup your data, and be prepared for potential repair costs. Professional hardware inspection and repair can diagnose and fix complex issues that may be causing network problems.

By following these comprehensive solutions, you can improve your chances of resolving the “mobile network not available” error and get your phone back to full network functionality.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question: Why Can’t I Make Calls After Traveling?

Answer: If you’ve been traveling and are experiencing issues with making calls on your phone, here are some steps to troubleshoot the problem:

  1. Restart Your Phone: Sometimes, after traveling, your phone may have difficulty recognizing local cell phone towers. A simple restart can often resolve this issue. Turn your phone off and then back on again.
  2. Check Airplane Mode: Ensure that Airplane mode is not enabled on your device. When Airplane mode is active, it disables all network connectivity, including cellular connections. To check and disable Airplane mode, swipe down from the top of your screen and tap on the Airplane icon if it’s highlighted.
  3. Contact Your Phone Carrier: If restarting your phone and disabling Airplane mode don’t resolve the problem, it’s a good idea to get in touch with your phone carrier. They can provide specific guidance and solutions tailored to your situation.
  4. Consider a New SIM Card: In some cases, you may need a new SIM card. If your SIM card is damaged or outdated, it can cause network connectivity issues. Your phone carrier can assist you in obtaining a new SIM card if necessary.
  5. Service Restart: Your carrier can also help you restart your service, especially if you’ve been traveling internationally and may have had your service temporarily suspended or restricted.

By following these steps, you should be able to address the issue and regain the ability to make calls on your phone after traveling.

Question: What’s the Best Way to Make Emergency Calls If I Encounter This Error?

Answer: If you find yourself in an emergency

This post first appeared on PUPUWEB - Information Resource For Emerging Technology Trends And Cybersecurity, please read the originial post: here

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Solved: How to fix Cellular Network Not Available For Phone Calls error?


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