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Answer Explained: Which AWS managed security service protect from SQL injection attacks and access logging to eCommerce app


A global company wants to use a managed security service for protection from Sql Injection Attacks. The service also must provide detailed logging information about access to the company’s ecommerce applications.

Which AWS service will meet these requirements?

A. AWS Network Firewall
B. Amazon RDS for SQL Server
C. Amazon GuardDuty



Explanation 1

The AWS service that will meet the requirements of a global company wanting a managed security service for protection from Sql Injection attacks and detailed logging information about access to their ecommerce applications is AWS WAF (Option D).


Let’s analyze each option to determine the most suitable service:

A. AWS Network Firewall: AWS Network Firewall is a managed firewall service that provides network traffic control for AWS resources. While it offers protection at the network level, it does not specifically address SQL injection attacks or provide detailed logging information about access to ecommerce applications.

B. Amazon RDS for SQL Server: Amazon RDS for SQL Server is a managed relational database service that provides scalable and highly available SQL Server deployments. While it offers database management capabilities, it does not focus on protecting against SQL injection attacks or provide detailed logging information about application access.

C. Amazon GuardDuty: Amazon GuardDuty is a threat detection service that continuously monitors for malicious activity and unauthorized behavior within your AWS environment. While it provides detailed logging information and threat detection, it does not specifically focus on protecting against SQL injection attacks.

D. AWS WAF: AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall) is a web application firewall service that helps protect web applications from common web exploits and attacks, including SQL injection attacks. It allows you to define custom rules and conditions to filter and control inbound web traffic, providing protection against SQL injection attacks. Additionally, AWS WAF provides detailed logging information about access to your web applications, including information about requests, IP addresses, and response codes.

In summary, based on the requirements of a managed security service for protection from SQL injection attacks and detailed logging information about access to ecommerce applications, the most appropriate AWS service is AWS WAF (Option D). It offers protection against SQL injection attacks and provides detailed logging information to help monitor and analyze access to the company’s ecommerce applications.

Explanation 2

The correct answer is D. AWS WAF.

AWS WAF is a web application firewall (WAF) that helps protect web applications from common web attacks, including SQL injection attacks. It can also be used to block malicious traffic and provide detailed logging information about access to your applications.

Amazon GuardDuty is a threat detection service that uses machine learning to identify potential threats to your AWS resources. It does not provide protection from SQL injection attacks or detailed logging information.

Amazon RDS for SQL Server is a managed relational database service that provides a SQL Server-compatible database engine. It does not provide protection from SQL injection attacks or detailed logging information.

AWS Network Firewall is a managed network firewall service that can be used to protect your AWS resources from network-based threats. It does not provide protection from SQL injection attacks or detailed logging information about access to your applications.

Therefore, the AWS service that will meet the requirements of this question is AWS WAF.

Explanation 3

The correct answer is D. AWS WAF. AWS WAF is a web application firewall that helps protect web applications from common web exploits, such as SQL injection attacks. AWS WAF also provides detailed logging information about the web requests that are allowed or blocked by the firewall rules. AWS WAF can be deployed on Amazon CloudFront, Amazon API Gateway, or Application Load Balancer.

Option A is incorrect because AWS Network Firewall is a network firewall service that provides stateful inspection, filtering, and monitoring of network traffic. AWS Network Firewall does not protect web applications from SQL injection attacks or provide detailed logging information about web requests.

Option B is incorrect because Amazon RDS for SQL Server is a relational database service that supports SQL Server databases. Amazon RDS for SQL Server does not provide a managed security service for web applications or detailed logging information about web requests.

Option C is incorrect because Amazon GuardDuty is a threat detection service that monitors for malicious activity and unauthorized behavior across AWS accounts and workloads. Amazon GuardDuty does not provide a web application firewall or detailed logging information about web requests.

Explanation 4

The AWS service that will meet these requirements is D. AWS WAF. It provides protection against SQL injection attacks and also offers detailed logging information about access to applications.

AWS WAF, or Web Application Firewall, is a security service that helps protect web applications from common web exploits like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. Here’s why it’s suitable for a global company:

  • Protection Against SQL Injection: AWS WAF allows you to create custom rules that identify patterns of SQL injection attacks and block them. This helps to safeguard your databases and sensitive information.
  • Detailed Logging: AWS WAF integrates with AWS CloudWatch and AWS Kinesis Firehose, providing detailed logs about access to your applications. This includes information about allowed and blocked requests, which can be useful for auditing, analysis, and creating new security rules.
  • Managed Service: As a managed service, AWS WAF eliminates the need for your IT team to constantly update and manage the firewall. AWS handles all the maintenance, updates, and scaling, allowing your team to focus on other tasks.
  • Global Coverage: AWS WAF is integrated with Amazon CloudFront, a global content delivery network (CDN). This means your security rules are applied to all your applications, no matter where your users are located.
  • Integration with AWS Ecosystem: If your ecommerce applications are already on AWS, using AWS WAF allows for seamless integration and management within the same ecosystem.
  • Cost-Effective: With AWS WAF, you only pay for what you use. This makes it a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes.

Explanation 5

Based on the given requirements, the best answer is D. AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall).

Here’s why:

  • Protection from SQL injection attacks: AWS WAF provides protection against SQL injection attacks by using a set of rules that can detect and block malicious SQL queries.
  • Detailed logging information: AWS WAF provides detailed logging information about access to the company’s ecommerce applications, which can help the company identify and investigate any suspicious activity.

AWS Network Firewall (Option A) does not provide the same level of protection against SQL injection attacks, as it is primarily designed to provide network-level protection. Amazon RDS for SQL Server (Option B) is a database service that does not provide web application firewall functionality. Amazon GuardDuty (Option C) is a threat detection service that provides security monitoring and threat detection for AWS accounts, but it does not provide the specific SQL injection protection and detailed logging required for this scenario.

Therefore, the best option for the company’s requirements is AWS WAF.

Explanation 6

The correct answer is D. AWS WAF.

AWS WAF is a web application firewall service that helps protect web applications from common web exploits that could affect availability, compromise security, or consume excessive resources. AWS WAF gives you control over which traffic to allow or block to your web applications by defining customizable web security rules. You can use AWS WAF to create custom rules that block common attack patterns, such as SQL injection or cross-site scripting, and rules that are designed for your specific application. You can also use AWS WAF to filter and control inbound web traffic based on conditions such as IP addresses, HTTP headers, HTTP body, or URI strings.

AWS WAF also provides detailed logging information about access to your web applications. You can use Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose to deliver the logs to Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift, or Amazon Elasticsearch Service for further analysis and visualization. You can also use AWS CloudFormation to automate the deployment and configuration of AWS WAF across multiple AWS accounts and regions.

AWS Network Firewall is a managed network firewall service that provides network protection across all your Amazon VPCs. It allows you to filter traffic at the network layer using stateful firewall rules and at the application layer using Suricata-compatible IPS rules. It also offers features such as high availability, scalability, monitoring, and integration with AWS services. However, it does not provide protection from SQL injection attacks or detailed logging information about access to your web applications.

Amazon RDS for SQL Server is a relational database service that supports the SQL Server database engine. It provides a managed environment for running SQL Server databases in the cloud. It handles tasks such as installation, patching, backup, recovery, and monitoring. It also offers features such as encryption at rest and in transit, multi-AZ deployment, read replicas, and integration with AWS services. However, it does not provide protection from SQL injection attacks or detailed logging information about access to your web applications.

Amazon GuardDuty is a threat detection service that continuously monitors for malicious activity and unauthorized behavior to protect your AWS accounts and workloads. It analyzes and processes data sources such as VPC Flow Logs, AWS CloudTrail event logs, and DNS logs. It uses machine learning, anomaly detection, and integrated threat intelligence to identify and prioritize potential threats. However, it does not provide protection from SQL injection attacks or detailed logging information about access to your web applications.

Explanation 7

The correct answer is D. AWS WAF.

AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall) is a managed security service that helps protect web applications from various types of attacks, including SQL injection attacks. It inspects incoming web traffic and blocks or allows traffic based on customizable rules. AWS WAF can also provide detailed logging information about access to the company’s ecommerce applications, including information about blocked requests.

Here’s why the other options do not meet the requirements:

A. AWS Network Firewall is a network security service that provides network-level protection against threats such as unauthorized access, traffic hijacking, and DNS attacks. While it can help protect against some types of attacks, it does not specifically protect against SQL injection attacks or provide detailed logging information about access to ecommerce applications.

B. Amazon RDS for SQL Server is a managed relational database service that runs SQL Server. While it provides a secure environment for the database, it does not provide a web application firewall or protect against SQL injection attacks.

C. Amazon GuardDuty is a security monitoring service that detects and alerts on suspicious activity in AWS environments. While it can help identify potential security threats, it does not provide a web application firewall or protect against SQL injection attacks.

Therefore, the best answer is D. AWS WAF, which provides a managed web application firewall that can help protect against SQL injection attacks and provide detailed logging information about access to the company’s ecommerce applications.

Explanation 8

The correct answer is D. AWS WAF.

AWS WAF is a web application firewall (WAF) that helps protect web applications from common web attacks, including SQL injection attacks. It can also be used to provide detailed logging information about access to web applications.

AWS Network Firewall is a managed, cloud-native firewall service that can be used to protect VPCs from a variety of threats, including SQL injection attacks. However, it does not provide detailed logging information about access to applications.

Amazon RDS for SQL Server is a fully managed relational database service that provides a SQL Server-compatible database engine. It does not provide any protection from SQL injection attacks, nor does it provide detailed logging information about access to applications.

Amazon GuardDuty is a threat detection service that uses machine learning to identify potential threats to your AWS resources. It does not provide any protection from SQL injection attacks, but it can be used to detect them after they have occurred.

Therefore, the AWS service that will meet the requirements of this question is AWS WAF.

I hope this helps!

Explanation 9

Based on the given requirements, the best answer is (C) Amazon GuardDuty.

Amazon GuardDuty is a fully managed security service that provides advanced threat detection and compliance monitoring for AWS accounts. It uses machine learning and other advanced technologies to detect and alert on potential security threats, including SQL injection attacks.

GuardDuty provides detailed logging information about access to ecommerce applications, including logs from AWS services such as Amazon RDS, Amazon S3, and Amazon EC2. It can also integrate with other AWS services, such as AWS CloudTrail, to provide a comprehensive view of security events across the AWS environment.

Here are some key features of Amazon GuardDuty that support the requirements mentioned in the question:

  • Advanced threat detection: GuardDuty uses machine learning and other advanced technologies to detect and alert on potential security threats, including SQL injection attacks.
  • Detailed logging: GuardDuty provides detailed logging information about access to ecommerce applications, including logs from AWS services such as Amazon RDS, Amazon S3, and Amazon EC2.
  • Integration with other AWS services: GuardDuty can integrate with other AWS services, such as AWS CloudTrail, to provide a comprehensive view of security events across the AWS environment.

In contrast, the other options do not meet the requirements as follows:

A. AWS Network Firewall: AWS Network Firewall is a security service that provides network-level protections for AWS resources. While it can help protect against SQL injection attacks, it does not provide the same level of detailed logging as GuardDuty.

B. Amazon RDS for SQL Server: Amazon RDS is a managed relational database service that provides a managed environment for running SQL Server. While it can help protect against SQL injection attacks, it does not provide the same level of security monitoring and logging as GuardDuty.

D. AWS WAF: AWS WAF is a web application firewall that provides a scalable and secure way to protect AWS resources from common web exploits, including SQL injection attacks. However, it does not provide the same level of detailed logging as GuardDuty.

In conclusion, the best answer is (C) Amazon GuardDuty, as it provides the most comprehensive set of features to meet the given requirements.

Explanation 10

The correct answer is: D. AWS WAF


For a global company seeking a managed security service to protect from SQL injection attacks and provide detailed logging information about access to its ecommerce applications, the appropriate AWS service is AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall).

Here’s the detailed explanation:

  • AWS WAF: AWS WAF is a managed web application firewall that helps protect web applications from various types of attacks, including SQL injection attacks. It allows you to define custom rules to filter and control incoming web traffic based on specific criteria, such as IP addresses, query strings, user agents, and more.
  • Protection from SQL Injection: AWS WAF can be configured with rules that specifically target and mitigate SQL injection attacks. This adds a layer of security to the company’s ecommerce applications by preventing potentially malicious SQL injection attempts.
  • Logging and Monitoring: AWS WAF provides detailed logging capabilities, allowing the company to gather information about access to its ecommerce applications. The logs can include information about incoming requests, matched rules, and more. These logs can be used for analysis, monitoring, and security auditing.
  • AWS Network Firewall: While AWS Network Firewall provides network-level protection, it doesn’t offer the same level of customization and application-specific protection as AWS WAF. Additionally, it may not provide the detailed logging information required for the company’s ecommerce applications.
  • Amazon RDS for SQL Server: Amazon RDS for SQL Server is a managed relational database service and doesn’t directly provide the security and logging features needed to protect against SQL injection attacks and provide detailed access logging.
  • Amazon GuardDuty: GuardDuty is a threat detection service that monitors for malicious activity and unauthorized behavior in your AWS environment. While it’s important for security, it’s not specifically designed to provide protection against SQL injection attacks or detailed logging for web applications.

In conclusion, AWS WAF is the AWS service that meets the requirements of a global company seeking a managed security service for protection against SQL injection attacks and detailed logging information about access to its ecommerce applications. AWS WAF offers customizable security rules and comprehensive logging for web application protection.

Explanation 11

The answer is D. AWS WAF

AWS WAF is a managed web application firewall that helps protect your web applications from common web exploits that can affect applications hosted on Amazon EC2 instances, AWS Lambda, containers, or mobile applications. AWS WAF can be used to block common attacks such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and denial of service (DoS) attacks. AWS WAF can also be used to allow or block specific requests based on the content of the request, such as the IP address of the client, the user agent, or the content of the request body.

AWS WAF provides detailed logging information about access to your web applications. This logging information can be used to troubleshoot issues with your web applications, identify potential security threats, and comply with regulatory requirements.

AWS WAF is a powerful and effective tool for protecting your web applications from common web exploits. If you are looking for a managed web application firewall that can provide detailed logging information about access to your web applications, then AWS WAF is the right choice for you.

Explanation 12

The AWS service that will meet the requirements of a global company wanting protection from SQL injection attacks and detailed logging information about access to their ecommerce applications is option D: AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall).

AWS WAF is a managed service that helps protect web applications from common web exploits, including SQL injection attacks. It allows you to create rules to filter and monitor HTTP and HTTPS requests to your application, providing protection against various types of attacks.

In addition to protection, AWS WAF also provides detailed logging information. It logs all web requests that match the defined rules, allowing you to analyze and monitor the traffic to your applications. These logs can be integrated with other AWS services, such as Amazon CloudWatch or Amazon Athena, for further analysis and monitoring.

Option A, AWS Network Firewall, is a managed firewall service that provides network-level protection for your AWS resources. While it can help protect against certain types of attacks, it does not specifically focus on SQL injection attacks or provide detailed logging information about access to ecommerce applications.

Option B, Amazon RDS for SQL Server, is a managed relational database service that supports SQL Server. While it can provide a secure and managed environment for hosting SQL Server databases, it does not specifically focus on protecting against SQL injection attacks or provide detailed logging information about access to ecommerce applications.

Option C, Amazon GuardDuty, is a threat detection service that continuously monitors for malicious activity and unauthorized behavior within your AWS environment. While it can help detect and alert you about potential security issues, it does not specifically focus on protecting against SQL injection attacks or provide detailed logging information about access to ecommerce applications.

Therefore, the most suitable option for the global company’s requirements is option D: AWS WAF. It provides protection against SQL injection attacks and offers detailed logging information about access to the company’s ecommerce applications.

Explanation 13

The AWS service that would meet the requirements of providing protection from SQL injection attacks and detailed logging information about access to the company’s ecommerce applications is option D, AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall).

AWS WAF is a managed web application firewall that helps protect web applications from common web exploits, including SQL injection attacks. It filters and inspects web traffic to detect and block malicious requests that could exploit vulnerabilities in the application. By configuring AWS WAF rules, you can define specific patterns and conditions to block SQL injection attempts and other types of malicious traffic.

In addition to protection, AWS WAF also offers detailed logging capabilities. When enabled, AWS WAF can log information about every web request that it inspects. The logs provide valuable insights into the traffic patterns and potential threats to your application. You can view and analyze these logs using Amazon CloudWatch Logs or integrate them with other monitoring and analysis tools.

Let’s quickly evaluate the other options to understand why they may not be the best fit:

Option A: AWS Network Firewall is a managed firewall service that controls the network traffic flow for Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) resources. While it can filter and inspect network traffic, it is not specifically designed for protecting against SQL injection attacks or providing detailed logging information about access to web applications.

Option B: Amazon RDS for SQL Server is a managed relational database service. It provides a fully managed SQL Server database, but it is not a security service or a logging service. It would not fulfill the requirements stated in the question.

Option C: Amazon GuardDuty is a threat detection service that helps protect AWS accounts and workloads by continuously monitoring for malicious activity. While it can detect various types of threats, including SQL injection attacks, it does not specifically focus on protecting web applications or providing detailed logging information about web application access.

In conclusion, AWS WAF is the most suitable AWS service for the given requirements, as it offers protection against SQL injection attacks and provides detailed logging information about access to the company’s ecommerce applications.

Explanation 14

To use a managed security service for protection from SQL injection attacks and to provide detailed logging information about access to the company’s ecommerce applications, the best option is AWS WAF. AWS WAF is a web application firewall that helps protect web applications from common web exploits that could affect application availability, compromise security, or consume excessive resources. AWS WAF enables you to create custom rules that block common attack patterns, such as SQL injection or cross-site scripting (XSS), and rules that filter traffic based on IP addresses, HTTP headers, or URI strings. AWS WAF also provides detailed logging information about access to your web applications.

AWS Network Firewall is a managed firewall service that provides network traffic filtering for Amazon VPCs. It is not designed to meet the requirements of a company that wants to use a managed security service for protection from SQL injection attacks and provide detailed logging information about access to the company’s ecommerce applications.

Amazon RDS for SQL Server is a managed relational database service that is best suited for applications that require complex queries and transactions. It is not designed to meet the requirements of a company that wants to use a managed security service for protection from SQL injection attacks and provide detailed logging information about access to the company’s ecommerce applications.

Amazon GuardDuty is a threat detection service that continuously monitors for malicious activity and unauthorized behavior to protect AWS accounts and workloads. It is not designed to meet the requirements of a company that wants to use a managed security service for protection from SQL injection attacks and provide detailed logging information about access to the company’s ecommerce applications.

Therefore, the best option for using a managed security service for protection from SQL injection attacks and providing detailed logging information about access to the company’s ecommerce applications is AWS WAF.

Explanation 15

The correct answer is D. AWS WAF.

AWS WAF is a web application firewall (WAF) that helps protect web applications from common web attacks, including SQL injection attacks. It can also be used to provide detailed logging information about access to web applications.

AWS Network Firewall is a managed service that provides network-level protection for your AWS resources. It can be used to protect against a variety of threats, including SQL injection attacks, but it does not provide detailed logging information about access to web applications.

Amazon RDS for SQL Server is a managed relational database service that provides a SQL Server-compatible database engine. It does not provide any built-in protection against SQL injection attacks, and it does not provide detailed logging information about access to the database.

Amazon GuardDuty is a threat detection service that uses machine learning to identify potential threats to your AWS resources. It does not provide any protection against SQL injection attacks, but it can be used to detect and investigate SQL injection attacks that have already occurred.

Therefore, the AWS service that will meet the requirements of this question is AWS WAF.

I hope this helps!

Explanation 16

Here is the comprehensive answer with detailed explanation for the question:

The AWS service that will meet both requirements of providing protection from SQL injection attacks and detailed logging information about access to the company’s ecommerce applications is AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall).

AWS WAF is a web application firewall that helps protect web applications from common exploits that could affect application availability, compromise security, or consume excessive resources. It monitors HTTP and HTTPS requests that are forwarded to Amazon CloudFront, an Amazon API Gateway API, or an Application Load Balancer. AWS WAF uses rules that you define to identify potential attacks. When it identifies a request that matches one of the rules, it either blocks the request or allows it to go through. AWS WAF integrates with AWS CloudTrail to provide detailed logs about allowed and blocked web requests.

The other options do not meet both requirements:

  • AWS Network Firewall provides firewall capabilities at the network level, not the application level to protect from SQL injections. It also does not provide application layer logging.
  • Amazon RDS for SQL Server is a database service, not a web application firewall. It will not protect from SQL injection attacks or provide detailed access logging for ecommerce applications.
  • Amazon GuardDuty is a threat detection service but does not have the capabilities of a web application firewall to protect from SQL injections or provide application layer access logs.

Therefore, the AWS service that uniquely meets both requirements of providing protection from SQL injection attacks at the application layer and detailed access logging for ecommerce applications is AWS WAF.

Explanation 17

The correct answer is D. AWS WAF.

AWS WAF is a web application firewall service that helps protect web applications from common web exploits and attacks, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting, botnets, and DDoS. AWS WAF allows customers to create custom rules and conditions to filter and control inbound and outbound web traffic based on various criteria, such as IP addresses, HTTP headers, HTTP methods, query strings, body size, and more. AWS WAF also provides real-time visibility and monitoring of web traffic and web requests, as well as integration with other AWS services, such as Amazon CloudFront, Amazon API Gateway, and Application Load Balancer.

AWS WAF meets the requirements of providing protection from SQL injection attacks and detailed logging information about access to the company’s ecommerce applications because it enables customers to define their own web security policies and apply them to their web applications. Customers can also use AWS WAF to block or allow specific requests or sources based on their rules and conditions. Customers can also use AWS WAF to access the full details of each web request, such as the source IP address, the request method, the request headers, the request body, and the response status code. Customers can also use AWS WAF to export the web request data to Amazon S3 or Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose for further analysis or storage.

The other options are not as suitable for this scenario because they do not meet the requirements of providing protection from SQL injection attacks and detailed logging information about access to the company’s ecommerce applications. For example:

  • AWS Network Firewall is a managed network firewall service that provides network protection and visibility for Amazon VPCs. It does not provide any functionality to filter or control web traffic based on custom rules or conditions. It also does not provide any functionality to access the full details of each web request.
  • Amazon RDS for SQL Server is a relational database service that supports the SQL Server database engine. It does not provide any functionality to protect web applications from SQL injection attacks or to log web traffic information. It also requires more operational overhead than AWS WAF because it involves managing servers, storage, backups, patches, upgrades, and security.
  • Amazon GuardDuty is a threat detection service that monitors and analyzes AWS account and network activity for malicious or unauthorized behavior. It does not provide any functionality to protect web applications from SQL injection attacks or to log web traffic information. It also does not provide any functionality to filter or control web traffic based on custom rules or conditions.

Therefore, AWS WAF is the best option for providing protection from SQL injection attacks and detailed logging information about access to the company’s ecommerce applications.

Explanation 18


AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall) is the best option to meet the requirements in the question.

  • AWS WAF helps protect web applications from common web exploits like SQL injection. It allows creating custom rules to block or allow web requests based on conditions like IP addresses, HTTP headers, and body or URI strings.
  • AWS WAF integrates with Amazon CloudWatch to enable detailed logging and monitoring. The full request rate, web request trends, most requested URLs, top attackers, etc. can be tracked in near real-time.
  • It works across multiple AWS services like Amazon CloudFront, Application Load Balancer, API Gateway, etc. This allows protecting web apps deployed in different ways.
  • AWS WAF is a fully managed service that requires no maintenance or administration overhead. It scales automatically to meet web application demands.

In contrast, AWS Network Firewall is for network-level protection, Amazon RDS for SQL Server is just a database engine, and Amazon GuardDuty is for threat detection. None of them directly help protect from SQL injection attacks or provide web request logging for the ecommerce apps.

Therefore, AWS WAF is the most suitable service to meet the global company’s requirements in this scenario.

Explanation 19

The correct answer is D. AWS WAF. AWS WAF is a web application firewall that helps protect your web application or API from common web exploits such as SQL injection attacks. AWS WAF also provides detailed logging information about access to your applications through Amazon CloudWatch. AWS WAF can inspect the parts of web requests, such as the URI path or the query string, that you specify in SQL injection match conditions. You can create rules and web ACLs to allow or block requests that appear to contain malicious SQL code based on the SQL injection match conditions. AWS WAF also supports setting sensitivity levels for SQL injection rule statements, giving you greater control over how AWS WAF evaluates requests for SQLi attacks.

The other options are incorrect because:

  • A. AWS Network Firewall is a stateful firewall service that provides network protection for your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). It does not offer protection from SQL injection attacks or logging information about access to your applications.
  • B. Amazon RDS for SQL Server is a relational database service that lets you run Microsoft SQL Server databases in the AWS Cloud. It does not provide a managed security service for protection from SQL injection attacks or logging information about access to your applications.
  • C. Amazon GuardDuty is a threat detection service that monitors for malicious activity and unauthorized behavior across your AWS accounts and workloads. It does not provide a managed security service for protection from SQL injection attacks or logging information about access to your applications.

Explanation 20

The AWS service that can meet the requirements of a global company for protection from SQL injection attacks and detailed logging information about access to their ecommerce applications is option D: AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall).

AWS WAF is a managed web application firewall service that helps protect web applications from common web exploits, including SQL injection attacks. It provides a layer of security that can inspect and filter HTTP and HTTPS requests before they reach web applications hosted on AWS. By configuring AWS WAF rules, you can block or allow specific types of requests, including those that may contain SQL injection attempts.

In addition to protection against SQL injection attacks, AWS WAF also provides detailed logging information. When enabled, AWS WAF can generate logs that capture detailed information about each request that matches a defined rule. These logs can include information such as the timestamp, source IP address, request parameters, and whether the request was allowed or blocked. The logging information is valuable for monitoring and analysis purposes, allowing you to gain insights into the traffic patterns and potential security threats targeting your applications.

To summarize, AWS WAF is the appropriate AWS service for meeting the global company’s requirements for protection against SQL injection attacks and detailed logging information about access to their ecommerce applications.


  • AWS WAF adds sensitivity levels for SQL injection rule statements (
  • Working with SQL injection match conditions – AWS WAF, AWS Firewall Manager, and AWS Shield Advanced (
  • How to enable Microsoft Defender for SQL servers on machines – Microsoft Defender for Cloud | Microsoft Learn
  • Block common attacks with AWS WAF | AWS re:Post (

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Answer Explained: Which AWS managed security service protect from SQL injection attacks and access logging to eCommerce app


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