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Amazon AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Q&A: Which tasks customer responsibilities according to AWS shared responsibility model


Which tasks are customer responsibilities, according to the Aws Shared Responsibility model? (Choose two.)

A. Configure the AWS provided security group firewall.
B. Classify company assets in the AWS Cloud.
C. Determine which Availability Zones to use for Amazon S3 buckets.
D. Patch or upgrade Amazon DynamoDB.
E. Select Amazon EC2 instances to run AWS Lambda on.


A. Configure the AWS provided security group firewall.
B. Classify company assets in the AWS Cloud.

Explanation 1

The correct answers are A and B.

  • A. Configure the AWS provided security group firewall. This is a customer responsibility because it defines which inbound and outbound traffic is allowed to reach your AWS resources.
  • B. Classify company assets in the AWS Cloud. This is a customer responsibility because it helps you to understand the security risks of your AWS resources and to take steps to mitigate those risks.

The other options are AWS responsibilities.

  • C. Determine which Availability Zones to use for Amazon S3 buckets. AWS is responsible for the availability of Availability Zones, so you do not need to worry about this.
  • D. Patch or upgrade Amazon DynamoDB. AWS is responsible for patching and upgrading Amazon DynamoDB, so you do not need to worry about this.
  • E. Select Amazon EC2 instances to run AWS Lambda on. AWS is responsible for the performance of Amazon EC2 instances, so you do not need to worry about this.

Here is a table that summarizes the customer and AWS responsibilities according to the AWS shared responsibility model:

Responsibility Customer AWS
Configure the AWS provided security group firewall. Yes No
Classify company assets in the AWS Cloud. Yes No
Determine which Availability Zones to use for Amazon S3 buckets. No Yes
Patch or upgrade Amazon DynamoDB. No Yes
Select Amazon EC2 instances to run AWS Lambda on. No Yes

Explanation 2

According to the AWS shared responsibility model, the customer is responsible for the following tasks:

A. Configure the AWS provided security group firewall: Customers are responsible for configuring and managing the security group firewall rules that control inbound and outbound traffic to their Amazon EC2 instances. AWS provides the security group feature, but it’s the customer’s responsibility to define and maintain the rules.

B. Classify company assets in the AWS Cloud: Customers are responsible for classifying their assets and data stored in the AWS Cloud. This includes determining the sensitivity and importance of the data, as well as applying appropriate security measures and access controls.

The other options are not customer responsibilities according to the shared responsibility model:

C. Determine which Availability Zones to use for Amazon S3 buckets: AWS is responsible for the underlying infrastructure, including the selection and management of Availability Zones for services like Amazon S3. Customers do not have control over selecting specific Availability Zones for their S3 buckets.

D. Patch or upgrade Amazon DynamoDB: AWS is responsible for patching and upgrading the infrastructure and underlying software of managed services like Amazon DynamoDB. Customers do not need to perform these tasks themselves.

E. Select Amazon EC2 instances to run AWS Lambda on: The selection of Amazon EC2 instances to run AWS Lambda is not a customer responsibility. AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service, and customers do not have control over selecting or managing the underlying infrastructure. AWS handles the infrastructure and provisioning of resources for running Lambda functions.

In summary, according to the AWS shared responsibility model, the customer is responsible for configuring the provided security group firewall and classifying company assets in the AWS Cloud.

Explanation 3

The two correct answers are:

A. Configure the AWS provided security group firewall.

B. Classify company assets in the AWS Cloud.

The AWS shared responsibility model defines that AWS is responsible for security of the cloud, while the customer is responsible for security in the cloud.

According to this model, customers are responsible for:

  • Security configuration on AWS resources. This includes configuring security groups (option A) to control network access to instances.
  • Classifying and protecting their data and assets appropriately (option B). This includes things like ensuring sensitive data is encrypted at rest.

AWS is responsible for:

  • Security of the cloud infrastructure that runs all of the AWS services. This includes the physical security of data centers, hardware, networks and facilities.
  • The security configuration of the AWS services themselves. For example, patching the Amazon DynamoDB service (option D).

The other options are AWS responsibilities:

C) Selecting which Availability Zones to use for services like S3 is an AWS service configuration, not a customer responsibility.

E) Selecting EC2 instance types to run Lambda is also an AWS service configuration, not a customer responsibility.

So in summary, according to the shared responsibility model, customers are responsible for security configuration of their AWS resources and protecting their data and assets, while AWS is responsible for security of the underlying cloud infrastructure and services themselves.

Explanation 4

The correct answers are A and B.

  • A. Configure the AWS provided security group firewall. This is a customer responsibility because the customer is responsible for the security of their data in the AWS Cloud. The AWS provided security group firewall controls which traffic is allowed to reach your AWS resources.
  • B. Classify company assets in the AWS Cloud. This is a customer responsibility because the customer is responsible for understanding what data they have in the AWS Cloud and how that data is classified. This information is important for security and compliance purposes.

The other options are not customer responsibilities.

  • C. Determine which Availability Zones to use for Amazon S3 buckets. This is an AWS responsibility because AWS is responsible for the availability of their services. AWS has a team of experts who determine which Availability Zones are best suited for different types of workloads.
  • D. Patch or upgrade Amazon DynamoDB. This is an AWS responsibility because AWS is responsible for the maintenance of their services. AWS has a team of experts who patch and upgrade their services on a regular basis.
  • E. Select Amazon EC2 instances to run AWS Lambda on. This is a customer responsibility because the customer is responsible for the performance of their applications. The customer needs to select Amazon EC2 instances that are appropriate for the workload that they are running.

Explanation 5

According to the AWS shared responsibility model, the customer is responsible for the following tasks:

A. Configure the AWS provided security group firewall: Customers are responsible for configuring and managing the security group firewall rules to control inbound and outbound traffic to their AWS resources. This includes defining the rules and access control policies to meet their specific security requirements.

B. Classify company assets in the AWS Cloud: Customers are responsible for classifying and categorizing their assets stored or operated in the AWS Cloud. This involves identifying and labeling sensitive data, determining the appropriate security controls, and applying suitable encryption and access policies based on their specific compliance and security requirements.

The other options are not customer responsibilities according to the AWS shared responsibility model:

C. Determine which Availability Zones to use for Amazon S3 buckets: The selection of Availability Zones for Amazon S3 buckets is managed and controlled by AWS. AWS ensures data durability and availability across multiple Availability Zones transparently to the customer.

D. Patch or upgrade Amazon DynamoDB: AWS is responsible for patching and upgrading the underlying infrastructure and services, including Amazon DynamoDB. Customers do not have direct access to patch or upgrade the managed services provided by AWS.

E. Select Amazon EC2 instances to run AWS Lambda on: The management and selection of underlying infrastructure, such as Amazon EC2 instances, to run AWS Lambda functions is abstracted from the customer. AWS automatically manages the infrastructure and scaling aspects of AWS Lambda, allowing customers to focus solely on writing their code and defining their functions.

In summary, customer responsibilities in the AWS shared responsibility model include configuring the AWS provided security group firewall and classifying company assets in the AWS Cloud.

Explanation 6

Based on the AWS shared responsibility model, the customer is responsible for the following tasks:

B. Classify company assets in the AWS Cloud.
E. Select Amazon EC2 instances to run AWS Lambda on.

The AWS shared responsibility model defines the divisions of responsibilities between AWS and the customer in terms of security, availability, and operational tasks. According to this model, AWS is responsible for the security of the cloud, while the customer is responsible for securing their data and applications within the cloud.

Task B, classifying company assets in the AWS Cloud, is a customer responsibility because it involves identifying and organizing the company’s data and applications within the AWS Cloud, and ensuring that they are properly configured and secured.

Task E, selecting Amazon EC2 instances to run AWS Lambda on, is also a customer responsibility because it involves choosing the appropriate instance types and configurations to support the company’s applications and workloads, and ensuring that they are properly configured and secured.

The other tasks listed are not customer responsibilities according to the AWS shared responsibility model:

A. Configuring the AWS provided security group firewall is an AWS responsibility, as AWS provides the security group firewall as a service and is responsible for its configuration and management.

C. Determining which Availability Zones to use for Amazon S3 buckets is an AWS responsibility, as AWS provides the Availability Zones as a service and is responsible for their configuration and management.

D. Patching or upgrading Amazon DynamoDB is an AWS responsibility, as AWS provides DynamoDB as a service and is responsible for its maintenance and updating.

Explanation 7

The correct answers are A and B.

  • A. Configure the AWS provided security group firewall. This is a customer responsibility because the customer is responsible for the security of their data in the AWS Cloud. The AWS provided security group firewall controls which traffic is allowed to reach your AWS resources.
  • B. Classify company assets in the AWS Cloud. This is a customer responsibility because the customer is responsible for understanding what data they have in the AWS Cloud and how that data is classified. This information is important for security and compliance purposes.

The other options are not customer responsibilities.

  • C. Determine which Availability Zones to use for Amazon S3 buckets. This is an AWS responsibility because AWS is responsible for the availability of their services. AWS has a team of experts who determine which Availability Zones are best suited for different types of workloads.
  • D. Patch or upgrade Amazon DynamoDB. This is an AWS responsibility because AWS is responsible for the maintenance of their services. AWS has a team of experts who patch and upgrade their services on a regular basis.
  • E. Select Amazon EC2 instances to run AWS Lambda on. This is a customer responsibility because the customer is responsible for the performance of their applications. The customer needs to select Amazon EC2 instances that are appropriate for the workload that they are running.

Explanation 8

The correct answers are A and B.

According to the AWS shared responsibility model, customers are responsible for the security of their data and applications in the AWS Cloud. This includes configuring security groups, classifying company assets, and patching or upgrading software. AWS is responsible for the security of the underlying infrastructure, such as the hardware and software that runs Amazon EC2 instances.

Explanation 9

According to the AWS shared responsibility model, the following tasks are customer responsibilities:

  • A. Configure the AWS provided security group firewall.
  • E. Select Amazon EC2 instances to run AWS Lambda on.

The AWS shared responsibility model outlines the security responsibilities of AWS and its customers. According to this model, AWS is responsible for securing the underlying infrastructure, including the hardware, software, and networking components. Customers, on the other hand, are responsible for securing their workloads and data, including configuring security settings, managing access controls, and patching and upgrading their software.

Option A, configuring the AWS provided security group firewall, is a customer responsibility. Security groups are used to control inbound and outbound network traffic to and from instances associated with a security group. Customers are responsible for configuring the security group rules to allow or deny traffic to their instances.

Option E, selecting Amazon EC2 instances to run AWS Lambda on, is also a customer responsibility. AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service that allows customers to run code in response to events. Customers are responsible for selecting the appropriate EC2 instances to run their Lambda functions on, based on factors such as performance, cost, and availability.

The other options are not customer responsibilities according to the AWS shared responsibility model:

  • Option B, classifying company assets in the AWS Cloud, is an AWS responsibility. AWS is responsible for providing a secure environment for its customers’ data and assets.
  • Option C, determining which Availability Zones to use for Amazon S3 buckets, is an AWS responsibility. AWS is responsible for providing a highly available and redundant infrastructure, including Availability Zones, which are designed to provide redundant networking, power, and cooling systems.
  • Option D, patching or upgrading Amazon DynamoDB, is an AWS responsibility. AWS is responsible for patching and upgrading its services, including DynamoDB, to ensure they are secure and up-to-date.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

A. Configure the AWS provided security group firewall.
E. Select Amazon EC2 instances to run AWS Lambda on.

Explanation 10

The AWS shared responsibility model divides the responsibilities between AWS and the customer. According to this model, customers are responsible for the following tasks:

B. Classifying company assets in the AWS Cloud: In the AWS shared responsibility model, customers are responsible for classifying their company assets and determining which data and applications should be stored in the AWS Cloud. This includes identifying sensitive data and applications and taking appropriate security measures to protect them.

D. Patching or upgrading Amazon DynamoDB: Customers are responsible for maintaining and updating their DynamoDB tables, including patching and upgrading them as needed. This includes ensuring that their DynamoDB tables are secure and compliant with any relevant regulations.

On the other hand, AWS is responsible for the following tasks:

A. Configure the AWS provided security group firewall: AWS provides a security group firewall that customers can use to control traffic to their instances. However, customers are responsible for configuring this firewall to meet their security needs.

C. Determine which Availability Zones to use for Amazon S3 buckets: AWS provides multiple Availability Zones across different regions, and customers are responsible for selecting the appropriate Availability Zones for their Amazon S3 buckets. This includes considering factors such as data locality, latency, and availability.

E. Select Amazon EC2 instances to run AWS Lambda on: AWS provides a variety of Amazon EC2 instance types that customers can use to run their AWS Lambda functions. However, customers are responsible for selecting the appropriate instance types for their Lambda functions based on factors such as performance, cost, and security.

In summary, customers are responsible for classifying their company assets, maintaining and updating their DynamoDB tables, and configuring the security group firewall. AWS is responsible for providing the infrastructure and services, including Availability Zones and instance types, and customers are responsible for selecting the appropriate options based on their needs.

Explanation 11

According to the AWS shared responsibility model, the customer is responsible for the following tasks:

A. Configure the AWS provided security group firewall: Customers are responsible for configuring the security group firewall provided by AWS. This includes defining inbound and outbound rules to control network traffic to and from their AWS resources.

B. Classify company assets in the AWS Cloud: Customers are responsible for classifying and identifying their assets in the AWS Cloud. This involves understanding the sensitivity and importance of their data and resources and categorizing them accordingly.

The tasks that are not customer responsibilities are:

C. Determine which Availability Zones to use for Amazon S3 buckets: AWS is responsible for managing the underlying infrastructure, including the selection of Availability Zones for Amazon S3 buckets. Customers do not have control over this aspect.

D. Patch or upgrade Amazon DynamoDB: AWS is responsible for patching and upgrading the underlying infrastructure and services, including Amazon DynamoDB. Customers do not need to worry about patching or upgrading the service itself.

E. Select Amazon EC2 instances to run AWS Lambda on: AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service where customers write functions and AWS handles the underlying infrastructure. Customers do not need to select specific Amazon EC2 instances to run AWS Lambda on as AWS manages the infrastructure.

In summary, the customer responsibilities in the AWS shared responsibility model are to configure the AWS provided security group firewall and to classify company assets in the AWS Cloud.

Explanation 12

The AWS shared responsibility model is a framework that defines the roles and responsibilities of AWS and its customers in ensuring the security and compliance of the AWS Cloud. According to this model, AWS is responsible for the security of the cloud, while customers are responsible for the security in the cloud. This means that AWS provides the infrastructure, services, and tools to protect the cloud environment, while customers have to configure and manage their own resources, data, and applications within the cloud.

The following tasks are customer responsibilities, according to the AWS shared responsibility model:

  • Configure the AWS provided security group firewall. Security groups are virtual firewalls that control the inbound and outbound traffic for your instances. You can specify which protocols, ports, and source or destination IP addresses are allowed or denied access to your instances. You are responsible for configuring and maintaining the security groups that you create or use in your AWS account.
  • Classify company assets in the AWS Cloud. Asset classification is the process of identifying and categorizing your data and resources based on their sensitivity, criticality, and regulatory requirements. You are responsible for defining and applying appropriate security controls and policies to protect your assets in the AWS Cloud. You should also monitor and audit your assets regularly to ensure compliance and detect any unauthorized access or changes.

The following tasks are not customer responsibilities, according to the AWS shared responsibility model:

  • Determine which Availability Zones to use for Amazon S3 buckets. Availability Zones are isolated locations within an AWS Region that are engineered to be fault-tolerant. Amazon S3 is a highly durable and scalable object storage service that automatically distributes your data across multiple Availability Zones. You do not need to specify which Availability Zones to use for your S3 buckets, as AWS handles this for you.
  • Patch or upgrade Amazon DynamoDB. Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service that provides fast and consistent performance with seamless scalability. You do not need to worry about patching, upgrading, or maintaining the underlying software or hardware of DynamoDB, as AWS takes care of this for you.
  • Select Amazon EC2 instances to run AWS Lambda on. AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. You do not need to select or configure any EC2 instances to run your Lambda functions, as AWS automatically allocates the optimal amount of compute resources based on your code’s requirements.

Explanation 13

You’re correct, security in the cloud is a shared responsibility between the cloud provider and the customer. When using AWS, the customer is responsible for:

  • Securing the operating systems, software, and applications they run in AWS. This includes configuration, management, and security of the guest operating system (including updates and security patches) and any application software or utilities installed on the instances.
  • Managing access and control of their AWS resources. This includes controlling user access and configuration of the AWS resources they launch within AWS.

Meanwhile, AWS is responsible for:

  • Securing the underlying cloud infrastructure that customers use to deploy their resources. This includes the physical security of data centers, hardware, networks and facilities that customers use.
  • Managing the services offered in the AWS Cloud, including the security configuration of services like Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, etc.

So in summary, the customer is responsible for security “in” the cloud, while AWS is responsible for security “of” the cloud. It requires cooperation and diligence from both parties to ensure a secure cloud environment.

Explanation 14

According to the AWS shared responsibility model, the following two tasks are customer responsibilities:

B. Classify company assets in the AWS Cloud.
E. Select Amazon EC2 instances to run AWS Lambda on.

AWS operates on a shared responsibility model, which defines the division of responsibilities between AWS (the cloud service provider) and the customer (the user of AWS services). In this model, AWS is responsible for the security of the cloud, meaning the underlying infrastructure and foundational services, while the customer is responsible for the security of their data and applications running in the AWS environment.

B. Classify company assets in the AWS Cloud:
Customers are responsible for classifying and identifying their assets, data, and resources that they store and use within the AWS Cloud. This includes understanding the sensitivity and criticality of the data and determining appropriate security measures based on their specific requirements and compliance standards.

E. Select Amazon EC2 instances to run AWS Lambda on:
Customers are responsible for selecting and configuring the resources they use in the AWS environment. In this case, they are responsible for choosing the appropriate Amazon EC2 instances on which they want to run their AWS Lambda functions.

Now, let’s briefly review the other options:

A. Configure the AWS provided security group firewall:
This task is the responsibility of AWS. AWS provides the security group feature that acts as a virtual firewall to control inbound and outbound traffic to instances. AWS manages the security group infrastructure, and customers configure the rules within the security group to control traffic to their instances.

C. Determine which Availability Zones to use for Amazon S3 buckets:
This is the responsibility of AWS. AWS provides the Amazon S3 service, and the infrastructure, including the selection and management of Availability Zones, is handled by AWS.

D. Patch or upgrade Amazon DynamoDB:
This is the responsibility of AWS. AWS manages the underlying infrastructure and services, including patching and upgrading the services like Amazon DynamoDB.

In summary, according to the AWS shared responsibility model:

Customer responsibilities include:

  • Classifying company assets in the AWS Cloud.
  • Selecting Amazon EC2 instances to run AWS Lambda on.

AWS responsibilities include managing the infrastructure and services, such as security group firewall configuration, determining Availability Zones for services like Amazon S3, and patching or upgrading services like Amazon DynamoDB.

Explanation 15

The correct answer to your question is A and B. The two tasks that are customer responsibilities, according to the AWS shared responsibility model, are:

  • Configure the AWS provided security group firewall.
  • Classify company assets in the AWS Cloud.

The reason why these two tasks are customer responsibilities is because:

  • The AWS shared responsibility model is a concept that divides the security and compliance responsibilities between AWS and the customer. AWS is responsible for the security of the cloud, which means protecting the infrastructure that runs all of the services offered in the AWS Cloud. The customer is responsible for the security in the cloud, which means configuring and managing the security of their data, applications, and resources that they use on AWS.
  • A security group is a virtual firewall that controls the inbound and outbound traffic for one or more instances. Security groups are provided by AWS as part of the EC2 service, but customers have to configure them according to their own security requirements. Customers can specify which protocols, ports, and IP ranges are allowed or denied access to their instances. Therefore, configuring the AWS provided security group firewall is a customer responsibility.
  • Classifying company assets in the AWS Cloud means identifying and categorizing the data and resources that customers store and use on AWS. Customers have to determine the sensitivity, value, and criticality of their assets, as well as the applicable laws and regulations that govern their data protection and compliance. Customers can use tools such as AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), AWS Key Management Service (KMS), and Amazon Macie to help them manage their asset classification. Therefore, classifying company assets in the AWS Cloud is a customer responsibility.

Option C is incorrect because determining which Availability Zones to use for Amazon S3 buckets is not a customer responsibility. Availability Zones are isolated locations within an AWS Region that have multiple physical data centers. Amazon S3 is a service that provides object storage in the cloud. Customers do not have to specify which Availability Zones to use for Amazon S3 buckets, because Amazon S3 automatically stores data across multiple Availability Zones within a Region. Therefore, determining which Availability Zones to use for Amazon S3 buckets is an AWS responsibility.

Option D is incorrect because patching or upgrading Amazon DynamoDB is not a customer responsibility. Amazon DynamoDB is a service that provides fully managed NoSQL database in the cloud. Customers do not have to patch or upgrade Amazon DynamoDB, because AWS handles all of the software maintenance, updates, and backups for DynamoDB. Therefore, patching or upgrading Amazon DynamoDB is an AWS responsibility.

Option E is incorrect because selecting Amazon EC2 instances to run AWS Lambda on is not a customer responsibility. Amazon EC2 is a service that provides virtual servers in the cloud. AWS Lambda is a service that allows customers to run code without provisioning or managing servers. Customers do not have to select Amazon EC2 instances to run AWS Lambda on, because AWS automatically allocates compute resources for Lambda functions based on their memory and CPU requirements. Therefore, selecting Amazon EC2 instances to run AWS Lambda on is an AWS responsibility.

Explanation 16

According to the AWS documentation, the customer responsibility is determined by the AWS cloud services that they use. The customer is responsible for security in the cloud, which includes tasks such as:

  • Configuring the AWS provided security group firewall
  • Classifying company assets in the AWS Cloud

Therefore, the correct answers are A and B. The other tasks are part of the AWS responsibility for security of the cloud, which includes tasks such as:

  • Determining which Availability Zones to use for Amazon S3 buckets
  • Patching or upgrading Amazon DynamoDB
  • Selecting Amazon EC2 instances to run AWS Lambda on

Explanation 17

According to the AWS documentation, the customer is responsible for security in the cloud, which means they have to manage and secure their data, applications, operating systems, and network configurations. AWS is responsible for security of the cloud, which means they have to protect the infrastructure, hardware, software, and services that run on the cloud.

Based on this model, the correct answers to your question are A and B. The customer has to configure the AWS provided security group firewall and classify their company assets in the AWS cloud. The other options are AWS responsibilities, such as determining which Availability Zones to use for Amazon S3 buckets, patching or upgrading Amazon DynamoDB, and selecting Amazon EC2 instances to run AWS Lambda on.

Explanation 18

According to the AWS shared responsibility model, the customer and AWS share the responsibility for security and compliance in the cloud. The customer is responsible for managing their data, applications, and operating systems, while AWS is responsible for managing the infrastructure, network, and virtualization layer.

Based on this model, the tasks that are customer responsibilities are:

  • Configure the AWS provided security group firewall. A security group is a virtual firewall that controls the inbound and outbound traffic for one or more instances. The customer can create and modify security groups to allow or deny specific types of traffic. This is part of the customer’s responsibility for security in the cloud.
  • Classify company assets in the AWS Cloud. The customer is responsible for managing their data and assets in the cloud, including encryption, backup, and access control. The customer should classify their assets according to their sensitivity and compliance requirements, and apply the appropriate protection measures. This is part of the customer’s responsibility for security in the cloud.

The tasks that are not customer responsibilities are:

  • Determine which Availability Zones to use for Amazon S3 buckets. An Availability Zone is a distinct location within an AWS Region that is isolated from failures in other Availability Zones. Amazon S3 is a highly durable and scalable object storage service that automatically replicates data across multiple Availability Zones. The customer does not need to specify which Availability Zones to use for Amazon S3 buckets, as AWS handles this automatically as part of its responsibility for security of the cloud.
  • Patch or upgrade Amazon DynamoDB. Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service that provides fast and consistent performance with seamless scalability. The customer does not need to patch or upgrade Amazon DynamoDB, as AWS handles this as part of its responsibility for security of the cloud. The customer only needs to manage their data and access policies in Amazon DynamoDB.
  • Select Amazon EC2 instances to run AWS Lambda on. AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that lets customers run code without provisioning or managing servers. The customer does not need to select Amazon EC2 instances to run AWS Lambda on, as AWS handles this as part of its responsibility for security of the cloud. The customer only needs to upload their code and configure their function settings in AWS Lambda.


  • Shared Responsibility Model – Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • AWS Shared Responsibility Model – Introduction to DevOps on AWS (
  • Shared responsibility model – Amazon Web Services: Risk and Compliance
  • AWS Shared Responsibility Model | AWS Cheat Sheet (
  • Shared Responsibility Model (

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Amazon AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Q&A: Which tasks customer responsibilities according to AWS shared responsibility model


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