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All Mass Effect 2 Console Commands 2021

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Mass 2 effect console Command features that of a new game that enables you to play a game. The command is the action you wish or feedback executed when you press a button. Unreal Engine 3 is generally the basis of Mass effect two console command. Mass 2 effect console commands usually have a lot of setting that you can easily modify in a method just like mass effect.

The setting permit the user to cheat, mod, or even mod. In contrast to mass effect 1, mass effect 2’s in the game console is seriously locked; however, numerous effects and in-game, the command can be made active through making new changes by editing the configuration changes.

Three methods used to enable the mass two effect console. Here are three ways.

First, the Dhl patching tool continuously enables the in engine console, that is, default keys such as Tilde and TAB. It is the easiest way out in case you have it installed.

Second, automatically patch the primary game configuration file function to eliminate the lock of the game console.

Thirdly, manually mass two effects enable locked console by use of default setting. The latter method needs HEX editor and is advisable for the advanced user. Here are simple instructions and guidelines that you can follow step by step.

I. You should download a hex editor program (HXD)

II. Then open mass effect two-dot exe in the hex editor program is found in the game directory/binaries

III. Scroll down by use of page up and page down to offset row E21730.

IV. The values under columns 04 to 06 should be 70 B4 56 .type over this value to substitute with C0 0C 54

V. Finally, click save and close HXD

TAB is used for a single bar console while Tilde key opens 3 4 consoles in the game.

The key bound console commands

Input modes

The concealed dot ini file has Bio input parts where key binds gets outlined. The bio inputs get divided into several control categories/modes, for instance, the control for when you are driving any vehicle cannot be the same for when you are walking around the compound.

Here is the format for the key binding

Binding =(Name =keyname”

Command =”command “,ctrl=True

Shift =”true”,Alt =true

To toggle command menu

The best way to view the HUD screen is to press and hold a key until you go back to the action. Another option Is to toggle the HUD so as it will remain by pressing a key and go back to the game when the same key gets stroked severally.

While editing, the concealed .ini function much better than using the console. Many things can get done so hardly, and anyone at this point can unlock the console, considering that the game is base on the distinct engine rather than ME1, which is unreal engine 2 for me2.

Command Command Description

GiveTalentPoints int value Give (remove) talent points

GiveXP int value Give experience

GivePower Temporarily give power to the target

RemovePower target power Remove power from the target

SetRank target power int rank Set the rank of the target’s power

GiveItem Give a specific object to the target

SetParagon Set paragon points

SetRenegade Set renegade points

EnablePowerCooldown Set power cooldown

God Toggle godmode

KillTarget Kill the target under the reticle

KillEnemies Kill all enemies

KillParty Kill henchmen

StasisParty Freeze henchmen

KillSelf / Suicide Kill the player

InitAmmo int value Set ammo

InitMedigel int value Set Medi-gel

InitProbes int value Set probes

InitFuel int value Set fuel amount

InitCredits int value Set credits amount

InitPalladium int value Set Palladium amount

InitIridium int value Set Iridium amount

InitEezo int value Set Element Zero amount

InitPlatinum int value Set Platinum amount

ToggleFlyCam Toggle free camera mode

Shot Take screenshot

TiledShot Used to take screenshots

PlayersOnly / TogglePlayersOnly Freeze the game

ShowHUD / ToggleHUD Toggle most parts of the HUD

Show Scaleform Toggle Scaleform elements (text, quick slots).

SloMo float multiplier Change the game speed

FOV Modify the field of view

UnlockAchievement int ID Unlock an achievement (achievement list)

At / Open string value Teleport to the level

Stat FPS Toggle the framerate display

SetIntByName Set integer variable

SetBoolByName string nmVar bool value Set boolean variable

SetBoolByID int nmVar bool value Set story boolean variable

Exec filename Execute a file under the Binaries folder

Profile combat target Show combat data for the target

Profile power target Show powers data for the target

Profile anim target Show animation data for the target

Profile camera target Show camera data for the target

Profile tech Show upgrades data

Profile vehicle Show vehicle data

Profile none Clear the screen from profile data

ce hench_picksquad Shows squad selection screen

Name of command Command description

Tec_AutoPistol Submachine Gun Damage (Micro field Pulsar)

Tec_AutoPistolR1 SMG Shield Piercing (Phasic Jacketing)

Tec_AutoPistolR2 SMG Extra Rounds (Heat Sink Capacity)

Tec_AssaultRifle Assault Rifle Damage (Kinetic Pulsar)

Tec_AssaultRifleR1 Assault Rifle Penetration (Tungsten Jacket)

Tec_AssaultRifleR2 Assault Rifle Accuracy (Targeting VI)

Tec_BioticUpgrade Biotic Damage (Hyper-Amp)

Tec_BioticR1 Biotic Duration (Neural Mask)

Tec_BioticR2 Biotic Cooldown (Smart Amplifier)

Tec_HeavyAmmo Heavy Weapon Ammo Upgrade (Microfusion Array)

Tec_HeavyPistol Heavy Pistol Damage (Titan Pulsar)

Tec_HeavyPistolR1 AP Heavy Pistol (Sabot Jacketing)

Tec_HeavyPistolR2 Heavy Pistol Critical (Smart Rounds)

Tec_MediGel Medi-Gel Capacity (Micro scanner)

Tec_MediGelR1 Trauma Module (Medical VI)

Tec_MediGelR2 Emergency Shielding (Shield Harmonics)

Tec_ShepardHealth Dense Skin Weave (Lattice Shunting)

Tec_ShepardR1 Dense Bone Weave (Skeletal Lattice)

Tec_ShepardR2 Dense Muscle Weave (Microfiber Weave)

Tec_Shield Damage Protection (Ablative VI)

Tec_ShieldR1 Redundant Field Generator (Burst Regeneration)

Tec_ShieldR2 Hard Shields (Nanocrystal Shield)

Tec_Shotgun Shotgun Damage (Synchronized Pulsar)

Tec_ShotgunR1 Shotgun Shield Piercing (Microphasic Pulse)

Tec_ShotgunR2 Shotgun Extra Rounds (Thermal Sink)

Tec_SniperRifle SniperRifleDamage (Scrum Pulsar)

Tec_SniperRifleR1 AP Sniper Rifle (Tungsten Sabot Jacket)

Tec_SniperRifleR2 Sniper Headshot Damage (Combat Scanner)

Tec_TechUpgrade Tech Damage (Multicore Amplifier)

Tec_TechR1 Tech Duration (Custom Heuristics)

Tec_TechR2 Tech Cooldowns (Hydra Module)

Tec_HackModule Hack Module for hacking mini-game

Tec_BypassModule Bypass Module for the bypass mini-game

Tec_GruntShotgun Krogan Shotgun (Custom Claymore) [Grunt]

Tec_GruntUpgrade Krogan Vitality (Microfiber Weave) [Grunt]

Tec_JackUpgrade Subject Zero Biotic Boost (Multicore Implants) [Jack]

Tec_LegionSniper Geth Sniper Rifle (Custom Widow Rifle) [Legion]

Tec_LegionUpgrade Geth Shield Strength

Tec_MordinUpgrade Mordin Omni-Tool [Mordin]

Tec_FaceLift Medical-Bay Upgrade (Dermal Regeneration)

Tec_ShipArmor Heavy Ship Armor (Silaris Armor Tech)

Tec_ShipGun The Cannon (Particle Cannon)

Tec_ShipScanner Advanced Mineral Scanner (Argus Scanner Array)

Tec_ShipShield Multicore Shielding (Cyclone Shield Tech)

Tec_ShipProbes Modular Probe Bay (Probe Booster)

Bioweapon effect two console commands

Variable Commands Bio Weapon command description

AccFireInterpSpeed Used in Determining accuracy as well as parameters to approximate maximum speed

AccFirePenalty This command Determines the raise per shot starting hip upwards.

AI_AccCone_Max This command determines Maximum Artificial Intelligence accuracy

AI_AccCone_Min Gives minimum artificial Intelligence Accuracy

AI_AimDelay Gives time when Artificial Intelligence is aiming

AI_BurstFireCount This command gives the number of busted enemies as well as henchmen and then returns to cover

AI_BurstFireDelay This command gives the time henchmen wait before firing

AI_BurstFireMovingDelay The command that gives time between firing that henchmen and enemies wait

AI_HenchBurstFireMultiplier This command gives the multiplier henchmen and enemies multiply

AimCorrectionAmount The Amount that can be changed before firing takes place

AmmoPerShot Total ammo spent in a shot

AmmoPrettyName The name that ammo gets allocated

bAdhesionDuringCam N/A

bAdhesionEnabled Not specified

bCanDropAmmo Determines whether ammo will drop or not

bCanDropWeapon Determines whether ammo can drop a weapon or not

bFrictionDistanceScalingEnabled Not Specified

bFrictionEnabled Not Specified

bInfiniteAmmo Tells whether the infinite ammo is on or it’s off

bIsAutomatic Show that the weapon is automatic and won’t do not need rearrangement to fire again

bUpgradesBasicWeapon Move a more superior weapon by applying the templates available.

BurstRefireTime Time is taken or simply delay time before firing back

BurstRounds This command shows the number of burst in every burst

bUseSniperCam It enables the snipper camera or mode

bZoomSnapEnabled This command is not specified

CamInputAdhesionDamping Command not specified

CoverLeanPositions This command is not specified

CrosshairRange This command tells the crosshair range from 0 to a max number

Damage Shows the damaged base

DamageAI Indicates the multiplier damage of the enemies

DamageHench Shows the multiplier damage of the hench squad

fAmmoMultiplier The Amount or multiplier of the ammo dropped

GeneralDescription This command shows the ID number to describe the game

GUIClassDescription Command not specified

GUIClassName Command not specified

GUIImage This command shows the weapon image before its acquired.

IconRef This command shows image ID as they will appear in a fight

InitialMagazines Amount of ammo given at the start of a game

LowAmmoSoundThreshold Ammo warning threshold

MagSize Weapon size of the bullets

MaxAimError The command shows the total drift a bullet can maximally

MaxSpareAmmo The total number of weapons on spare

MaxZoomAimError How far a bullet can drift when zoomed

MinAimError The least a bullet can drift

MinZoomAimError Least a bullet can drift on zoom

NoAmmoFireSoundDelay The command shows the time taken before pulling a trigger or clicking the fire

PrettyName The command shows the name given to a weapon in a game

RateOfFire Proportionate Amount of bullets fired

RateOfFireAI How many bullets fired by enemies and henchmen as well

Recoil The rebound of a gun

RecoilCap Cap rebound

RecoilFadeSpeed Speed of cease after recoil

RecoilInterpSpeed How the screen shakes when it’s firing

RecoilYawBias Deviation ina diagonal manner

RecoilYawFrequency Not specified

RecoilYawScale Not specified

RecoilZoomFadeSpeed Speed of recoil cease when it’s zoomed

ReloadFailureDuration Required time to reload a weapon

ShortDescription This command refers to a text ID when in-game to refer to a text

ShowTracerDistance Not described or specified

SteamSoundThreshold The Amount of weapon or bullets you found in the gun before you start the game

TracerSpawnOffset Used to trace The speed at which bullets move with

ZoomAccFireInterpSpeed This command determines the maximal diameter of the weapon fired

ZoomAccFirePenalty In a shot mode, this command determines the speed of the cone or the cone mode

ZoomCrosshairRange This command determines the crosshair

ZoomFOV This command determines the sniper zoom

ZoomRecoil This command determines the recoil on zoom

Shield Properties Affect 2 Console Commands

Command Section CommandDescription

[SFXGame.SFXShield_Base] A command for base shield section

[SFXGame.SFXShield_Armour] Refers to armour for AI

[SFXGame.SFXShield_Armour_Player] Refers to armour for the player

[SFXGame.SFXShield_Biotic] Refers to the barrier for AI

[SFXGame.SFXShield_Biotic_Player] A command for player biotic barrier

[SFXGame.SFXShield_Energy] Refers to AI kinetic barrier

[SFXGame.SFXShield_Energy_Player] The command for players kinetic barrier

[SFXGame.SFXShield_GethEnergy] The section where AI gets Energy

[SFXGame.SFXShield_GethEnergy_Player] A section where player get Energy

[SFXGame.SFXShield_Player] This command refers to player shield template

Variable definition

bAbsorbDamageOnBreak All damages for breaking are absorbed here

bFastCoverRegen Uncover recharge and fast

bRechargeable This command means shield is rechargeable

DamageGateInterval The total number of damages a shield can contain before giving in

MaxShields Not Specified

PartialBreakPct Not specified

ShieldDisplayName This command refers to the id on the tkl file

ShieldPointsPerBar Not specified

ShieldRechargeTime A shield takes total recharge time

ShieldRegenDelay Time taken before recharge takes place


To sum up ,you can edit game difficulty by editing the following values

[SFXGame. SFXDifficullty],and

SFXGame.SFXDifficult-level1] through

[SFXGame.SFXDifficulty-level 6].

The game becomes even harder by increasing the following values;



+Enermyshield bonus

+squad powercooldoenmultiplier

+player shieldrechargemodifier



The game can be made harder by decreasing the following values



– enemy powercooldoenmultiplier



-ammo decay multiplier


The post All Mass Effect 2 Console Commands 2021 appeared first on Techigem.

This post first appeared on Techigem - Techno Gems, please read the originial post: here

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All Mass Effect 2 Console Commands 2021


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