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DevOps: Digital Transformation Guide for Non-Tech Founder

All over the globe, every company is different and there isn’t necessarily a right or wrong. It all depends on your infrastructure, tech-stack, skills of team members and the individual goals you eye upon to achieve by hiring such individuals. Thus, a number of growing organizations are seeking and trusting to hire Devops Engineers when it comes to having a candidate to manage development and operations side-by-side. However, with the evolving work culture now the companies can also hire remote devops engineers or offshore devops engineers.

Keeping all that in mind, here is a simple and easy guide, especially to help the non-tech entrepreneurs. By Further reading this blog, you can infer which process is good for improving your IT efficiency, estimated time, cost, and manpower to build the app, along with how you can Hire Devops Engineers based on the state of your product.

We understand, you are from a non-technical background, and don’t understand programming jargon very well. Then, let me assure you that not every startup entrepreneur is a programmer or developer. It is not a big deal being a novice in the field and despite that you wish to improve an app and hire DevOps engineers.

We know, it is difficult for people to put an idea to life without having any prior knowledge of technicalities and market. But, don’t feel intimidated. We are here to guide and educate you in all aspects through this blog.

Don’t worry, we are experts on this topic. We have worked with 1000+ CTOs, hundreds of products amongst them have been funded by Venture Capitalists including MIT DeltaV, Harvard innovation Lab.

Without any further delay, let’s move ahead with some initial questions that you may have and then we will explain in more detail and guide you to build and hire DevOps engineers.

How DevOps Enhances IT Processes?

DevOps provides a solid return and helps you update regularly. You can continue to build a good user experience by reducing costs and time. Fast shipping and the ability to adapt to market changes make you more competitive and strong. Join hands with DevOps and start an ongoing profit path to grow your business.

The future of the business depends on DevOps. DevOps practices establish a new business culture that will work beyond your software environment. DevOps will build corporate business processes, including better decision making.

“Impactful IT organizations generally use 200x more than the bottom line, and 2,555 payroll times – said by 2016 State of DevOps report.”

In today’s competitive business environment, DevOps has emerged as an important solution that helps organizations meet the ever-growing needs of the industry. The State of DevOps report has helped us comprehend how the practices linked with DevOps impact IT and impact the organizational performance.

Let’s take a look at the findings of this report to find out why you need to hire DevOps engineers and how DevOps can help your organization.

Gartner at DevOps

DevOps stands for change in IT culture, focusing on faster IT service delivery by embracing agile practices, relying on a system-centered approach. They can influences people as well as culture and aims to improve continuous collaboration between operations and development teams. DevOps implementation is technologically advanced – especially automation tools that can use strategic and robust infrastructure from a life cycle perspective.

In fact, it is not a tool or technology. It’s a cultural thing. Also, somewhere it has to do with the agile approach too.

DevOps helps Organizations Speed Up the Submission of Applications

In the traditional software release process, the development team first creates and tests the code in a separate quality assurance area, and then releases it to the working team to produce. As the two teams generally work individually, it becomes quite difficult for the development team to be fully aware of the complexities of the operational team such as infrastructure, configuration, deployment, log management, and performance monitoring. These door silos between development and performance reduce product output.

The DevOps approach enables seamless development and operation where some of the work team’s responsibilities are returned to the development team. This is done using DevOps tools and principles that make the process work and reduce the complexity of version control, configuration management, continuous integration, deployment, and continuous performance monitoring. This close alignment in organizations results in release of new items in days instead of months.

In addition to speeding up the submission process, organizations are improving the quality of the app because they no longer need to make time-consuming and flawed manual procedures. This makes their system or IT work better. And better IT performance is related to the higher performance of the entire organization. Therefore, using DevOps practices can bring real results and give organizations a chance to compete.

As the DevOps culture is emerging, many organizations have begun to make cultural changes. It introduces the division in departmental silos and works as hard as they can to improve the speed and quality of their software delivery.

Gartner says, “In 2016, DevOps will transform from a viable strategy provided by large cloud providers to a standard strategy used by 25% of Global 2000 organizations.” Hence, you can look to hire DevOps engineers to improve the IT process in your organization.

Why Correct IT Practices Matters for an Entrepreneur?

What can keep a project from failing due to complex, known/unknown variations? The answer follows the correct procedure and the right team to follow such a procedure. A reliable, repetitive process of IT project management planning, designing, and delivering projects brings prediction, visibility, and confidence. Imagine a situation in which you do not have a normal routine or follow routine procedures.

Creating a Standard Repetitive Process Means
  • Defining the whole process – what to expect in the management of needs, roles of engagement, communication to be done, etc.
  • Planning Process – Involving planners, topic specialists in planning, resource booking and more to provide a real timeline for delivery, resource planning and cost/budget estimates
  • Risk Management – it can be broad, practical or otherwise
  • Troubleshooting – issues related to needs should be addressed, etc.
  • Who can intervene, to what extent they go during planning, projecting/monitoring
  • Instead of fresh exercises, a pre-planned, well-defined approach

The best part about the repetitive and standard IT project management process – it helps you in ways that difficult situations do not arise, and even if they do arise, lead you into a difficult situation. And the process can change with new business, new projects, new people, and more mature.

Best Practices for IT Project Management

Suppose you have been able to identify the right project management for your business that defines roles, responsibilities, communication channels, and workflow among others. But that is not enough.

You must practice what you teach. You will need to invest in the right communication, technology and project management tool to empower and support the project management process.

Investing in appropriate technology and project management tools will enable participants to follow that process. The central platform will enable them to have all the details of the project in one place, giving them greater visibility in the continuity of the project: in all projects and positions. It will help them to view, analyze performance based on details of a previous project.

You should use technology and tools to help manage your IT project and delivery process. It can be in terms of

  • Planning according to many realities
  • Performing resource planning and booking capacity
  • Coordination and assignment of responsibilities to team members
  • Project identification process and remediation process
  • Project risk identification, assessment, mitigation, and risk management
  • Track project progress with visual charts in the dashboard
  • Taking practical steps to prevent the project from leaving the track
Key Media Specialists in IT Projects

You may be ready with the best land project plans but if you don’t have the right people to do the project, the best plan won’t help. So you need to choose the right set of people for your project.

When one looks at projects in industry (other than IT), projects are run by long-term professionals who have worked in that industry for a long time e.g. The road or railway infrastructure organization consists of media professionals who have been involved in the construction, evaluation, procurement, and operations.

Although IT projects also follow the same process of “Getting started> Editing> Performing> Monitoring> Control”.

Bringing IT projects to various industries, or specific business needs is a daunting task. In the example above, if someone is to deliver an IT procurement infrastructure project, professionals and experienced engineering procurement experts should be involved, who can set the tone for good IT systems to deliver business solutions. Basically having the right, knowledgeable resources is essential for IT projects to be able to stick well with other IT professionals.

Communicate Openly

Peter Cohan mentions five simple strategies for clear communication such as positive thinking, open communication, check the recipient after sending your message, clear the communication gap, and follow up until the right things happen. Believe me, software-driven communication as appropriate for the organization’s business process, workflow and events ensures that there will be a small or no communication gap.

Having clear expectations for project participants, writing them down and validating them can save your project greatly. A well-established process, technically driven communication of common tasks (such as job allocation, outreach, task reminder) can make team members/participants more accustomed to doing things on time.

What is DevOps?

The term “DevOps” is a combination of the words “development” and “performance.” DevOps helps speed up the delivery of applications and services. It allows organizations to better serve their customers and be more competitive in the market. In simple terms, DevOps aligns between development and IT performance through better communication and collaboration.

DevOps takes on a culture where collaboration between development, operational, and business groups is considered a critical aspect of travel. It’s not just about tools, as DevOps in the organization creates a continuous number of customers. Tools are one of its pillars, along with people and processes. DevOps increases organizational capacity to deliver high-quality solutions at a faster rate. Automatically execute all processes, from construction to delivery, system or product.

Shared Load Culture

DevOps incorporates a culture created by adopting Lean-Agile values, policies and practices across the framework. Almost all SAFe policies, from Principle # 1 – Take an economic look at Principle # 10 – Adjust value, apply to DevOps. DevOps enables you to move other operations up and down, while following development work down to the bottom, and work and monitor the solution in production. Such a custom requires:

  • Collaboration and Integration – DevOps relies on the ability of Agile teams and IT Operations to work together effectively in a sustainable manner, ensuring that solutions are built and delivered quickly and reliably. This is used, in part, to incorporate staff and skills across ART.
  • Accident Tolerance – DevOps requires tolerance for failure and recovery quickly, and it is worth taking the risk.
  • Automated Infrastructure – Automated infrastructure enables development and functionality to operate independently.
  • Sharing Information – Sharing experiences, practices, tools, and learning across groups, ART and the wider organization are encouraged.
  • Automation in Mind – DevOps relies heavily on automation to provide speed, consistency, and duplicate processes and environment architecture, as we explain below.

Hence, you can look to hire DevOps engineers to improve the IT process in your organization.

How DevOps Addresses the Challenges of ‘Dev’ and ‘Ops’?

Instead of releasing a large number of app features at once, companies are trying to see if they can deliver a smaller number of features to their customers in a series of releases. This has several advantages, such as better software quality, faster response from customers, etc. This ensures maximum customer satisfaction. To achieve these goals, companies need to:

  • Reduce the failure rate of new releases
  • Increase post frequency
  • Access fast recovery time in case new releases crash app
  • Shorten the lead time between adjustments

DevOps fulfills all these goals and helps to achieve seamless delivery. Organizations are using DevOps to achieve unpredictable performance levels over the past few years. They make tens, hundreds, or thousands of postings a day while bringing world-class credibility, stability and security.

DevOps seeks to address a variety of problems caused by the previous methods, including:

  • Development and operational teams work independently
  • Testing and distribution as independent phases performed after design and construction and require more time than construction cycles
  • Team members spend too much time on testing, feeding, and design instead of focusing on the essentials – creating business services
  • Manual posting that leads to production errors
  • Teams of development and operation at separate, fundamental intervals, which cause further delays

DevOps vs. Agile vs. Traditional IT

DevOps is often discussed in terms of other IT practices, particularly agile and waterfall IT.

Agile is a collection of principles, prices, and methods for producing software. For example, if you have an idea that you want to convert into software, you can use agile principles and values. But that software can only work in the development or testing environment.

You need a fast and repetitive way to transfer software to the production site in a simple and secure way, and the method is DevOps tools and techniques. The Agile software development approach focuses on development processes, but DevOps is responsible for development and deployment – in a secure and highly reliable manner.

Comparing the traditional software model with DevOps is a great way to understand the benefits offered by DevOps. The following example assumes that the application is set to live in four weeks, the encoding is 85% complete, the system is newly introduced, and the process of obtaining servers to send the code has just begun.

Traditional Process DevOps Process
After placing an order for new servers, the development team is working on testing. The working team works on many papers, as required by businesses, to deliver the infrastructure. After placing an order for new servers, the development and working teams work together on processes and documents to set up new servers. This results in better visibility for infrastructure needs.
Details about failover, redundancy, data center locations, and storage requirements are stored, as no inputs are available from the development team with in-depth knowledge of the application. Details about failures, retrenchments, disaster recovery, data center locations, and retention requirements are known and correct due to the input of the development team.
The operational team is not aware of the progress of the development team. The task team developed a monitoring system based on their understanding. The task team is fully aware of the progress made by the development team. The operational team works with the development team, and together they create a monitoring system that takes care of IT and business needs. They also use application performance monitoring tools (APM).
Before live, the load test crashes the app, which delays the release. Before live, the load test makes the app slow. The development team quickly fixes the issues, and the application is released on time.

DevOps Lifecycle

DevOps includes the adoption of certain common practices:

1. Ongoing Editing

Continuous planning incorporates dependent principles to start small by identifying resources and results needed to evaluate a business or vision, constantly adapting, measuring progress, learning about customer needs, moving the index as needed by agility, and revising the business plan.

2. Partnership Development

The collaborative development process enables collaboration between businesses, development, and test teams distributed across the various time zones to deliver quality software on an ongoing basis. These include multi-platform development, polyglot program support, user experience processing, expansion of ideas, and life cycle management.

Collaborative development includes the process and functionality of continuous integration, which promotes regular coding and automation. By compiling the application code over and over again, integration issues are identified at the beginning of the life cycle (where it is easier to adjust), and overall integration effort is reduced by continuous feedback because the project shows continuous and reflective progress.

3. Ongoing Testing

Continuous testing reduces testing costs while assisting development teams measuring speed and quality. It also removes the barrier of issues with simplified services and facilitates the construction of test centers that are easily shared, delivered, and updated as systems change. Companies hire DevOps engineers because of their capabilities in reducing the cost of providing. They also maintain test sites and reduce test cycle times by allowing for integration testing at the beginning of the life cycle.

4. Ongoing Release and Posting

This acquisition method involves one major practice: continuous extraction and dispatch. Continuous extraction and distribution provides a continuous delivery pipeline that activates key processes. It reduces the number of manual processes, resource waiting times, and the number of reuse by enabling the deployment of push buttons to ensure higher release numbers, reduced errors, and end-to-end visibility.

Automation plays an important role in ensuring that software is released and duplicated and reliably. One critical goal is to take on processes such as construction, decommissioning, deployment, and provision of infrastructure and implementation. However, it requires control of the source code version; inspection and dispatch documents; infrastructure and data suspension application; libraries and packages the app relies on. Hence, startups and enterprises hire DevOps engineers because of their ability to question the status of all areas and is considered one of the important factors.

5. Ongoing Monitoring

Continuous monitoring ensures the ability to report at a business level to help development teams understand the availability and performance of applications in the manufacturing sector, even before they are submitted to production. However, the initial response given to ongoing monitoring is important in reducing error costs and managing projects effectively. This practice usually includes visual tools, which tend to display metrics related to application performance.

6. Feedback and Good Performance

Continuous response and efficiency provide tangible evidence to analyze customer travel and identify areas of pain. Response can be allowed in both pre- and post-production phases to increase value and ensure that more transactions are successfully completed. Therefore, it provides an immediate glimpse into the origins of consumer struggles affecting ethics and influential business.

DevOps Practices

DevOps practices reflect the concept of continuous and automatic development. Many practices focus on one or more stages of the development cycle.  Such practices are the contributing reasons for organizations to hire DevOps engineers. These practices include:

●  Continuous Development: This practice includes the planning and coding stages of DevOps lifecycle. Version control methods can be involved.

●  Continuous Testing: This practice includes automatic, pre-programmed code tests that are ongoing as the app code is being written or updated. Such testing can speed up the delivery of code to production.

●  Continuous Integration (CI): This practice introduces continuous management (CM) tools and other testing and development tools to track how much code is used for production. It involves a quick response between testing and development to quickly identify and resolve code issues.

●  Continuous Delivery: This practice automatically activates the delivery of code changes after testing the original production site or stage. The employee may decide to promote those code changes in production.

●  Continuous Submission (CS): Similar to continuous submission, this practice enables the issuance of new or modified code into a product. A company making continuous shipments may release a code or feature change several times a day. The use of container technologies, such as Docker and Kubernetes, can allow for continuous deployment by helping to maintain code consistency on various shipping platforms and locations.

●  Continuous Monitoring: This practice includes continuous monitoring of both the active code and the basic infrastructure it supports. Response loop that reports bugs or issues and goes back to development.

●  Infrastructure as a Code: This practice can be used with various stages of DevOps to facilitate the provision of the infrastructure required for software downloads. Developers add “code” of infrastructure within their existing development tools. For example, engineers can create storage volume on demand from Docker, Kubernetes, or OpenShift. This practice also allows working groups to monitor environmental suspensions, track changes, and facilitate rehabilitation.

Benefits of DevOps

DevOps can make it easier to collaborate when engineers and operators work as a team to achieve something. A major milestone in this process is the implementation of continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD). Thus, enables teams to introduce software into the market quickly with a few errors.

The key benefits for enterprises in their business to hire DevOps Engineers are:

  • Guess: DevOps offers the lowest possible failure rate for new releases.
  • Security: Enables weak recovery in the event of a new release or disabling an application.
  • Reproduction: Creating a build version or code enables previous versions to be restored when needed.
  • High Quality: Incorporating infrastructure issues improves the quality of application development.
  • Marketing Time: Reduced software delivery reduces marketing time by 50%.
  • Reduced Risk: Incorporating security into the software lifecycle reduces disability throughout its life cycle.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Managing cost-effectiveness in the use of software pleases senior management.
  • Stability: The software system is more stable, secure, and changes are being tested.
  • Breaks Large Codebase into Manageable Pieces: DevOps is based on an agile system process, which supports the dismantling of large codebases into smaller, portable chunks.

DevOps Market Figures for 2023

DevOps market size was estimated at $ 2,885 million in 2016, and is expected to reach $ 9,407 million by 2023, growing at a CAGR of 18.7% from 2017 to 2023. The significant adoption among industries for better utilization of processes.

DevOps is a combination of development and performance cycle software development software. It is a platform that integrates, integrates, automates, and interacts between developers and personal organization organization. Thanks to collaboration and synchronization, such a DevOps platform helps organizations achieve efficiency, faster service delivery, reduced downtime, and economic performance.

As a result, the DevOps market is expected to grow at a tremendous rate during the monsoon season. DevOps provides solutions for a variety of applications, such as app management, continuous delivery, software development and testing, product speed, and more. In addition, it helps to automate complex IT processes by delivering superior benefits to users.

DevOps value is prominent in all industries. Let’s take a quick look at why industries prefer to hire DevOps engineers and how the benefits of DevOps help industries to grow.

DevOps in E-Commerce

Ecommerce relies on powerful applications that handle large amounts of data and queries. Challenges include:

  • Customizing services
  • Processing speed
  • Security
  • Database integrity
  • Difficulty in maintaining customer loyalty
  • Competitive analysis
  • Stuck to the old ways of business transactions
  • Omnichannel customer experience

Engineers can help eCommerce companies embrace the cloud with the right tools and workflow. Thus, it allows fast delivery, cost reduction, increase in efficiency, and ensures smooth operation. Along with this, can also add new features, which helps you in integrating new features freely to stay competitive.

DevOps for Tourism

Like eCommerce, current travel businesses depend on the app. Tourism companies handle large data flows, and they need to resolve questions with the tap of a button. Naturally, old infrastructure and methods do not leave a cake anymore. Hire DevOps engineers services which can help the tourism industry to:

  • Develop reliable solutions quickly
  • Adjust workflow to increase efficiency
  • Ensure effective integrity
  • Create more stable workplaces
  • Deliver features immediately
DevOps in Finance Sector

The financial industry is a violent technological adoption. However, many banks and insurance companies are still stuck in the legacy. That creates difficulties in meeting market changes and new styles of customer needs. Financial institutions need more speed within the list.

A DevOps expert partner like Al packed can help businesses get out of the silos and adapt to the new market. You can hire DevOps engineers and enjoy several benefits such as:

  • Improved security and compliance
  • Automatic saving resources
  • increase access to skills (phone, mobile, laptop)
  • Information sharing
  • Cost effective
  • Complete set of skills
DevOps in the Manufacturing Sector

The effective use of the software within the production site is provided by DevOps. DevOps technology in the manufacturing sector brings continuous delivery and business expertise, which not only brings customer satisfaction but also increases business performance and efficiency.

This approach involves working with development teams to save time, break down barriers, and build a productive production organization. The following are some of the benefits that the DevOps approach to the Manufacturing Industry brings.

  • Ongoing delivery.
  • Extended cooperation.
  • Ongoing integration.
  • The use of DevOps is declining as a whole corporate production tradition.
DevOps Retail Industry

In the sales sector, DevOps is a revolution that offers a competitive edge. Consumer preferences are constantly changing, and affect the face of the entire industry. Changing business patterns also brings with it the challenges of winning a game for the players in the retail industry. For that reason, the dealerships acquired by DevOps include:

  • Digital conversion.
  • Develop a software life program to make a product.
  • A new tradition of simplifying business processes.
  • Partial review

The global DevOps market is divided on the basis of solution, deployment, end user, and region. Depending on the solution, we are divided into performance monitoring and management, health cycle management, statistical delivery, performance management, and evaluation and development.

Market giants working on DevOps market analysis few of them are IBM Corporation, Oracle Corporation, Amazon Web Services, Inc., Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP, Microsoft Corporation, EMC Corporation, VersionOne, Red Hat, Google and CA Technologies.

High Impact Factors

Factors such as increased demand for efficiency and maintenance of operating systems, increased adoption of cloud computing via PaaS, and reduced downtime in the life cycle of software development are expected to stimulate market growth. In addition, IoT growth is also expected to create opportunities for market development in the coming years.

However, the lack of awareness and the general definition of DevOps is expected to reduce factors that contribute to market growth. In addition, the rapid growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) and therefore requires updated software for smart IoT devices. It is one of the major factors that are expected to create future opportunities in the DevOps market.

DevOps Vs. Agile and How are they Related?

Firstly, the difference between Agile and DevOps? Although both methods encourage collaboration to improve speed and efficiency, there are several differences when it comes to how to achieve this goal. Here are some of the key differences between Agile vs. DevOps.

1. The Process

One difference in DevOps vs. agile methodology works for specific tasks. With Agile, communication between teams and customers remains the same, with the necessary changes being made regularly throughout the production process to ensure quality. With DevOps, the focus is on standard testing and delivery, but the communication is primarily between developers and IT services. Therefore, the Agile process is also best suited for complex projects, while the DevOps approach is ideal for end-to-end processes.

2. Groups

Other DevOps vs. Agile difference in team formation. Larger teams tend to use DevOps, with skills divided between team members within performance and development. This means that each team member has a specific task or set of tasks that must be completed at each stage of the process. On the other hand, Agile is better prepared for small groups to complete a task quickly.

The Agile approach generally does not provide a specific set of tasks for team members but instead encourages all members to share responsibilities equally. As a result, all members of the Agile team should be able to manage or assign any part of the project at any time. Hence, you can look to hire DevOps engineers to improve the efficiency of your IT processes.

3. Focus and Feedback

Agile and DevOps are quite different when it comes to focus and feedback. While DevOps projects tend to focus on operational and business preparation with a lot of feedback from internal team members, whereas, the Agile approach represents that feedback comes directly from consumers.

In terms of focus, Agile teams tend to use sprints, with each sprint lasting less than a month. The idea with sprints is that accessible tasks are further completed, with one sprint starting immediately after the completion of the previous Sprint. However, with DevOps, there are certain moments that need to be met and targets that need to be achieved, some of which can happen every day.

4. Tools

Agile and DevOps generally use different tools, depending on the project. For Agile, popular project management tools include Kanboard and Jira project management software and Bugzilla software. DevOps. On the other hand, it uses tools such as AWS cloud computing services, Puppet automation software, TeamCity servers, OpenStack software, and Chef infrastructure.

Agile Vs. DevOps Commonalities

Agile and DevOps both focus on speed, efficiency, and quality results throughout the life of software development. They also focus on shorter discharge cycles. Both methods do not place much emphasis on literary standards and instead spend a lot of time on automation and collaboration. As projects progress, the risk level decreases with the use of the Agile or DevOps method, and the risk often increases over time with other methods such as Waterfall.

When new business needs arise, both Agile and DevOps systems prepare organizations to respond more responsively to business needs quickly. Businesses that use any of these methods often have a strong ownership of their unique projects.

Agile and DevOps: Can be Used Together?

The good news is that you don’t have to commit to one way or another. The combination of both methods can be used to ensure increased efficiency. Both have major roles to play when it comes to software development and distribution, and one can be used to empower the other.

Tech Giants Hire DevOps Engineers to Scale their Business Performance

Let’s take a look at the use case of DevOps to find out how DevOps changes organizational performance.

1. Facebook

Facebook has one of the most used DevOps applications in the world! Using the DevOps method, Facebook uses hundreds and thousands of code updates per day while delivering world-class durability, reliability and security. With the first acquisition of DevOps, Facebook is seamlessly managing two-week app updates that keep two billion users worldwide logged into the app.

Therefore, by accepting the DevOps principles as continuous deployment, code ownership and additional releases, Facebook is able to detect competitive differences among its peers.

2. Etsy

Etsy, a handmade and vintage commerce website, is one of the founders of the DevOps organization. It is one of the world’s leading organizations that incorporates security in their DevOps culture to create DevOpsSec. Hence, by removing barriers between security, developers and Ops, security is better integrated into the DevOps approach at Etsy. Thus, they preferred to hire DevOps engineers which is not as an assumption made by the private sector to look at, but rather integrated into all stages of the development project and beyond.

3. Netflix

In addition to Etsy, Netflix is shown as a DevOps dream. And there is no shortage of examples of how their place burns on all cylinders (and all the good things they do). They make sure their Cassandra database does not go by Boom! They spend a little effort on testing the complete database during the extraction process. Therefore, they hire DevOps engineers to usually reverse its tests only after several discharges, and under limited circumstances.

4. Infosys

Infosys is said to have achieved a 5-7% reduction in effort on all projects, using co-operative life cycle solutions and DevOps methods. The organization that handles 4,000 application development, maintenance, and infrastructure projects per year has faced significant challenges posed by teams deploying through hands-on processes. Therefore, to solve this out they were in the need of better projects to improve quality, reduce disability and reduce delays. Hence, the company looked to hire DevOps engineers to improve the efficiency of its IT process.

5. Docusign

Docusign development has been Agile. But taking the next step in DevOps processes was not so easy. Because of the nature of their business (contracts and signatures), things like continuous integration and delivery are undoubtedly a major challenge. They live and die in a transaction, not a currency, but a signature exchange and approval. If something goes wrong and the permit is not properly distributed, for example, this can be a big problem. So to support the pace of modern development, they use a very cool tool called application mock – in this case, a mockery of their internal API.

Hence, you can look to hire DevOps engineers to improve the efficiency of your IT process.

Business Benefits to Hire DevOps Engineers

  1. Ongoing Integration and Delivery

The biggest benefit of DevOps from a business perspective is obvious – it’s about delivery speed.

Due to the significant adjustment and redesign of the workflow – this process itself is becoming more robust and efficient. That, in turn, makes the iteration shorter and more responsive while preventing the risk of breaking things while being too fast.

Automatic integration and complete testing significantly charge speed while reducing overall workload.

Basically, it means moving faster with shorter steps i.e. Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (aka CI/CD). Thus, it allows us to gradually take advantage of small changes that contribute to everything. Hence, you can look to hire DevOps engineers to improve the IT process in your organization.

  1. Better Status of Technical Evaluation

Diversity is one of the most important aspects of any type of project. If a product is able to take on more responsibility – it is a sign that it is working well. If not – you know what it means. With the advent of the computer, it became a big deal.

DevOps uses certain practices to obtain better security. In other words, distribution is not just about how a server and network are able to run, however, it makes it work with tools as well.

It is important to configure the system flexibly so that when necessary it can increase resource utilization and reduce it when the load is less.

  1. Top Links: Everyone on the Same Page

One of the obvious advantages of using DevOps policies is ease of communication. It’s always a good thing when everyone is on the same page and all team members are able to contribute to the program.

Since, communication interaction is at the heart of the DevOps approach – its implementation is able to set up an artistic environment that can positively affect product quality.

For example, simple connections make it easy to find a group on the same page. It also helps to ride new team members. It also helps to define priorities right now. Hence, you can look to hire DevOps engineers to improve the IT process in your organization.

  1. The DevOps Process means Group Equality Growth

As a direct result of strong communication – the decline of the team makes the big leap forward. Most of the time, people need some time to get used to the job. When the DevOps method is used properly, it reduces the time people need to be repaired because everything works like an oil-filled machine.

As a result, you do not have to worry about the need to measure your team and it may disrupt the flow of work. DevOps makes this process very efficient and easy. Hence, you can look to hire DevOps engineers to improve the efficiency of your IT process.

  1. Automatic Process

The development process is full of routine repetitive tasks that just need to be done. It takes time and greatly affects the motivation of those assigned to work with such things. While important, these practices often take up valuable time that could be used for something more important.

DevOps makes it almost no problem with the help of automation. Not only does it create a more efficient workflow but it also helps to keep everything under control. It is especially important for testers who cannot miss out on a sea of code. Hence, you can look to hire DevOps engineers to improve the IT process in your organization.

  1. Documentation and Code Sync

Writing related project documentation is something that some businesses ignore. But at APP Solutions, we put pressure on this part of the project life cycle. No matter how accurate your technical details are, they are often flexible, especially for large and complex projects.

Therefore, things change once they are done and that should be reflected in the technical documentation. Otherwise, nothing will make sense and eventually everything may fall apart. As a result, there is a lot of retrieval and code correction with each other.

Due to the clear and well-organized code structure – there is little reliance on text. Everything can be understood by the code itself. Hence, you can look to hire DevOps engineers to improve the efficiency of your IT process.

  1. Infrequency of Infrastructure

Another major advantage of the DevOps approach is the remarkable specification of the code infrastructure.

Code is what makes a product. However, the product is made by a developer or a team of developers. Hence, sometimes they outstand and sometimes the parts they make do not fit well.

Therefore, DevOps enables code integration: cleans the code up, makes it transparent and easy to use. It also solves any issues that arise related to asset items.

In a separate book – not to hide things and to make it easier for new members to ride in the stable. When everything is as clear as a whistle, it becomes easier to get involved, which is a great benefit depending on the team size.

  1. Infrastructure as a Code

Infrastructure is what combines a number of tools – networks, virtual machines, loading balancers and so on into a complete clock.

Project infrastructure, such as tech specifications, changes with the product and is often drunk over time if no specific steps are taken to prevent this. As a result, this can significantly affect the quality of performance and performance. This is not just a case of cloud storage but also dedicated infrastructure.

However, repairing infrastructure manually takes time and resources. DevOps makes it a no-brainer to switch from manual manipulation to multi-layered editing and application, such as continuous integration and version control. This majorly reduces the chances of getting funny jokes on the system and eliminates the unthinkable thing.

System interaction with infrastructure is set and postponed to priority – there is a set of patterns for the next program. Hire DevOps engineers to enable high-speed testing that allows for timely repairs and adjustments.

  1. Simple Nutrition

Lastly, but far less profitable from visibility and coded code simplification of security measures.

Often, security is the most difficult to remove as it is always affected by a large system. This process starts from the establishment of assets and goes a long way in achieving access until security measures such as system scanning are implemented.

However, with a clean, accessible structure and most of the processes are automatic – it is not a big deal to keep something safe.

  1. The New Mindset

DevOps simplifies processes, streamlines effective releases, and ensures quality is built. This means that the post stages are more relaxed, the teams are more relaxed, and there is plenty of room for a new way to solve problems.

  1. Great Customer Experience

With DevOps, organizations can improve their shipping frequency by 200x, recovery times by 24x, and conversion rates by 3x. With an automatic delivery pipeline, it is possible to verify the reliability and durability of the application after each new release. When applications work flawlessly in production, organizations reap the benefits of greater customer satisfaction.

Hire DevOps Engineers to Accelerate Product Development LifeCycle

There are many ways companies can speed up the life of product development. However, the following are some very effective methods that can be used to speed things up in product growth.

  1. Prompt Delivery Features

When engineers build software or applications, they contact the IT team to send the product for testing.

Now, if the software or application is completely new, then the test team needs to start setting up a test site.

On the other hand, if in-app software is just a new version and a test environment has already been created, IT tasks still need to add crosses, side effects, and configurations.

That is, engineers can only distribute a product if the IT working team has tested it.

  1. Improved Efficiency

The DevOps approach encourages developers to spend their maximum time on value-building work. Since, automated testing and integration takes care of routine tedious work, engineers need to wait for code integration or suspension. Both of these tasks can be performed with the click of a button.

As a result, their efficiency is improved and they can focus more on challenging and cost-effective work.

  1. Improved Code Quality and Quick Recovery from Failure

Whenever a software, application, or product is released to the market, engineers often move on to their next project immediately and fix bug fixes and future updates become the responsibility of the operating team.

But DevOps can help keep loop developers going through the entire life cycle and not just the development phase. Therefore, it ultimately enhances the quality of the code as developers are able to easily identify bugs and fix them while maintaining the same writing standards.

As a result, code quality is improved and updates and fixes are delivered very quickly. Hence, you can look to hire DevOps engineers to improve the efficiency of your IT process.

Required Team-Size to Improve IT System using DevOps

A healthy DevOps process is one that can effectively support an app with millions of users as it supports an app with 100 users. Depending on the size of the company the design of DevOps Engineers varies.

  1. Small Companies

In a sense, DevOps is easy to acquire in very small organizations. In fact, it is almost inevitable for companies of this size.

That’s because, if you have a very small IT staff, your engineers will end up playing a lot of roles because that’s the only way all IT jobs can be successfully completed. The people you hire as engineers will need to help support and evaluate the applications they write otherwise, those processes may not be possible.

This means that in small companies, it tends to be something that happens naturally, not intentionally. IT teams in such organizations do not have to devise a DevOps strategy; they just need to let it be your own.

  1. Limited Organizations

Medium organizations often have a very difficult time implementing DevOps successfully. That is because these organizations are large enough to have a large IT organization, but they are too small to divide that organization into many different groups.

As a result, medium-sized organizations set up very strong forces around their IT teams. They can have one team of developers focused on building a few apps, and one IT Ops team whose job it is to support those apps. But the two groups may not be very close.

For this reason, the DevOps intentional strategy is particularly important for medium-sized organizations. Their silos need to be actively demolished.

  1. Large Organizations

You can expect the opposite to be true in large organizations. But in most cases, that is not the case. Big companies can also find themselves building their own physical strategies.

The reason is that, in large enterprises, an IT organization is often divided into many smaller groups, each of which operates on different applications and processes. Thus, these groups are individually small, their members are also accustomed to adopting DevOps practices by performing multiple IT roles, whether intentionally or not.

Of course, large companies often benefit from planning and implementing a comprehensive company strategy. Promoting the best practices of DevOps wide company can help improve collaboration between different groups in the organization. It can also improve security capabilities or QA teams, which may work on silos, interacting with other teams.

Available Choices to Hire DevOps Engineers

When you are looking to hire DevOps engineers, there are usually three options:

  1. Hiring Freelancers

Freelancer platforms such as Upwork,, Toptal, and others are quite popular when it comes to finding experts in the field of IT. The principle behind these platforms is the same. You set up an account, create a job post, select a freelancer (or group of freelancers), and start an agreement.


  • Prices are very cheap;
  • Reviews from previous clients;
  • Various experts;
  • Suitable for small changes and temporary projects.


  • No guarantees;
  • No official contract has been signed;
  • Possible language barrier;
  • Different time zones;
  • Management problems that cause more injuries than good.
  1. Working with Agencies

Another widely used method is to cooperate with hiring agencies. It allows the agency to know what positions you would like to fill and provide recruitment services to the level you choose, from identifying the right people to negotiate and nominating candidates. The cost of their assistance may vary depending on their service model:

  • Advanced Search – the employer pays an advanced fee with the help of completing the role
  • Required hiring – flexible support per hour or based on project requirements
  • Release of hiring process – the employer oversees all hiring work at the agency.


  • Extra time for important strategic activities;
  • Reaching out to qualified partners.


  • Re-rental costs;
  • Lack of control;
  • Indirect participant access;
  • Potential communication problems.
  1. Hiring DevOps Engineers through IT companies

Hire DevOps Engineers through IT companies is probably the best way for projects of any size and budget. It costs less than hiring domestic workers, and is more reliable too.


  • Cost savings;
  • Proven technology and reliability;
  • Dedicated manager for each project;
  • Ordinary team experience and quality work.


  • Various time zones;
  • Possible language barrier.
  • Removing individual or even team professionals through IT companies is very easy.

Hence, you can look to hire DevOps engineers to improve the efficiency of your IT process.

Future Perspective and Growth- Hire DevOps Engineers

  1. Automation Will Be The Great Focus

Companies that have already used DevOps have seen high efficiency and fast deployment. When it comes to DevOps, DevOps automation is what we talk about the most. Zero-touch automation will be the future. Thus, understanding the 6C DevOps cycle and installing automation between these stages is key, and this will be a major goal in 2020.

  1. Remove attention from CI Pipes to DevOps Assembly Lines

The ultimate goal of DevOps is to improve the interaction between planning and automation of the delivery process. It’s not just about doing Continuous Integration (CI) but about CD (continuous delivery). Companies are investing more and more time in understanding about the whole process of software development. By 2020, attention will shift from the Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline to DevOps lines.

Benefits of Lines Lines:

  • Powerful integrated visibility
  • Indigenous integration
  • It’s quick to ride and weigh philosophically “like code”
  • Complete CD (continuous delivery) in collaboration
  • Business-based business intelligence and statistics
  1. Growth Spike in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Science Boost

A growing number of applications run by Artificial Intelligence will drive data science teams to seek the DevOps philosophy in their operations. Therefore, the DevOps approach is expected to be their preferred option in dealing with automated piping, maintaining and testing multiple models used in the production chain.

This will improve as science and development teams approach the efficiency of development, deployment, and management of AI-driven applications and ML-driven applications. Hence, you can look to hire DevOps engineers to improve the efficiency of your IT process.

  1. The Concept of “Everything as a Code”

We cannot deny the fact that coding is now the backbone of the IT industry. Understanding the various DevOps tools and default scripts plays a very important role in software development and this will reign in 2020. However, the future of the industry depends on the technological know-how of engineers, inspectors, and human resources.

Since DevOps is all about simplifying the delivery cycle, there is a need to deliver code that can be used to maximize the efficiency of the software production cycle. Therefore, the idea of “everything as a code,” is a DevOps built-in habit and can exist in the SDLC to create a wave in the DevOps 2020 practice.

  1. Hype on Serverless Architecture

DevOps can be reached at the zenith level with a non-functional build. It is not comfortable with servers; however, there is a cloud service that takes care of the complete build. Such unique design allows software developers to focus on the app. BaaS and FaaS are two critical aspects of architecture.

By using a non-server builder, you can save time, reduce costs, and ensure a strong workflow. Hence, you can look to hire DevOps engineers to improve

This post first appeared on How We Made $46,400 In 12 Days : Free Growth Hacking Tips, please read the originial post: here

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DevOps: Digital Transformation Guide for Non-Tech Founder


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