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Who Said Fibre Wasn't Better?
Writing at Geekzone, someone called “Quickymart” take issue with a decade old story he found on Scoop in:No, Bill Bennett, fibre is betterThis story is a decade old. Despite the… Read More
NZ Tech Podcast: ARM Chips And AI PCs
I’m back on the New Zealand Tech Podcast with Paul Spain.This week we talk about ARM, how that company now dominates mobile devices and could be about to do that same with laptops. It… Read More
Spark Buys Lauriston Solar Farm Output
Telco signs 10 year renewable energy deal with GenesisA 10 year deal between Spark and Genesis Energy will see the telco buy all the power generated by the Lauriston solar plant.Spark says t… Read More
Researchers say women workers are more at risk of losing their jobs to artificial intelligence than men.That’s because men and women are not evenly spread across industries and roles… Read More
How Spark Plans To Accelerate Aotearoa
Spark spends $15m on accelerate Aotearoa projectSpark has tipped $15 million into an innovation fund designed to help companies use digital technologies to improve productivity and increase… Read More
A review of New Zealand's telecommunications regulatory challengesRecently the Download Weekly sat down with Telecommunications Commissioner Tristan Gilbertson and members of the Commerce Co… Read More
Apple's 'Scary Fast' launch event was remarkable on a number of counts. Let's start with the most trivial remark: It was the first live streamed Apple launch to take place during New Zealand… Read More
TDR complaints reach new high after awareness campaignIt's been a busy year for the Telecommunications Dispute Resolution scheme. In the 12 months to June 2023 it handled 3725 consumer compl… Read More
Digital Piracy Make A Comeback
A decade ago the media sector, in effect, saw off digital piracy. Now piracy is on the way back.Last week the EU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) published a report showing piracy declin… Read More
Hosted Servers Prove Cheaper Than Cloud
Writing at The Register, Simon Sherwood reports on a company saving large sums of money by moving from the cloud to hosted servers. 37 Signals says cloud repatriation plan has already saved… Read More
What Is Open Source?
Open source software is free. Anyone can download open source programs, run them, copy them and pass them on to friends and colleagues without paying a licence fee and without breaking any l… Read More
Ericsson’s perspective is worth hearing. With Huawei shut out of many international markets, the Swedish telecoms equipment giant plays an important role building 5G networks for telco… Read More
The Data Breach Fallacy
At NZ Business, Kordia regional cyber security business manager Peter Bailey delivers a few home truths about data breaches:When we hand over our credentials and ID to businesses, we are tru… Read More
When the company changed hands there were high profile predictions that it was days away from operational meltdown. Those predictions kept coming as the company laid off key workers and shut… Read More

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Bill Bennett | Technology News, Analysis, Comment,
