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Gunnar Peipman - Programming Blog Blog

ASP.NET, Entity Framework, SQL Server, Azure, Office 365 - Code samples, writings, problems and solutions.
Global Usings In C# 10
One of the new features in .NET 6 and C¤ 10 is support for global usings. We can define using declarations as global and they work all over the project so we don’t have to defin… Read More
Hopefully the era of leprosy and corona is over for this time and it’s time to get back to blogging. Exceptions are powerful feature of object-oriented languages as far as they are use… Read More
During moving one system from classic ASP.NET MVC to ASP.NET Core I faced an interesting challenge. Although access to system is based on Active Directory there is separate role management b… Read More
My previous post about Surface Go 2 was brief introduction based on my own experiences after one month of using it. Surface Go 2 is lightweight machine with limited hardware resources. It&rs… Read More
C# 9.0 comes with nice new feature called top-level programs. It’s something that teachers of beginner classes will love for sure. Imagine – you start teaching C# with only two l… Read More
Surface Go 2 Review
Recently I bought Surface Go 2 tablet with Intel M3 CPU and LTE. Surface Go 2 is hybrid device being either tablet or small laptop. It is lightweight and therefore not the option for resourc… Read More
I got back to active SharePoint and CSOM development some months ago and first thing to do was to port bunch of workflows from in-prem SharePoint to cloud. Where I live we don’t usuall… Read More
Using Nameof Operator In C#
There’s one very useful and often overlooked operator in C#. It’s called nameof and its purpose is to return name of something. Although it is operator we can live without it may… Read More
Building GRPC Service On ASP.NET Core
ASP.NET Core supports gRPC protocol that is about to replace legacy SOAP services with more performant and powerful protocol that is easier to use and support. This blog post shows how to bu… Read More
Using Composite Command In ASP.NET Core
My introduction to composite command pattern was more theoretical and focused to high-level details. This blog post focuses on implementation details and introduces how to use composite comm… Read More
Just wrote down something I had to went through with students in one of my classes – making file uploads work in ASP.NET Core application. Here are samples of single and multiple file… Read More
Composite Command Pattern
I have previously blogged about command pattern and composite pattern. I had some projects where I succesfully mixed these two together to compose a composite command. It’s a construct… Read More
Hosting Web Application On Azure
Coming to cloud with web application can be scary if it’s the first time you do it. Azure cloud is not anymore about dozen of services – it’s real monster offering more tha… Read More
NHibernate On ASP.NET Core
NHibernate has been my favorite ORM for long time. Although it’s more complex for beginners than Entity Framework it’s more matured and many developers consider it to be practial… Read More
Azure DevOps Build Pipeline For Jekyll
We have Git repository and Azure static website set up. It’s time to connect these two with Jekyll build and release pipelines to automate publishing from our machine to static website… Read More
Blazor Form Validation
Client-side Blazor supports DataAnnotations form validation out of box. It’s simple and intuitive but also very flexible – if needed we can use the same mechanism to replace Data… Read More
Dependency Injection In Azure Functions
Azure Functions V2 supports ASP.NET Core like dependency injection. It is specially good if we write functions that are wrappers for shared libraries and components we are also using in web… Read More
Creating VCard In ASP.NET Core
It’s time to get back to old era of this blog and bring my vCard action result to today’s ASP.NET Core world. There’s also support for images so we can provide really good… Read More

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