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Rare Photos of a Goatee-Clad Ange Postecoglou at Celtic Park Unearthed

Rare Photos Of A Goatee-Clad Ange Postecoglou  At Celtic Park Unearthed

When retro photos of a spry Ange Postecoglou with South Melbourne teammate Steve Blair at Celtic Park made waves on Reddit, it sent Celtic supporters on a heartwarming trip down memory lane. The flashback showcases Ange with a luscious head of hair and a trendy goatee, hinting at the monumental chapter he’d pen with Celtic long after hanging up his boots.

The Celtic faithful immediately flooded social media with touching comments: “How did this not come out years ago? Would have instantly won us over,” mused one fan. Another added, “That would’ve been too easy,” only for someone else to note, “I think he already won us over.” The outpouring of affection was palpable, with remarks like “I miss him terribly” and “Will forever be my favourite manager.”

One pondered on Ange’s past visits, “If this was the early 90s, does this mean Ange had been to Celtic Park before Lennon and Rodgers?” The community echoed their love and admiration. The hope of his return resonated in the words, “Hopefully he will be back someday to win the big cup.” The nostalgic banter was also alive, with comments like “I thought that was Marco Viduka in the second pic!” and “He’s always had the Kenny Rogers look.”

Excerpt from the new Ange Postecoglou book

While Hamish Carton’s “Never Stop: How Ange Postecoglou Brought the Fire Back to Celtic” masterfully recounts the Aussie’s transformative journey at Celtic, John Greechan’s “Revolution: Ange Postecoglou: The Man, the Methods and the Mastery” delves deeper. The newly discovered photographs within its pages further enrich the narrative.

Remember the initial murmurs when Ange first set foot at Celtic? A somewhat unknown figure from down under, many questioned if he had the tenacity for the Scottish Premiership. He wasn’t just a new name from a distant land; he symbolized vision, passion, and innovation. With his keen footballing mind, he swiftly turned the skeptical whispers into roaring cheers.

In a short span, this “hidden gem” of a manager reshaped the narrative. From being an enigma to leading a team to the Champions League spotlight? Now, that’s a tale worth recounting!

Ange Postecoglou’s tactical masterclass at Celtic was nothing short of transformative.

In just two seasons at Celtic, Postecoglou secured an impressive array of silverware, including two cinch Premiership titles, two Viaplay Cup victories, and a memorable Scottish Cup final win against Inverness Caledonian Thistle.

Also Read: Ange Postecoglou loses his cool as Celtic players defy tactics

He deftly introduced a dynamic pressing system, ensuring players harried the opposition high up the pitch, forcing errors and regaining possession swiftly. This was complemented by fluid ball movements, a system where players constantly interchanged positions, breaking down traditionally rigid defensive lines.

Swift counter-attacks became Celtic’s signature, with rapid transitions from defense to attack, catching adversaries off-guard. Ange’s blueprint focused on creating overloads in key areas, ensuring a numerical advantage in battles, and promoting expansive, attacking football that not only won games but also hearts.

Yet, as all great tacticians do, Postecoglou adapted. He evolved beyond the classic 4-3-3, underlining his flexibility. With players exploiting pockets of space, creating neat triangles, his football played in harmony, a symphony of coordinated moves.

For Postecoglou, football isn’t just strategy; it’s rhythmic ballet on a grassy canvas.

Fast forward to today, and his wizardry is at play at Tottenham, with the team sitting pretty, undefeated, at the top of the table with 6 won out of the 8 played and above arch nemesis Arsenal on mere goal difference.

Tottenham’s future looks as promising as ever under this shrewd tactician.

Ultimately, be it the sentiment stirred by vintage snaps, his tactical masterclass, or the legacy in the making, Ange Postecoglou is a tale that Scottish football holds dear, and the globe celebrates.
Here’s to a gaffer who turned doubt into awe, match after match.

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Rare Photos of a Goatee-Clad Ange Postecoglou at Celtic Park Unearthed
