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Class 6 Geography chapter 3 question answer


Class 6 Geography chapter 3 question answer

Today, I am sharing class 6 Geography chapter 3 question answer. Motions of the earth question answer. Hope it helps!

Short answer questions.

1. What is the circle of illumination?

ANSWER: The circle (imaginary line) that divides the earth into day (lighted part of earth) and night (dark part of the earth) is called the circle of illumination.

2. On which two days are the sunrays vertical on the Equator?

ANSWER: On 21st march and 23rd september sunrays fall vertically on the earth. These days are called the equinox as duration of days and nights are equal all over the world.

3. When does a leap year occur?

ANSWER: Earth take 365 days and 6 hours to complete one revolution around the sun. We count 365 days in a year and 1 day (6+6+6+6=  24 hours= 1 day) in the fourth year. This extra one day is added in February. Therefore, every fourth year has 366 days and it is called as leap year.

4. In summers days are longer than nights. Why?

ANSWER: Because of the inclination of the earth, length of days and nights are not same throughout the year. The northern hemisphere is inclined towards the sun and southern hemisphere away from the sun. Therefore, northern hemisphere receives more light and thus in summers days are longer than nights.

Answer the following questions.

1. State three points of difference between rotation and revolution.


2. Explain how seasons are caused.

ANSWER: Visit this page to read this answer What causes seasons

3. Write three differences between the equinox and solstice.

ANSWER: (a) Solstice takes place on June 21 (summer solstice) and December 22 (winter solstice). Equinox takes place on March 21.

(b) In solstice, sun is farthest from the equator. In equinox, sun is exactly above the equator and neither of the poles is tilted towards the Sun.

(c) In summer solstice, days are longer and in winter solstice nights are longer. In equinox, duration of days and nights are equal all over the world.

4. When do the Spring Equinox and Autumn Equinox take place? What is the position of the Earth with respect to the Sun on these days?

ANSWER: The position on 21st March in the Northern Hemisphere is called Spring Equinox. The position on 23rd September in the Northern Hemisphere is called Autumn Equinox.

As duration of days and nights are equal all over the world, therefore sun is exactly above the equator and neither of the poles is tilted towards the Sun.

5. Why is the duration of the days and nights unequal throughout the world?

ANSWER: Because of the inclination of the earth, length of days and nights are not same throughout the year. The northern hemisphere is inclined towards the sun and southern hemisphere away from the sun. Therefore, northern hemisphere receives more light and thus in summers days are longer than nights. The opposite is in the case of Southern hemisphere and days are shorter and nights are longer.

Value-based question

1. It was the month of December. Arun and his friend Sanjay were going to the gym on a motorcycle. Arun asked Sanjay to swtch on the headlight of the motorcycle. By saying so, Arun played the role of a responsible citizen.

(a) Why did Arun ask Sanjay to switch on the headlight of the motorcycle?

ANSWER: Arun asked Sanjay to switch on the headlight of the motorcycle because in December, northern hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun, so winters are there. In winters, road accidents may occur because of fog.

(b) Arun was a responsible citizen. How?

ANSWER: Yes, Arun was a responsible citizen because he is obeying the rules of road safety.

HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills): Think Beyond

1. What will happen if the Earth is not tilted on its axis?

ANSWER: If the Earth is not tilted on its axis then there will be only season which means no seasons are formed. 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness will be there.

If the Earth axis is tilted more or tilt close to the equator then summers will be more hotter and winters will be more colder.


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SUGGESTION FOR YOU: You can read question answers of other chapters too of science and social science. You can comment in comment box of the chapter and subject. I will share the ANSWER link of that chapter in comment box. Hope it may help in your studies.

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Class 6 Geography chapter 3 question answer
