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Unverified Voracity Remembers, Ominously

Unverified Voracity Remembers, Ominously
Brian October 18th, 2023 at 1:10 PM
AAARGH I REMEMBER [Patrick Barron]

Quote of the year. Mike Sainristil on prepping for MSU:

“Coach Harbaugh says: ‘A faithful man forgives; a smart man forgets; the Harbaughs remember,’’ Mike Sainristil quipped.

This does not put the Harbaughs in the "smart man" category, admittedly.

Don't get cocky, kids. The Athletic has an Anonymous Coach Quote article about this weekend's OSU-PSU game that touches on Michigan towards the end, and well, neato:

“Michigan is above both of them,” said a staffer who faced Penn State. “Ohio State and Penn State are 2-a and 2-b in some order, but Michigan is well above both of them.”


“Michigan brought the fight to them in my mind,” said an assistant coach who faced Ohio State. “We really won’t know about this year’s team until we see them play against Michigan. That game is going to come down to the line of scrimmage. I don’t know how physical they are. Notre Dame was a fairly physical game, and they struggled to move the ball. That’s the only team they’ve played that can really match them up front so far.”

It seems like the coaches surveyed for this article give PSU the edge this weekend. We're going to learn a lot about how far the OSU OL has come since they got overwhelmed by their own defensive ends in their spring game:

“Their defensive ends, they have three that are elite P5 players, and they may have the best collective group of linebackers in the country,” said one head coach who faced the Nittany Lions. “They have two NFL Draft picks at corner who can play man; one’s a first rounder, the other is probably a third- or fourth-rounder. Their third-down package is good, but they don’t have to do anything crazy. (Defensive coordinator Manny Diaz) likes to be creative, but they don’t have to do a ton to get to the quarterback.”

Against Michigan last year Diaz got creative to the detriment of his own team; it's possible they can play Michigan more straight up this year and not get thrown into the ocean by Michigan's ground game.

[After THE JUMP: a tale too toxic to tell]

Also in Penn State. But you might have to throw the ball somewhere in the vicinity of "downfield". Yeesh:

Drew Allar's 6.9 yards per attempt ranks 83rd nationally among 113 qualified passers. His 6.3 air yards per attempt ranks 108th.

PSU has been able to grind out wins against the meek and lovelorn; probably going to take some explosives to beat OSU since I don't think the PSU ground game is likely do do much.

Something interesting from Yet Another NIL Hearing. Yesterday Congress had its tenth(!) opportunity to rabble about college football players getting rights literally everyone else in the country has; I'll spare you the counter-rabbling… most of the counter-rabbling. I will allow myself one counter-rabble:


Anyway, the most newsworthy thing coming out of this hearing was outgoing ND athletic director Jack Swarbrick talking to reporters after his testimony:

“It’s a fairly radical notion, but if we could find a way to reach binding agreements with our student-athletes, most of this goes away,” the Notre Dame athletic director said, referring to what industry leaders say is a chaotic compensation system around name, image and likeness (NIL).

“We don’t have a mechanism to [collectively bargain] without them becoming employees. It would require a new mechanism that would recognize the rights of student-athletes to negotiate for the terms and conditions of their participation as athletes without being employees. I think it’s worth considering.”

Swarbrick is still holding on to the "they're not employees" fig leaf but once you have collectively bargained with your Not Employees you're 99.9% of the way to making them employees.

"Thanks, Alejandro" – Seth. Michigan's odd-looking interception at the end of the first drive against Indiana, as explained by Sainristil:

“It was kind of a zone between me, Rod and Junior. Will was out there locked man-to-man. And when three sits, I sit. So he sat and I went to make a play on the ball. I’m not 6-3. My arms aren’t long enough to pick it myself. But I batted it up to him. I could have dove for it, but I saw he was in position.”

So it was probably Rod Moore who needed to get over the top of the #2 guy going to the endzone.

Prediction: overblown. Austin Meek has an article on the "toxic" Michigan-Michigan State rivalry in the Athletic, but the only things cited other than the tunnel incident are light press conference sparring, Michigan State dysfunction that doesn't have anything to do with one specific football game on the schedule*, and the State News quitting the annual flag football game because they always lose. The specter of fan violence is brought up:

As the teams prepare to meet for the first time since the tunnel altercation, fans are understandably wary of another incident. In July, a Detroit radio host cautioned Michigan fans to stay away from Spartan Stadium or risk “eating a battery.” The game will be played at night, which tends to encourage a rowdier crowd. It also will be the first Michigan-Michigan State game since the passage of a state law that allows schools to serve alcohol at sporting events.

We are fortunate that circumstances have conspired to lower the temperature in the MSU fanbase. Instead of hoping against hope that Coach Sunk Cost Fallacy can turn it around by going 3-1 against Michigan, MSU fans are looking at a potential 2-10 season headed by an interim coach. Judging by the Red Cedar Message board, anyone who actually attends the game is going to pull the ripcord if Michigan gets up a couple scores. The game will likely pass without much incident unless one of MSU's periodic attempts to injure a Michigan player works, and I'm not even sure MSU has enough GAF left in them to try it.

Meanwhile, this guy is so close to getting it:

Cogitate just a little further.

*[Except insofar as everything wrong with the MSU athletic department is about one specific football game on the schedule; in any case none of the Tucker/BOT stuff has anything to do with Michigan.]

Etc.: Step 1: complete. Step 2: Samuel L Jackson commencement speech. Bill Connelly names Jaylen Harrell Michigan's midseason MVP, which is bold. The Chronicle on Santa Ono's tenure to date. NIL has not led to a collapse in ratings. Inside Washington and Oregon's move to the Big Ten. Michigan –156 against Fitchburg State. If A&M axes Jimbo you can probably eliminate Mike Elko from the MSU search.


October 18th, 2023 at 1:20 PM ^

On the broadcast last week, Gus Johnson made a point of saying it's pronounced "Mikey" Sainristil, is that right? Spelled Mike but pronounced Mikey? Or is Mikey the nickname?


October 18th, 2023 at 1:22 PM ^

 ‘A faithful man forgives; a smart man forgets; the Harbaughs remember,’’

This quote needs to go on a Game of Thrones-style shirt ASAP!

In reply to  ‘A faithful man forgives; a… by Ballislife


October 18th, 2023 at 1:29 PM ^

A Michigan Man always pays his debts.

J. Redux

October 18th, 2023 at 1:23 PM ^

LOL, I saw Michigan -156 against Fitchburg State, figured that must have been a basketball opponent I'd forgotten, and thought "oh crap, it's really going to be an awful season if the money line to beat Fitchburg State is only -156."

I like it a lot better as a point spread. :)

1989 UM GRAD

October 18th, 2023 at 1:27 PM ^

Love the picture at the top of the post.

Seems to have become Jim's default facial expression.

My wife and I enjoy making fun of it during the games we watch on TV.


October 18th, 2023 at 1:33 PM ^

Penn State defense versus Michigan offensive tackles might be a make-or-break factor on November 11.

Then again, Drew Allar versus "throwing the ball further than 7 yards down field" might also be the make-or-break factor on November 11.


October 18th, 2023 at 1:35 PM ^

Wow, those stats of Drew Allar's tendency to throw short are even more stark than I expected. Frames made a point during his weekly presser yesterday to emphasize how Drew has learned to take the checkdowns--and how! My sense is that since Jim Knowles has moved his safeties back further in order to (successfully) limit opponent explosive plays, Allar will continue throwing short and safe passes on Saturday.

So if Brian is right that PSU's running game will have difficulty against OSU's front seven then that means Penn St. will have to earn their way down the field using short-ish passes. Tough to do consistently on the road, especially for a young first time starting QB.

What's interesting is that OSU's running game might be no more effective against PSU's defense. So it's going to be a close game where turnovers and special teams play matter even more than usual. I think PSU's probably the better team, even playing at OSU, and I suspect Allar is the better of the 2 QBs even though McCord is more 'battle tested' since they won at ND.

A blowout by either side seems


October 18th, 2023 at 1:36 PM ^

Full-page ads that cover all of the content. Nice.

unverified voracity
2023 michigan state
2023 penn state
2023 ohio state
mike sainristil
rod moore
2023 indiana

This post first appeared on Mgoblog, please read the originial post: here

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Unverified Voracity Remembers, Ominously
