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21 Best Disc Golf Discs For Intermediate Players : 2023 Edition!

Whether you’re an advanced Disc golf player, complete beginner, or breaking into that intermediate level, part of the fun with disc golf is trying new discs. But it can also be daunting to find something suitable to your level of play. For intermediate players the options available seem to be an endless plethora of plastic, all calling your name. With so many options available, it can be hard to know where to start. 

But fear not, because we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll guide you through the problem of finding the right disc golf discs for intermediate players. 

From high speed maximum distance drivers to controllable midrange discs with options for the best fairway drivers and putters on the market, all PDGA approved, we will introduce you to the best disc golf discs for intermediate players. So, grab one of these top-rated discs and get ready to take your disc golf game to the next level! 

From Beginner to Intermediate Players

Most disc golf players start out with a disc golf starter set, nothing wrong with that, except eventually you will want more discs to build out your disc golf bag…Always more discs! 

As your skills improve you’re going to find those understable lightweight discs that come in the beginner disc set need to be complimented with something more stable and possibly a bit beefier. 

If you’re not sure why you can’t keep using the same discs over and over, you might want to read our article on overstable vs understable discs. Don’t get me wrong, you can and should keep bagging both types, but when you start to see those understable discs turning over too much and flying off into the abyss…it’s time to “upgrade”.

For intermediate disc golf players, I would suggest you use a driver that has a disc weight that is between 155 and 165 grams. This will make it so that you’re more likely to get a consistent flight out of your discs and therefore succeed at the game, and that’s what we want!  

Why I Choose These Discs

Before jumping to the best disc golf intermediate disc list, let me explain why I put these discs on the list in the first place. 

By all rights these discs are specifically designed for intermediate players to help them improve their game, but there are some key characteristics I was looking for when building out an ultimate intermediate player disc selection list. 

  • First, they strike a balance between being overstable and understable, making them suitable for a variety of shot types and strategies. 
  • Second, each type of disc has options that are easy to throw but perhaps not coming from the manufacturers beginner lineup.
  • Finally, a few options in each type might be considered more for advanced players, in order to help push your ability and level of play. 

Regardless of the debatability between a disc being for beginner, intermediate or advanced level disc golf players, I can assure you all the discs on this list are top quality discs worth giving a try.

Here are the 21 Best Discs for Intermediate Players  

1. Discraft Hades : 12 | 6 | -3 | 2

The Discraft Hades keeps getting pulled out of my bag for long distance tee shots. It belongs to the Discraft discs lineup of Paul McBeth’s newer collection and it possesses exceptional flight characteristics.

The Hades exhibits superior glide over some other distance drivers. My first attempts at throwing it resulted in immediate admiration. Its ideal level of understability makes it perfect for executing a Hyzer Flip with ease and might be considered a good beginner disc because of it.

Additionally, despite being classified as a 12 speed disc, it doesn’t require excessive effort to throw. If you’re keen to experience the Hades, give it a try!

2. Innova Destroyer : 12 | 5 | -1 | 3

While the Destroyer may be challenging for an intermediate disc golf player to master, with consistent practice and skill development it might become your favorite disc. Even with a -1 turn Its considerable overstable nature shouldn’t discourage you since this disc’s impressive performance justifies its position as the all-time best-selling distance driver.

The Destroyer is one of my favorite forehand drivers but no matter how it’s thrown it will deliver outstanding distance, possesses remarkable predictability, and maintains a high level of reliability. With adequate proficiency, this disc becomes an indispensable tool for any player’s arsenal. Pick up an Innova Destroyer today!

3. Westside Sword : 12 | 5 | -.5 | 2

For disc golfers seeking to dominate the course, the Westside Sword is the ultimate weapon. With its consistent and lengthy flight path, this disc is ideal for intermediate players who desire precision and predictability.

Break into the 12 speed level with the Sword when you need something that can enhance your performance and achieve greater distances while maintaining accuracy. 

The Sword is capable of maintaining any trajectory you choose, offering a straight flight pattern and a reliable Hyzer finish. Channel your inner samurai and secure your win against the competition with the Westside Discs Sword!

4. Innova Wraith : 11 | 5 | -1 | 3

Possibly the perfect distance driver to break into distance drivers, the Innova Wraith provides a bit of turnover while being slightly lower speed than other distance drivers on our list. I love throwing mine when there is a nice tailwind or a slightly downhill hole. 

Arguably the Innova Wraith is a great option for all levels of players, I think the intermediate player will appreciate the predictable performance and flight patterns while providing some additional distance. Try throwing it on a slight anhyzer angle to see if it will turn over and S-curve back for you. Get your game up to the next level and throw an Innova Wraith today!

5. Viking Discs Fenrir : 10 | 4 | 0 | 3

The Fenrir is a 10-speed overstable distance driver that is highly dependable when it comes to achieving maximum distance. It has the ability to maintain a straight flight path even in windy conditions, making it an excellent choice for hyzer throws.

I got to throw the Fenrir at a local club meetup. One of the players in the group had one and it was one of the few discs I didn’t recognize. It was an interesting meetup because you had to exchange one disc for the round so that players could try something new. I was impressed, albeit challenged by the Frenrir. Give the Viking Discs Frenrir a try and let us know in the comments what you think.

6. Latitude 64 Musket : 10 | 5 | -.5 | 2

The Musket might be a lesser talked about disc. For me it’s a straight flying driver. It’s like throwing a faster Buzzz, you just know it can hit the mando and fly with accuracy. You can throw the Wraith for a little more turnover but the Latitude 64 Musket to me is a bit easier and still gives me the same distance. 

7. Discraft ESP Raptor : 9 | 4 | 0 | 3

I recently got my hands on the Raptor, a speed 9 disc with a flat top and overstable finish. This disc is built to cut through the air effortlessly in any weather condition, making it highly dependable. When I first held the Raptor, I found it to be incredibly comfortable both as a forehand and backhand driver. The rim depth and grip are just perfect! 

Throwing the Raptor, I was impressed with its straight flight path and uber reliable fade. It delivers precisely what a forehand player needs. And if I throw it on an anhyzer, the Raptor holds that line and fades back flawlessly every time. I’m thrilled to add the Discraft ESP Raptor to my collection.

8. Dynamic Discs Felon : 9 | 3 | .5 | 4 

If you’re looking for a fairway driver that are overstable discs and perfect for an intermediate player, then the Dynamic Discs Felon is right for you. With many discs, you have to consider the fact that the disc might completely turnover over as it glides through the wind. However, with the Dynamic Discs Felon, you don’t have to be concerned about this, because it will easily cut through the wind. 

For people who are looking to make perfect forehand throws, flex shots, overhand drives, you should check out this disc. Because it’s versatile and reliable, intermediate players will get a lot of use out of the Felon. 

You’re going to want to ensure that you have a disc in your bag that is an overstable Fairway driver. So add this disc to your collection and be ready for those uphill windy shots. Trust us when we say that the Dynamic Discs Felon is a great choice! 

9. MVP Volt : 8 |  5 | -0.5 | 2

The Volt, crafted by the skilled team at Maple Valley Plastics, is a sleek and impressive plastic disc. Although it exhibits a slight turn at the end of its flight, it boasts remarkable precision and can elevate your intermediate control driver skills. 

For those seeking a dependable and steady control driver, the Volt is the perfect choice. Undoubtedly an exceptional intermediate disc, pick up the MVP Volt today!

10. Divergent Discs Kraken : 8 | 5 | -1 |  2

Not too “flippy” with a bit of fade, I am finding the Kraken to be that perfect in between beginner to intermediate transition disc. At a speed of 8 I pull it out later in the round or on a second day of playing. It’s easy to throw when my arm is slightly worn out. 

The Kraken comes in Max Grip plastic, which is Divergent Disc’s premier plastic. It has a tacky and grippy blend that ensures a secure hold and prevents slippage. When I threw the Kraken with control and a smooth release, I was amazed at how straight and predictable it flew towards the target. I haven’t tried it out much as a forehand flick yet, but other users say it’s too rounded on top to feel comfortable. Still, a great disc to have, the Divergent Discs Kraken gets a pretty similar flight to an Innova Leopard with good glide and a tad more fade.

11. Infinite Discs Exodus : 7 | 5 | -.5 | 2

I had the opportunity to try out the Exodus, a stable and controllable fairway driver that’s suitable for players of all experience levels. With its comfortable rim design and manageable speed, I found it easy to grip and control. On the fairway, the Infinite Discs Exodus proved to be a highly dependable disc, particularly when navigating wooded courses.

Its precise and long flight pattern with a consistent fade makes it perfect for accurate shots towards the basket, while also being capable of handling all the power you can give it for long-distance flights. 

Overall, I’m thoroughly impressed with the Infinite Discs Exodus, and I highly recommend it to any disc golfer searching for a versatile and reliable fairway driver.

12. Kastaplast K1 Kaxe : 6 | 4 | 0 | 3

If you read my review on the Kastaplast Grym it might not come as a surprise when you see some more of their discs in my reviews. The Kaxe is a pretty sweet disc with a slightly unusual design. It’s a fantastic small diameter midrange disc that works just as well as a fairway control driver. 

This disc has quickly become one of my favorites due to its reliable and predictable flight pattern, which comes in handy in numerous situations on the course. Despite its slim proportions, the Kaxe has decent stability and handles wind well without being overly overstable. It’s truly a multi-purpose disc that’s quickly become my go-to workhorse control driver disc. Throw the Kastaplast K1 Kaxe today!

13. Discraft Buzzz : 5 | 4 | -1 | 1 

For those players who are looking for a solid mid-range disc, the Discraft Buzzz is perfect for you. Although this disc is recommended for players of all different skill levels, it’s great for an intermediate player because it is an accurate disc, which will help your game be more precise  and successful. 

I literally watched my friend thread a mandatory tree tunnel with the Buzzz…and then do it again.    

Get the Discraft Buzzz because it’s just versatile enough, but it still shoots great and accurately.

14. Innova Mako 3 : 5 | 5 | 0 | 0

While you could argue everyone needs a Mako in their bag, the Mako 3 exhibits qualities and flight numbers a beginner might not understand and an intermediate player will appreciate. 

The Innova Mako 3 is a highly sought-after mid-range disc that delivers a straight and predictable flight path with minimal fade. Constructed with the new Champion plastic, it offers enhanced speed compared to its predecessor, the original Mako. 

Players will appreciate its exceptional glide which can contribute to increased distances. The disc’s smooth rim design ensures easy and consistent releases while providing a comfortable grip. With its reliability and versatility, the Mako 3 is an ideal choice for one disc rounds and a must-have for any disc golf enthusiast. Grab ahold of an Innova Mako 3.

15. Thought Space Athletics Pathfinder : 5 | 5 | 0 | 1 

You won’t even have to try, when you’re using the Pathfinder! This disc glides with ease, which is great for players who are gaining momentum in the sport. The Pathfinder midrange disc is a versatile mid-range disc and becoming a popular choice for disc golfers.

Its controllable flight makes it useful for a range of shots, while its Aura plastic construction provides durability and grip. The Pathfinder is a bit overstable but should break-in over time. Perhaps the best part of Thought Space Athletics is the detailed stamping and design. While the one you pick might be slightly different than pictured, it will surely catch some eyes. Bag a Thought Space Athletics Pathfinder today!

16. Discraft Zone : 4 | 3 | 0 | 3

I absolutely love the overstable, low-profiled Zone putter. It is perfect for holding the line without flipping on long approaches, and delivers predictable putts even in windy conditions. 

It is a slim putter with a thick rim (1.2cm) that gives you something to hold on to. This putter is extremely overstable, making it ideal for headwinds, strategic fades, forehand throws, flick putts, and slamming into chains at just the right angle. 

In fact, I always make sure to have a Zone in my bag as a putter that can get me out of a situation where a Flick or sidearm putt is my only option. Being so overstable, this disc can handle the torque that a Flick will put on it with ease! Get into the Discraft Zone and flick your way to freedom!

17. Westside Discs VIP Harp : 4 | 3 | 0 | 3

When it comes to approach discs, the Westside VIP Harp is my go-to for reliability. This disc is designed to withstand any type of weather conditions, and I can count on it to hold in the wind for a flight that I can trust.

As an intermediate player, I can confidently say that the Westside Discs VIP Harp could be the only approach disc I need to carry. It can hold anyone’s arm speed and still hyzer, making it great for all types of players. For those with slower arm speeds like me, it is my most overstable and dependable approach disc.

The Westside Discs Harp has helped me improve my approach game and I highly recommend it to any disc golfer looking to do the same.

18. Axiom Envy : 3 | 3 | 0 | 2

The Axiom Envy has a modern and smooth feel I love. It provides confidence for both putting and approach shots. Although a bit stable to overstable it can hold a straight flight for stronger arms and serves as a reliable approach disc for lower power throwers. 

With a slightly thinner profile than other putters in its class, the Envy has a stable flight path with minimal fade. It is made of Electron plastic, which provides excellent grip and feel in all weather conditions, wears slowly with use, and has a neutral flight with added glide as it wears. Get it in the 165g range for your intermediate arm and try throwing it as an approach disc from 30 feet out along with throwing putter shots. The Axiom Envy needs to be in your bag!

19. Innova Pig : 3 | 1 | 0 | 3

One has to throw several discs and have a basic understanding of their qualities in order to appreciate a utility disc such as The Innova Pig. This disc is known as the “brick” of putters as it has very little glide and seems to just drop out of the sky like a…brick.

The overstable nature of the Innova Pig makes it great for throwing into headwinds or uphill. I like to use mine when confidence is low and I just need to park the disc. Pick up an Innova Pig today and see what having a utility disc in your lineup can do for your score. 

20. Doomsday Discs Land Mine : 2 | 2 | 0 | 2

As someone who loves disc golf and is always looking for unique discs to add to my arsenal, the Land Mine by Doomsday Discs definitely stands out. Whether you’re a beginner or a doomsday prepper, this disc is sure to become a trusty companion on the course.

The Land Mine has an experimental, boxy shape with a relatively flat top and a blunt, thick rim. This design allows me to precisely place my next shot and resist flying past my target, as the disc rapidly settles down upon losing forward momentum. I also love using it to confidently putt into the basket.

The Land Mine is released in a firm, grippy plastic for putters, which adds to the disc’s overall reliability and trustworthiness. It is part of the Munitions Line of experimental, unique discs, and I can definitely see why it has become a fan favorite.

Overall, I highly recommend the Doomsday Discs Land Mine to any disc golfer looking for a unique and reliable addition to their disc collection. It’s a game-changer that has become a staple in my bag.

21. Kastaplast K1 Berg : 1 | 1 | 0 | 2

As with any Kastaplast product, I find the Berg to be a go-to disc for short drives, approaches, and putts. Its slow and stable flight numbers make it a reliable choice even on windy days, as it won’t sail too far past the basket. 

One thing I really appreciate about the Berg is its high speed stability, which allows me to shape different lines with ease. The disc’s ergonomic grip also sets it apart, with a prominent thumb track on the top that’s not noticeable on the bottom. This makes it a unique and comfortable fit in my hand compared to other putters.

The name Berg is Swedish for mountain, and it truly lives up to its name by being as steady as a rock. For me, the Berg is the most comfortable 1 speed disc in my hand. I’ve found that the Berg is torque resistant and doesn’t have much lateral play, even when thrown forehand. If it does start to fade, it still travels straight with little ground skipping. With the Kastaplast K1 Berg in my bag, I feel confident in my ability to go for the chains and make fearless putts.

Why You Need Intermediate Disc Golf Discs

Ok, if you’re still a bit confused let me simplify. For the four types of discs (putters, mid range, fairway drivers, and distance drivers), you want to have various stabilities. Different situations not only call for different disc types but also different stabilities, and that’s one reason there are so many different disc options. 

Below is a quick guide to help you understand when to use what, but always keep in mind these are recommendations and not rules:

Throw TypeWind DirectionUphill/DownhillSuggested Disc Type
BackhandHeadwindUphillOverstable Mid-Range
ForehandTailwindDownhillUnderstable Distance Driver
OverhandCrosswindUphillOverstable Fairway Driver
TomahawkTailwindDownhillUnderstable Putter
Note: The disc suggestions are just examples and can vary depending on the specific situation and the player’s skill level.

Moving up from beginner level, intermediate players require discs that can offer more advanced performance that allows them to develop their skills further. The best discs for intermediate players strike a balance between control and distance, providing a reliable flight path while still allowing room for growth. 

These discs often have better plastic, providing a more secure grip and durability, along with greater speed potential. They may also have more stable or overstable flight characteristics, allowing for greater accuracy and control in windy conditions. While they may be suggested for the intermediate level, note that even professional disc golf players use these discs on a regular basis. Overall, the right discs can make a big difference for intermediate players looking to improve their game and take their skills to the next level.

How to Know if You’re an Intermediate Disc Golf Player

In our article about a technique that increased our distance we broke down a hypothetical player level based on distance and average score. But to be considered an intermediate player, several factors could be taken into account.

  • Play and Practice Time: if you’re not spending time practicing the sport of throwing discs, you might still be an intermediate player. But typically, to get past the beginner level most people are going to have get out there and play at least a round a week or spend some time in the field throwing that often.

    While the amount of time invested in the sport is crucial, the quality of that time is equally important. Again, a hypothetical estimate for time spent throwing discs could be around one practice session and one complete 18-hole rounds per week. All while spending significant time on different aspects of the game.
  • Distance: it’s safe to say most players use distance as a key factor in determining a disc golf player’s skill level. And while distance does in fact impact your ability and score on the course, it is only one factor to consider.

    With that though we can gauge a players ability to some degree on their average throwing distance. While debatable, having worked with several beginner level players I can tell you anyone throwing above 150 ft, consistently, and occasionally touching the 250+ range is probably an intermediate player. However, beyond just throwing it that far one has to throw that far with a degree of consistency and accuracy, hitting the desired line with the majority of those throws. Intermediate players should also feel confident in their driving ability from the tee using a control driver or a driver with a speed of 7 to 9.
  • Consistent Short Game Shots: An intermediate player should be hitting more than half of their 15 – 20ft putts. Short and sweet, pun intended, now set up that practice basket, grab a putter pack and get to work on sinking your putts.
  • Average Round Scores: When it comes to average round scores, an intermediate player should consistently score no more than 1 over on each hole or better.

    Again this is completely debatable and hypothetical…but I do base it on the beginner students I teach, and my own journey. While you may not be the best or most competitive player, you should be hitting par on shorter, easier courses and only hitting a bogey on the longer harder holes…no more double bogeys or too high to remember scores.
  • Reduced Redo’s and Solid Mindset: If you think of Disc Golf as just a sport, where athleticism takes precedence, you’re missing out…and probably missing shots. Disc golf is more than just power and skill. While those do play a huge role in being successful, a big part of disc golf is mentality.

    It’s essential to have focus, confidence, and honesty about your skill level. I’ll be the first to admit, at the time of this writing, I am just now breaking into the intermediate level. And that mindset helps me recognize where I am and where I can go.

    In more practical terms, I see myself playing disc golf rounds with fewer redo’s. I see my distance improving, even sometimes surprising myself. My overall scores are par for easy courses and just one above on harder courses with my first birdies and almost aces coming to fruition.

    With a solid mindset of where you are on your disc golf journey you can plan for improvement. Honesty about one’s skill level is key. If you are a beginner, keep going, that’s the key…keep getting out to the field, setting up the practice nets or portable baskets, and definitely hit the course a few times each month or once a week. Oh and check out our tips and technique section for things you might not even realize can really help with your game.

Unleash Your Potential: Top Disc Golf Discs for Intermediate Players

When it comes to disc golf, having the right equipment is essential for success on the course. As an intermediate level golfer, you need to have a well-rounded set of discs that can help you putt, throw long range, and navigate various terrains.

We’ve been over several intermediate discs that are powerhouses. All the disc golf lovers in your life are going to love these discs. Any intermediate player will appreciate these discs and should have them in their disc golf bag. 

With so many plastic types, molds, and brands available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right golf set for your needs. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the best disc golf discs for intermediate players from some of the top manufacturers in the game, including Innova Disc Golf, Latitude 64, and Prodigy. 

From fairway drivers to mid range discs, our list includes discs that are designed to help you score under par with the fewest strokes possible. 

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to take your game to the next level, our list of top discs will help you tee off confidently and play with style. So, get ready to shop now and add these discs to our inventory before your next round of disc golf at your favorite local disc golf course.

Keep Throwing…


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This post first appeared on Disc Golf Dash, please read the originial post: here

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21 Best Disc Golf Discs For Intermediate Players : 2023 Edition!


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