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In his memoir, A Moveable Feast, Ernest Hemingway discusses his writing process and experience as an American expat in Paris, France. While writing and dining in Parisian cafes, Hemingway wo… Read More
Deer camps embody some of the best things about hunting, especially community. Some of my favorite hunting memories include my grandfather’s hunting camp, where I rabbit hunted, learne… Read More
I was minutes away from leaving. I’d had enough. More than enough, actually. Enough staring into an incessant bitter wind at a whole lot of nothing. Enough driving and scouting my way… Read More
In high school, I had hunting access to a decent-sized (80-acre) family property. I can count on both hands how many sits didn’t involve deer. My dad, grandfather, and I all killed mul… Read More
My world in bowhunting began from a humble ground-swatting position. It wasn't until I turned fourteen that my dad gave me a clunky climbing stand, the kind that's built to last. This was a… Read More
Manicured food plots and tractor work still have their place in the deer hunting community. But clear-cuts are a mecca for concentrated deer populations in the big woods. These areas can be… Read More
I’m all too familiar with frustrating trail camera experiences. Ending up with poor-quality images or no pictures at all feels like a waste of time. If you're new to using trail camera… Read More
Any time spent in the woods is valuable, but let's talk about the target goal of shed antlers. Days filled with work meetings aren't always a lost cause. A few short minutes could be all you… Read More
Fail upward? What kind of corporate jargon is that? How could this possibly help me become a better hunter? Hear me out. Every hunter that I know with at least a dozen seasons under their be… Read More
On a brisk weekend in October, I had an epiphany. After three seasons of shivering, sweating, waiting, watching, and throwing the occasional hissyfit—I was standing over a mature, nine… Read More
Too much hunting media preaches a conservative approach to whitetail hunting that just doesn’t work for most hunters. This message has largely dominated the conversation around hunting… Read More
Growing up in southeastern Minnesota, I thought we had the laziest hunters. During gun season, the amount of trucks creeping along gravel roads with the windows down was a sure sign of a roa… Read More
There are a lot of times in hunting when our eyes are a bit bigger than our stomachs. Just like when you overload your plate on Thanksgiving by stacking up every delicious side dish until yo… Read More
If you don’t hunt primo ground, then your biggest challenge as a whitetail hunter might just be getting an arrow into a buck after the gun season. The general consensus from the huntin… Read More
One of the best things about tracking a buck is that it’s done solo. You’re out in the deep woods, just you and the buck, in a mano-a-mano duel of predator and prey. To be succes… Read More
Of the controversial and divisive topics in the hunting world, deer hunting with dogs sits near the top. For hunters, specifically in the South where deer-dog hunting is limited, the sound o… Read More
At one point in my life, I spent quite a bit of time around a few people who were either actively pursuing an archery Super Slam or had already completed it. Bow-killing all 29 North America… Read More
Saddle Hunting has become all the rage these days. There’s an overabundance of info on the interwebs on how-to, which is better, and why you should. But should you really be saddle hun… Read More
Without a doubt, oaks are the most coveted species of tree in the whitetail woods. Furthermore, they produce some of the most powerful food sources available to deer. But getting oaks to the… Read More
Every successful hunt has one thing in common, time. The more time you spend perfecting your craft, the more successful your outcome is likely to be. The whitetail rut is no different. Time… Read More
For a lot of hunters, rifle season conjures up early memories of deer camps, first kills, or family traditions. And it probably still revolves largely revolves around these things. While it… Read More
As autumn arrives and preparations continue for this year's hunting season, many land managers will look to plant fall food plots. These fall plots will not only help the overall herd of dee… Read More
Whitetail hunters—including myself—like comfort. Sure, we might brave frigid temps or hike miles in the dark through a swamp, but not after spending thousands on hunting clothing… Read More
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, things can change in the blink of an eye. Sometimes we don’t even notice the change until it’s too late, even if all the signs are ther… Read More
During the first week of the Minnesota season, I managed to arrow a decent ten-pointer. A good friend of mine also filled his tag on a really solid nine-pointer. He and I, along with two oth… Read More
Think you can score a buck just by looking at it? During Whitetail Week, we’re giving away stellar prizes every day to folks who can most closely correctly score deer that were shot by… Read More

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Wired To Hunt | Deer hunting news, stories and str
