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From struggle to success: real-life stories of my clients’ journeys of healing and self-discovery

In these captivating stories, you’ll meet real people who have faced seemingly insurmountable challenges and found their way to healing and transformation through the power of intuitive readings.

From overcoming paralyzing fears to healing from past traumas, these individuals have been able to tap into the incredible power of their intuition and connect with their inner guidance to find clarity and purpose in their lives. Through their stories, you’ll discover how intuitive readings can unlock a world of possibilities and help you live your best life.

So buckle up and get ready for a ride that will take you deep into the human experience. These stories are a testament to the resilience and courage of the human Spirit and will inspire you to embrace your own intuition and inner wisdom. Are you ready to take the first step toward a more fulfilling life? Let’s dive in!

How a 51-year-old mother got the courage to go pole dancing and lost 25 lbs too

Patricia had a successful career, a loving family, and a comfortable life. Yet, she felt unfulfilled and unhappy. She couldn’t understand why she felt this way, despite everything in her life appearing to be great.

During an intuitive reading we discovered that Patricia has been unconsciously suppressing her true desires and passions in order to fit into the expectations of her family and society. Patricia told me that she always wanted to learn pole dancing but is embarrassed because she is a mom, lives in a pretty conservative town and she is “kind of old and out of shape.” (Patricia was 51 years old at that time.)

I gave her several exercises that she could do at home to clear the limiting belief that she cannot be alluring and seductive. It took her a few weeks but finally, Patricia got the courage to sign up for a pole dancing class. That was in 2017.

Today, Patricia is still dancing and she is 25 lbs lighter too. This story shows that an intuitive reading is not just about the “woo.” We address and work through real-life, everyday issues that may seem inconsequential but in reality, cause us a lot of grief.

Do you feel like you have everything you ever wanted and yet, you are unhappy? Come in for a reading and let’s figure YOU out.

How Jill transformed her co-dependent relationship and found a stronger connection with her boyfriend

Jill came in for a Relationship reading because she needed help understanding why two people who want to together keep hurting each other. She also was looking for advice on how to heal the relationship, she loved her boyfriend and was hoping to stay together.

A reading revealed a lack of communication and appreciation for each other, but more importantly, it revealed the NOT SO OBVIOUS REASON WHY they had these problems in the first place. Knowing the cause of their miscommunication is what ultimately allowed Jill and her boyfriend to heal their relationship and rediscover their love for each other.

When Jill met her boyfriend, she was going through a lot of turmoil and as a result, ended up creating a co-dependent relationship where she took the role of a victim and he the rescuer. Everything was OK until the day Jill healed her victim mentality, reclaimed her power, and started to act in a different way. Her boyfriend on the other hand, remained in the rescuer role.

This resulted in Jill constantly being annoyed because she felt like he was trying to control her, while he kept snapping at her because he felt undervalued and unappreciated.

I advised Jill to think about what she wants from the relationship, and what she does not want and then have a heart-to-heart talk with her boyfriend, explaining that she has changed and that they need to get to know each other again. Kind of like a fresh start.

Within a few weeks, Jill and her partner began to have meaningful conversations. They enjoyed getting to know each other all over again and her boyfriend was actually relieved that he no longer had to take all the responsibility for Jill’s wellbeing and instead could focus more on his own needs.

Jill’s story is an excellent example of how an intuitive reading can reveal “the story behind the story” and help two people grow together in a healthy way.

If you are looking to heal or improve your relationship with a partner, a parent or a child and have hit a wall trying to figure things out on your own, come in for an intuitive reading. I will look at your energy, consult your guides and together we will come up with the best way for you to move forward.

How Carrie Overcame Heartbreak and Found Inner Peace

Carrie and Steve met at a company meeting and sparks flew instantly. Carrie felt a connection like never before, but when she mustered up the courage to express her feelings, Steve shut her down, revealing that he only saw her as a friend.

Despite her efforts, Steve continuously pushed her away, leaving Carrie heartbroken and bewildered.

Carrie did some research on relationships and came to the realization that Steve could be her Twin Flame. She tried to share this with Steve, but he remained dismissive.

Carrie was heartbroken and came to me for an intuitive reading, seeking advice and solace. She understood that she cannot make Steve fall in love, but the pain was almost unbearable and she didn’t know how to heal her broken heart.

I explained to Carrie that rejection is not a reflection of her worth, but rather a reflection of Steve’s inner struggles. I helped her understand that sometimes our twin flames are not ready to confront their emotions and that she should not try to control Steve’s spiritual growth.

Instead, Carrie needed to focus on her own healing journey and give Steve space. A few months later, she told me she could not believe what she saw in Steve, saying “he wasn’t even that good-looking.”

How Susan broke the pattern of sacrificing herself for others and transformed her life.

Susan, a thirty-five-year-old woman, was working a very stressful job. She had been there for three years and wanted out, but she was afraid that no one would hire her – and if they would, it would be for much less money.

As a result of unmanaged stress, Susan had a growing list of food intolerances and could not relax in the evening unless she drank a glass of wine.

One day, she had a breakdown right at the office and realized that she had to do something asap before she manifested a serious health issue.

Susan wanted to understand, why a smart and successful woman like herself, has a hard time taking care of herself.

A chakra reading revealed several areas of blocked energy, namely in the throat and her lower belly.

When I looked into those blocked energy centers, I saw two big things:

– a relationship issue with her mother and

– a strong martyr complex, which her mother also had

Susan confirmed that both, she and her mother, tend to give up their needs to please others and then get resentful when other people don’t do anything for them.

Here’s where it got interesting. When I looked at the energy BETWEEN Susan and her mother, I saw an incredible amount of love there. And this love flowed from both sides.

It seemed that each one wanted what was best for the other one, each one sacrificed themselves for the other but neither had ever asked whether the other person actually wanted that. They just assumed that they know what was best for the other person.

I was not surprised when Susan told me that she never had a heart-to-heart with her mother, but she did agree that an adult conversation was a good start.

After our session, Susan began to reach out to her mother, and be more open, more accepting, and more vulnerable.

Eventually, their relationship improved to the point of them becoming a source of support for each other – which, funny enough, was what they had both wanted all along, they just did not realize that they were going about it the wrong way.

P.S. I love this story because Susan thought she needed to learn how to manage stress, but what she actually needed was to fix her relationship with her mom.

This happens quite often, actually.

A client will come in for one thing, but Spirit will tell us to work on something else, which in the end always turns out to be exactly what the person needed.

Oh, and Susan did find another job, one that was closer to home, better pay and a much nicer work atmosphere.

How Anne learned to trust her intuition and make difficult choices

“I am sixty-five years old, entering the last chapter of my life, I don’t want to spend it with a man who does not see me for who I am and does not share my values. But this is my third marriage and I am not sure I am ready to walk away. What should I do?”

Anne, the woman sitting in front of me was one of the most unusual people I have ever met. As soon as she walked into my office and introduced herself, I saw something I have not seen before or since.

“You are not afraid of death, are you?” I asked, right after shaking her hand and introducing myself.

The woman showed no surprise at being asked this strange question.

“That is correct,” she said. “I work at hospice care and I do what I can so that people can live out their lives in dignity. I have just helped my mother-in-law cross over, I feel so grateful to have been able to do that. Dignity is so important and that’s what I am here to give people – dignity!”

Now, I ask you, how was I supposed to tell a woman so much wiser (and older) than myself whether to file for a divorce? If anything, she should be the one giving me advice.

But since she came to me with a problem she could not figure out on her own, I had to at least try to help her.

But rather than giving her a yes or no answer and taking the power of choice away from her, I asked Spirit to show me what would happen if she remained in the relationship and what would happen if she left.

I didn’t so much look at the financial stuff, that’s for an accountant to figure out, not an intuitive reader.

Instead, I looked to see what her day-to-day would be like, what she would be doing, and how she would be feeling.

I shared the positive aspects of each choice and the negative ones… and then I asked her: “Which life do you want?”

As soon as she heard this question, she sat up straight, her face relaxed and her gaze brightened.

“I now know what to do,” she said. “I am going to take this information home and work with it. You have shown me my path, now I need to take it.”

I ran into this woman a few years later at a spiritual midwifery class – we were both learning how to help people’s spirit cross over once it leaves the physical body.

It was inappropriate for me to ask her whether or not she stayed with her husband – what happens in a reading remains between my office walls, I do not discuss personal matters in social situations.

But I can tell you that she looked absolutely radiant, so it seems that she was at peace with whatever decision she made.

Are you a faerie person? How to recognize faerie energy in the human world

I once had a client who was a faerie. Well, not once, I’ve had a number of Faerie clients, but this one stuck out because she was so unmistakably a faerie.

Well, she was a human, obviously, but her energy was very fae.

She was very sad and angry about the cruel world we live in and came to me for help because she could not stand feeling this way anymore.

Actually, she asked me to help her deal with her anxiety but the anxiety was just a symptom. The real cause was the excruciating pain she felt every time she saw humans do hurtful things to the earth and all of its creatures.

But this story isn’t about her – it’s about faerie people in general.

A faerie person’s signature is quite unique. When you first encounter a faerie person, it’s quite hard to place them but once you see a few of them, then you can recognize them more easily.

Their energy is big and small at the same time. It has a fast-moving quality to it, although the actual human may be quite grounded and even stoic. A faerie is confusing and easy to understand at the same time. They are sweet and friendly, yet, I would not want to get on their bad side as they can be quite explosive.

Basically, faerie energy is one of paradox.

They generally have a magic touch when it comes to plants or animals (and sometimes small children) and they take it personally when they see people being cruel to animals or to the planet.

How Christine discovered the not-so-obvious reason behind her self-deprecating thoughts

“I have these stupid, self-deprecating thoughts in my head that are there for no reason, can you help me get rid of them?” asked Christine as she was entering my office.

A reading revealed the spirit of a disgruntled man that “lived” in her aura and kept complaining about everyone and everything (think of it like a haunted house, but it’s a haunted person.)

This spirit attached itself to Christine many years ago when she had an emergency appendectomy.

This is not an uncommon thing to happen, spirits can attach to us when we are vibrating low, due to stress or disease. It’s really not a big deal, the body usually clears itself of external energies as part of the recovery process (think virus, but at the energy level).

But sometimes there are things going on that prevent the body from clearing itself. In that case, the spirit remains attached.

To resolve the issue we performed healing on the attached spirit and sent him into the spirit world freeing Christine of his energy.

A week later, Christine told me that the “stupid thoughts” were now more like a habit rather than something she felt compelled to do.

PS: The spirit release process is one of the most beautiful and life-affirming parts of my job. It is nothing like what you see in exorcism moves. It’s a ceremony full of compassion and hope, I’ll talk about it another time.

The cost of protection: How Kathy’s grandmother’s spirit got in the way of business growth

Kathy, a graphic designer, kept undercharging her clients for her work and then feeling resentful because she felt like she was being taken advantage of.

She said that every time she thought about raising her prices, a little voice would pop up in her head, telling her to be happy with what she had and to not rock the boat because she could “lose it all.”

This inner voice would give her such anxiety that she would rather feel resentful than endure the thoughts about “losing it all.”

Kathy wanted to clear up whatever was causing this issue so that she could be paid what she was worth.

A reading revealed a very strong connection to her grandmother’s spirit.

That grandmother had lived through the great depression and suffered tremendously.

Because she loved her granddaughter so much, she wanted to protect her and so she projected her money fears onto her granddaughter.

We performed ancestral healing and we also helped her grandmother’s spirit to cross over into the spirit realm to get her own healing (more on earth-bound spirits and crossing over later).

Kathy raised her prices first by 10%, then by 25%, then by 50% and the clients kept coming and coming.

How Maya discovered the real reason she kept attracting unavailable men

Maya came in for a reading, wanting to know why, while she was ready for a committed relationship, every guy she dated was emotionally unavailable.

Looking at her energy, the answer was clear:

Maya had a very strong connection with her guides and was asking them to help her grow spiritually and personally. At the same time, whenever she entered a relationship, she became overly reliant on her partner for validation and self-worth. In doing so, she lost parts of herself, all to avoid feeling lonely.

Maya was seeking spiritual growth while trying to give her power away, two things that can’t go together. This often happens – we do two opposite things at the same time and wonder why we are stuck in place.

Because Maya was doing so much self-work, her guides ensured that she would not sabotage her spiritual growth by connecting her only to those men who would send her packing when she got too close.

Maya had two choices: give up her quest for spiritual growth and settle for someone to avoid being alone or continue growing and learn how to be okay on her own until the right person came.

Maya laughed when I told her this. She said she had already tried option one with her ex, and she didn’t want to go back there.

She chose option two, and that’s what we worked on – helping Maya increase her self-confidence, let go of the fear of being alone, and no longer need to rely on external validation.

How Melissa overcame her fear of being alone and found happiness within herself

Melissa had just broken up with a man whom she loved deeply. The reason for the breakup was that he was not willing to commit while she wanted a relationship.

“I know that I need to let go of him,” she told me. “I need to focus on myself and my own happiness. But I can’t stop thinking about him. It’s so strange, I’ve had plenty of relationships before, but none of them were so intense.“
When I looked at her energy, I saw that they had a number of past lives together – hence the strong recognition and connection.

I also saw a number of energetic blockages, most of them having to do with her second and first chakras.
We traced these blockages to childhood trauma. When Melissa was just eight years old, her father walked out on her and her mother, leaving Melissa with a deep-rooted fear of being abandoned. As a result, she found herself drawn to emotionally unavailable and/or married men.

Through our work together, Melissa was able to clear that pattern out of her energy along with several others. As she worked on herself, the pull toward her ex weakened and Melissa started to feel a sense of freedom and joy that she had never experienced before.

How Carrie overcame the pain of rejection and found a path to happiness

Carrie and Steve met at a company meeting and sparks flew instantly. Carrie felt a connection like never before, but when she mustered up the courage to express her feelings, Steve shut her down, revealing that he only saw her as a friend.

Despite her efforts, Steve continuously pushed her away, leaving Carrie heartbroken and bewildered.
Carrie did some research on relationships and came to the realization that Steve could be her Twin Flame. She tried to share this with Steve, but he remained dismissive.

Carrie was heartbroken and came to me for an intuitive reading, seeking advice and solace. She understood that she cannot make Steve fall in love, but the pain was almost unbearable and she didn’t know how to heal her broken heart.
I explained to Carrie that rejection is not a reflection of her worth, but rather a reflection of Steve’s inner struggles. I helped her understand that sometimes our twin flames are not ready to confront their emotions and that she should not try to control Steve’s spiritual growth.

Instead, Carrie needed to focus on her own healing journey and give Steve space. A few months later, she told me she could not believe what she saw in Steve, saying “he wasn’t even that good-looking.”

How Shelby broke free from the trap of perfectionism and found happiness

Shelby was constantly trying to change herself to fit the mold of what she thought a spiritual woman should be.

She spent hours reading self-help books, attending workshops, doing healing after healing, and trying to eradicate her fears and insecurities.

But the more she tried to change, the more she dug herself deeper into a hole of self-doubt and self-criticism.
Shelby came to me for a reading asking what she can heal, release, and transmute so that she would feel more confident and be more in the flow.

When I turned into her energy I heard a voice in my head saying:

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

I explained that if she wanted to feel better about herself, she had to do a 180.

Instead of trying to get rid of them, I advised Shelby to embrace her fears and insecurities.

Accept them as a part that makes her who she is today and be grateful for the lessons they continue to teach her.

We worked on that together and soon, Shelby started to notice that her self-deprecating thoughts no longer held the power over her that they once did.

She later told me that although it felt strange at first, she now realizes that the key to a happy life is not in trying to fix herself but in accepting and loving herself just as she is – warts and all.

A final note: 

This extraordinary collection of stories is about real people who, like all of us, faced tough challenges in their lives. These challenges ranged from gripping fears to deep-seated traumas and a sense of aimlessness. But what sets these individuals apart is that they discovered the amazing power of intuitive readings. Through this mystical practice, they were able to achieve clarity, healing, and transformation. The stories in this collection serve as an awe-inspiring testament to the incredible potential of intuitive readings to help us overcome our struggles and lead a more fulfilling life.

If you need help to heal relationship issues or recover after a breakup, clear money blocks, blast through the income ceiling, achieve your goals, stop negative self-talk, fully step into your power and reclaim all that is yours, contact me to schedule your Intuitive Reading session.

Let’s connect: FB: Dina.Kleiman | IG: Dina_Kleiman  | YouTube: @DinaKleiman | TikTok @dinakleiman.

This post first appeared on Spirituality, Energy Healing, Reiki, Crystals And Life, please read the originial post: here

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From struggle to success: real-life stories of my clients’ journeys of healing and self-discovery


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