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How would you describe the creation of a planet and its spheres?

How would you describe the creation of a planet and its spheres? 

A planet’s creation begins when it is cast off from its parent sun as a nebulous mass of fiery vapour. 

In this stage, it is a powerful magnet, attracting to it the minute particles of matter, which float through all the ether of space. 

These invisible atoms are etherealised and are the first degree of spirit matter. 

As they attract to the glowing mass of an embryo planet, these atoms become so thickly clustered together that the more ethereal elements are pressed out and escape back into space, leaving the solid gross portion to form into rock, and so on. 

These atoms exist eternally and are as indestructible as all the other elements, which constitute the universe. 

They are absorbed and cast off again as each planet passes through the various stages of its existence and development.

The atoms of matter are broadly classed under three heads. 

Each head subdivides into an infinite number of degrees of density and expresses the various stages of sublimation to which they have attained. 

The three principal classes are termed material―or planetary matter, spiritual―or soul-enveloping matter and sublimated soul essence. 

Mineral substances such as rocks, earth, and so on, form the lowest and grossest form of material matter, and these are thrown off into the atmosphere as dust and reabsorbed into plants, and so on. 

The intermediate degree between rocks and plants is the fluidic. 

These solid particles are held in solution by the various gases―or vaporised form of the chemical elements, which constitute them. 

Vegetable life is the second degree of material matter and is nourished by the blending of gross matter with the fluidic. 

Through infinite gradations of earthly matter, the highest degree of earthly material development―flesh and bones and muscles―is reached and clothes the soul―or one of the lower animals.

The second―or spiritual form of matter is merely the etherealised development of the first―or earthly form of matter, while the soul-essence is the animating principle of both―
the divine germ, without which the first two forms of matter could not exist. 

It is a part of the law of the two first classes of matter that they should clothe the higher soul principle
or they lose their power of cohesion and are diffused into their elemental parts again. 

Soul-matter is the only one, which possesses any permanent identity

It is the true ego since it cannot disintegrateor lose its individuality. 

It is the true life of whatever lower forms of matter it may animate, and changes and shapes that lower matter into its own identity. 

Soul-essence is in every type of life, and each is capable of development into the highest
or celestial form, and is found in the heavenly sphere of each planet and each solar system.

Since everything has its soul, there are plants and flowers, rocks and deserts, beasts and birds in the spirit-world. 

They exist there in their spiritualised
or developed state, and are more etherealised, as they advance higher, and in accordance with the same law, which governs alike the highest and the lowest form of soul-matter. 

When a plant dies―or the solid rock is dispersed into dust―or fused into gas, its soul-essence passes with its spiritual matter into the spirit-world and to that sphere to which its development is most akin―the most material portion being absorbed by the earth, the more sublimated particles of matter floating farther from it.

In the early stages of a planet’s life, when it possesses a small portion of soul-essence and a large amount of gross matter, its spheres are thrown out first in the direction farthest from its sun and are very material. 

The development of its spiritual inhabitants is very low, and at this early stage, the vegetable and animal and human types of soul-life are coarse and gross, lacking in the refinement and beauty, which is observed, as the evolution of the planet advances. 

Gradually, the vegetation changes―the animals change―the races of men who appear become each higher―more perfect―the spiritual emanations thrown off become correspondingly higher. 

In the first stages of a planet’s life, the spheres scarcely exist. 

They may be likened to a cone in shape―the small end represents the planet―the earth-plane is the highest sphere, and the lower spheres by reason of the degraded states and low intellectual development of the planet’s inhabitants is like the wide end of the cone. 

As the planet develops, the spheres increase in size and number, and the higher ones begin to form―the point of the cone recedes from the planet towards the sun, as each of the highest spheres begins its existence.

The spheres are formed below and above the planet by the constant influx of atoms thrown off from the parent planet. 

At a certain stage of their formation, when man’s intellectual and selfish propensities are more highly developed than his moral and unselfish faculties, these lower spheres greatly exceed in extent the higher ones, and this may be termed the dark ages of the world’s history, when oppression and cruelty and greed spread their dark wings over mankind.

After a time, the eternal law of the higher evolution of all things causes the higher and lower spheres to become equal in extent and number, and the forces of good and evil are equally balanced. 

This period may be termed the meridian of the planet’s life.

Next follows the period when the earth-plane narrows, as the lower spheres begin to shrink and disappear, while the higher ones expand until only these exist and the planet shrinks gradually away and vanishes from existence―

All its gross atoms float away imperceptibly to be reabsorbed by other planets yet in process of formation.

The sphere of that planet together with its inhabitants become absorbed into the great spheres of its solar system. 

Each planetary community retains the characteristics and individuality of their planet―just as different nationalities do on earth―until they become gradually merged in the larger nationality of their solar system.

This post first appeared on Spiritual Prozac, please read the originial post: here

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How would you describe the creation of a planet and its spheres?


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