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Let this be my final message to the world.

Let This Be My Final Message To The World.

The joy of the struggle! 

That is the keynote of immortality―the keynote of power. 

Let this be my final message to the world. 

Tell them to enjoy their struggles―to thrill at the endless possibilities of combination and creation―to live in the moment, while preparing for long hence, and not to exaggerate the importance of momentary failures and disappointments.

When they come out here, and get their lives in perspective, they will see that most of their causes of anxiety were trivial, and that all the lights and shadows were necessary to the picture.

I had my lights and shadows, too, but I regret nothing. 

The Master enjoys difficulties, as a swimmer enjoys the water's resistance.

If I could make you realise the power that comes from facing the struggle―not only bravely, but facing it with enjoyment. 

Why, any healthy boy enjoys a fight. 

His blood beats fast, and his nerves tingle, but he who keeps his head cool is likely to come out on top.

Life is a fight.

You are in matter to conquer it lest it conquers you.

There is nothing in this universe stronger than your will when it is directed by a powerful force of unity. 

Whatever your strength, make the most of it in the battle of life.

Remember that your opponents are not other men, but conditions. 

If you fight men, they will fight you back, but if you fight conditions, they―being unintelligent―will yield to you with just enough resistance to keep your muscles in good order.

And do not forget the law of rhythm―that is at the back of everything. 

Count on rhythm―it has never failed yet―it never will. 

Watch for your high tides and flow up with them―when the inevitable low tides come, either rest or meditate. 

You cannot escape rhythm. 

You transcend it by working with it.

You can even turn and grow young, for time also has its tides, and there are many ripples in the long sea swell of life.

I feel that I am leaving much unsaid. 

But I shall meet you again someday.


This post first appeared on Spiritual Prozac, please read the originial post: here

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Let this be my final message to the world.
