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Three of Swords – Hidden Truths


The Transformation of Perspective: From Villain to Cosmic Detective – My Journey with the Three of Swords

What are you learning so far about the Three of Swords? Sitting down to write this third perspective reminded me of when I first started learning tarot. I want to share a little secret about a card that made me uncomfortable. Yes, it happens to be the Three of Swords. 

Here’s a story, just in time for Halloween!  

When I first started reading Tarot, the Three of Swords was like the villain in a spooky movie. The image of three sharp swords piercing a heart seemed like a terrible omen of doom and gloom. It was as if the card came with its background music – like the haunting tones of a funeral organ! Anyway, I would shuffle the cards, hoping it wouldn’t pop up in my readings because I thought it meant that something terrible was bound to happen. And who wants to deliver THAT news? 

But guess what? As I delved deeper into the world of tarot and did what I now jokingly refer to as the “rotisserie chicken” effect—you know, where you turn it and look at it from all sides. I discovered a hidden treasure underneath its gloomy exterior. Often seen as a heartbreaker, this card can be interpreted as a heart opener. 

The Three of Swords isn’t just about sadness and heartache. It’s about the necessary truths of our lives. And, with that, it completely shifted my experience with the card to the point that I now see this card more as a cosmic detective. To that, you might say, huh? But, yes, a cosmic detective that helps us uncover hidden problems and deal with them head-on.

Tarot and Life’s Funny Ways: Unexpected Lessons and Discoveries on My Tarot Journey

The more I pay attention to my surroundings, events, and those around me, the more I see how life works in such funny ways. For example, take me and my relationship with tarot. Tarot showed up in my life at a very chaotic and transformational time. It was a time of loss, change, and massive expansion. However, I did not know it at the time.

On the one hand, I was learning that the (not so) steady and strong structures I had built around me were crumbling like a house of cards. Loss, grief, and sadness were my constant companions. I remember thinking, stop the ride; I want to get off.   

But on the other hand, all this loss opened up a space in my life. Enter tarot. And, suddenly, that space was soon filled with a weekly tarot class where I found my place in a community. It was like a light was turned on. It was only a short time before the tarot became my thing. The thing that I could count on. The thing that offered me comfort, safety, and acceptance. Within a community of uniqueness, non-judgment, and authenticity. This unexpected and untraditional structure and support taught me a lot. Learning comes in many ways. Very few are expected. 

In time, the monster of the Three of Swords shifted and took on a different meaning. Instead of signifying pain and suffering, it became truth and understanding. Instead of loss and grief, it became compassion and healing.  

Now, I welcome seeing the Three of Swords in my readings. It reminds me that facing necessary truths can lead to growth, healing, and stronger connections (both with yourself and others). It’s like a cosmic coach urging us to be brave and tackle life’s challenges head-on. So, don’t be afraid the next time you encounter the Three of Swords. Embrace it as a guide to uncovering hidden truths and improving your life.  

Ready for a tarot adventure? Delve into the realm of the Three of Swords in this captivating video!

Happy truth-seeking, my friends. 

Ever Upward,

Missed the last two posts? Catch up on them here:

Three of Swords – Unique Synergy

Three of Swords – Surprising Truths

The post Three of Swords – Hidden Truths appeared first on Dina Berrin.

This post first appeared on Tarot Reading | Numerology | NYC Private Events, please read the originial post: here

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Three of Swords – Hidden Truths
