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IMPROVE YOUR INTUITIVE INTELLIGENCE: A third-eye meditation practice

“Intuition is the Highest Form of Intelligence” by Bruce Kasanoff re-quotes Albert Einstein, who said, “The Intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

In full agreement with Einstein, it’s important to exercise your intuitive mind in collaboration with your rational mind. Until recently, intuition was never considered its own form of intelligence.

Bianca Le Mouel from The Human Company defines Intuitive Intelligence as “a set of skills … that uses intuition to get to the instinctual and nonconscious parts of our minds.” Le Mouel suggests that we can effectively train our intuitive minds for personal growth and success.

The third eye chakra: A gateway to intuition

The best way to tap into your intuitive, psychic intelligence is by practicing a third eye chakra meditation.

First, it is important to understand what chakras are:

According to Gretchen Stelter, in “A Beginner’s Guide to the 7 Chakras and Their Meanings,”

They are a complex and ancient energy system that originated in India. … Chakra means “wheel” and refers to energy points in your body. They are thought to be spinning disks of energy that should stay “open” and aligned, as they correspond to bundles of nerves, major organs and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being.

There are seven major chakras. The chakra that rules over your intuitive mind is the sixth chakra, also known as the third eye chakra, or, in Sanskrit, Ajna. “When open and in alignment, it’s thought that people will follow their intuition and be able to see the big picture,” Stelter says in relation to this chakra.

This inner guidance becomes louder and clearer with regular meditation. Once you begin developing your intuitive awareness and psychic wisdom, you can distort all illusions by seeing a bigger, cosmic snapshot of the truth of your situation.

This alternative, intelligent mechanism operates beneath the surface of our immediate, limited human awareness that needs to reason, validate and prove everything for it to be considered ‘real.’ In truth, our external reality is often shaped by the psychological and emotional belief systems we embody, as part of a process called alchemical transmutation.

Think of chameleons changing colours to cleverly outsmart their predators by blending in with bustling leaves or rough tree bark. Like the chameleon, our inner state of being mirrors our external reality and our three-dimensional experiences.

This powerful psychic wisdom is available to all of us, and with a third-eye meditation practice, it can help us enhance our consciousness and become powerful agents of our own lives.

3 ways to enhance intuitive intelligence

Here are some factors to consider that may enhance your intuitive meditation practice.


In February 2021, Faith Davis published an article “Chakra Frequencies: What They Are & How to Achieve Resonance,” which explains the concept of harmonic resonance and how a specific sound can “resonate” or “correspond to the resonant frequency of the object.” In this case, the object is you and your third eye chakra.

In “What Are The Chakra Frequencies, And How Do They Promote Healing?”, Gemma Clarke writes, “The frequencies associated with the chakras are known as solfeggio frequencies. These sound patterns resonate at a particular Hz frequency to interact with our brains and generate vibrations throughout our physical and subtle bodies.”

According to Vanessa Eshaya, if you listen to an 852 Hz solfeggio frequency that corresponds to the third eye chakra and is “connected to intuitive ability, consciousness, and wisdom,” it’ll harmonize its frequency to your own third eye energy centre’s vibration and frequency. This unlocks the gateway to your intuition.

In their aforementioned article, Faith Davis also writes that listening to this frequency helps with “erasing stereotypes, restoring neural connections [and] bringing spiritual order,” along with breaking down “illusions” and increasing “mental clarity.”

Sometimes pairing the 852 Hz frequency with 963 Hz is useful as the latter frequency helps activate your connection with a higher universal (God) consciousness.

Meditative Mind is a YouTube channel I sometimes use to listen to solfeggio frequencies. There are many other free video options available online, or you could download a music app of your choice.


Breathwork is key to relaxing in order to uncloud your distorted perceptions. However, it’s often overlooked, which can really dilute the efficacy and depth of your meditation. Here are three types of breathwork you can try out for yourself.

Soft breathing:

To begin, turn on your 852 Hz sound frequency and sit or lie down in a relaxed position. Inhale deeply for five seconds, expanding your belly. Exhale for six seconds. Do this three times.

Box breathing:

Next, try a technique the Navy SEALs use called box breathing, which helps to relieve stress and calm the autonomic nervous system.

It goes like this:

  • Inhale for four seconds.
  • Hold for four seconds.
  • Exhale for four seconds.
  • Hold again for four seconds.

Repeat this process until all the tension in your body is released and you feel lighter.

Breathing visualization:

Visualizations can improve your breathwork. For instance, you can picture absorbing pure, clean, white light into your body every time you inhale, and then picture releasing all negativity, doubt, fear and toxicity whenever you exhale. Sometimes I picture the latter as dark grey smoke leaving my body.

Other times, I think of highly charged emotional words for release when I exhale. For example, I’ll think, “I expel darkness. I banish all people, things and energies that hold me back from my success.” Notice that the words ‘expel’ and ‘banish’ sound harsher than ‘release,’ and that’s the idea.

Combining visualization and breathwork will make your practice more intentional and effective.

Presence and sensation

Our five senses are an excellent pathway to becoming more present in our day-to-day lives.

When you’re present, you see things as they are, rather than through the lens of your thoughts, feelings and experiences from the past. Only by being fully present can you hear your intuition speak.

To improve your presence, focus on one of your senses with your eyes closed. You may start seeing an expanding and retracting ball of light. Focus on this ball, or focus on a single repetitive instrument (such as drumming) while you listen to your 852 Hz frequency music. I sometimes focus on a pulsing vibration I feel in my arms, stomach or back.

Focusing on one of your senses will bring you into a space of presence and awareness, where you can experience total clarity and the activation of your intuition.

Working with visions

Once every inch of you is relaxed and you feel like you’ve melted into the atmosphere, you might see images (psychic visions) appear in your mind’s eye. As this occurs, keep the following two practices in mind to maintain control of your intuitive awareness and improve your psychic ability.

Allow instead of resisting

Keep doing your breathwork when you see a vision. Try and control the impulse to fearfully resist it because you can’t understand it yet. Breathe rhythmically and slowly and allow the image to stay present in your mind as long as possible. The key is not to judge what you’re seeing or believe it’s intended to harm you.

Practice presence in a different reality

Approach your psychic third eye meditations as if you’re a five-year-old going to Disneyland for the first time. We need to create space to embrace the concept of play, no matter how unproductive or infantile it seems. Even if a part of you may feel like a fool or that you’re imagining things, release those judgments in the present moment.

These psychic visions often show you the wood instead of the trees. As you practice being present with your visions, profound knowledge and prophetic wisdom will stir and then eradicate the illusion of your perceived problems. You’ll begin to trust yourself more as you consistently affirm the accuracy of your messages and visions.

This is an ancient and well-respected form of intelligence that’s often considered the evil witch sister of Logic and Reason. A cosmic and intuitive knowledge inside of you is raging and desires to be as valued as its counterpart brother.

4 clues to interpreting visions

Bear in mind that most visions don’t make much logical sense, and if you’re just beginning an intuitive practice, understanding why your vision is important or relevant may be beyond the scope of human reason. Nonetheless, here are some secret clues that can help you interpret your psychic visions.


The initial image, colour, shape or pattern you notice is usually the main message that is trying to come through to you. There is important intuitive guidance in the first thing that draws you in. Don’t question the insignificance of what you’re noticing. Just notice it. After your meditation, you can do some research and reflect on why you were so magnetized towards that one thing.

For example, I once had an unusual vision of a black wolf coming toward me. I normally see grey-white or white wolves. What I initially noticed was the wolf’s blue eyes, and they stuck with me. A couple of days later, I met with a Bear Clan Elder in my community who said that blue is a colour of protection and wolves are known as protectors.

Suddenly, I understood this message and related it to my own personal situation from an objective, detached perspective. The wolf (representing intuitive intelligence) brought me the clarity I needed to see an important truth: I needed to protect myself at a time when my conscious, rational self wasn’t even aware I was slipping or that I was in danger of losing myself to negative influences around me.

Sometimes these unconscious visions will show you what your conscious self isn’t aware of, thereby nudging you to pay closer attention.

Your body’s reactions

Once you’re practicing being present with your visions more often, you may begin experiencing more feelings in this different dimension. Pay attention to where you feel a sudden change in your body, and try to identify exactly what this change is making you feel.

There was a time when I was controlled by a mental and physical trap that I was stuck in with a particular person in my life. I decided to meditate on my third eye and had a vision of a black panther coming towards me. She walked inside of me, and I became this panther. I focused on my solar plexus thumping loudly, and it made me feel invincible, powerful and unshakeable.

After the meditation, I knew that all it would take for me to overcome this obstacle was my own self-confidence and the newfound awareness that I had to leap first and hunt down challenges head-on—with sharp, decisive action—like a panther. Again, I began feeling my solar plexus expanding with a strange radiance and confidence.

This type of vision, like many others, can serve as a universal affirmation of the power you already have within you.

The multiverse

If you’re a sci-fi or fantasy lover, then you likely know the concept of a multiverse.

In “Do parallel universes exist? We might live in a multiverse,” Vicky Stein and Daisy Dobrijevic state that,

Some researchers base their ideas of parallel universes on quantum mechanics,” proposing “that every time one state, or outcome, is observed, there is another ‘world’ in which a different quantum outcome becomes reality. This is a branching arrangement, in which instant by instant, our perceived universe branches into near-infinite alternatives. Those alternate universes are completely separate and unable to intersect.

The reality is that they can intersect, as least as objective observers, if you meditate on your third eye chakra.

An intuitive consultant and ascension and consciousness coach, Magenta Pixie, authored a revolutionary book titled Divine Architecture and the Starseed Template: Matrix Memory Triggers for Ascension. Pixie explains that not only do alternate universes exist, but she counters Stein and Dobrijevic’s claim by stating that we’re also able to access and intersect them. In her book, Pixie provides practical exercises to help you expand your self-awareness and improve your intuitive intelligence by merging your three-dimensional self with a higher dimensional self—so you can co-exist on different planes of our time matrix.

Perhaps this is all beyond your belief system, but if you can grasp the idea that there could be a parallel future and past timeline, that’s sufficient for exploring this third clue.

In my experience, one of my psychic visions showed a soldier on a beach. I was drawn to the red feather plumes on his helmet, his bronze shield armour and his red cape. He was a Spartan. The age of the Spartans later became relevant to my understanding of how I was replaying my past karma and better informed me of the decision I needed to make to correct it.

In your vision(s), try to notice any object that gives you a clue of the time period. Your intuition might tell you it’s the future if, for example, you’re on a red planet or you’re using a form of technology that doesn’t yet exist. In this case, your future self might be trying to offer you guidance, or they may simply be presenting a possible outcome. Try to see the relevance of the time period in your vision and analyze whether it influences your perception of your emotions, thoughts and actions in your present reality.

Questions for the universe

The easiest way to interpret a vision is to intentionally ask the Universe what guidance it can give you. You can be as specific as you want with each question, but don’t expect a face-value interpretation of the answer that appears. For instance, if you ask why a certain animal spirit came before you, your vision might change to a different location that gives you yet another clue of what the animal is trying to express.

During one of my visions, I was lost in a forest, chasing the sun’s rays somewhere in the distance as they peeked through the tree branches. My spirit animal guide was there, and I asked why he came to see me. My vision then instantly changed from seeing this animal guide to embodying a bird of prey in the sky, with a top-down view of the forest. As a bird, I saw that the forest wasn’t big at all, and that I could easily walk out of it in any direction I went. After my meditation, upon further reflection, I finally understood why the animal guide came to me.

Extracting a hidden gem

As we expand our intuitive perspectives by practicing third-eye meditation, and learn to act with clarity and self-awareness, we can enhance the health of our local and global communities. Collaboration, support systems, leadership and governance are likely to improve in a wholistic way. If we’re able to extract this hidden gem of a gift known as our intuitive intelligence, our world may become a much kinder place to live in.

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image 1: Eli DeFaria; image 2: driesel; image 3: Michael Külbel; image 4: PatoLenin

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IMPROVE YOUR INTUITIVE INTELLIGENCE: A third-eye meditation practice


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