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The Meditations of Buddha.: "Consequently, when you have perceived Buddha, it is indeed that mind of yours that possesses those thirty-two signs of perfection and eighty minor marks of Read More
The Oxyrhynchus Papyrus.: The Oxyrhynchus Papyrus. The Carl Jung Depth Psychology Facebook Group   Letters of C. G. Jung: Volume I, 1906-1950 (Vol 1) To Eugene M. E . Rolfe Dear Mr. Rol… Read More
Introversion-Extraversion and Fantasy: You see, it is a fact that the man has such and such a fantasy; and it is such a tangible fact, for instance, that when a man has a certain fantasy, an… Read More
1. Jung on the importance of Fear: First and foremost because fear is a fundamental reaction of nature. Kierkegaard's view that animals have no fear is totally disproved by the facts Read More
Tantric and Hermetic Symbols: I repeated the sequence of Tantrik symbols in the last lecture, which arise from the Shri-Chakra-S ambhara Tantra; today I shall give you the corresponding Read More
Tantric and Hermetic Symbols: I repeated the sequence of Tantrik symbols in the last lecture, which arise from the Shri-Chakra-S ambhara Tantra; today I shall give you the corresponding Read More
Carl Jung on Salome – Anthology: A thinker should fear Salome, since she wants his head, especially if he is a holy man. A thinker cannot be a holy person, otherwise he loses his head… Read More
Every man has a quiet place in his soul: Every man has a quiet place in his soul, where everything is self-evident and easily explainable, a place to which he likes to retire from the confus… Read More
Therefore individuation is a sin: Therefore individuation is a sin; it is an assertion of one particle against the gods, and when that happens even the world of the gods is upset, then there Read More
Kingdom of Heaven Anthology: He who wishes to take the Kingdom of Heaven by storm, to conquer and eradicate evil by force, is already in the hands of evil. Carl Jung, Conversations with Read More
The Mystery of Love: I]f we possess a grain of wisdom, we will completely surrender to this unknowable who embraces in love all the opposites. Whatever the learned interpretation Read More

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