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Hindu God And Goddesses Blog

Tags: brahma vaivarta purana sri ramana maharshi yuga paksha pratipada tithi shukla paksha pratipada paksha dwitiya tithi shukla paksha dwitiya paksha tritiya tithi shukla paksha tritiya paksha sashti tithi shukla paksha sashti paksha panchami tithi shukla paksha panchami paksha chaturthi tithi shukla paksha chaturthi paksha chaturthi tithi shukla paksha chaturthi paksha saptami tithi shukla paksha saptami paksha ashtami tithi shukla paksha ashtami rath yatra puri rath yatra sri ramana maharshi paksha navami tithi shukla paksha navami paksha dashami tithi shukla paksha dashami lotus shaped stones paksha ekadashi tithi shukla paksha ekadashi paksha dwadashi tithi shukla paksha dwadashi bhagavan sri krishna paksha trayodashi tithi shukla paksha trayodashi baudhayana srauta sutra paksha chaturdashi tithi shukla paksha chaturdashi paksha pratipada tithi krishna paksha pratipada paksha dwitiya tithi krishna paksha dwitiya paksha tritiya tithi krishna paksha tritiya paksha chaturthi tithi krishna paksha chaturthi krishna paksha panchami paksha saptami tithi krishna paksha saptami kali yuga paksha ashtami tithi krishna paksha ashtami paksha navami tithi krishna paksha navami paksha dashami tithi krishna paksha dashami paksha ekadashi tithi krishna paksha ekadashi paksha dwadashi tithi krishna paksha dwadashi paksha trayodashi tithi krishna paksha trayodashi hindu calendar hindu calendar shukla paksha shukla paksha shukla paksha hindu scriptures shukla paksha shukla paksha asura bala shukla paksha shukla paksha shukla paksha shukla paksha body shukla paksha shukla paksha shukla paksha goshala krishna shukla paksha hindu calendar vaivarta purana brahma vaivarta hindu calendar krishna paksha krishna paksha krishna paksha idea krishna paksha chaitanya bhairavi krishna paksha hindu calendar krishna paksha sri ramana ramana maharshi krishna paksha lamp krishna paksha bhagavad gita hill krishna paksha krishna paksha krishna paksha krishna paksha tithi hindu shadow andhaka rath krishna tithi bhairavi waking dreaming dreamless sleep july hindu hindu perspective destroy lanka rescue sita advaita vedanta sambhara skindeep beauty hindu skin deep avyakta hinduism avyakta peaceful society bhagavad gita asura hinduism perspective constant pressure bageshwari raga bageshwari ragam andhaka story demons guru raghavendra sri ramana bhakti movement hindu lotus shaped parttime activity ancient india sage bharadwaja jnani face misfortune unfragmented vision gross physical fire baudhayana srauta july nisargadatta maharaj conquer maya grinding stone bride stepping chaitanya forgetfulness goddess kali hindu wisdom hindu kali rig veda symbols rituals larger vision deities ganesha writing veda vyasa entire universe divine nature principal wives quiet waking evil hindu empathy lanka teaching advaita hindu hindu spiritual characteristics wealth story symbolism anga hindu selfenquiry sage hanuman strength object lesson story maya symbolism comparison goddess instagram symbolism aditi gita bhagavad arunachala hindu symbolism hinduism universe wives krishna avirodha brahmasutra samanvaya goodness lowly god grace story dasharatha peace experienced peaceful doctrines sectarianism overcrowded stick stupid ayashulka arthashastra taxes catch shadows ayatana constant aware veil wind kingdom lomapada hinduism evil guru bucket bahuvivaha practice polygamy lovers function tongue marry sita mithila continuously occasion ancient bharadwaja recognize seeker jnanis annamalai hold separation attached comparison teaching jaya laya annamalai soundless nonenquiry peace moon god body remain snake possibility hindu sadhana activities tough story
Everyday nice article related with our own lovely God and Goddesses, Tithi, Panchang, Good time, bad time details, festival details, forbidden timings of the day, etc,.
The concept of "Ashtabharya" (Ashta Bharya) refers to the eight principal wives of Lord Krishna, a major deity in Hinduism. Krishna, who is considered an avatar of the god Vishnu, is well-kn… Read More
Who is this I? It is neither the body nor the mind. If you remain as the Self, there is neither body nor mind. So what is this I ? Enquire into it and find out for yourself. When you see the… Read More
In the Rig Veda, Aditi is a prominent figure whose symbolism transcends the typical roles assigned to female deities. Here is an expanded analysis of her symbolism: Universal Motherhood Adit… Read More
Chaitanya Bhairavi is a formidable and awe-inspiring manifestation of Goddess Bhairavi, a prominent deity in the Hindu Tantric tradition. As one of the ten Mahavidyas, Bhairavi embodies the… Read More
The fan over our heads is spinning around. A stream of cool air is coming from it but we also hear the noise of the motor. Both perceptions originate from the working of the fan. It is the s… Read More
Baudhayana Srauta Sutra is a treatise on the rituals to be performed in three consecrated Vedic fires according to Krishna Yajurveda. The rituals mentioned in Vedas are generally performed i… Read More
How can we recognize a jnani? Annamalai Swami answers: For a mature seeker there is one principal symptom of being in the presence of a jnani. If the seeker’s mind becomes quiet, witho… Read More
Lotus shaped stones in Hindu temples are known as Balipitha, representing gods and goddesses installed in front, and around, the sanctum sanctorum of a Hindu temple. The ten dikpalas (protec… Read More
Bahuvivaha literally means many marriages. The term refers to the practice of polygamy. As in many other countries of the world, in ancient India too, one could marry more than one spouse at… Read More
Bageshwari Ragam is a popular raga in the Hindustani music style as well as in the Carnatic style of South India. Bageshvari raga is born out of Kaphi that (scheme of generator scale). Ragas… Read More
The story of Shiva and Andhaka is rich with symbolic meaning, particularly in the context of Hindu mythology and spirituality. Here's a deeper exploration of the symbolism in the tale: Symbo… Read More
Ayatana is the cognitive faculty that apprehends external objects, sensual or non-sensual. Abhidharmika tradition of Buddhism analyzes the life and bhava (existence), in their sequential nat… Read More
We need values to live well and be a success in society, to form our character, to be acceptable to others, and for our own perfection. Numerous studies on human values are being currently c… Read More
Avirodha literally, non-contradiction – the title of a chapter in Brahmasutra of Badarayana. Brahmasutra or Saririka Mimamsa is organized into four chapters, namely Samanvaya (reconcil… Read More

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Hindu God and goddesses
