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How long should you meditate? Let’s reflect on meditation time!

How Long Should You Meditate? Let’s Reflect On Meditation Time!

How long should you meditate? Let’s reflect on meditation time!

Hello! Here we are for another week. Have you tried the Chakra Activation meditations? This time I have not heard much from you, but it is true that we have had this type of meditation for a long time. This week we will talk more about meditation, and in this case, another common question that you ask me is, “How long should you meditate?” Therefore, we will talk about this topic because there is no specific rule, but you do have to have a little discipline.

The first thing that I am going to tell you is that there is no exact amount of time that is the same for everyone. Each person, each organism, and each soul, is unique, therefore, nothing works the same for everyone, not even medicine. This is why I’m always hammering on the idea of ​​introspection and having a good connection with yourself. However, it is also a practice that makes you an expert, and through it, you will find your ideal time.

In fact, many of you will see that you will not have a defined “meditation schedule” but that it will be something that will change over time, adjusting to your life. So, a good idea is to have some helpful guidelines, so this is what is coming next.

Here are a few simple tips.

A long time ago, I made you a double entry on how to meditate (here you have the second part), so I recommend that you take a look at it again. Even if you have never meditated, or if you have already done it and you think it won’t stop you, I invite you to read those entries and to try after reading this one. And as I was telling you, I am going to give you some small guidelines or ideas:

  • First, try to find moments in the day when you can disconnect from your surroundings. For example, ten before going to sleep, you can turn off any electronic device, have a moment of relaxation, and listen to silence. Single moments during the day, like waiting for someone to arrive or just being “between the lines,” are also great for questioning, “How long should you meditate a day.”
  • The key is not to start meditating like a yogi. Even if you meditate for five minutes a day, you are already doing yourself a huge favor, no matter how little meditation it is. the benefits are astronomical. Therefore, you do not have to push yourself to find the time to meditate for an hour, which will bring you more anxiety and frustration.
  • Introspection is also good because you will learn to optimize your time. Without realizing it, we waste a lot of time, not only on our phones but on many other things. If you are more focused on your day-to-day, it will be easier for you to find and optimize moments for leisure and meditation (and the latter should count as leisure since it only brings benefits.)

And even if you don’t believe it, here are some very important bases in six lines, which, if you follow them, you will see that throughout the week, you can meditate several times without even sacrificing other things. The benefits come from the first meditation, and you will all notice it if you do one.

How long should I meditate a day? At least three minutes, and you can do it right now.

If you still ask yourself, “How long should you meditate?” perhaps you should reflect a little more on what I have just explained. However, I am going to make it easy for you to have a small base. You have to find just three minutes of your time. I’m even going to give you a three-and-a-half-minute meditation right now. you can do it right now

  • Breath of Power: Heart Chakra.

What do you think? I’m sure you feel a little different and better. With a small session like this a day, it’s been a long time. The most important thing is what I have explained to you in previous posts. Find a moment to stop the madness of everyday life. You will be looking for more moments to meditate, even if they are short. In fact, I leave you here a link to the store so you can find more mini-meditations, which are so easy to do.

And more is redundancy.

There is not much more to say; I have talked a lot about meditation in these years. My intention is solved, and you start to find a little time to relax your mind and disconnect a little.

Therefore, you already know that it is up to each one and the results that you obtain with the time invested. So now you know the answer to the big question, how much should I meditate daily? Next week I will bring you news and big changes that I hope will greatly help you. But all of this, next week! See you next Wednesday! So, If you do not want to miss a single update, click below to join our weekly newsletter, and you will gain access to exclusive content. Subscribe now!

I invite you to check earlier posts: sixth year, fifth year, fourth year, third year, second year, first year.

Love & Light,

Lots of blessings and abundance your way! (Home)

Rev. Fernando Albert

The post How long should you meditate? Let’s reflect on meditation time! appeared first on Shop Meditate with Fernando.

This post first appeared on Meditate With Fernando, please read the originial post: here

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How long should you meditate? Let’s reflect on meditation time!
