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This LOGICAL ATHEIST explores MEDIUMSHIP and the AFTERLIFE! – Liz Entin of WTF Just Happened?!

This LOGICAL ATHEIST Explores MEDIUMSHIP And The AFTERLIFE! – Liz Entin Of WTF Just Happened?!

Liz Entin is a logical atheist who is exploring grief, mediumship, the paranormal, and the possibility of the afterlife through a scientific perspective!

After her father died in 2015, Liz started researching scientific studies on psychic mediumship before getting readings herself! We discuss various theories around the afterlife, mediumship, near death experiences, and religion.

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Watch this week’s podcast video on Spotify below! (Or watch this episode on YouTube here)

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guest and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Highly Spiritual Person.

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This LOGICAL ATHEIST explores MEDIUMSHIP and the AFTERLIFE! – Liz Entin of WTF Just Happened?!
