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Diocese Of Aba Ngwa North Church Workers Wives Training For The Year 2023


Diocese Of Aba Ngwa North Church Workers Wives Training For The Year 2023

Saturday 21st October, 2023, marked a significant milestone in our journey of growth and service as we gathered under the gracious roof of All Saints Cathedral Abayi Umuocham, Diocese of Aba Ngwa North (Anglican Communion). The air was filled with anticipation, hearts brimming with zeal, as we embarked on a transformative training program, uniting the church workers’ wives from 0 to 10 years in service. The flame of knowledge was ignited, and our collective commitment to faith and service was reaffirmed. Now, let’s recount the invaluable experiences and insights gained during this empowering day of learning and growth

The theme for this significant gathering was: “If we have it, our children may have it, and when they do…” – a profound testament to the enduring legacy we, as women dedicated to the service of God, aim to impart to the next generation.

The event commenced with a spiritually uplifting devotion led by the esteemed Lady Enweremadu Nnenna J. As she stood before us, she delivered a message on the sub-theme, “Understanding Your Calling,” rooted in the biblical passage from Matthew 4:19, which calls us to be fishers of men. Lady Nnenna eloquently emphasized the significance of recognizing and embracing our divine callings as church worker’s wives. She encouraged us to draw strength and wisdom from the teachings of Christ and strive to be His faithful disciples, embodying the love and compassion He showed throughout His earthly ministry.

Following this soul-stirring devotion, Evangelist Mrs. Joy C. Onwunli graced the stage to deliver a warm and heartfelt welcome address to all the church worker’s wives in attendance. Her words resonated with sincerity and hospitality as she extended a warm embrace to each participant, setting the tone for a day filled with spiritual growth, fellowship, and learning.

The heart of the training unfolded through various sessions and speakers, each contributing to the holistic development of church worker’s wives within their first decade of service. The first substantive session was a compelling Bible study and talk on the topic of “Raising the Next Generation through Discipleship” by the distinguished speaker,Bro Israel Nweze. This enlightening talk was grounded in scripture, drawing from Proverbs 4:13, Genesis 19:26 and 36, 2nd Timothy chapter 1 verses 3 to 5, and Proverbs chapter 4 verses 1 to 4.

Bro Israel Nweze’s introduction set the stage for a thought-provoking discussion. He affirmed that a Christian home and family should serve as a haven where we learn to embody Christ’s love, character, and life. It is within our homes that we nurture qualities such as patience, obedience, the fear of God, and healthy relationships. It is here that we cultivate respect for our elders and parents.

Bro Israel Nweze highlighted the powerful example of Lois, who raised Eunice, Eunice who raised Timothy, and Timothy who raised faithful men. These faithful men, in turn, played a crucial role in the establishment of the early church, which has been passed down to us. The process of passing on faith and values from one generation to the next is what we understand as discipleship. This aligns beautifully with our theme, as we recognize that if we possess these qualities, our children may inherit them, and when they do, they will labor to pass them on to the next generation, following Christ’s command in John 8 verse 31.

The subsequent session focused on “Anglican Ministers’ Wives: Understanding Your Calling,” and was led by Evangelist Mrs. Chinenye Nwokedi. This session delved into the devotion and commitment required of women married to men working in God’s vineyard. Drawing from texts like Genesis 2:18, 1st Corinthians 11 verse 9, and Proverbs 18:22, Evangelist Mrs chinenye Nwokedi reminded us of our divine calling as “helpers.” She beautifully expressed that every woman’s purpose should be defined by this role of assisting, supporting, and nurturing the ministries of our spouses who have been called to serve in the church. The seminar emphasized the critical role we play as pillars of strength, support, and guidance for our husbands and the church at large.

Financial stewardship was the focus of the following seminar, conducted by Evangelist Mrs. Chibiko Hart. In alignment with biblical principles of financial management, this session provided valuable insights on keeping accurate financial records and accounts. The importance of transparency and accountability in managing the financial resources of the Women Ministry and the family was underscored. Key biblical passages were referenced to emphasize the significance of financial responsibility, as it aligns with our commitment to be faithful stewards of God’s blessings.

During a thought-provoking session, Evangelist Mrs. Joy C. Onwunli addressed the significance and objectives of the Mother’s Union and Women’s Guild. She began by providing a historical perspective on the formation of these organizations and their overarching objectives. These women’s groups have been instrumental in supporting the church and fostering spiritual growth. Evangelist Joy Onwunli shared relevant Bible verses that resonate with the goals and aspirations of these groups. It was a moment of reflection on the important role these organizations play within the church community and the broader society.

A particularly relevant seminar was conducted by Lolo Ezinne Ezeala, focusing on how to cope with the challenges of finance and the high cost of living in the present times. As women serving in the church, we often face financial constraints and the increasing costs of living. Lolo Ezinne Ezeala provided practical advice and strategies to navigate these challenges. She emphasized the importance of resilience and resourcefulness in managing finances and maintaining a balanced lifestyle. As part of the seminar, she thought us how to prepare” Granola And Parfait ” and extended an invitation to visit Aba Ngwa North Diocese for further guidance and support in facing these financial challenges.

The training session concluded with a heartwarming and spiritually uplifting closing by Mama Aba Ngwa North, Princess Mrs. Odionyenfe Kanu. Mama extended a warm appreciation to all the attendees and imparted her blessings on the gathering. Her words were filled with hope, encouragement, and a sense of unity, reinforcing the importance of our collective journey as church worker’s wives.

In closing, Evangelist Mrs. Precious Ibe marked the end of this spiritually enriching training session. The day’s events left an indelible mark on all who participated, reaffirming our commitment to our calling as church worker’s wives. The theme, “If we have it, our children may have it, and when they do…” served as a guiding light throughout the day, reminding us of our responsibility to pass on the torch of faith and values to the generations that will follow. This training was a testament to the strength of our collective faith and the profound impact we can have on our families, communities, and the church as a whole.

  • Diocese Of Aba Ngwa North Church Workers Wives Training For The Year 2023
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This post first appeared on Walking By Faith Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Diocese Of Aba Ngwa North Church Workers Wives Training For The Year 2023
