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How Do You Know When God Is Trying To Tell You Something

How Do You Know When God Is Trying To Tell You Something


In our journey through life, we often find ourselves seeking guidance, comfort, and direction. For many people, a source of solace and inspiration comes from their faith and belief in a higher power, such as God. The question that frequently arises is, “How do you know when God is trying to tell you something?” This article aims to explore this question from a biblical perspective, shedding light on the various ways in which individuals can discern God’s communication in their lives.

Understanding Divine Communication

Divine communication is a complex and deeply personal experience. It can take various forms, ranging from subtle whispers to profound revelations. The Bible provides invaluable insights into how God communicates with His people, serving as a guide for believers seeking to discern His messages.

Through Scripture
The Bible is often regarded as the primary means through which God communicates with humanity. It is a collection of sacred texts that reveal God’s nature, His plan for humanity, and His desire for a relationship with His creation. By studying and meditating on Scripture, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of God’s will and discern His guidance in their lives.

When facing a dilemma or seeking guidance, one can turn to the Bible for wisdom and direction. The Scriptures contain timeless principles and stories that offer valuable insights into how God interacts with His people. By immersing oneself in the Word of God, individuals can become attuned to His voice and discern His messages more clearly.

Through Prayer
Prayer is another essential aspect of divine communication. It is a direct line of communication between individuals and God, allowing for intimate conversations and the sharing of hopes, fears, and aspirations. Through prayer, believers can seek guidance, ask for clarity, and express their desires to align their lives with God’s will.

When seeking to discern if God is trying to tell you something, prayer plays a crucial role. By presenting your questions and concerns to God in an earnest and humble manner, you open yourself up to receive His guidance. It is important to approach prayer with a receptive heart, allowing God to speak to you through impressions, thoughts, or a deep sense of peace.

Through Circumstances
God often works through the circumstances of our lives to communicate His messages. While not every event or situation is a direct message from God, there are times when circumstances align in such a way that it becomes clear God is orchestrating a particular outcome or speaking to us through the events unfolding around us.

For example, suppose you have been contemplating a major decision and suddenly encounter multiple coincidences or signs pointing you in a certain direction. In that case, it may be an indication that God is using these circumstances to guide you. However, it is crucial to exercise discernment and seek confirmation through prayer and the counsel of trusted individuals before making any life-altering decisions.

Through Inner Promptings and Convictions
God often communicates through the still, small voice within our hearts and minds. These inner promptings and convictions can manifest as a strong sense of conviction, a persistent thought, or an overwhelming feeling of peace. While it is important to distinguish between our own desires and God’s voice, developing a deep relationship with Him enables us to discern His promptings more accurately.

By aligning our lives with biblical principles and cultivating a spirit of obedience and humility, we become more attuned to the leading of the Holy Spirit. When faced with important decisions or seeking divine guidance, paying attention to these inner promptings can help us recognize when God is trying to tell us something.

Through Wise Counsel
God often uses wise and discerning individuals to speak into our lives. Seeking guidance from trusted mentors, pastors, or spiritual advisors can provide valuable insights and perspectives.
When seeking to know if God is trying to tell you something, seeking wise counsel is a crucial step. These individuals have a deeper understanding of God’s Word and can offer guidance based on their own experiences and wisdom. They can help us interpret Scripture, provide clarity on confusing situations, and offer a fresh perspective on our circumstances.

When consulting with wise counsel, it is essential to ensure that their advice aligns with biblical principles. They should have a strong foundation in Scripture and a track record of living according to God’s Word. Their insights should resonate with the teachings of the Bible and reflect God’s character of love, wisdom, and truth.

It’s important to remember that wise counsel should not replace personal communion with God but rather complement it. They can help us discern God’s messages, confirm our understanding, and provide practical guidance based on biblical principles. Ultimately, the final decision should rest on personal conviction and confirmation from God.

Through Dreams and Visions
Throughout the Bible, God communicates with individuals through dreams and visions. These extraordinary experiences serve as a means of divine revelation, conveying messages, warnings, or guidance. While not every dream or vision is from God, there are instances where God uses these mediums to communicate His purposes.

When considering dreams and visions, it is crucial to exercise caution and seek discernment. Not every dream is a direct message from God, and they can be influenced by various factors, including our subconscious mind. However, if a dream or vision aligns with God’s Word and brings clarity or conviction, it may be an indication that God is trying to tell you something.

Through Divine Appointments
Divine appointments refer to unexpected encounters or interactions that seem divinely orchestrated. These encounters often occur at precisely the right time and involve individuals who provide significant insights, encouragement, or direction. They can be strangers, friends, or even casual acquaintances who deliver timely messages that resonate deeply.

When experiencing a divine appointment, it is important to approach it with openness and attentiveness. God can use these encounters to convey His messages, answer prayers, or provide guidance. It is crucial to discern the content of these encounters, compare them with Scripture, and seek confirmation through prayer before acting upon them.


In the journey of faith, understanding how God communicates with us is of utmost importance. While there is no one-size-fits-all formula for recognizing when God is trying to tell you something, the Bible offers invaluable guidance and principles. Through Scripture, prayer, circumstances, inner promptings, wise counsel, dreams and visions, and divine appointments, God reveals His will and desires for our lives.

As believers, it is crucial to cultivate a close relationship with God, seeking His guidance with a humble and receptive heart. By immersing ourselves in His Word, communing with Him through prayer, and seeking wisdom from trusted sources, we can discern His messages more clearly. It is a process that requires patience, discernment, and a deep desire to align our lives with His will.

Ultimately, recognizing when God is trying to tell you something is a personal journey. It requires an intimate relationship with God and a willingness to listen, obey, and trust His leading. As we navigate life’s challenges and seek divine guidance, let us lean on the principles and examples provided in the Bible, trusting that God is faithful to speak to those who diligently seek Him.


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How Do You Know When God Is Trying To Tell You Something

This post first appeared on Walking By Faith Blog, please read the originial post: here

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How Do You Know When God Is Trying To Tell You Something


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